Someone seems very happy to have yet another Winter Wonderland Day! The now a bit plump BHRR’s Limerick – trying to blend into the tree trunk!

This nasty spring storm began late afternoon yesterday and appears it shall not be stopping until tomorrow AM.

On a side note: We have rescheduled the professional photo’s for BHRR’s Rickards & BHRR’s Giselle to next Wednesday and BHRR’s Limericks’ home-visit has been rescheduled for tomorrow.

Like many, I often have to drive in terrible nasty horrible weather (December’s home-visit of Puppy Pile BHRR’s Corbin’s in New Market will stay with me for a long time) & also when extremely unwell(BHRR’s Baby Kaos’ home-visit in February in Owen Sound with zero voice to boot!) and I well understand how bad the roads can be……

I work hard to put these home-visits as a priority over myself yet safety for my dogs will always be the most important. So, last night & today, we are staying extremely close to home……yet, for those having to be on the roads today, do be careful!

The Home-Visit for BHRR’s Limerick’s possible approved Adoption was post-phoned from yesterday (Sunday March 26th) due to freezing rain.

It has now been rescheduled to Thursday March 31st @ 6:30 PM and we shall post an update as we can.

Having to go outside to pee in the freezing rain does not make me happy! I am still pouting at Mama Gwennie!

Maira was able to get her hands on *Jade* today. Two beautiful photo’s of Maira & Jade.

Two lovely gals!

*Jade* looks quite good! So happy to say that part. However, her hips and knees are really bad though….really bad per what I can see in the short video’s and with Maira’s own eye witness account. HD with blown cruciates perhaps? Poor nutrition & genetics are culprits too.

*Jade* is no longer emaciated at this time and I am so happy that Maira could see *Jade* firsthand. She says that she is sweet, loving and has the Dane lean down!

*Jade* was dumped the same time the Brazilian Dane Babies were and we were not able to get to her to help her too nor in the position to assist as much as we wanted. Plus, we were not 100% sure when we were finally asked if we wanted to take her, if we could get the proper access.

Things are complicated in this area / place as we well know firsthand from our almost four month battle for The Brazilian Dane Babies.

We had been told over the last months that we could take her and then ‘no’ and then ‘yes’ and then ‘no’ and now it is a ‘yes’ again….yet for how long? Maira and I are talking and have talked off and on re: *Jade*

AND why cannot things come more easily?! For Maira took *Jade’s* toe to head height today. She is 94 cms(just over 37″).

The crate made for Jackson is 99.06 cms(39″) in height yet per international regulations to fly, we need 7.62 cms(3″) of clearance above her head. So, our crate is just over 2.54 cms too short. Ugh!

I talked to Sean and he said no, we cannot make the crate we have taller. He is going to look into seeing if he can build one now that we have the custom one that was made in Brazil and can see with our own eyes what they will accept as customized for travel from there to Canada. Sean feels that with such a small difference in her height and the crate with what is required for ‘clearance’ that perhaps no one would notice as she would be lifting and lowering her head and it would be so hard to tell such a small difference.

We all have much more talking to do……

Flash Blast of Winter today….and managed to capture BHRR’s Black Diamond in the blur of the falling snow…..still not a great picture yet camera’s do make her nervous as she cannot see ones facial expression….

She does not like us too close to her outside and she comes back with the calling of her name amazingly reliably and with so much enthusiasm now. The closer she gets to the house, the slower and more nervous she gets yet she is more brave and now ‘meets her fear’. That is such a big thing!!

If I go out to visit her in the 3+ fenced in yard, she comes closer than she once did yet still stays within a good distance. Yet, when I turn around and walk back to the house, she is right on my heels closely following me!


Still much more comfortable with Sean and Mason yet, improving so much with me. Kinsley is the one helping to prepare her food so that her scent becomes known to Black Diamond too.

She has met Cookie Dough Dynamo and also BHRR’s Abby outside and her desire is to flee. No worries. She is not ready…..

Inside, she prefers to hang in the sunroom and that is where we also have her colossal crate and leave the crate door open unless feeding or sleeptime.

When she knows Sean is around she has now begun to do some Kanga-Daning so that she can see him over the 3/4 door. Yet, when he approaches she will go to the corner….as she does when anyone first goes into the sunroom.

She still shakes and quivers as you sit and turn slightly sideways and passively ignore her yet less than it once was.

You slowly reach out a hand and she still flinches yet is more accepting of the touch and will look at you if you stop gently stroking her fur. She still sometimes will move away yet more and more she will inch and lean more towards us to get us to keep going when we stop…

Or will pace back and forth across our outstretched fingers and if we drop our hand, she pauses in front of us, looking at us out of the corner of her eye…, we lift our fingertips again and she will brush up and down them again.

She is so pretty…the look in her eyes is still quite terrified, yet less confused and yesterday I actually saw her race and bounce outside in the glorious sunshine for a really small bit!!!! Makes me smile and feel so good inside……

As I end most of her posts….tomorrow is another day!

AND here is BHRR’s Black Diamond wearing the gorgeous collar sent by Margaret with East Coast healing love! Good-bye to that awful choke chain that she arrived in…..

The beautiful collar arrived last night and per my previous post, she trusted Mason enough to allow him to place it on her…..

What a gorgeous BBBBB she is! She is uneasy with her photo being taken so not the best photo yet one can still see how gorgeous she looks!

One baby step at a time Black Diamond…..Rome was not built in a day and your rehab shall be as long as it takes…you are surrounded by a village that is patient, kind and caring.

We shall show you helping kind hands…not hurtful ones. Your trust is a gift and we are patient…..

She trusts Sean/Mason the most and that does not say too much.

She shall reliably come in for them when they let her out and for for me, I am batting about 85-95% on that front.

The first day she arrived, she was leaning into me, letting me gently touch her several hours after her arrival and then every AM is back to the beginning all over again. She is back to her shutdown survivor mode.

Even if you have to go to the bathroom and come out again, it is right back to step 1.

When you are with her long enough, her eyes begin to register things….when you leave to do a load of laundry for example, her eyes are right back,,,,,unfocused, not seeing anything, filled with terror.

She does not whimper in fear, she will almost scream softly in fear if she feels intimidated and threatened, which thank goodness is less and less.

Yesterday, two times I did have to circle around her again in the fenced in yard to gently guide her inside. We are a long way off from using a lunge line etc. Leashes terrify her.

Today, so far she is back to the progress I made days ago with opening up the door and passively ignoring her and she comes in.

She will at least drink in front of us and around us now. Eating was not there when she first arrive – not abnormal – then she was eating and then she went off eating.

We are now mixing wet and she eats best when everyone is asleep.

Once she lets you touch her, she begins almost frozen to the spot and then over time will stand up and pace back and forth just within reach of your fingertips. If you let you hand fall down, she will step a bit closer, not much and you know that she wants you to lift your hand again and let her walk past them letting them gently drift across her fur.

When we also let our hand fall back down, she will look towards you, so that is when you know she is registering and in the depths of her fear, is on the edge of the land of the living.

She is wonderful in her crate and is housebroken and this is why BHRR exists…for her, for dogs like her…..

AND as long as it takes….we are patient…..very patient….we have demonstrated that many times over the past 21+ years.

ND it is now off!

Thanks to Mason. BHRR’s Black Diamond trusted him enough to allow him to remove the horrible choke collar that she arrived into rescue with. It is finally gone!

BHRR’s Black Diamond is now sporting this gorgeous collar sent all the way from the East Coast. It was donated so generously and with such love by M. Gladstone. A matching leash is also being sent her way.

Thank you again…..SO much! It is stunning on her.

Per Margaret: “I believe the warm colours and fun zany pattern will help her spirit heal.”

We will take some photo’s of her modelling her new fashion-wear shortly.

This stunning blue beauty is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

BHRR’s Limerick!

We shall post updates as we can!

This is BHRR’s Black Diamond. She arrived to BHRR March 12th and is truly one of the more heartbreaking Danes we have seen and we have seen many over the past 21 years.

I was going to post a video I took of her yesterday AM and I decided not to. For those who have followed her since the first picture was posted at the pound of her terrified, tail tucked up, eyes wide and almost frozen with fear to the spot and read about how she was impossible to leash or examine etc., already know that she has a long rehab journey ahead of her.

So, I want to focus on the positives since her arrival and not just the real terror she feels and that every touch no matter how slight makes her flinch….that is when you can get close enough to touch her.

Every step forward or two forward is met with a step or two backwards once we are out of her presence and sight…..then we start from the beginning again.

So positive first:
1) she finally started eating and drinking last night!
2) she actually munched and crunched on a smoked marrow bone from the butchery today
3) she has learned where the door is and will come back to the door now
4) she will allow us sometimes to take her by her collar and lead her gently to her crate
5) she will more easily go into her crate
6) she spends her time now 75% open crate and 25% on her own volition in our sunroom that has 6 Costco dog beds and the radiant floor heating on
7) when you can touch her and you leave your hand on her gently, while she is still extremely tense she is less posed for flight
8) she looks at you with such terror in her eyes yet she has now begun to actually ‘see’ & ‘notice’ other things around her – this is excellent….she is so lost within herself right now that she is in survival shutdown mode
9) while there are still small fear growls and whimpers of being scared it is less
10) when we are outside, she will actually take a few steps in our direction and not just bolt first
11) she is panting less in stress than she was
12) she has only made one attempt to snap at the leash and that was on Sunday night
13) when she does come in, she no longer makes a beeline to a corner of the sun-room
14) she has so much potential!
15) in both pictures posted her tail is not tucked up right under her belly!

She has only been with us just over 48 hours….this is good!

The heartbreaking reality….for now:
1) so undersocialised
2) she has not felt caring loving gentle touches for she flinches and tenses up at every touch and begins to panic yet she is a lot less likely to bolt – she has been neglected & hurt
3) there was a lot of trouble leashing her at the pound and even when Tom/Maira went to pick her up, she lunged and bit at the leash in complete fear & she did that once so far here
4) we cannot as of yet get that oversized terrible choke collar off her….but that time will come!
5) she was so scared on Sunday – Maira told me that she was having a lot of gas & she was – that she fear pooped once – only the one time
6) the leash is still quite scary to her and I show it to her so she gets to see it and will learn it means something so good/exciting and not something horrible. We no longer loop leash her as we can get her in and out without a leash now.
7) Up until today, I had to circle around her in the 3+ fenced acreage as she would run to the far corner and cower – two of our 2011 Freedom Danes also did this when they first arrived BHRR’s Gretta & her sister BHRR’s Peanut – and she would run away from me and I just walked behind her slowly guiding her in the direction I wanted her to go….towards the house
8) this girl is broken…her spirit crushed
9) she is confused and clearly has had a lack of structure, consistency and very little true love in her short life to date
10) she wrenches at my heart yet we must continue forward. I do not show her pity or sorrow….I keep that deep within me for that is doing her zero favours. She is doing things at her pace and on her terms with us giving her opportunities and guiding her in the move forward direction she needs in order to come back to the land of the living

This is BHRR’s Black Diamond today as part of her first BHRR Winter Wonderland. I got as close to her as I could so she did not feel intimidated and then was so pleased to see her come even closer to me!

The photo in the thread shows her posed to take flight and proud of her that she did not! BHRR’s Black Diamond you are doing great! I ask from you no more than I know you can give and we do have some tough love as we take your rehab journey for there is much to show you and for you to experience as you are ready….to help you realise what an amazing girl you are!

Tomorrow is Day three….another day and the path of new steps to be taken forward and back and in time more forward than back and then just forward onward we go!

You will learn that you can like yourself and that you are worthy and deserving!

Notice that as nervous as she is, her tail is not tucked up right to her belly like it was at the shelter!



BHRR Winter Wonderland – 40+ cms of snow!
March 14th, 2017
*They are looking for the kids?! No one told the doggies that it is the March Break!

They love their routine!


BHRR’s Rickards – EM

Winter Wonderland Day
March 14th, 2017


This beautiful lady was at the Vet on Monday night for her latest recheck! BHRR’s Giselle!

Look at her gorgeous coat coming in!!

I think she loves to be touched and loved on now!! The more she has healed and the better she has felt, the more affectionate she is becoming! She is rocking her obedience and will now even walk on to the scale and sit pretty! Her Vet is impressed with her almost ladylike manners now….a far cry from the wild jungle beast that first arrived.

She is so passionate about expressing her affection and love of things now and I adore that about her! No china tea cups for this gal! She also remains so open and honest about when she has had enough and I respect her 100% for that. She has had so many exams and been poked, prodded and had to have meds since she arrived in September and she is a true warrior for taking it all as well as she has…..

When she first arrived, she was one raw hurting wound with sores and in major pain, urine burns and with serious eye/ear infections, sarcoptic mange, a bacterial skin infection, an UTI etc…..

She is still battling some skin/ear issues and when she goes in for that ovarian remnant surgery, my request to address her one eye with the entropion will be corrected. Her Vet agrees that it should be done…..we had wanted it done when she was there January 10th for her spay but the surgeon did not find it that bad. That eye clearly is bothering her again and is swollen again so we have the go ahead once again to make it better for her surgically!

She did fabu even with her nails too! You sure have come far BHRR’s Giselle!

We did KT ear treatments on both ears and we will keep up with the malacetic wipes on her feet. Her back feet are worse than her front but significant improvement over her last recheck.

Still yeasty yet she has come a long way! A really long way with her rehab journey….both emotionally and in training plus medical wise.

This once ‘hot mess’ girl is now more of a ‘warm mess’….we are very slowly getting her back to health!

We have been scaling back her food for she is chunky monkey…..she loves to eat now and will eat her food and then want to eat The Lion Kings food too! She currently eats all by herself.

This handsome boy was also at KAH tonight with BHRR’s Giselle!

He had his latest recheck exam and the two rounds of antibiotics have finally worked its magic! His skin looks good, his eyes and ears look good and he received a thumbs up! I would like to see a bit more weight and his Vet agrees, yet it is not anything that would hold him back from being placed up for adoption anytime soon.

BHRR’s Rickards is scheduled for his professional photo shoot on March 31st and once those photos are in, he will have his special announcement to make! Gives him a few more weeks to put on some more weight too.

So stay tuned over the next three weeks for his special announcement!

WTG! BHRR’s Rickards!


It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!

BHRR’s Rubble!

It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!

BHRR’s Pearl with BHRR’s Latte!

It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!

BHRR’s Salem, BHRR’s Leroy and BHRR’s Ivy’s butt!


It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!

BHRR’s Purse Puppy Coco Chanel!

It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!

BHRR’s Freedom Dane Gretta & BHRR’s Comet!

It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!

BHRR’s Maverick with BHRR’s Leroy!


It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!

Here is BHRR’s Baby Griffin with Matrix photo crashing and also BHRR’s Purse Puppy Chanel with one of my own special needs GD’s Ice! AND that is BHRR’s Raven’s butt!

We are now home!!

For those who had the pleasure of meeting BHRR’s Cherry and BHRR’s Blossom – two amazing, equally terrified BBBBB’s that came into BHRR over the years and were successfully rehabbed. Both also were from the same area of Quebec and I would almost bet my bottom dollar they are all related……

BHRR’s Black Diamond is a small, lovely in porpotion, beautiful Dane about 1 year of age. She is shedding a lot and has lots of dander, gas too! Yet, per a post I made on her first photo, her body condition is quite good overall. She is not skinny. I wish more people understood a skinny dog over one that is nice & lean!

I am already receiving signs of trust with some leans and being able to touch her from head, side of face to rump. She watches me and will follow me. Always so humbling….

First line of business when she lets me is to take off that horrible choke chain.

Thank you again to Maira & Tom for picking her up from the pound and safely transporting her closer to me! Thank you for the leash and the two blankets for her also!! Maira kept declining my offer to reimburse her for fuel too….so darn lucky to know such kind good and generous people!

We are settling in and more soon!

Welcome to BHRR Black Diamond!

It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!!

This is everyone’s fav Ironman – BHRR’s Maverick!

Looking mighty distinguished with his ‘frosting’ yet he shall always be the biggest goofball!

He is doing fabu!!

That is also BHRR’s Salem, BHRR’s Ivy & BHRR’s purse Puppy Coach plus BHRR’s Raven in the photo too! All are visiting us this week!!

@ 9:00 AM Maira & Tom had BHRR’s Black Diamond in their safe keeping and I am on my way to meet them!

Will update again as I can!

Maira says she is travelling well!

Per Maira, they had trouble getting the leash on at the pound and we knew that would be the case as they found it impossible to leash her nor were able to exam her.

She did lunge and bite at the leash….all expected plus understood behaviour.

Why I have called her BHRR’s Black Diamond. Several reasons for this:

1) she is a beautiful diamond in the rough
2) black diamonds are most valued for their artistic beauty and dark allure
3) natural Black diamonds are somewhat different from most other diamonds in that these stones are incredibly precious, absolutely beautiful, and considered quite valuable.
4) Found in very few locations – Brazil being one of them. For you Maira as her rescue transport angel meeting me!
5) the mesmerising color is received from Mother Nature.
6) Natural Fancy Black Diamonds are rare and beautiful

So, BHRR’s Black Diamond aka Diamond she is named!

AND it is official!

BHRR’s Hercules, our ever so handsome Blue GD tripod is now ADOPTED!
March 10th, 2017

This is a special story to my heart as this home has now adopted three dogs from BHRR over the years. Wonderful homes like this are truly an important part of the strong beating heart of our CHAIN OF SUCCESS!

Sadly, the BBBBB Dane that they had adopted from us in 2011, passed away in November 2016, just shy of his 11th Birthday. 🙁 🙁

After mourning and healing, they were ready to open up their hearts and home to another BHRR Dane, and this home takes after my own heart for the special needs are equally dear to them. 🙂

AND to make this story more special, they had helped transport BHRR’s Hercules from the MSPCA closer to me and met me for the transfer of him so he could then begin his rehab journey. He lost close to 60 necessary pounds and we had to amputate that horrible leg that was causing him such chronic pain. Plus, we got his thyroid on track.

To think that he is now back in their hands now as his forever loving adoptive home, is touching!

Some things are just meant to be!

I think they have created a tradition now of adopting dogs they have helped transport as BHRR’s Hercules is not the first……some will recognise this awesome Dobie in the picture….BHRR’s Reese(blind/hearing impaired & neuro) adopted May 2014!

They have seen BHRR’s Hercules a few times since he arrived into our care and a couple of weeks ago, took him for a play date as they are also approved BHRR Volunteers. On Wednesday March 8th, they picked him up again for an overnight play date and well, the rest is history! He is now home!

Congratulations to them and to BHRR’s Hercules! You waited a long time Herc for someone to see you for you and not a dog with three legs and your personality, heart, love plus zest of life continues to just shine! Not to mention how freakin’ handsome you are!

A big personality has now LEFT the building and I am filled with tears of such happiness and yes, maybe one or two of having to say good-bye yet this is what we do!

We are now able to help another in need of us….for BHRR’s Hercules you have not needed us in ages.


BHRR’s Latte – ~4.5 year old Neo

March 10th, 2017

BHRR’s Latte was at the Vet last night.

She weighed 92.84 pounds. The two Vets that saw her are in complete agreement with me that she needs muscle tone/mass and to put on another 10-12 pounds of weight and she will be fabu.

Her heart and lungs sound good. YAY!

We investigated the wart on her right front foot, the two skin tags on her back left foot and the scar on her right elbow area.

We did a needle biopsy of the sizeable mass on her left scapulae area and it is a sebaceous cyst. So as long as it does not enlarge(much smaller now that we removed some contents) or get infected, it does not need to be surgically removed. Same with her wart and skin tags.

Her ears were heavily waxy and we lightly cleaned them and will more thoroughly clean them as she gets settled in.

Her teeth are so worn the poor thing. So worn they are super small and non existent in many areas ….the left side is worse than the right and we need to re-visit this later as we did a lot to her.

She had vaccines and will go back in four weeks for a booster.

In having her nails done a mass/lump on her left front foot was discovered. It is really inflamed(picture in thread below) and as she had had more than enough of poking and prodding, when she goes back for a recheck we will re-visit.

The one Vet feels that with the way that she walks – eastie westie almost and with her nails having been so long that she was walking abnormally on her pads. She would like us to monitor and observe to see if now that she is on a grass and sand foundation plus with her nails really short if that improves. If not, we shall biopsy via a needle to start and go from there. Her right front foot has a smaller less irritated area yet does not appear to have the same type of lump/mass.

Her eyes are bad. Her right one has a strong suspicion of a cataract. We did a fluorescein eye stain on both eyes for her Vet to better view the eye and we shall also re-visit this at her recheck and go to a specialist if required.

Her left eye has a small growth in the corner under the lids.

Both eyes are red, irritated and infected. She is now on Tobradex, 1-2 drops every 12 hours until we recheck in a couple of weeks.

Once the infections and inflammation goes down it can be better determined if her entropion requires surgical correction or is it the growth and cataract causing her eyes to be this bad and the entropion is not as severe as it looks right now. Her left eye is worse than her right.

She does shake on her back right leg. Hoping that increased muscle mass/tone shall greatly help that and we will check for hip and knee dysplasia the next time she is in…she did more than enough!

I also microchipped her and we are running a fecal.

She is being de-wormed and is on Revolution and shall start Bravecto shortly.

I think that is about it…she did so well!!

Her crate training is going excellent and her leash manners are improving! She is one of the nicest/sweetest Neo’s we have ever had and we have had many incredible ones!

BHRR’s Hercules is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

Our handsome blue tripod who has waited so patiently for so long as has all of his friends/fans, is finally moving under a Pending Adoption!

We shall update as we can!

This gorgeous adolescent black beauty (no more than 18 months old) is waiting in the wings to come to BHRR as the next in need of our highly specialised rescue assistance.

She shall be only the 4th dog to date in 2017 that we have been able to step up to assist. We have to always be about quality not quantity.

With BHRR’s expertise being on the special needs, medical and/or behavioural, 95%+ of the Danes/Giant & honorary Giants we take in are the really broken, the severely neglected and/or abused, the emaciated, the hurt, the terrified, the untrained, the dying, the deaf and/or the blind, the misunderstood, the sick and the almost destroyed etc….

Dogs, others will not or cannot assist and this has been our mandate since our inception in 1996 to be there for these dogs as we believe that they to deserve the best of lives as it is not their fault they have been let down by humans.

Our Haven program has been the safe home to so many over the past 21 years and we always adopt out those we can and continue to protect plus adore those for life that are not able to be adopted out.

We are not miracle workers, and do not pretend to be. We are committed, experienced, highly educated plus knowledgeable humans that have dedicated our lives to be there for those that cannot speak or stand up for themselves.

This stunning girl is absolutely and extremely terrified plus severely anxious….to the point that she cannot be properly handled, she cannot be examined and is very defensive plus protective of her space. The Dane is so fearful to the point of being assessed by the shelter as being aggressive.

This is why we were contacted to see if we could help her.

With the possibility of more approved adoptions on the horizon, how could we not step up ……she needs so much…..

She will need a name….she will need to learn about helping hands, not hurting hands and we have promised to do right by her…..

ETA to BHRR Sunday March 12th.


Thank you SO much to everyone that has reached out asking if BHRR’s Latte is in need of anything! So kind and caring.

What she could use is a Costco dog bed to call her own. I have a leash and a collar from extra’s donated at XMAS to BHRR. I took off the choke collar that she was wearing when we picked her up and now she has a martingale.

We are good for all else other than we could use more XL dog bowls.

We will post what her Vet Bills are after her Vet visit tomorrow!

So many amazing angels in the world….BHRR’s Latte, you will experience so much in loving hands and never shall you be hurt or neglected ever again!

Another photo of her!

We are now home!!! Close to midnight!

At just before 5:30 pm Tuesday night, Elizabeth – thank you again! – & I began our adventurous and not so fun in quite a few ways drive to pick up this beauty. We battled fog and rain and transports in the dark, not to mention Montreal traffic!

This lovely lady is the next in need of us! She is a Neo, ~4.5 years of age.

We were told she was 30-40 pounds underweight. For she was being fed human scraps and as she was hungry and went into the pantry, had been ‘punished’ and then was kept outside in these winter temps.

This is the second home that we are told that she had been in and the first home used to leave her all alone for extreme long periods of time, often only seeing her human briefly once daily.

I have a Vet appointment already set up for her to be seen and we will go from there….she will begin her de-worming protocol tomorrow and we will put her on Revolution to start.

She travelled wonderfully in a car. We had been told that she has not been in a car in close to two years and she truly did great!

Welcome to BHRR sweet girl!

Goodnight from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters!



Having Littermates/Multiple Puppies

Original Post: March 29th, 2011
Edited: March 6h, 2017

Since 1996; I have had a 4 sets of litter-mate puppies; (2 Golden Retriever Rescues- full brothers, different litters, 7 months apart – and 3 pairs of same litter Great Danes puppies – one being brother/sister(2004) and two being brother/brother(2006 & 2014) – of which my present Dane pair – Ice & Zero are brothers  and are now almost 3. They will turn 3 in June.

At the time that I did add these boyz to my heart/home in 2014, I did have older Great Danes too(My oldest Dane is now almost 10 – Multi CH Bronson tuns 10 in June 2017 and my GSx tuns 13 in July 2017).

Additionally, I added a new show puppy to my home when my 2 littermate brothers, of Dyce and Soul were both only 14 months of age and Bronson was almost 4 years old. When Bronson was 16 months, I added my third show puppy; TAIN who has long since crossed over. In September of 2010; I added another Great Dane – Sir Maestro; my last show prospect who is now turning 7 in July 2017 and in November of 2010; I then added another Special Needs – Bleach(Blind/Deaf) who has also now sadly crossed over. We have been a multi dog home since 1996.

I have not found it all that much harder in the housebreaking, training, socialisation etc. in having two pups/dogs over one. BUT one has to be committed, dedicated, do proper integration, training, socialisation etc. and is not wearing blinders or lazy; and only then; would I say that having two at the same time is perfectly fine for the right person/people in the right home.

I am also aware that I am also not the ‘typical’ dog owner home with what I do professionally. 😉

I have also not found that they have necessarily bonded more to each other than to myself (though they are close) and when I do their training/socialisation; I do it in groups, just them and also as individuals. In regards to Vet bills, one must be prepared IMHO to ensure that they can afford the bills for vetting, altering, microchipping(important in my opinion), emergencies etc. for the additions including the higher food bills costs.

It is definitely not something for everyone and not something I would recommend that everyone out there rush out to do and I stand by that ONLY in the right home with the right personality pups; two can be wonderfully busy.

If the whole family is not on board with the idea of having two, that is a big ‘red’ flag to me that it is best to wait at this time. It can be hard to be patient BUT it will be so worth it in the end if things are done the ‘right’ way and people are not setting themselves, their current Dane(s) and any possible new addition up for failure. My general recommendation for most homes is to wait until their current addition is at least 12-18 months.

Time, patience, consistency, obedience, love and structure are your best tools/aids along with a properly qualified Training Professional of which sadly, is one of the least regulated professions in Canada.

Just my two cent’s worth as always.