BHRR’s Ethel – 2009? – September 26th, 2016

I have the most heartwarming post to make from our 9th Annual BHRR Dine Event on Saturday yet, I hope many will excuse my *radio* silence over the last while as we prepared to cross over a beloved BHRR Haven lovely who more than earned her angel wings on earth and now in heaven….

We almost said good-bye to dear BHRR’s Ethel on Friday yet I knew we could give her a few more days of absolute quality in life and it gave 40 people on Saturday to also say their own heart touching good-byes…

Tears from many of us on Saturday… much emotion….

This fine grand dame had a terrible life before coming into rescue. That she even survived as she did on the roads in a First Nation community that believes in culling, almost blind and deaf battling one of the worst UTI’s we have ever treated in our history of operating since 1996, is a true miracle. She had super bad hips and terrible bad knees to match.

It showed that she had spunk and she sure was a crotchety old gal! People quickly learned not to feel sorry for her for she did not survive all she had by being a wall flower. She was not shy about expressing to all that it was ‘her’ human or ‘her’ bed or ‘her space’. πŸ˜€ She had a backbone of steel this one.

She was taught scent training and learned words to help her know when we were approaching steps or a door and when we were getting into the car. She was such an independent soul that fast became a Fav for so many during her over 2.5 years with us….

A few felt it would have been better to have just crossed her over after she came into rescue….well, we disagree and so did BHRR’s Ethel!

Anyone who met this truly special creature of heaven was inspired by her and BHRR’s Ethel was not hesitant about wrapping her paws around many a heart!

Fiesty and spicy she was yet a most affectionate sweet grand dame she also was. She soft and sweet in so many ways and great with every human and dog she ever met!! She was so fascinated by the BHRR Puppy Pile when they were born….totally enamoured with them and a great *grandma* she was to them….always worrying about the safety yet, spoiling them with so much attention and love!

She learned to take treats gently so I could keep my fingers another day! :p She loved the wind blowing her sweet ears (damaged by fleas and more than one crunch from her past history of trying to fight for her own right to survive ) about.

I swear if ever a dog could smile it was BHRR’s Ethel!

She had strained her eyes so bad trying to see during her time all alone on the roads, she literally *popped them*. We saw the specialist and were assured that she was not in pain and her eyes were as distinctive and unique as the rest of her.

Loved her frosting and she was small yet mighty!

When BHRR’s Ethel entered a room, everyone knew! πŸ˜€

BHRR’s Ethel we wanted to give you many more years of happiness, special dates, wonderful experiences and to have you teach more people that to be special needs does not equate no quality of life! I am so sorry that your body so broken upon arrival could never be 100% repaired….

Yet what never was broken was your incredible spirit and beautiful heart!! You ruled BHRR’s Ethel and may heaven be prepared for you as the party is going to start!!

My home and heart is feeling so lost and empty….I miss your snoring and talking in your sleep. I miss how you could express more feelings in one look than most humans could do in words!! Never any doubt how you felt!

I miss how you *told* us off if you felt dinner was late or that you were outside a nano second longer than what you wanted! You and BHRR’s Potter sure have that in common! LOL

Your obedience and leash manners became a dream and your trust of me brought me to my knees.

I am a better person in having been touch by your gift of you being you BHRR’s Ethel. Thank you for blessing me and so many with your grace, your charm and your heart that was as big and kind as the world…you knew no limits BHRR’s Ethel.

You proved many times over if there was a will, there was a way and thank you for re-inforcing to me why BHRR needs to be here and why we exist!!

RIP my angel…we will see each other in my dreams until we meet again….


BHRR’s Flame is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We promise to keep you updated as we can.


BHRR’s Ross had a special snack picnic play date today! Thanks to BHRR BOD Mary for having him! This is a photo I took when I went to pick him up and we sat for a bit and visited in her hotel room. πŸ™‚


Someone fell asleep before the guests have even arrived! BHRR’s Steam aka Steam Boat has been hearing the other dogs talking about our unique one of a kind Event and all the excitement of anticipation wore her out! :p

T- 2.5 hours to go!


BHRR’s Limerick is ready to make her own special announcement!


Many will remember this blue beauty for back in May of this year, she was posted all over social media as people came together sharing her in the hopes that her loving owner(s) were out there looking for her.

In the meantime, BHRR was asked to assist her and I committed immediately and picked her up May 29th.

She was scared, no doubt about it. Anxious, stressed and needing muscle toning, muscle mass and suspected strongly of recently having had puppies. She had *rub marks on tail and rump almost indicative of being in a crate for prolonged periods and her elbows had not seen many soft surfaces.

Well, no one stepped forward and we fast forward through months of rehab of building up her confidence, not encouraging any SA behaviours for she clearly had a feeling of abandonment about her and keeping her in *check* when the *turkey bullying* came out.

For she learned quite fast that if she pushed and shoved her way around some of the other dogs, that they gave into her and this encouraged her to keep doing it. Then she found her voice…and the inappropriate attention seeking began. She wanted it all on her terms and that is not how it works. πŸ˜‰

She then learned that not all dogs were going to let her push them around, ie BHRR’s Maple and with BHRR’s Maple standing and just looking at her did more to positively correct her in an instant than us humans did in days of training. :p BHRR’s Limerick quickly began to respect the space and boundaries of others. BHRR’s Limerick still gets jealous yet she has come a long way in manners, obedience and sharing!

She will always be a bit quirky, and that is ok! In that right matched forever loving home, an experienced one, not necessarily a Dane one, BHRR’s Limerick shall continue to blossom and flourish. She is such a ham! A true gal of sassy and sugar!

She is great with other dogs, people – just give her a couple of moments to check things out yet at her professional photo shoot on the 14th, she was out of the car and right up to Julie and into her space wanting love! LOL

As long as BHRR’s Limerick has her friend network of dogs to interact with to keep her being social that is what is important.

She travels wonderfully in a car, is housebroken, crate trained and can go to a home with or without another right matched personality fit dog. She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, semi-retired etc. for she is yet another versatile BHRR dog!

Cats are unknown.

If movements are fast and flighty, she does get nervous and will step back and sometimes give a bark….she is not sure about what is happening and when you say ‘you are ok’ or ‘you are just fine’, she comes right up to you and tail wags more confidently and with happiness. She needs someone to not baby her yet understand that she is unsure at times and how we handle it is how she reacts. If we are ok and good with it and demonstrate that, so is she. We treat everything as no big deal and so does she as she responds beautifully to our reactions.

We are family of *hand talkers* and she has come a long way with fast flighty hand movements with that! πŸ˜€

I have a soft spot for this beautiful blue…..she truly deserved so much better than being dumped in a remote area of a forest, in the scorching heat of a long weekend time frame. πŸ™

I will forever be grateful to the people that remained patient plus persistent in making sure that she was caught……she would have otherwise died out there. That is no drama filled statement. She was already dehydrating and losing weight.

She is another diamond in the rough….her loyalty once you have her trust is humbling. The way that she looks at me, makes me feel like I am doing right by her…..and my promise to her and all the dogs is that I will continue to do right by them.

Ms. Personality Plus Filled BHRR’s Limerick, you did it girl! You are ready for that right matched forever loving home to find you!

Thank you to Liz for the stunning photo’s and to Julie for the extra loving hands at this photo shoot! BHRR’s Limerick, that one flying nun ear of yours makes me smile so much!

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BHRR’s Rubble is ready to make his special announcement!!


This young gorgeous blue with white Dane boy has put on over 25 pounds of much needed muscle mass/weight since he first arrived in January 2016. He is now almost 145 pounds and when I say he is solid and rippling, he is solid and just rippling…..he is a positively handsome Dane. Vibrant with health now!

He had been dumped at a shelter by his Owner who ran a daycare and felt it was perfectly fine to allow the kids to treat him as a horse and at one point a 13 year old was left alone with him.

The owner felt that this beautiful boy had something wrong with him and it was ok for for a dog to be climbed all over, pulled and grabbed and pushed. Well, it is not ok….not one bit….

When BHRR’s Rubble came to me he was scared…..scared of being hurt. Scared of being man handled. He had a *bluffy* attitude of force and bullying on the outside throwing around his body weight and inside he was not very brave and insecure and a mushball.

It took some time before he relaxed enough to truly sleep and now instead of light and restless he is deep and snoring.

He learned that while we have rules and structure and obedience, we are fair and consistent and there was no guessing about what was expected of him. He learned that we do not use hurting, rough or mean hands and words. We used loving, kind and caring hands plus words filled with praise. AND treats!

Leashes worried him for awhile and now when a leash comes out he is so happy and cannot wait to see what adventure we are going on next!

His is so incredibly affectionate and playful!! Man! Body armour needs to be worn when he gets going and he is filled with such happiness now. He does not just push his head into you, he grinds it in! LOL

He is not afraid any longer to ask for love and many a time I can feel his hot breath on my elbow and I turn to peek and he is looking at me not with worry and stress now but mischief and happiness. πŸ™‚ He is not an intrusive Dane, he loves being around his humans….simply being near/by to his humans makes him feel good. He is often laying near my computer while I work.

AND so much credit needs to go to BHRR’s Benjamin for there is something about Benjamin The Gentleman, something super special that has calmed and settled BHRR’s Rubble more since BHRR’s Benjamin arrived in August than in the months before he came…..they are good friends.

He brings out some of the very best in BHRR’s Rubble. It is almost magical. He has given BHRR’s Rubble a proper direction of confidence that is really wonderful to see. So when it came time to do their professional photo shoots, I just had to book them together so they could travel and hang out just the two of them! πŸ™‚

BHRR’s Rubble is good with dogs of all sizes, was fantastic at the shelter with cats and once you get over his quirkiness – for he is quirky now and then again, he will want to be your best friend!

Travels great in a car, housebroken, crate trained and uber obedient! One of my star pupils.

On the other hand, he remains sensitive to having his feet touched – he was this way at the shelter and while he has greatly improved, nail trimmings are carefully done.

He is a gem and it has been such an honour walking this journey beside him in support plus guidance for him to become the amazing boy he is. He is no longer shut down….he is living life to the fullest!!

Another I am so freakin’ proud of you dog!! So incredibly proud!! You did it!! You trusted enough to walk down a path to discover so much in great discoveries and experiences and I cannot wait for the next chapters to be written in your amazing story BHRR’s Rubble!

Thank you Liz for the WOW photo’s and to Gracie for her hands at his photo shoot on September 15th! He was a Mac truck when he saw me again after taking BHRR’s Benjamin’s photo’s yet Gracie held her own and did not face plant! πŸ˜€

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BHRR’s Baron says that this is a great position to begin to fall asleep in!! LOL
*that is BHRR’s Puppy Pile Granite and BHRR’s Ross with him. πŸ™‚

He has been doing so well in so many ways. There is no doubt that this is a breed that would be a ticking time bomb in the wrong hands. If what we have researched on his pedigree *lines* can be believed – they never answered inquiries when reached out to by his emerge temp foster home and myself(yet there is a picture very similar to him with an exact birthmark that he also has) – he was bred for Xenophobia. They were so proud of their videos demonstrating their training with their dogs. πŸ™ We have reached out to our r/q resources in the Fila community and feel confident with what we have determined to be as much of his story prior to rescue as we can.

We have been working on recall off leash these last two days and he is not too bad….yet, it is still often on his terms. He will come *around* or by me yet we are about 90% coming direct to me. Much progress has been made in just a couple of days.

He is close to 115 pounds now at almost 9 months of age. He is a powerhouse of a boy. When he decides he wants to move, he can go from 0 to *Baron speed* in a flash – which is much faster than people may think for a Brazilian Mastiff! πŸ˜€

We are working on playing a bit more gentle still for he plays rough, especially when he forgets himself and the BHRR Puppy Pile has taught him a lot about manners and respecting space and social skills. πŸ™‚ He is more calm and confident with them by his side yet learning to stand on his own four feet more comfortably as time goes on.

He is quite mindful of me and has bonded strongly. There is no doubt that he would lay his life down for his family, canine and human.

He has been watchful yet good with the people he has seen here to date and the one thing that does worry him the most is when strangers turn their back on him. He has shown, even in his emerge temp foster home that he does not like this. As he cannot see their faces, it stresses him. He is slowly becoming more relaxed when this happens. Change is also not something that he likes. He loves his routine and structure and consistency. He likes knowing what is being asked of him. This is his comfort zone.

He is quiet and rarely *alerts* with a bark.

He is quite predictable with his excitement level. As it goes up, he become that much more fixated and if something runs, he is *off* in what Mason calls his *hunt* mode. Once he catches up to whatever was running ie a puppy pile pup, he will body bump. He then immediately stops, looks at me and sits and waits. He is not quite sure what he should be doing at that point yet is acting quite instinctively with his behaviour of wanting to chase and catch.

He makes these small sounds of being so happy when I come home from work or doing errands. He has worked through almost all of his small amount of SA and learning his own company is ok.

Those ears of his….sigh…I could rub them and squeeze those lips of his all day!! He humours me!!

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BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat is generating interest again and some of the same questions are being asked that are answered in her very detailed blog.

We work hard to keep our blogs up to date. We try to be so detailed and to provide as much information as possible so that people can best determine if their home is going to qualify to adopt her. All of our adoption processes plus policies can also be found on both of our websites. We will only approve a right matched personality fit forever loving home for her.

BHRR is not desperate to adopt our dogs, never have been. She is not desperate to be adopted. She is normal to her and to all that love her. She is not to be felt sorry for or pitied. She lives an amazing life with us in our home – not boarded or in an outside kennel. She has three plus acres fenced in for her enjoyment.

We are going to write the following blog post to pull together various information found in her blog for a *one stop* reading blog post. Perhaps, this shall assist some that have been thinking about her. πŸ™‚

1) BHRR’s Steam is DEAF – she has not been BAER tested and could she possibly *hear* something 1-2% or a bit more, who knows. For all intents and purposes she is deaf. She does not respond to the typical deaf testsΒ  – ie sleeping and clapping hands behind her head – not too close as to generate a *breeze*.Β  Dropping pots and pans – not too close or the vibration will be felt. Calling her name when she is asleep or looking elsewhere elicits zero response etc.
2) BHRR’s Steam is not BLIND – She is visually impaired. There is not a medical test that exists to date that will test the percentage of eyesight that a dog has. Eyesight is the weakest sense in a dog. Does she see up to 30%? Perhaps. She responds like a pro to both ASL signs, basic obedience signs plus our custom signs as when you own a deaf dog, you have to learn to communicate with one hand for often you are something in your other hand – leash, groceries, purse, keys, etc. She also knows touch plus scent training as she is brilliant and loves her obedience work.
3) BHRR’s Steam was born this way due to her genetics. She was not injured or abused in any manner that *caused* her to be deaf/visually impaired.
4) BHRR will not consider a home that will just let her run loose in fields, parks etc. – The photo below is from a special picnic snack play date that she had and she was put on a harness and a long lead so that she could enjoy splashing in the water. She needs to be kept safe.
5) BHRR’s Steam is healthy and happy. If she had any known medical conditions, they would have been fully disclosed in her blog. A copy of her medical records will be given to any right matched forever loving adoptive home and we bring them to a home-visit for said records to be reviewed by the possible approved adoptive home.

If a home is serious about applying to adopt, please do take the time to read her thorough blog – from the very bottom up – and read our FAQ and adoption processes plus policies.


BHRR’s Maple is ready to make her own special announcement!


This was the extreme fear aggressive Dane that we were asked to assist in August of 2015. She is now about 22 months of age.

Yes, August of 2015. It took 6 months before I could even make her comfortable enough to be touched and handled and then get all of her vetting done. Her trust, once hard won has helped her to relax and enjoy life as a dog instead of feeling like she only had herself to rely on and had to step up to *show the world* that she wants to just be left alone.

Never any rush….we work at the dogs’ pace with their rehabilitation.

She has learned about helping, caring, loving hands, not hurting or cruel hands.

Many have now met this goofy, affectionate, quirky, loves to counter surf stunning beauty and have witnessed how far she has come along in her journey down a road of learning that she will not be hurt, manhandled or neglected.

She was extremely undersocialised and she feels so much more confident plus comfortable in social settings now and exhibits much better dog to dog communication in meeting new dogs. Before she was stressed and intimidated and it was a rush up and *I must body bump them and demonstrate that I am the boss and they will leave me alone* attitude.

Now, she shows interest in any new dog, and she is much more likely – no issues here with any new dog interactions as she knows that we will take care of all – to show curiosity and friendliness.

She was never a mean dog and most certainly not a bad dog…she was a clearly misunderstood dog and once someone understood her, her worries, her stressors, her triggers and gave her space, time, patience and understanding with structure plus routine(so she never had to *guess* what was expected of her), not to mention love and quite a few treats in the beginning!; she has revealed how truly loving, and wonderful she really is and has been hiding deep inside her.

She needs an experienced dog home, not necessarily an experienced Dane home that will show her boundaries, not cross them yet continue to give her life experiences to show her that the world is a big oyster of so much joy, happiness and fun!

She is housebroken, crate trained, travels wonderfully in a car, and once she trusts a human, that trust is solid. When her trusted humans are not around – ie when she was dropped off to be spayed – where first she was an uber loving goof to the staff – she was then worried and nervous. That is ok! Slow and steady she goes….

She can go to a home with or without a right personality matched fit other dog already in the home. She enjoys the company of other dogs and when she plays, *game on!*. As long as she has her network of friends that is what is most important to keep her being this truly magnificent dog that she is.

We have noted that transports on the highway tend to make her sit up and while she is not showing fear and does not bark, you can tell that every once in a while, a semi will make her feel a bit uneasy. I just give her a calming word, she looks at me and then lays back down. Nothing major, just a notation. πŸ™‚

I shall never forget when I went to pick her up and she was in the run….she was terrified and barking at me….she was completely and utterly scared.

Those days are long gone and she has met so many great people both here and out and about and people marvel at how far she has come. I am proud of you BHRR’s Maple. So proud…..

Your quirkiness is a part of you and makes you that amazing dog you are and that right matched forever loving home will *get it* and continue to build upon the strong foundations we have built here.

BHRR’s Maple has now *told me* that she is ready…ready to have that home meant for her to find her! πŸ™‚

She is such a mixture of spice and sugar this one! πŸ˜€

Thank you Liz again for the beautiful photo’s and to Julie for the extra loving hands at this professional photo session on September 14th.

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BHRR’s Benjamin The Gentleman is ready to make his special announcement!


This grand man is now 6.5 years of age and is great with dogs, cats and kids! He is a Black and Tan Great Dane. Housebroken, great leash manners, travels wonderfully in a car, and has been an absolute delight to have with us. Easy going, charming and affectionate.

He is so cute as he gets so excited when the leash comes out and his butt bobs up and down as he works to control that sit & stay prior to the leash going on!

After a proper regime of exercise and diet, he has lost much needed weight and he has had all proactive and preventative vet care done. He has built up great muscle mass and tone and his cost is glossy with health now that he is in shape.

He is the first dog in our almost 21 years of operating that we took back – after being in this home 4 years and 7 months – due to a divorce. He is the 8th dog that we have now brought back to BHRR.

Sadly, his vet care was not kept upt and he was severely overweight. The home also allowed the two children that they eventually had to ride / treat him as a horse.

As thorough as any adoption process is…..nothing is perfect… πŸ™

He has been through a lot in his life and we debated about keeping him as a Haven dog yet he is so highly adoptable and to a right matched forever loving home, he is going to be a gift….

He was my obedience champ in a rescue obedience competition years ago and I chose him to take into the ring as the home that had him prior to coming into rescue said he was not trainable.

He blew the obedience apart in that competition and we came top 5! If it were not for a playful boxer and BHRR’s Ben thinking that the boxer had to be BHRR’s Potter, I know we could have taken the competition! LOL The boxer looked at Ben and it was all play on! πŸ˜€

He is wonderfully obedient and active, fit and has been an incredible influence on BHRR’s Rubble! Almost magical to witness…He has calmed BHRR’s Rubble, softened BHRR’s Rubble’s *diamond in the rough* edge and they are best friends. He has given BHRR’s Rubble proper direction for his confidence and comfort level. Amazing! Thank you BHRR’s Benjamin for being you!

Love this boy!!!

Thank you Liz Bradley for the fabu pictures and to Grace for the extra hands at this photo shoot on September 15th. πŸ™‚

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Today is BHRR’s Benjamin the Gentleman’s professional photo shoot and also BHRR’s Rubble!

Thank you again Gracie for the extra hands – you did so well working / handling BHRR’s Rubble, the powerhouse while I had BHRR’s Ben’s pictures taken. πŸ™‚

Once their professional photo’s are in, they will both be ready to make their own special announcements. Should be within the week or so! πŸ™‚

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Today, we have two BHRR lovelies getting their professional photo’s done!

This is BHRR’s Maple and also BHRR’s Limerick!

Once their professional photo’s are then in, they shall be ready to make their special announcements!

BHRR’s Maple on the left and BHRR’s Limerick on the right!

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We are here at Pet Valu Richmond 5919 Perth Street until 4 pm today!

BHRR’s Corbin and BHRR’s Ross, two of the BHRR Puppy Pile are here today also to smooch you!!

We are doing nails, microchips, ear cleanings and have some merchandise for sale!


UPDATE: she had a great vet visit! πŸ™‚ Her vet had many lovely comments on how shiny and glossy plus healthy her coat looked!! πŸ™‚

We did her regular Heartworm and tickborne testing and her vaccines are now up to date for another three years at which point we will then begin to do titre testing instead.

Her heart and lungs sounds great and though her mouth growths are slowly growing back – her last surgery was March 2016 – when it is time we will have them removed and cut back again. πŸ™‚

She is such a happy and healthy 6 year old!

Posted in Ani

Many will recognise this gorgeous Haven BBBBB!!

This is BHRR’s Ani and we are on our way for her annual vet visit!

Will update more later!


Posted in Ani

BHRR’s Dyson’s *new tail* πŸ™‚

He is going to feel so much better!

He was having a big pee in this picture, so the rest of him is cut off for his privacy sake! :p I could tell he really had to go when I picked him up. Kept pulling me to the door.

On our way home now!

Thank you LAH!

Dyson’s Angels: Donations made to date: $500 & Bills To Date: $696.13
Margaret – New Collar
Alex & Karen


UPDATE: his surgery is now done and I will pick him up for around 3:30 pm. πŸ™‚

Dr. Liston planned on only taking about 2″ or so off his tail to help with his chronic refused to ever heal happy and sorely damaged tail issue…..

AND this ever so handsome and chill boy who loves to lean on people was dropped off this AM for his partial tail amputation at Liston Animal Hospital. πŸ™‚

Weight today is 129.58 pounds!

BHRR’s Dyson sure has come a long way since he first arrived to BHRR!

See you soon you sweet man!

He is still available for adoption to a right matched forever loving home once his tail heals up. πŸ™‚

Not the best pictures yet what a lovely man he is!

The second picture shows his goofy side!!

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This blog is dedicated to this pretty female ~2 year old Great Dane who was surrendered to a shelter because her O. could not afford to take care of her.

I picked her up September 7th and went straight to Kanata Animal Hospital as she has clear skin issues.

Diagnosis to date and as we could only handle her so much so as to not stress her out further, we will do pre-op bloodwork and her tickborne testing later as well as when she is healthy to spay her plus do her vaccines. A fecal test will be done once I have a sample.

1) Big skin issues – suspected sarcoptic mange – will rule out dΓ©modΓ©tic mange when we can do skin scrapings as her Vet felt we should treat for sarcoptic first. – On Revolution
2) Skin infections – on Antiobiotics – picked up 168 pills! 4 BID
3) Possible sunburn
4) Could have seasonal allergies and will wait a couple of days to see if the Antiobiotics are sufficient alone
5) Is not presenting as typical food allergies yet we will feed her a fish based kibble
6) Could not due an ear cytology today with her stress level yet other than tons of wax, her ears were not presenting as obviously infected. Could have ear mites and the Revolution will help with any eat more issues. As she settles will clean ears and do a cytology as needed.
7) The shelter gave her Revolution on September 1st and we will give her one does every two weeks for three more doses.
8) Overgrown nails yet with her stress level they can wait
8) Her weight was 48.2 kgs for us today(106.04 pounds) – she is sorely in need of muscle mass/weight and to build up strength
9) Suspected UTI as she strained to urinate and went in several small spots in small amounts -on antibiotics now and will do a UA when she is more settled if needed
10) Needs training -pulls and has a mind of her own and not hesitant to mouth to *warn* when she does not want to do something.
11) Some barrier aggression in the car to a Golden Retriever leaving KAH and the male Owner. Was completely fine with the male volunteer driver that was at the same location as me picking up a dog himself to go to another rescue. Showed barrier aggressive to a woman walking on the sidewalk with her rolling shopping bag and to another man with a helmet in his hand walking to his parked motor cycle. Had no issues with the man at the drive through that I went to in order buy another bottle of water. No issues with anyone at KAH either. It was not fear based. She took an instant dislike to them. No issues with anyone at KAH either. It was not fear based. She took an instant dislike to them. This is NOT necessarily indicative of her *norm* temperament/personality. She had already had a stressful time being in a shelter, and then on a transport of three legs and then at KAH etc. She is great with Sean/Mason & Kinsley. In fact, she ADORES Mason!
12) Was told by the shelter that the O. said that she had been attacked by a small dog and did not retaliate yet now does not like small dogs. The shelter said she was good with the dogs at the shelter…at KAH she showed inappropriate interest in two dogs there – JRT and another small dog. Corrected well
13) Has eye infections and is on antibiotics
14) We were told that she does not like to be in a run or crated and that is so true – kennelled her at KAH for a bit while I made up meds and now she is crated in our house. She made it clear that she did not and was not wanting to go in…same as being weighed and she & I had some *conversation* about this and she was weighed and is now calm in her crate here.
15) She will be proactively & preventatively de-wormed
16) She has had so many babies… πŸ™ Her poor body. When she is healthy, she shall be spayed
17) The Vet feels that some of her feet issues – swelling, bleeding are from constant urine exposure

She is a *hot mess* and lots of physical and emotional plus behavioural work ahead yet she looses so much potential!!

Two more photo’s of BHRR’s Giselle’s body:

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Some photo’s of BHRR’s Giselle’s body:

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Got her!

Photo from our ride to Kanata Animal Hospital!

Smaller in height female Great Dane, mind of her own, sweet overall, manners uhmmmm….we will work on that! Shelter had her at 48.9 kgs(107.58 pounds).

More from her Vet visit soon…the poor thing….


She is now on her way!! Photo compliments of Andreanne.

I am doing the last leg and am leaving in a few minutes to make the drive.

I am then hoping to get her into the Hospital today to be seen. The transport times came out late last night and so I could not make an appointment in advance. With her skin issues, want her seen ASAP. πŸ™‚

Isn’t she truly lovely?!

Still nameless and we will meet her first to get a better idea of name for her and great suggestions to date!!

Please feel free to post more name idea’s!

Soon lovely lady….soon you shall be in my arms and you have no idea yet how much love from the BHRR village that is ready to be showered upon you!!


Happy Labour Day Monday to all!

With the approved adoption of BHRR’s Gentle Jake yesterday, we have a spot and this young lady is next in need of us.


This special ~2 year old Dane is who I have been working quietly on behind the scenes over this last week (September 1st) with some truly amazing women.

She is why BHRR exists. To be there for Dogs like her.

She ended up at a shelter as the Owner could not afford to take care of her, especially with her skin issues. She had little chance of being adopted and per the shelter that reached out to us, they were so worried that they would have to put her to sleep.

No only did the shelter reach out to us yet a person who works with a wonderful volunteer network plus with this shelter also contacted us.

Without hesitation, we want to help her…she is BHRR’s Herbie-licious(now successfully rehabbed and adopted!) all over again with that poor skin…her feet look incredibly painful. Is it seasonal and/or food related? We shall find out. Her auto immune system is clearly run down.

She needs a name….currently she is being called a name by the shelter that we have had two Danes over the past 20.5 years be called, and one of those Danes is presently in our adoptive programs and also living with us, so, a new name this beauty will need. A new name for a new wonderful beginning, fresh with all the care and love she needs and deserves!

Name guru’s! HELP?!

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AND BHRR’s Gentle Jake is now in his forever loving adoptive home! ADOPTED!

Took over four months of patience as there were so many wrong inquiries and a couple of wrong apps sent our way for him yet here we are today!

That is *Jewel* , a foster with NSD(National Service Dog – their third). πŸ™‚

Thank you so much to Mason, Alex and Karen for helping to do this home-visit. Thank you to this home for going through our thorough adoption process and being so wonderful to work with!!

BHRR’s Bell you rocked it beautifully and your own right matched forever loving home is out there! πŸ™‚

We are now working our way home through tons of traffic yet another glorious weather driving day!

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So as to let the sun also shine on this beautiful beauty, here is a photo of BHRR’s Bell from the home-visit today. πŸ™‚

Karen and I are convinced that she was posing and also wanted her picture taken where we did BHRR’s Gentle Jakes’ approved adoption ones.πŸ™‚ She kept going back and standing by the hostas. πŸ˜€ So I pulled out my phone and went to snap my pictures and I got this one before the foster dog of the home photo bombed the rest! :p

BHRR’s Bell had a strong connection to their foster dog with NSD(National Service Dog) and was as playful as we have ever seen her to be yet she did not have connection with the people in the home.

The longer we were there the more she wanted to sit on my lap or lay at my feet and began to show she was further not comfortable and not wishing to leave my side much except to play off and on with their foster dog.

She made it clear that this was not the right matched forever loving him for her and that is completely fine. πŸ™‚ Her own right matched personality fit home is out there and we all remain patient….we are so patient. πŸ™‚

Doesn’t she look gorgeous!!!???!


After a long day between work and then a 5+ hour drive, we are finally in our motel room for the night!

Blows my mind every time we come to the SWO area how fast people drive the closer to the TO area I get!!! Eeek! πŸ˜€

Tomorrow is the home-visit in Waterloo for a possible approved adoption for either BHRR’s Bell or BHRR’s Gentle Jake.

Would be wonderful if this is the right matched forever loving home for one of them yet if not, both will have had another great travel and people visit experience. All of these experiences make them so much more well balanced and rounded.

Both are fabu travel companions – once BHRR’s Gentle Jake was a gentleman and shared the backseat of the car :p – he got in the car and just splayed all out at first!

They are excellent motel buds also and have made many new friends here already!! A crowd they both drew as we checked in. πŸ™‚

We hope all of our friends and family are enjoying this beautiful long weekend and we will post an update as soon as we can as to how the home-visit goes!

I am not one for dogs on beds and couches as many know and BHRR’s Gentle Jake feels the same for he totally completely respected the bed space. Quick few pics and he was off comfy on one of the Costco Dog beds we brought. πŸ™‚

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After a long day between work and then a 5+ hour drive, we are finally in our motel room for the night!

Blows my mind every time we come to the SWO area how fast people drive the closer to the TO area I get!!! Eeek! πŸ˜€

Tomorrow is the home-visit in Waterloo for a possible approved adoption for either BHRR’s Bell or BHRR’s Gentle Jake.

Would be wonderful if this is the right matched forever loving home for one of them yet if not, both will have had another great travel and people visit experience. All of these experiences make them so much more well balanced and rounded.

Both are fabu travel companions – once BHRR’s Gentle Jake was a gentleman and shared the backseat of the car :p – he got in the car and just splayed all out at first!

They are excellent motel buds also and have made many new friends here already!! A crowd they both drew as we checked in. πŸ™‚

We hope all of our friends and family are enjoying this beautiful long weekend and we will post an update as soon as we can as to how the home-visit goes!

I am not one for dogs on beds and couches as many know and BHRR’s Gentle Jake/BHRR’s Bell feel the same for they totally completely respected the bed space. Quick few pics and they were off comfy on the Costco Dog beds we brought. πŸ™‚



A great photo of BHRR’s Steam from her picnic snack play date on June 18th!


*CORRECTION: Location Address is: 5919 PERTH STREET, Richmond, Ontario*

Our next microchip clinic is being hosted with Dr. Zak at Pet Valu Richmond on Saturday September 10th!

Dr. Zak has now been with us for 8 microchip clinics to date and this is #9!
*No appointments necessary
*We are inside so rain or shine!
*10 AM – 4 PM

Our accreditation per CVO requirements to host this microchip clinic shall also be posted.

We shall also be doing dog baths, ear cleanings, nails for cats & dogs and will have some merchandise for sale! Come meet some of the big dawgs of BHRR! More details in poster.

All monies raised shall go towards helping to pay off the bills for BHRR’s Dyson’s partial tail amputation that is scheduled for September 8th.

BHRR has been precedent setting/instrumental over the past almost 10 years with our Microchip Clinics in our efforts of having more dogs/cats hopefully find their way home should they become lost or stolen by being chipped.

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My two surgical patients last night. πŸ™‚

BHRR’s Potter is doing so well! The histiopathology should be back next week as to what type of soft tissue sarcoma this is. He has now had $845.00 donated extremely generously and kindly to his bills at KAH.

There really are no words meaningful enough to tell all of his angels what their beautiful hearts of well wishes, caring words and the financial donations have meant! We feel truly privileged to walk among such really inspirational people….thank you!

Kanata Animal Hospital is open again to 8 pm if anyone may consider a donation towards his bills. I will post the new total of those shortly. 613-836-2848 or donations can be made via email transfer to or via PayPal to We remain deeply touched and humbled by so many. Potter you are one loved dude!!!

In this picture, BHRR’s Potter is here with one of my own Danes, my Big Blue Bronson, and he was diagnosed as some now know, shortly before his 9th Birthday at the beginning of June with an oral mass squamous cell carcinoma. Long story that is still being written yet he went in for his own surgery yesterday and had a good post op first night…. πŸ™‚

Next week, BHRR’s Dyson is having his partial tail amputation so our recovery area at BHRR is a busy one right now.

Both the Potterman and Bronson are enjoying the two fish tanks, the couch, the futon bed and the wall to wall windows, not to mention all the hands of love and laps to rest on by the Boerskins as they heal. πŸ˜€ Sean and I took turns resting/sleeping with them last night. πŸ™‚

Happy Friday from us to you!


BHRR’s Potter’s leg post-op.
