Today, I adopted out my #434 foster!
BHRR’s Agatha – ADOPTED!
Born: December 23rd, 2021
AND this was another bittersweet one for me.
AND I know that as hard as it was on me, it was hardest on my own GD that is just one week younger than Miss Agatha, and on Miss Aggie herself. 
Last night Miss Agatha just knew something was a bit different. This home visit was rescheduled from last Sunday as our area received 30 cms of snow.
Miss Agatha, normally appropriately independent, was somewhat needy of me and kept close to her BFF, my female GD, and so last night, I let them sleep together. Miss Agatha did not sleep in her colossal crate. She even had some anxiety in the car today as we drove the one+ hour to the home visit. She did settle down nicely.
Those two complement each other magnificently.
Yet, we knew that if Miss Agatha could be successfully rehabilitated – she was anything but a well-mannered, solid, social, sharing young lady when she arrived, not to mention her anxiety level – that we would love to see her in the right match personality fit home, other than ours.
We taught her a lot re: children and that while they are fast, spastic, loud, unpredictable creatures, they can also be fantastic treat dispensers!
Miss Agatha, you demonstrated your impeccable manners plus bravery today. Your curiousity plus a sense of adventure saw you willing to explore, and your check-ins to me were 100% thumbs up.
You sat and stuck a sit/stay, waited patiently while your forever adoptive humans stepped inside the house and came back to you sitting rock solid in the same spot, and took treats gently, and I am bursting with so much pride – some tears too!
I am going to dearly miss your bigger-than-life personality, the incredible love of life that you have, your gorgeous fly-away nun ears, looking into your stunning dark brown eyes, touching your sleek, healthy gorgeous coat, getting your snuffles and sniffles of curiousity smelling my hair, searching for the treats in my pockets, and sitting so proudly for those treats you found.
Though small, you are mighty, and your glorious positive energy fills a room when you walk into it, and in new situations, as soon as someone gives you a treat, you are comfortable plus relaxed.
Your trust in me has humbled me immensely. You have made me a better owner, trainer, behavioural expert, rescuer, foster mama, and person in having been privileged to have you as a cherished member of my heart plus home Miss Agatha!
Your adventures shall continue, and though it is with a new, forever, loving family, I shall be there in your own heart as you experience them to your fullest!
Your future chapters are going to be incredible, and thank you to Cassy Montgomery for doing this home visit with me!
I already miss you, BHRR’s Agatha, yet your home has told me that you had a small walk, a big pee finally, and are snoozing by their feet…….
It was a BIG day, a wonderful day! Happy early 1-year Birthday to you!

Miss Asante was at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic today for a consult for her bilateral cherry eyes.

We shall update as we can!

Health Status: HEALTHY!
Age: ~3 years old
Weight: 56 Kgs(November 18th, 2022). We want to keep him lean/muscled, and fit. He could use a few more pounds as he builds up further muscle mass/tones.
Type of Home Ideal For Mr. Bruce: He loves his walks, and hikes, and getting so much better with car rides – he still has some anxiety – and interacts well with people/dogs he meets, and we are hoping for a quiet, socially low-active level home. A residence that, while visiting family plus friends and having people over, does not host frequent BBQs or gatherings of large groups. We do not want to see him in a home with a high level of travel, with other people taking care of him. He is loyal and loves his humans, and we want him to be part of the family if they go camping, go to the cottage, or do other fun travels. His quietly social and needs a home that is like him. He would adore cottage life or hang out at home with his family. Visiting friends, family, pet stores, and pet-friendly places is excellent too. We want an active home for Mr. Bruce. He is intelligent, healthy, and such a wonderful boy!
He MUST go to a home that will continue to work on his anxiety. He takes some time to settle down in a car while travelling. He will pace and sometimes whine before lying down. He is a lot better than he was, yet he still worries. As he was dumped at a shelter after his owner died, understandable that car rides still have a negative connotation for him. So much time and effort have gone into having him be comfortable in his own skin, to not only like yet love his own company. He charges into new situations with enthusiasm! A home that understands and shall continue to help him learn about this big fantastic world that we live in. We want him to live a quality, filled, wonderful life rich with experiences. He is being fostered in a beautiful home in the Kemptville area yet can equally live comfortably in the city or country.
We want him to be happy and to live his best life every day. We want him to reach his full potential! He is another versatile BHRR dog! He can be in a home that works ft; pt works from home is semi-retired or retired, etc. He will ONLY go to a home prepared to ensure that he receives the balance he requires with proper exercise, socialisation, etc. He does not need to go to a dog or even a Dane-experienced home. The home must be committed to his obedience, structure, and consistency, and to be patient, kind, and understanding, and while not hermits, they are not doing a hundred things each day. We want him to be treated as a cherished member in a right-matched forever-loving home. We want him to be a cherished member of his forever-loving adoptive home! He shares the communal water bowls and toys and understands that no human or dog will take his high-value food. He is fed in a quiet place and knows that he will be fed enough food, fed on time and that no one will take his food away.
He loves home and his friends – he needs canine friends! He also loves to explore, go on hikes, walks, and working on car rides, and visit people/places that are not over the top busy. We are not advocates of dog parks. Many private properties rent out space for acreage rentals so that he can enjoy a controlled environment to run and zoom in. He needs a home that will give him new positive and great safe, memorable experiences. If you are a home that likes to take infrequent walks/hikes/strolls, Mr. Bruce is not for you…he is a healthy dog and needs to be kept emotionally and physically stimulated. He would make a great companion to get out into nature, explore and even enjoy the beach and having other exciting adventures! He is so unbelievably affectionate!
Personality/Temperament: Super loving, affectionate, and calm, yet does get excited as he is incredibly happy and sweet; and he loves to get outside to romp and run and is a delightful, playful pup! Not the most coordinated or graceful to watch! He needs to be emotionally/physically properly stimulated, incredibly social, active, affectionate, gentle, plus kind. He thrives with consistency, structure, routine, and clear open communication to understand exactly what is expected of him. He is SO praise-motivated. His whole body demonstrates how happy he is!
Previous Dog Experience: Previous Dane experience is not required per the above, yet a home that is going to be committed to his wellbeing and make the small adjustments required as he does have some anxiety in the car. He does well overnight in his crate – he has been getting some trazodone before bed as needed. He is an EARLY rise! While we would ideally like to see him in a home with at least one right-matched personality fit dog – it is not a deal-breaker. He needs a strong doggie friend network. That is so important. We have friends; he needs friends too. He has enjoyed meeting other dogs!
Good With Cats: He has been good with LAH’s clinic cat, and he is fine with one of the cats in his foster home.
Good with Pocket Pets: His foster home has rabbits.
Good with Children: NO small children. Children are fast, flighty, unpredictable, spastic, plus loud. We will consider homes with responsible children 10+ and no more than two children in the house. A home without children is our first preference, as we want Mr. Bruce to be the priority. He has not had any issues with children. We would consider homes with younger children, yet, it would have to be an exceptional home.
Grooming: He is fine to wash and do his nails. He needs regular grooming to keep his coat healthy and looking his best.
Car: He still has some anxiety in the car. He will settle down yet, will pace, and turn around. Telling him gently that he is ok and passively ignoring is huge.
Housebroken/crate Trained: He is housebroken and crate trained. We never recommend that any new addition be given too much freedom to start. It can be very overwhelming plus too stimulating for them.
Obedience: He requires a home that will be consistent and dedicated to continuing to help him become the best dog that he can be. His potential is enormous! As per our adoption contract, a full round of group obedience is required with all of our dogs. This is not about having a dog that ‘listens.’ This is about creating a strong and mutually respectful bonding relationship. Trust and respect work both ways.
Activities Suited For Him: He would excel in obedience, and I wonder when his brain is mature if he would not make a WOW therapy dog. He is such a riot! Makes me laugh! So eager to please!
He is precious. He will be a champion amazing companion to watch movies, the sunset, long walks on the beach, small hikes in the mountains, etc. He is awesomeness!
Loves & Bad Habits: Like any dog, he is not perfect. He is perfect in all of his imperfections, though! NOT to mention super handsome with a fawn merle colour. He can have some anxiety, particularly in the car. He LOVES everything! He lives in a home with rabbits, cats, and other dogs. He is still a bit of a ‘bull in a china shop’ with his leash manners. He has pretty much ZERO interpersonal space issues, has the Dane lean, and loves to be around his human and animal friends! He is excited about living and the world! He has been so gentle about taking treats, yet sometimes needs a reminder to be gentle.
He is an awesome dog! So low maintenance! He LOVES everyone and everything!
Anxieties/Worries: It is integral that the right-matched personality fit home does not spend 24/7 with him. During this pandemic and even before it, we still need groceries; we should still go out and do errands; we should still get in our cars and go for a small drive to go somewhere to do something! Time has been spent having him learn to not only like yet enjoy his own company. As we need our alone time, he must do too. He is a solid and stable dog, and we do not want any SA behaviours to develop. His foster has worked hard on his anxiety in the car and with crate training.
As we have stated for over 26 years now, we will NEVER rush any dogs’ rehabilitation journey, we do not flip dogs, and we are not desperate to adopt them out.
We will always place up for adoption the dogs that can be adopted and safe haven all others that cannot be placed up for adoption due to medical and/or behavioural reasons.
We do not take in hundreds of dogs yearly; we only took in 6 dogs in 2021 as it is about helping the next in need of us, giving them top-quality care, and not about taking in numbers. In 2022, we have ONLY taken in 17 dogs to date.
After 26+ years, we know that we cannot please everyone, which means that BHRR is not the rescue to be followed, supported, and believed in by everyone. We remain small plus mighty, and as we go through this next transitional stage for BHRR, we shall continue to operate with a zero-tolerance approach, providing and beyond care to the animals.
Our mandates have never changed and will remain the same as long as we are around; the animals shall always be done right by as our priority.
Our adoption success rates remain second to no other group– 100% for over ten years of operating, and now 99% as we go through year 26, and we are excited as we go through this slow transition for BHRR!
You have come so far, Mr. Bruce, and we are delighted you are making your special announcement!

Join us Sunday, December 4th, from 1 PM – 2 PM as you design a gorgeous holiday planter!
$40 Cash at the door – Bring gloves and pruning shears!


AND Miss Asante was also at the Vet today!
She is our Newfx puppy(with Pyr). Born: June 13th, 2022.
She weighed 30.6 kgs(67.32 pounds). Her last weight on October 18th was 21.9 kgs(48.18 pounds). She was extremely skinny at that appointment.
Now, she looks good and is just starting to become a bit overweight. So, we will monitor closely.
We had more eye lube dispensed, two more months of Nexgard, she received her boosters AND had her eyes looked at once again.
It is now time for her to be professionally groomed! We will have that scheduled shortly. We want all of our dogs to look plus feel their best!
I will be in conversation with the surgeon tomorrow in re: to her bilateral cherry eyes. We still have close to $5,000 to raise for the one estimate that we were given.
She may need to have a consult with the surgeon before proceeding, and that may change the estimate.
This is a surgery that has a high risk of failure. She already had one eye done by the shelter – her right – and that failed fast.
Being a giant breed puppy, a Newf too, and that the ‘newer’ approach to surgically addressing bilateral cherry eye all brings the probability of failure to a high level. We know this going in, and have had to address this more than once, with many a Giant since our inception. So, one thing that we can do/control is to do this surgery(ies) when she is a bit older.
Miss Asante shall be at our December 3rd Bake & Chili sale at Pet Valu Brockville! If you would like to donate any baked goodies or have items that we could sell at our table – please do email
Thank you to her wonderful foster home for making sure she got to her Vet appointment today and offering to be her special Secret Santa!

This AM, I brought Mr. Bruce in to see the Vet for a suspected rash in his groin area. This was an appointment that had been scheduled a few weeks ago yet the Vet became ill and had to be rescheduled.
Unfortunately, his foster Mama ended up not being able to bring him in this AM, so I managed to rearrange my schedule, and he/I had a road trip! 
This boy is something else! Super friendly, a bit of a ‘bull in a china shop’ with his loving and leash manners yet, he tries so hard to be a perfect gentleman! Anyone who has big interpersonal space issues will not be meant for him! He is right up in your face, plus hair, sniffling, snuffling, and smooching! 
His weight today was 56 kgs(123.21 pounds). He has put on 11.88 more pounds since October 1st! He is looking lean and strong, and with more muscle mass building, he will put on a few more pounds and look even more amazing! GREAT job to his foster family!
The ‘rash’ on his groin is not a rash. They are small bumps, a couple bordering on pustules. Yet, none infected, and he now has some Malacetic wipes to be wiped down daily. Each piece can be cut in two, so he has 50 days’ worth.
He smelled a bit yeasty – his ears – yet, they were good. Recommended to be cleaned weekly for the next few weeks.
He showed his wonderful manners by sitting for treats and then wanted to put his face in the Vet’s pockets as he knew more were in there. He Dane leaned on the Vet, causing many smiles!
He even handed over his front paws to be looked at. They were mildly pink, yet that could have just been from the cold and snow outside.
He was given a lot of love by staff AND now has the official thumbs up from the Vet and me to make his special announcement… stay tuned!
This afternoon, Miss Asante – the appointment is scheduled for 1 PM – is having her own Vet visit at LAH. She is due for boosters, and a re-weigh, and we will have those eyes looked at again, have more eye drops, if necessary dispensed, and her next flea/tick/hw meds. We just had a new bag of food put aside for pick-up too.
Today, we have already spent over $600 in Vet bills, which does not include Miss Asante’s vet visit.

Today, I had my 433rd foster adopted. Miss Ayla!
AND it was an emotional one. Hard not to be.
I was ‘ok’ until I was told that I would probably find Miss Maybelle the hardest to adopt out, and I found myself choking up a bit for yes, any of the beans are going to be extremely hard, yet it was Miss Ayla for me that I always knew would be an edge more harder….
I never told anyone that before today….
All of the beans had their battles uphill to overcome, and I have been Mama Gwennie protective of them all – at times more protective of one or more over others depending on what they were going through in their rehabilitation journey at that moment.
Miss Ayla had the hardest of all of them getting over aspiration pneumonia. She had so many punctures even half of her nose was severely damaged, with a big part even missing. My vet team and I were so pleasantly surprised to see how unbelievably amazing her body healed with minimal scarring.
All of them have so many small scars still on their bellies.
How Miss Ayla, even today – Miss Nola does the same thing – would trustingly want to lay backward cradled in my arms, looking at me with her gorgeous eyes, made my heart melt.
This home was interested in Miss Maybelle, and in going through their application, I felt Miss Ayla was the better fit. I offered to bring both to their home visit should the application process reach that stage. I wanted the home to see and understand and also possibly reach the same conclusion as to why I felt Miss Ayla would be the better right-matched personality fit pup.
Could they have made it work with Miss Maybelle, sure, yet it would not be in her or their ultimate best interest. Set up for success for the home and our dogs is a priority.
They wholeheartedly agreed Miss Ayla ‘is the one.’
A mother’s love is unconditional plus deep, and it is that Mama Gwennie love I have for all of them that enables me to let them go. Being selfless can be hard for Miss Ayla fits in so well in my own home and heart, yet, she does not need me – she thinks she does.
I know I have done all I can in raising a beautiful, confident, curious, social, healthy, happy, incredible with manners girl so that she can now spread her wings and not just fly yet soar into this awesome world we live in.
Is it easy to let go?! Nope, yet my love is so big and strong, and this is why I do what I do….she is going to be ok, I am going to be ok, and in fact, she is going to thrive!!
What a wonderful family she will be able to call home, and BHRR has added another lovely family to our own BHRR fam. 
Miss Maybelle, your own right-matched personality fit home is out there….you need a much more experienced home Miss Diva Princess Bean! 
Thank you again Cassy Montgomery, for helping out at this home visit! You were with me the night I picked them up and rushed them off to emergency in Kingston, and befitting that you were there today, as the first Bean was adopted!

Miss Maybelle & Miss Ayla are on our way to the home visit today!

AND The Bean’s latest professional photos are in! I will post the same blog post on each blog yet, keep their individual photo’s on their own blogs.
Thank you Liz Bradley!!
This could well be their last night that all five shall be together for tomorrow, I am doing a home visit for a possible approved adoption of either Miss Maybelle or Miss Ayla.
It is going to be an emotional night for me! I freely admit it! I have held these wee beans and fought hard for their survival since they were placed into my hands at barely a week of age.
I adore my Beans! 
We are also now reviewing another application for one of The Beans. They are looking at one of the black girls too.
Poor Mr. Albar and Miss Bev….they remain overlooked.
They were at the Vet on Friday, November 11th, for their final boosters. BHRR takes care of everything for our dogs – all rounds of boosters, de-worming, flea/tick/hw meds, pre-op bloodwork, microchipping, spays/neuters, AND it was many many many thousands of dollars to get them healthy from the aspiration pneumonia that they came to us with, saving Mr. Albar’s leg, treating the severe punctures on Miss Ayla, etc. Miss Nola still has her HM 1-2. Could resolve or may stay the same for life etc.
Their adoption fees are a mere pittance compared to the almost $27,000 it took to get them healthy.
I remain so proud of them!!!
Here are their weight history:
Puppy 1 – 0.38 kgs – deceased as of 8:49 AM Thursday, August 4th(passed away just hours after they were surrendered to rescue) – Miss Charm Bean
Puppy 2 BHRR’s Nola – (Miss Fighter Bean)
August 4th – 0.38 kgs as well
August 8th – 0.62 kgs (1 lb, 6 oz)
August 11th – 0.82 kgs (1 lb, 12.8 oz)
September 15th – 4.9 kgs (10.78 pounds)
October 21st – 11.3 kgs (24.86 pounds)
October 25th – 11.9 kgs (26.18 pounds)
November 11th – 14.4 kgs (31.68 pounds)
Puppy 3 BHRR’s Beaver(Bev) – (Miss Explorer Bean)
August 4th – 0.48 kgs
August 8th – 0.71 kgs (1 lb, 9 oz)
September 15th – 4.7 kgs (10.34 pounds)
October 21st – 9.7 kgs (21.34 pounds)
October 25th – 10.4 kgs (22.88 pounds)
November 11th – 13.10 kgs (28.82 pounds)
Puppy 4 BHRR’s Albar – (Mr. Warrior Bean)
August 4th – 0.46 kgs
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
September 15th – 5.2 kgs (11.44 pounds)
October 21st – 10.9 kgs (23.98 pounds)
October 25th – 11.7 kgs (25.74 pounds)
November 11th – 14.6 kgs (32.12 pounds)
Puppy 5 BHRR’s Maybelle Cutie – (Miss Diva Princess Bean)
August 4th – 0.56 kgs
August 8th – 0.99 kgs (2 lbs, 3 oz)
September 15th – 5.3 kgs (11.66 pounds)
October 21st – 11.3 kgs (24.86 pounds) – same as Miss Nola
October 25th – 11.8 kgs (25.96 pounds)
November 11th – 15.2 kgs (33.44 pounds)
Puppy 6 BHRR’s Ayla (Miss Chill Mobile Bean)
August 4th – 0.64 kgs
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
August 11th – 1.03 kg (2 lbs, 3.6 oz)
September 15th – 4.7 kgs – same as BHRR’s Bev (10.34 pounds)
October 21st – 11.2 kgs (24.64 pounds)
October 25th – 11.7 kgs (25.74 pounds) – same as Mr. Albar
November 11th – 14.3 kgs (31.46 pounds)

AND The Bean’s latest professional photos are in! I will post the same blog post on each blog yet, keep their individual photo’s on their own blogs.
Thank you Liz Bradley!!
This could well be their last night that all five shall be together for tomorrow, I am doing a home visit for a possible approved adoption of either Miss Maybelle or Miss Ayla.
It is going to be an emotional night for me! I freely admit it! I have held these wee beans and fought hard for their survival since they were placed into my hands at barely a week of age.
I adore my Beans! 
We are also now reviewing another application for one of The Beans. They are looking at one of the black girls too.
Poor Mr. Albar and Miss Bev….they remain overlooked.
They were at the Vet on Friday, November 11th, for their final boosters. BHRR takes care of everything for our dogs – all rounds of boosters, de-worming, flea/tick/hw meds, pre-op bloodwork, microchipping, spays/neuters, AND it was many many many thousands of dollars to get them healthy from the aspiration pneumonia that they came to us with, saving Mr. Albar’s leg, treating the severe punctures on Miss Ayla, etc. Miss Nola still has her HM 1-2. Could resolve or may stay the same for life etc.
Their adoption fees are a mere pittance compared to the almost $27,000 it took to get them healthy.
I remain so proud of them!!!
Here are their weight history:
Puppy 1 – 0.38 kgs – deceased as of 8:49 AM Thursday, August 4th(passed away just hours after they were surrendered to rescue) – Miss Charm Bean
Puppy 2 BHRR’s Nola – (Miss Fighter Bean)
August 4th – 0.38 kgs as well
August 8th – 0.62 kgs (1 lb, 6 oz)
August 11th – 0.82 kgs (1 lb, 12.8 oz)
September 15th – 4.9 kgs (10.78 pounds)
October 21st – 11.3 kgs (24.86 pounds)
October 25th – 11.9 kgs (26.18 pounds)
November 11th – 14.4 kgs (31.68 pounds)
Puppy 3 BHRR’s Beaver(Bev) – (Miss Explorer Bean)
August 4th – 0.48 kgs
August 8th – 0.71 kgs (1 lb, 9 oz)
September 15th – 4.7 kgs (10.34 pounds)
October 21st – 9.7 kgs (21.34 pounds)
October 25th – 10.4 kgs (22.88 pounds)
November 11th – 13.10 kgs (28.82 pounds)
Puppy 4 BHRR’s Albar – (Mr. Warrior Bean)
August 4th – 0.46 kgs
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
September 15th – 5.2 kgs (11.44 pounds)
October 21st – 10.9 kgs (23.98 pounds)
October 25th – 11.7 kgs (25.74 pounds)
November 11th – 14.6 kgs (32.12 pounds)
Puppy 5 BHRR’s Maybelle Cutie – (Miss Diva Princess Bean)
August 4th – 0.56 kgs
August 8th – 0.99 kgs (2 lbs, 3 oz)
September 15th – 5.3 kgs (11.66 pounds)
October 21st – 11.3 kgs (24.86 pounds) – same as Miss Nola
October 25th – 11.8 kgs (25.96 pounds)
November 11th – 15.2 kgs (33.44 pounds)
Puppy 6 BHRR’s Ayla (Miss Chill Mobile Bean)
August 4th – 0.64 kgs
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
August 11th – 1.03 kg (2 lbs, 3.6 oz)
September 15th – 4.7 kgs – same as BHRR’s Bev (10.34 pounds)
October 21st – 11.2 kgs (24.64 pounds)
October 25th – 11.7 kgs (25.74 pounds) – same as Mr. Albar
November 11th – 14.3 kgs (31.46 pounds)

AND The Bean’s latest professional photos are in! I will post the same blog post on each blog yet, keep their individual photo’s on their own blogs.
Thank you Liz Bradley!!
This could well be their last night that all five shall be together for tomorrow, I am doing a home visit for a possible approved adoption of either Miss Maybelle or Miss Ayla.
It is going to be an emotional night for me! I freely admit it! I have held these wee beans and fought hard for their survival since they were placed into my hands at barely a week of age.
I adore my Beans! 
We are also now reviewing another application for one of The Beans. They are looking at one of the black girls too.
Poor Mr. Albar and Miss Bev….they remain overlooked.
They were at the Vet on Friday, November 11th, for their final boosters. BHRR takes care of everything for our dogs – all rounds of boosters, de-worming, flea/tick/hw meds, pre-op bloodwork, microchipping, spays/neuters, AND it was many many many thousands of dollars to get them healthy from the aspiration pneumonia that they came to us with, saving Mr. Albar’s leg, treating the severe punctures on Miss Ayla, etc. Miss Nola still has her HM 1-2. Could resolve or may stay the same for life etc.
Their adoption fees are a mere pittance compared to the almost $27,000 it took to get them healthy.
I remain so proud of them!!!
Here are their weight history:
Puppy 1 – 0.38 kgs – deceased as of 8:49 AM Thursday, August 4th(passed away just hours after they were surrendered to rescue) – Miss Charm Bean
Puppy 2 BHRR’s Nola – (Miss Fighter Bean)
August 4th – 0.38 kgs as well
August 8th – 0.62 kgs (1 lb, 6 oz)
August 11th – 0.82 kgs (1 lb, 12.8 oz)
September 15th – 4.9 kgs (10.78 pounds)
October 21st – 11.3 kgs (24.86 pounds)
October 25th – 11.9 kgs (26.18 pounds)
November 11th – 14.4 kgs (31.68 pounds)
Puppy 3 BHRR’s Beaver(Bev) – (Miss Explorer Bean)
August 4th – 0.48 kgs
August 8th – 0.71 kgs (1 lb, 9 oz)
September 15th – 4.7 kgs (10.34 pounds)
October 21st – 9.7 kgs (21.34 pounds)
October 25th – 10.4 kgs (22.88 pounds)
November 11th – 13.10 kgs (28.82 pounds)
Puppy 4 BHRR’s Albar – (Mr. Warrior Bean)
August 4th – 0.46 kgs
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
September 15th – 5.2 kgs (11.44 pounds)
October 21st – 10.9 kgs (23.98 pounds)
October 25th – 11.7 kgs (25.74 pounds)
November 11th – 14.6 kgs (32.12 pounds)
Puppy 5 BHRR’s Maybelle Cutie – (Miss Diva Princess Bean)
August 4th – 0.56 kgs
August 8th – 0.99 kgs (2 lbs, 3 oz)
September 15th – 5.3 kgs (11.66 pounds)
October 21st – 11.3 kgs (24.86 pounds) – same as Miss Nola
October 25th – 11.8 kgs (25.96 pounds)
November 11th – 15.2 kgs (33.44 pounds)
Puppy 6 BHRR’s Ayla (Miss Chill Mobile Bean)
August 4th – 0.64 kgs
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
August 11th – 1.03 kg (2 lbs, 3.6 oz)
September 15th – 4.7 kgs – same as BHRR’s Bev (10.34 pounds)
October 21st – 11.2 kgs (24.64 pounds)
October 25th – 11.7 kgs (25.74 pounds) – same as Mr. Albar
November 11th – 14.3 kgs (31.46 pounds)


AND The Bean’s latest professional photos are in! I will post the same blog post on each blog yet, keep their individual photo’s on their own blogs.
Thank you Liz Bradley!!
This could well be their last night that all five shall be together for tomorrow, I am doing a home visit for a possible approved adoption of either Miss Maybelle or Miss Ayla.
It is going to be an emotional night for me! I freely admit it! I have held these wee beans and fought hard for their survival since they were placed into my hands at barely a week of age.
I adore my Beans! 
We are also now reviewing another application for one of The Beans. They are looking at one of the black girls too.
Poor Mr. Albar and Miss Bev….they remain overlooked.
They were at the Vet on Friday, November 11th, for their final boosters. BHRR takes care of everything for our dogs – all rounds of boosters, de-worming, flea/tick/hw meds, pre-op bloodwork, microchipping, spays/neuters, AND it was many many many thousands of dollars to get them healthy from the aspiration pneumonia that they came to us with, saving Mr. Albar’s leg, treating the severe punctures on Miss Ayla, etc. Miss Nola still has her HM 1-2. Could resolve or may stay the same for life etc.
Their adoption fees are a mere pittance compared to the almost $27,000 it took to get them healthy.
I remain so proud of them!!!
Here are their weight history:
Puppy 1 – 0.38 kgs – deceased as of 8:49 AM Thursday, August 4th(passed away just hours after they were surrendered to rescue) – Miss Charm Bean
Puppy 2 BHRR’s Nola – (Miss Fighter Bean)
August 4th – 0.38 kgs as well
August 8th – 0.62 kgs (1 lb, 6 oz)
August 11th – 0.82 kgs (1 lb, 12.8 oz)
September 15th – 4.9 kgs (10.78 pounds)
October 21st – 11.3 kgs (24.86 pounds)
October 25th – 11.9 kgs (26.18 pounds)
November 11th – 14.4 kgs (31.68 pounds)
Puppy 3 BHRR’s Beaver(Bev) – (Miss Explorer Bean)
August 4th – 0.48 kgs
August 8th – 0.71 kgs (1 lb, 9 oz)
September 15th – 4.7 kgs (10.34 pounds)
October 21st – 9.7 kgs (21.34 pounds)
October 25th – 10.4 kgs (22.88 pounds)
November 11th – 13.10 kgs (28.82 pounds)
Puppy 4 BHRR’s Albar – (Mr. Warrior Bean)
August 4th – 0.46 kgs
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
September 15th – 5.2 kgs (11.44 pounds)
October 21st – 10.9 kgs (23.98 pounds)
October 25th – 11.7 kgs (25.74 pounds)
November 11th – 14.6 kgs (32.12 pounds)
Puppy 5 BHRR’s Maybelle Cutie – (Miss Diva Princess Bean)
August 4th – 0.56 kgs
August 8th – 0.99 kgs (2 lbs, 3 oz)
September 15th – 5.3 kgs (11.66 pounds)
October 21st – 11.3 kgs (24.86 pounds) – same as Miss Nola
October 25th – 11.8 kgs (25.96 pounds)
November 11th – 15.2 kgs (33.44 pounds)
Puppy 6 BHRR’s Ayla (Miss Chill Mobile Bean)
August 4th – 0.64 kgs
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
August 11th – 1.03 kg (2 lbs, 3.6 oz)
September 15th – 4.7 kgs – same as BHRR’s Bev (10.34 pounds)
October 21st – 11.2 kgs (24.64 pounds)
October 25th – 11.7 kgs (25.74 pounds) – same as Mr. Albar
November 11th – 14.3 kgs (31.46 pounds)

AND The Bean’s latest professional photos are in! I will post the same blog post on each blog yet, keep their individual photo’s on their own blogs.
Thank you Liz Bradley!!
This could well be their last night that all five shall be together for tomorrow, I am doing a home visit for a possible approved adoption of either Miss Maybelle or Miss Ayla.
It is going to be an emotional night for me! I freely admit it! I have held these wee beans and fought hard for their survival since they were placed into my hands at barely a week of age.
I adore my Beans! 
We are also now reviewing another application for one of The Beans. They are looking at one of the black girls too.
Poor Mr. Albar and Miss Bev….they remain overlooked.
They were at the Vet on Friday, November 11th, for their final boosters. BHRR takes care of everything for our dogs – all rounds of boosters, de-worming, flea/tick/hw meds, pre-op bloodwork, microchipping, spays/neuters, AND it was many many many thousands of dollars to get them healthy from the aspiration pneumonia that they came to us with, saving Mr. Albar’s leg, treating the severe punctures on Miss Ayla, etc. Miss Nola still has her HM 1-2. Could resolve or may stay the same for life etc.
Their adoption fees are a mere pittance compared to the almost $27,000 it took to get them healthy.
I remain so proud of them!!!
Here are their weight history:
Puppy 1 – 0.38 kgs – deceased as of 8:49 AM Thursday, August 4th(passed away just hours after they were surrendered to rescue) – Miss Charm Bean
Puppy 2 BHRR’s Nola – (Miss Fighter Bean)
August 4th – 0.38 kgs as well
August 8th – 0.62 kgs (1 lb, 6 oz)
August 11th – 0.82 kgs (1 lb, 12.8 oz)
September 15th – 4.9 kgs (10.78 pounds)
October 21st – 11.3 kgs (24.86 pounds)
October 25th – 11.9 kgs (26.18 pounds)
November 11th – 14.4 kgs (31.68 pounds)
Puppy 3 BHRR’s Beaver(Bev) – (Miss Explorer Bean)
August 4th – 0.48 kgs
August 8th – 0.71 kgs (1 lb, 9 oz)
September 15th – 4.7 kgs (10.34 pounds)
October 21st – 9.7 kgs (21.34 pounds)
October 25th – 10.4 kgs (22.88 pounds)
November 11th – 13.10 kgs (28.82 pounds)
Puppy 4 BHRR’s Albar – (Mr. Warrior Bean)
August 4th – 0.46 kgs
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
September 15th – 5.2 kgs (11.44 pounds)
October 21st – 10.9 kgs (23.98 pounds)
October 25th – 11.7 kgs (25.74 pounds)
November 11th – 14.6 kgs (32.12 pounds)
Puppy 5 BHRR’s Maybelle Cutie – (Miss Diva Princess Bean)
August 4th – 0.56 kgs
August 8th – 0.99 kgs (2 lbs, 3 oz)
September 15th – 5.3 kgs (11.66 pounds)
October 21st – 11.3 kgs (24.86 pounds) – same as Miss Nola
October 25th – 11.8 kgs (25.96 pounds)
November 11th – 15.2 kgs (33.44 pounds)
Puppy 6 BHRR’s Ayla (Miss Chill Mobile Bean)
August 4th – 0.64 kgs
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
August 11th – 1.03 kg (2 lbs, 3.6 oz)
September 15th – 4.7 kgs – same as BHRR’s Bev (10.34 pounds)
October 21st – 11.2 kgs (24.64 pounds)
October 25th – 11.7 kgs (25.74 pounds) – same as Mr. Albar
November 11th – 14.3 kgs (31.46 pounds)

Today, Mr. Bruce’s professional photos’ came in!

So worth the wait!

He will be making his own special announcement soon! 

He is such a hilarious goofball! Such a charming, affectionate, and adorable boy! He is such a WOW Dane!

Thank you, Liz Bradley & to his wonderful foster home for ensuring he got to his photo shoot! Liz said that he was very excited for his photo session!


Two goofs!
Mr. Jack is available for adoption, and Mr. Bruce will be making his own special announcement soon.
We are just waiting on his professional photos!
Thanks to their wonderful foster home for sharing!

Another photo of Miss Bev from today’s amazing play date!

Playdate time today! What a stunning day! 23 degrees!

They love the chairs! Any elevation change they are so excited to explore.
Three months old now! 

Playdate time today! What a stunning day! 23 degrees!

They love the chairs! Any elevation change they are so excited to explore.
Three months old now!

Playdate time today! What a stunning day! 23 degrees!

They love the chairs! Any elevation change they are so excited to explore.
Three months old now!

Playdate time today! What a stunning day! 23 degrees!

They love the chairs! Any elevation change they are so excited to explore.
Three months old now!


Playdate time today! What a stunning day! 23 degrees!

They love the chairs! Any elevation change they are so excited to explore.
Three months old now!