In confirming with Boba’s potential new home the date of the visit; they felt we were getting together on Sunday which would in no way be possible as we will be meeting the transport in NY that is bringing two new Danes into our program. This transport has been planned for weeks and now I am waiting to hear if this home is going to be coming on Saturday as originally indicated or do we have to move this visit to December which would be most unfortunate.

Since my last update; I have kept an even closer track of the amount/type of ‘inquiries’ that have come in on Mazda. It is clearly stated that Mazda gets along with other dogs and yet I have received 17 inquires asking that question. I have even mentioned above her relationship with Fancy and pictures are posted with them together. I have received 21 inquires in respect to wondering if she has been spayed; 15 inquiries as to her age; 29 inquiries asking if her ears are cropped; 9 inquiries as to whether or not she has yet been adopted; 35 inquires as to whether she is social plus affectionate; 18 inquiries as to her colour; 11 inquiries as to what our adoption processes are for her; 13 inquiries as to whether she is a female or male and the list goes on and on. All of this information is posted on our websites and so please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself in respect our animals plus our program/processes/policies/procedures.

If all goes well, Boba will go to his new home on Saturday November 4th. His potential new family is coming that day to visit with us, Boba plus to meet the other Danes here. It is our next Book Event Fundraiser that day too so it will give the potential new family the opportunity to meet a couple of our other adopters/volunteers of BHRR.

Fancy will not be going to this home as a foster as this home has cats and Fancy is not the best around cats.

D. Wright – TO, ON, CDA

I had hoped that your place was close enough to Toronto that I could assist you as a volunteer, but you are somewhat beyond commuting distance. Since I can’t help in person, please accept the $20 donation just made to your PayPal account, along with my best wishes. (Wish I could give you more, but our own vet bills are a little steep at the moment.) You are doing amazing work helping these pups and getting them to places where they can get the love they deserve.

Amanda V. – Ottawa, CDA

Although we’ve never met, I would personally like to thank you for doing what you do. This is in no way an easy job and I fear you’re never given enough credit. Just reading the stories of the animals you have rescued breaks my heart and brings me to tears. I hope that this upcoming spring, once I’m settled into my new home, I will be allowed to adopt a Dane from you. I can only hope that one day I may show another hopeless animal how kind and loving us humans CAN be. Thank you so much.

IF you wish to wish Frost ‘T’ a Happy 3rd Miracle Birthday; you can leave a message for him here —–

OR here:
*I also posted a Birthday Photo Show for him here!!!!


Despite our last update; we are still being bombarded with questionable inquires about Mazda. Things like ‘so how long is her crop and is it in proportion to her face and body as we do not want a weird looking Dane’ or another inquiry was ‘do the tips of her ears tip in or tilt as we do not want imperfection in one of our animals’ or ‘will her stripes get darker or will they fade as we are not looking for a brown dog’. What people need to understand it is not just about them wanting to adopt a Dane from us; they have to be approved and that means completing the BHRR application process successfully. One person stated ‘well, if she is such a hassle; let me just take her off your hands.’ Mazda is and never has been a hassle and with my write-ups; I am demonstrating due diligence that we must tighten down the hatches even further in keeping her wellbeing first and foremost. I am also making it that much more clear to those that believe they are interested in her that we don’t adopt to the homes that are looking for such things as listed in my updates above. WHAT about her personality? That should mean something to someone and it will to the right home. Only fully completed applications with the non-fundable fee will be replied too moving forward, no further inquiries shall be addressed. I honestly have never seen anything like this in almost 11 years of operating BHHR. Mazda deserves so much more and she, just like every other animal that crosses our door; will not be going to ‘just anybody’. We are very patient and not in any rush whatsoever to just put her into any home.

We continue to review applications for Boba and it is a real shame that the right home has not yet come along. There really is no need for him to continue to be with us as he new home can continue to work on training those quicks back; especially on the front feet as his back one’s are doing great. They can also continue to work on his slight ‘food grumpiness’ at times. We will also not be adopting out come closer to Halloween and so we continue to be patient and enjoy Boba while he is here!

Fancy DID amazing at our fundraiser in September. She was extremely social, friendly and did not hesitate in trying to get ‘her’ share of loving! I WAS so proud of her! Though coming along more slowly that I might wish; I am very happy to just go at her pace. Dodger and Miss Gracie are under a pending right now and her potential new foster mom should be coming to meet her this Sunday. Though, I am equally as happy to keep her here and not take in any new animals so that I can continue to work with her.

We still are awaiting the right home for Lady and we are completely blown away by the number of people that just pass over her due to her ‘failed’ crop (which is not her fault AND we think makes her looks positively endearing!) and her small stature and ignore the fact that she is beyond brilliant, obedient, affectionate AND PURE DANE HEARTED! So, we also remain patient with her and Sean just continues to fall more and more under her spell! 🙂 As much as she likes me; she just adores him!

I took Frost ‘T’ to work with me today and I was almost brought to tears on his new weight. He now weighs the most he has ever weighed! 61.8 KGs(135.96 lbs). EVEN more emotional for me is that on October 19th of this year; Frost “T” will celebrate what many thought he would not ; HIS 3rd Birthday!!!! I truly am in awe of this incredible boy and to say that I am proud of him is an understatement. I am so completely owned by Frost “T” and without hesitation would do anything in my power for him. From this picture below taken in December of about 108 pounds to the April picture below of Frost ‘T’ then weighing just over 121 pounds, Frost ‘T’ has put on almost another 15 pounds and I will have to post a recent picture of him. HE looks MARVELOUS!!!! To those that have critiqued me for fighting for his life; you will have to look at his most recent picture and ask yourselves very honestly is that the look of a dog that is suffering and a dog that I should have just had pts back in December of 2005. I think you will find just as all of his supporters do; that he is doing great and that I have been most diligent plus proactive in his treatment. IF only those that would have wished him dead would have the opportunity to meet such a rare gem such as he and I welcome you to do so during our next Fundraiser on November 4th, 2006. Just 8 weeks ago; Frost “T” also became my most recently qualified Therapy Dog. What those people just do not seem to understand is that Frost ‘T’ is not ready to go and as long as he is prepared to fight; I am going to be right by his side fighting with him. As I am always known for saying; we all must make the best decisions we can for our beloved pets and I made mine not just from being as informed as I can be; but from my heart AND medically PLUS based upon my connection with Frost ‘T’ and what I know he is telling me.