UPDATE: On the 2 special needs Dane puppies.

The one home is still prepared at this time to surrender their shelter foster puppy without payment and the other home remains holding strong to wanting $600. 🙁

Thank you to the three angels that donated a combined $200 to date to assist towards going towards this puppy if it came down to it. We really do not wish to find ourselves in the position of having to pay and to go down what I have already termed setting a dangerous precedent. 🙁

Copy of Original Post:

These are the next two in urgent need of BHRR

2 x Special Needs Great Dane Puppies
9 weeks old
1 Male & 1 Female
ETA Being Worked On

This was a litter of five that I had been asked to assist since they were 2 weeks of age.

Their mother had died and a litter of 10 was put into a shelter. Sadly, 5 of the puppies passed away.

BHRR was then reached out to as a strongly focused special needs Great Dane Rescue. We were more than happy to step up to assist.

When the puppies were 6 weeks of age, the shelter placed two into foster to adopt homes; I took in one as my own the one assessed as being the worse and the other two were placed into foster care by the shelter.

The shelter was happy that BHRR was here to assist in any way needed and I gladly made the almost 6.5 hour round trip drive pretty much daily to help with feedings and care up to when they were placed into separate fosters.

Unfortunately, the two puppies that were placed by the shelter into foster homes felt understandably overwhelmed – these are special needs puppies and with that comes special care and special dedication plus special big responsibility.

The shelter indicated to the fosters that they were not in a position to take them back into their own care and directed these two homes to reach out to BHRR.

Both homes wanted BHRR to pay for these puppies when all vetting, food, toys, formula, supplies etc. to date had been paid for by the shelter along with BHRR.

It has been a big touch & go difficult situation as both homes stressed that they would put the puppies to sleep unless BHRR paid for them.

BHRR does not believe in paying for animals to bring into rescue and has spent a lot of time conversing with the homes in this delicate situation.

At the present, we now have one home willing to surrender their special needs puppy without BHRR paying for it.

The other home is still insisting that we pay $600 for the puppy and we continue to attempt to get the home to do the right thing. We are walking a very fine delicate line right now.

The Shelter feels that they they cannot enforce their contract with this home as they had already told them that they could not take the puppy back.

We truly do not want to be getting into a situation that we would be forced to pay $600 to save this puppy. That sets up a dangerous precedent.

Of course, we want to make sure that the puppy is not put to sleep, dumped outside somewhere etc. either.

This is an extremely stressful time right now. 

We will continue to update as we can…..and may 2019 bring both puppies safely into our care.

Merry Christmas! We hope all are having a safe, healthy & happy Day!

These are the next two in urgent need of BHRR

2 x Special Needs Great Dane Puppies
8.5 weeks old
1 Male & 1 Female
ETA Being Worked On

This was a litter of five that I had been asked to assist since they were 2 weeks of age.

Their mother had died and a litter of 10 was put into a shelter. Sadly, 5 of the puppies passed away.

BHRR was then reached out to as a strongly focused special needs Great Dane Rescue. We were more than happy to step up to assist.

When the puppies were 6 weeks of age, the shelter placed two into foster to adopt homes; I took in one as my own the one assessed as being the worse and the other two were placed into foster care by the shelter.

The shelter was happy that BHRR was here to assist in any way needed and I gladly made the almost 6.5 hour round trip drive pretty much daily to help with feedings and care up to when they were placed into separate fosters.

Unfortunately, the two puppies that were placed by the shelter into foster homes felt understandably overwhelmed – these are special needs puppies and with that comes special care and special dedication plus special big responsibility.

The shelter indicated to the fosters that they were not in a position to take them back into their own care and directed these two homes to reach out to BHRR.

Both homes wanted BHRR to pay for these puppies when all vetting, food, toys, formula, supplies etc. to date had been paid for by the shelter along with BHRR.

It has been a big touch & go difficult situation as both homes stressed that they would put the puppies to sleep unless BHRR paid for them.

BHRR does not believe in paying for animals to bring into rescue and has spent a lot of time conversing with the homes in this delicate situation.

At the present, we now have one home willing to surrender their special needs puppy without BHRR paying for it.

The other home is still insisting that we pay $600 for the puppy and we continue to attempt to get the home to do the right thing. We are walking a very fine delicate line right now.

The Shelter feels that they they cannot enforce their contract with this home as they had already told them that they could not take the puppy back.

We truly do not want to be getting into a situation that we would be forced to pay $600 to save this puppy. That sets up a dangerous precedent.

Of course, we want to make sure that the puppy is not put to sleep, dumped outside somewhere etc. either.

This is an extremely stressful time right now. ?

We will continue to update as we can…..

BHRR’s Flyn  – A picture from our annual XMAS Eve photo shoot!

Sean and BHRR’s Potterman – December 24th, 2018

Part of our traditional Christmas Eve Photo Shoot.

BHRR’s Colt

Annual XMAS Eve Photo Shoot!

BHRR’s Char
December 24th, 2018Another sneak peek photo from our annual Christmas Eve Photo Shoot.

She is a hoot! When she does remember to focus, her obedience skills and manners have become impeccable!

She is a fiesty, pushy, mind all of her own kind of gal yet that has helped make her a survivor. She is affectionate, likes to often ‘talk back’, makes me laugh and giggle and keeps me delightfully on my toes with her antics.

She is a giant puppy and has come a long way in such a short time and her progress from emaciated, terrified, could not be touched to now is truly remarkable.

Love her very much!

She is a big personality filled girl in a small ‘giant’ Great Dane package!

She will be having vaccines soon and then not long after should be ready to make her own special announcement!

She is a bit of a black blur in almost every photo we took that evening!

Love this one with her tongue sticking out!

BHRR’s Bogart!

Tonight, our BHRR family grew! BHRR’s Bogart was adopted to a really beautiful couple and we could not be more thrilled.

They have been patient as we did not one, not two yet four rounds of detailed bloodwork since his arrival to BHRR, to be 100% sure he was healthy. AND he is! 

BHRR goes up and beyond with the care of our dogs and this home has been truly wonderful to work with.Though, we officially closed yesterday for our annual shutdown, we had no hesitation, even in the freezing rain! – about making the drive out to do this home-visit tonight. 

Though, my last couple of days have been filled with so much hard plus strong emotion, my night brought a measure of comfort knowing another BHRR dog was successfully rehabbed and adopted to their right matched forever loving home. 

Sean, thank you again for coming with me to do this home-visit and for your caring support. 

BHRR’s Bogart, this was another extremely difficult adoption for me….you are out of this world fabulous yet you do not need me any longer and you will bring so much in laughter, joy and great memories plus experiences to your new family. 

They even so wonderfully donated a Special Care Package of much needed cleaning items to BHRR! 

To this amazing outstanding home, welcome to the BHRR family! 


Our adoption application contract is very clear about the proactive/preventative type of vetting that we require to approve a home and so, we have placed BHRR’s Sawyer back up as being available for adoption.

BHRR’s Bowen – Severely Neglected Great Dane needs your continued help….

Yesterday, he had his second urgent surgery – this one on his mouth.

First picture is of his badly broken tooth extracted and he had a really great cleaning done. He had to have a long surgery to get his mouth into a healthy condition. So tragic the neglect that this poor boy experienced in his past.

Unfortunately, Mr. Bowen has not bounced back well and he ended up seeing a Vet last night and was back at KAH this AM, not able to walk plus with a fever of over 40 degrees. Understandably, he has not wanted to eat or drink.

He has been placed on fluids, being given his pain meds and even has a fan on him. His fever went down a bit and then went back up later this afternoon.

His wonderful Vet does not know why he has this fever – we have been told by two Vets that it is too earlier for it to be infection related.

May we please ask everyone to keep him in their best wishes and if anyone may be willing to be one of his Christmas Miracle Angels, his Vet Bills are mounting even further…..

Donations to his care can be made directly to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848. He remains under their amazing care and I will be back there later tonight to see him.

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

AND as mentioned, please send him tons of get well wishes too!

After losing BHRR’s Bane who had been horribly abused/neglected, my heart is extremely extra emotional re: dear Mr. Bowen right now. 

Thank you to everyone that came out today to our last 2018 hosted event at BHRR!

Our 7th Annual Chain of Success Thank You Pooch/People Potluck.

We had a total of 31 folks come out to spend the afternoon and evening with The Boerskins! Sadly, we had three homes reach out to us to say that they were sick and could no longer attend and we sincerely hope that you feel better soon!

We feel deeply honoured to have had so many wonderful folks grace our home and thank you Bruce for the donation of your 50/50 winnings back to BHRR! That will all go towards BHRR’s Char’s mounting Vet Bills.

Thank you from our hearts for the paper towels, the laundry detergent, the fabric softener and the Lysol Wipes….so desperately needed and deeply appreciated!

Each of you are truly lovely and we are privileged plus humbled to have your support.

We hope everyone has a really wonderful and safe Holiday Season!

A pic – the others would not post so will post on the thread instead! – from when most people other than Mary, Jacob & Nate had left!

Warmest good night wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters!

BHRR’s Sawyer is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can.

BHRR’s Char
Today, she was up another 3.6 kgs(7.92 pounds) and weighed 87.12 pounds. She is now healthy enough to spay! 
With her body frame/structure and current young age, she should ideally be around 100 pounds and she has put on so much muscle mass/weight from when she was first rescued from being chained up outside in the mud. WTG!
While thin, you are no longer emaciated.
We had a plan in place based upon her past understandable anxiety/stress at work when she was first there yet other than a few ‘uhmm hey, I want attention’ barks, she was magnificent!
Calm, settled, happy and exhibited minimal stress. BHRR’s Char, the progress that you have made in your rehab journey to date has many of us beaming hugely!
I knew you would be greatly improved and relaxed as you have come to trust, yet today, you were beyond a rock star, you were a super star! My heart just burst open with such incredible pride over how far you have already come. You are really something amazing and we will keep showing you daily that there are a lot of helping hands to love on you and there shall never be any hurting hands in your present or future. 
You are learning to like yourself and from there, you will come to love yourself. You are self-soothing plus self-comforting in such a positive balanced manner and needing to do less and less of it!
A lovable personality filled goof to all but the surgeon…you were a bit nervous, made a few soft growls yet thumbs up to you!!!
Her Vet got a thorough look in her ears and we were able to really see the damage to those front legs from when she was hit by a transport. So brutal…poor girl.
Her spay went great and thanks again to all of the angels that donated, shared and/or participated in our recent 11th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction!
Sadly, we still have bids of $115 outstanding, two winners and we continue to follow-up….this is an enormous amount of money for us and BHRR’s Char’s Bills are now almost $1,800. 
AND she still has more Vetting to be done including Vaccines.
AND I want to shout out big time to the KAH lovelies for taking such fabu care of her today!!! 

BHRR’s Keg

We shall update as we can.

Posted in Keg

BHRR’s Keg(& part of Bogart!)! 
BHRR’s Bogart is under a PENDING ADOPTION
These fine boyz wanted to help me pass along the message that all winners of our 11th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction have been contacted!
I am now collecting payments plus co-ordinating the pick-up arrangements between wonderful winners and the equally wonderful donators.
From there, I will begin to do a courtesy follow-up to those that have not yet responded to their congrats emails!
If you believe that you have won something and have not yet received a confirmation email, please do email.
Thank you’s extended once more from my heart to every person who donated, shared and/or participated in our Auction! 
AND to those that have been rounding up their winning bids, I am further touched by your caring natures! 
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good-night wishes being sent!

BHRR’s Singe!
~3.5 years of age

All of our adoption processes, policies & procedures:
FAQ’s & Information: 

For those who saw this emaciated, collapsed in the hind boy upon arrival and even as recently as September, LOOK at him now!?!

We never gave up!!! 

After almost 30 years working with the Danes/Giants and focusing so strongly on the special needs, as much as I am an expert on them…each one continues to teach me SO much!

We struggled for so long to get that weight on him…so long….

AND what worked the best is what always worked with my cherished beloved now RIP Big Blue Bronson – NOT just offering him many smaller meals through the morning/day/evening YET giving him a bowl during the night before my own bedtime – around 3:00 AM!

Sounds so simple….just the one extra small meal between the hours of 3:00 – 5:30 AM made ALL the difference. 

LOOK at him?!!! 

Head up, regal, uber handsome and so much stronger in the hind end and has put on so much muscle mass/weight!

This boy is amazing! Full of personality, loves the car, so affectionate and full of drool with those flews of his!

He such a mixture of emotions from calm to spastic puppy when running and that he will be so persistent asking for love is just fantastic!

He used to stand so quietly and hopefully by my elbow while I typed on the computer waiting patiently and looking so soulful for me to notice him and notice him I would do! Yet, I wanted to help build him up so that he knew it was ok to ask for love and not feel rejected and yup, he has that down pack now! 

He can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, works from home, is semi-retired or is retired. 

He is great with the other dogs, fascinated by cats – can be a bit playfully rough and loves to leave drool all over and did I mention yet how handsome he is?

He is an absolute DREAM to do nails! Such a dream. Bathes easily and likes to ‘chat’. 

He will only go to a home, should said right matched personality fit home have children no less than age 8. 

He would be fine as the only dog in the home as long as he retained a good strong doggie network to have friends. We all need some friends in our world. 

He will ONLY go to that right match personality fit home that understands that he needs to eat smaller more frequent meals throughout a 24 hour period still.

We will also be doing a transitional adoption for when he first arrived to BHRR, he would not eat and then he would ONLY eat for me and it took a very long time for him to feel comfortable eating for the rest of The Boerkskins.

We will not SEE him go backwards in his journey to health and happiness. 

Therefore, we will ONLY consider homes within 1 hour of our location in Oxford Station so that we can do the proper transitional adoption that this boy requires. We have had to do transitional adoptions on many a BHRR doggie over the years and we need to have set up for success for home and our dogs. 

He is so sensitive, gentle, slobbery and LOVES his butt rubbed….and be careful when you sit down for he is a pro at spinning and getting that butt of his plunked into your lap fast. 

BHRR’s Singe, we talked much about whether we should place you up for adoption yet I strongly feel that should that right matched personality fit home find you tha they will continue to build upon all of the strong foundations we have put in place for you here to keep you set up for success.

You do not need me any longer and it has been an absolute pleasure having you in my home and you will forever be in my heart. 

AND if that right matched forever loving home never finds you, our home will always be your home! Forever…..

You have caused me to have many a grey hair yet together we figured out what worked best for you and LOOK at you now…as they say…you have come far baby!


He is such a hoot! He LOVES his car rides! 

The dangers of calling out ‘Singe! Car Ride!’

Yet, managed to take a quick pic – blurry yet there! – and still get out of the way…barely JUST in time! 

How such a big boy can contort like that?!!!

He is all floppy uncoordinated Giant puppy when he runs!

THIS photo is not doctored in ANY way!

Sean snapped this photo of a special someone who will be making their own special announcement tonight!