The BHRR Puppy Pile x 7 of Granite is at his own overnight play date tonight!

You were such a great boy at work today and have a wonderful date night!

You have come SOOOOOOO far and I am bursting with pride for you…..

She really is not impressed with my efforts for photo taking! 

Yet, look at her amazing muscle tone! 

BHRR’s Miss Hollywood is off with Kinsley & I for her annual.

She is not impressed with me trying to get pictures of her! 


AND if anyone may consider donating a new collar for her; please do let me know. She really could use a new super pretty one…..

She is truly quite silly! Her face when I asked her if she could at least try and sit like a lady for only a moment for me to take a pic! 

BHRR’s Silly Tilly – from a hoarding situation – came to work with me today! 

What an amazing passenger and she was so fantastic in the run at work.

Her weight is just over 92 pounds. Therefore, she has now put on almost 10 pounds since she first came under our care. She is nice and lean and looks stunning! 

She had boosters and her heart plus lungs listened to, teeth checked and we looked closely for a spay incision plus her Vet palpated to see if she could feel anything. 

Per what was passed along to us, we had been told she was spayed and if she had been spayed it had to have been a paediatric spay as she is so immature in her vulva area. With her being very young – ~1, there should also be a scar.

We did pre-op bloodwork – thank you to the beautiful lovelies I work with in making it easy! – and we will book surgery to know for sure.

We have done u/s in the past plus exams and x-rays and hormones tests and over the many many many years we have been doing this, surgery is the only way to know without a doubt. 

AND in over 23 years of operating, we have never opened up a dog to then find out that they had already been spayed.

We have had two Danes – BHRR’s Cosette and BHRR’s Giselle alone that we had been told were spayed, we showed proper due diligence with progesterone testing, u/s, x-rays and exams to confirm spay – were informed that results indicated they were spayed AND both proved to not be spayed not all that long afterwards by going into heat. 

We had even had BHRR’s Giselle on the surgery table to be spayed, when the surgeon found a scar and felt definitively that it was a spay scar and we did hormone testing and were given the news she was spayed yet she went into heat the next month. 

AND later, we shall be posting a pic with another enormous thank you to a family that held an early birthday party for their handsome twins and donated the funds raised to BHRR. Those funds have enabled us to pay for all of BHRR’s Tilly’s Vet Bills up to today!  

That is extremely generous, humbling, caring and incredibly touching! 




Today, we have two BHRR doggies on their own date auction play dates!

The GD/IW Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Juniper and also one of her brothers – BHRR’s Fletcher.

This is BHRR’s Fletcher when I told him we were going for a car drive! 

He had a good drop-off and the home has had a date with him in the past and knows to just passively ignore him. He always takes about 30-45 minutes to settle in, realise he is going to be ok and then he actually enjoys himself.

He and BHRR’s Everly remain the two most genetically affected in this litter with their anxiety, fear plus shy behaviour, just like their Mama Gem. 

If ever there were the best examples of how much genetics plays a role in temperament plus behaviour, this litter is hands down proof. We use the environment to make their behaviour the best it can be. 

Thank you’s being extended to Sean for helping me to get BHRR’s Juniper to her date while I took BHRR’s Fletcher to his! 

My three blind/deaf mice are growing up!

They are now 7 months of age and not much difference between them and my special needs GD ‘Salt’, who turned 4 in April. 

AND all are never far from where I am…..even dragging blankets around to be near me! They find it hard to drag the XL Costco dog beds around….for now! 

AND yes, Summit is a bit dirty – lots of fun digging with BHRR’s Volt in the dirt! 

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, good night wishes being sent!

BHRR’s Meadow! 
~18 months of age

Getting ‘still’ shots of this now uber happy full of zest for life girl is hard! 

While she still can be a bit shy/uncertain in new surroundings/people, give her a few moments and her desire to want to make friends, be curious and get loved on comes out…..

AND the longer you are around her, her bubbly sweet, kind, gentle, calm, beautiful personality just shines.

She is such a goofy gal…..and loves her walks/hikes and being with her humans!

The way that she will lift her head and look at me, humbles me immensely. It has been a real privilege bearing witness to her coming into her own, developing confidence, learning to love herself and helping her develop into this truly stunning soul!

She can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired, retired etc. Another versatile BHRR dog.

She is wonderful to wash plus do nails!

We do not wish to see her in a home with children under the age of 12. A home with children 10 or 11, that are mature, may be considered for that right matched forever loving home.

Fast flighty movements can initially spook her a bit so calm and steady is the way to go! A million times better that she once was and she will continue to get better and better.

A far cry from the life in a pen that she once was in, this girl is living the life now and we want her to go that right matched forever loving home that is quietly social – not over the top yet has small groups of people over and visits friends/family from time to time. 

We do not want her in a home that are strict home-bodies as that will not continue to show her that the world can be her big amazing oyster full of the best experiences and loving hands.

So, a home that is balanced. Not one that are social butterflies yet not a home that are hermits either. 

She can be the only dog in a home or a home that has a right matched pesonality fit dog is equally wonderful. It is most important for her to have a strong social doggie social friend network. We need friends, so does she!

She is great in the car and crate trained plus 100% housebroken. 

She is amazing and for those that are not aware she is the Mama to my 3 blind/deaf mice, the Dane Trio. 

Sean says that if there was a dog that he would want to keep, it would be her. 

For a girl that had little to no exposure to men prior to coming to BHRR, she is fabu!

Though, my heart remains saddened that the home that has the Dane Trio’s Dad still will not let him go….I am happy that this lovely Miss will no longer be having babies – babies having babies is not right – and can be cherished as she is meant to be for the rest of her life.

AND as always, should her right matched personality fit home not come along, she is living an awesome life with us and that is OK by us!

Miss Meadow, I am incredibly proud of you and all that you have accomplished and you shall be yet another dear BHRR dog that we will sorely miss!

AND for anyone that is interested in her, please do read her extremely detailed blog and our adoption processes, procedures plus policies. 

Should you then believe that you may be that right matched personality fit home meant for her; you would be most welcome to submit an application to the members of the BHRR BOD to consider. 

CONGRATS to you Miss Meadow!

The boss – Sean has spoken – BHRR’s Tilly shall be her name!

*Silly Tilly* 

Got her! 

She will need a name! Name guru’s! 

She is uber sweet and petite – just over 83 pounds (lean) – and such a beautiful temperament. Cannot wait to watch her blossom and see her monkey side really shine! ?

This lovely girl is now safe and out of the horrible hoarding conditions she once lived in.

Going to now make my way home and she will have 3+ acres to romp in shortly! 

Her home shall no longer be an outside pen filled with feces plus mud and a shelter way too small for her being exposed to the elements. 

She will have dogs beds, live inside being cherished, fed plus watered properly and have doggie friends to play with plus have so many loving hands to show her how important, worthy and cared about she is! 

Thank you Samantha, Karen and Jane for working with me again on another rescue. It is a true honour doing this life saving work with you! 

Happy Sunday to all of our friends, family plus supporters!

UPDATE: Miss Volt is moving under a “PENDING” for an approved temp foster to adopt situation.

We shall update as we can!

BHRR’s Volt (7 months old)

As many that follow BHRR’s Volts’ blog are aware, she will not be ready for final approval of an adoption until such time as her specialist, Dr. Philibert advises that her vulva conformity issues have been successfully addressed/resolved.

When she is spayed, her one incisor will be extracted and dental x-rays done to determine the health of her other teeth. If she needs more than the one extraction, it shall also be taken care of by BHRR. 

After much conversation, Sean and I have decided to make a rare exception and place her in a right matched personality fit home for a foster to adopt situation. 

*Said Foster To Adopt Home Must Be Within 2 Hours Of Us*

As many can attest to, she is deeply bonded to me and I work hard to make our dogs the most well balanced plus rounded that they can be. 

She is more than ready for this next step, even if she thinks she is not!

There shall be conditions put in place in her foster to adopt contract to ensure that while we wait for her to have that heat to see how much it may mature her vulva; that she is placed at zero risk of any accidental pregnancy.

BHRR has been operating for over 23 years and we have NEVER had any dogs become pregnant on our watch and we are not about to start! That is not part of r/q Rescue. 

Should that right matched home not find her and she remains with us, like all of our dogs, that is 100% ok with us too!

We are seeking a home that ideally has at least one other right matched personality fit dog for Miss Volt is uber social. 

We will consider homes with children as young as 5 and prior Rottie experience is not required.

If a home already has children, we do not wish to see her placed in a home that has more than 2 children. 

Previous dog experience is ideal yet not required if that right matched home is set up for success.

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is semi-retired or retired etc. She is another versatile BHRR dog!

She has proven to be fantastic with cats too!

She will NOT go to a home that seeks to make her fat or obese – yup, one of my biggest pet peeves! She is lean and looks fantastic!

She is a dream to wash, do nails and through extensive rehab, she actually will get into the car on her own and even enjoys the car rides to a point now…..she more tolerates them as a means to get from point A to B to socialise!

She is housebroken and while not 100% proven trustworthy in our home on her own – she has a paper towel fetish! – at just 7 months of age, she is a ROCK star!

She is smart and we would love to see her go to a home that will consider therapy work with her. She has the perfect temperament!

She loves her walks/hikes and to snuggle and cuddle and her one vice is hooking her front legs around yours and almost tripping you!

Or, she has been known to take the bottom of your pant leg as you walk too! Working on it!

OK, she has another vice….she LOVES to dig holes…..big ones, gigantic ones….not quite sure where she is going for she digs them in every direction!

Is she the perfect dog? No…no dog is yet she is as close to bomb proof as any dog can be.

We encourage her to be curious and passively ignore anything that she may show initial uncertainty at….such as the flowers growing at the event we were at last week. 

Being born in October, she did not see many flowers in bloom last year. How people handle things and act is how she is going to react and the second time she saw them, no big deal!

To Miss Volt, as much as she loves people, places and things….she loves home the best! Walks on our trails and snacks by the fireplace/tv are her evening big moment of happiness.

OH, yeah, she still wants to climb in my shower more often than not too! LOL

We recommend anyone that may be interested in BHRR’s Volt, to read her extremely detailed blog and our adoption processes, policies and procedures prior to submitting an application to the BHRR BOD to consider.

BHRR’s Volt is almost a $15,000 dog to date in our efforts to get her physically healthy and if, Dr. Philibert requires her to have a vulvaplasty along with a ‘nip & tuck’ with the dental when she is spayed, she will be much closer to a $25,000+ dog.

To us at BHRR, she is MORE than worth every dime and to all that have met her to date, they can confirm that this girl is a WOW dog….super special, smart, affectionate, deserving and have I mentioned how stunning she is?!

She is a small female Rottie and yes, her tail was incorrectly docked and to us, she is perfect in all of her imperfections. 

BHRR’s Volt, it has been a true honour, privilege and joy having you with us……I shall shed many a tear when it is your time to go yet they will be so worth it!

You are a gift and we know that you will leave an incredible mark on the world!

My final note is a special thanks being shouted out to Alta Vista Animal Hospital…..without you, she would not have even had this opportunity. THANK you for saving her and then entrusting her to BHRR.


Gwennie shall kill me for posting yet, this is just one candid picture among several taken over the years that demonstrate just how special this woman is to many!

That includes people as well as animals. Gwennie you are dearly loved, respected and valued.

I know you are hurting right now Gwennie, yet, know that you are amazing, inspirational, generous to a fault, dedicated, selfless, humble, brilliant, full of integrity and a whole hell of a lot more not to mention you remain my hero…. 

Here is the THREAD for all of the wonderful posts and likes/loves for The Gwennie!

We have made the decision to move BHRR’s Clay to our Haven Program.

He has major issues with holding his collar. He will be fine 90% of the time and then when he is not, he will snap. 

There are no known triggers or pattern at this time that we have been able to narrow down as to the ‘why’ in order for us to successfully address this behaviour. He has not demonstrated reliable well rounded nor well balanced behaviour when it comes to gently taking his collar or even after holding his collar for a bit. 

It is in his best interest to be moved to our Haven program where we can continue to assess, monitor and work with modifying this behaviour as we can.  


These two beauties – BHRR’s Meadow & BHRR’s Volt are very excited to share some news!

It has touched my heart immensely with how far these two incredible dogs have come in not just their physical yet their emotional and behavioural rehabilitation.

I have spent over 14 years working on my formal education – and continue to take courses – to help dogs like these and I am beyond proud of them and so many others that we have been incredibly fortunate to have assisted since our inception in 1996.

AND she is on her way!

The GD from the hoarding situation is on transport.

What a sweet big personality filled girl she appears to be! 

DRIVE safe wishes being sent out to everyone involved…..

AND goodnight wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters!

UPDATE: AND BHRR’s Burst is now tucked into her Approved temp foster home! 

She remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right match forever loving home! 

Going to miss this dynamo of a girl! 

AND we are on our way

We are going to see if this home is a right matched temp foster for BHRR’s Burst!

Everything crossed! 

NOTE: we are still seeking an approved BHRR temp foster home for BHRR’s Sawyer also.

Remember, if you are an Approved BHRR adoptive home, you are also an approved temp foster home plus Volunteer. 


Animal bylaw/control has picked up the ~1 year old female Great Dane from the hoarding situation.

Transport from their facilities to us is now being worked on.

She finally has proper shelter, food/water, love and will be going to the Vet prior to transport for initial assessment plus to begin proactive/preventive treatment.


The biggest of thank you’s much be extended from my heart to Karen & Samantha!  This girl is in excellent hands with them!

I hear that she is strong, precious and appears super friendly.

Cannot wait to meet you dear girl!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!


Here is a pic of her ‘shelter’. Way smaller than her. 

AND the colour of her loose diarrhea stool. 🙁

~ 1 year old female GD

Victim of a hoarding situation 

This is her current ‘home’. 

Tonight, will be her last night in these conditions.

Tomorrow, she shall be safe…….

Thank you to Karen & Samantha, her incredible lifesaving rescue angels and thank you to Jane of Just Paws Recue for working with me to help get her to BHRR.

This is what your generosity with donations of dog beds, cleaning supplies, bowls, collars, leashes and especially financial contributions for Vetting enable us to do.

To SAVE dogs like her.

Donations to her care can be made via PayPal to

OR via Email Transfer to

She is going to need some serious TLC

I could not wish for a more fitting Mothers Day gift….to be able to help another in urgent need of BHRR.


We are at Pet Valu Hazeldean – 457 Hazeldean Road – to 4 pm!

Miss Volt is also here with us!

AND we are on our way!

We are off to Pet Valu Hazeldean – 457 Hazeldean Road – for our second community education & public awareness event of 2019!

AND Miss Volt shall be in appearance from 10-4 pm

This is how she likes to hang in my car when I first load her up! 

Then, we have the ‘conversation’ about her needing to be safely tethered when we drive and that she cannot be on my back dashboard! 

It is part of our travel routine and after much sighing, she comes down and then is safely secured for driving….

What a hoot she is! 

What a gorgeous day it shall be today too! The sun, which has been rare of late is out in full force.

We are doing nails, ear cleanings, we shall have some merchandise/baking for sale and we will also have our pup Sponsor Board.

BHRR’s Sleet – One of our Dane Trio (3 blind/deaf mice) 
QUEEN of the castle!

Best seat in the house! 

They are now 6.5 months of age. In a few more months we shall be back at the Vet to determine if they shall need those extractions – we need all of their adult teeth to come in first.

From our home to all of our friends, families plus supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent…..

May 1st, 2019
ALL I wanted was to do a weekly clean/purge of the fridge prior to making dinner….brought the garbage can in and thought that I could throw a load of laundry in before I started….

Had the kitchen free and clear and came back to this….Salt even grabbed a blanket and dragged it in to lay on! 

Had a few (8) supervisors overseeing my work!

Talk about ‘laying down on the job’ though! 

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters warmest good night wishes being sent!

The Dane Trio(My 3 blind/deaf mice)
March 24th, 2019

BHRR’s Glacier & BHRR’s Sleet are smelling something wonderful – no idea what!? – and Summit is loving the ice/snow! 

They are looking fabu in their Wiggle Bumz Collars!

Thanks SO much Ellie & Jennifer!