
I have been following your blog — these are lucky dogs who come under your care. Thank you for the work you do, and for sharing the stories of these amazing dogs.

Speedy recovery wishes for Herc!




Per Dr. Liston, there is no infection at this time. I got BHRR’s Hercules in before anything nasty truly brewed. Yay!

The first fine needle aspirate had normal results. The second fine needle aspirate – you can see in the first photo posted below the small trickle of blood where they both were taken – showed a slightly higher than normal white blood cell count yet, per Dr. Liston was still not at the infection stage.

In his expert opinion, the redness/purple colour(there is no heat and is not hard etc.) is lots of bruising that has happened as BHRR’s Hercules has been healing and naturally moving and, the seroma in that area is now draining again.

Dr. Liston recommended to wrap up that area again for the next two days to help provide some support.

As BHRR’s Hercules finished up his antibiotics on Monday, and, it was after that, when his incision site began to then worsen, Dr. Liston would like to see him back on antibiotics for the next ten days.

Dr. Liston also removed what staples he could, yet, as Hercules is healing so slowly, he is leaving the rest of the staples plus sutures in for up to another ten days. He asked me to email him photo’s to keep him updated on how things look to help determine when the rest can come out.

Dr. Liston was so pleased with how almost all of the incision site looked and, mentioned more than once how amazing and what a good boy Hercules was. I did not even have to hold him while the staples were being removed. All of Dr. Listons’ staff made a point of visiting him today!

There was another area – in the corner that Dr. Liston expressed a mild concern over. One side was great yet, the other, being that it was a corner, was not healing as well as he would like for being 12 days post-op. He told me that this spot can be harder to heal on many front leg amputations, and, with all the amputations we have done on the front to date, I have been blessed that they have done so well!

He is worried that everything in that area if not careful and, he removed the staples too soon, the incision would rip open like thin paper. I have actually seen this once in the past at a place I worked, when sutures and staples had been removed – everything appeared to the Vet staff to be healed well – and, the owner came back half an hour later and the whole incision site was completely open. So, I do understand what Dr. Liston is referring to and, why even if we are now day 12, that he wants to wait another ten days (unless the healing comes sooner) before removing any other staples or sutures.

AND, I want to send out the biggest thanks to BHRR’s Hercules two newest Angels – Darcie and Judy! We had a total of $70 in new donations come in today for his Vet Bills!! Thank you both!!!

In the photo – the one side of his cone came loose and, opened up – so, it is hanging down….all fixed now!

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $1,520.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,790.53
*Before PayPal fees
Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom
Heather W.
Maggie P.
Jennifer H.
Community Education & Public Awareness Event at PV Hazeldean
McGrath Family

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BHRR’s Hercules and I are hanging at Liston Animal Hospital with their great staff!
Unfortunately, one part of his amputation site began to take a sudden turn for the worse and I brought him in. We are now 12 days post leg amputation.

Not the best pictures….

He is eating and drinking well, no vomiting or diarrhea and his personality remains full and happy!

Dr. Liston took his temperature and, no fever. He is doing some needle biospsies plus a thorough exam.

If anyone may still consider his cause – his total vet bills are over $3,700 at this time – you can donate directly to his amputation and post-op bills at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966. He is an incredible dog that has overcome so much in his neglected life prior to Rescue!

We will take donations via email transfer and PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org also.

Will update with Dr. Liston’s findings and treatment as soon as we can. Please keep him in your best wishes…..

Love this dog so very much!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $1,425.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom
Heather W.
Maggie P.
Jennifer H.
Community Education & Public Awareness Event at PV Hazeldean

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I think BHRR’s Porridge has settled in nicely for his special overnight picnic play date!
Thanks to his wonderful ‘date’ in sharing this photo!
His special date rented a hotel room with a king size bed for this!


BHRR’s Porridge is off for his special overnight picnic play date!
After a bit of an ‘eventful’ beginning , things should be fabu wonderful!
Have fun, do not hog the bed and, see you tomorrow BHRR’s Papaya Boy!
The photo’s below are of him drinking from the sink at KAH this AM!

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Here are two photo’s – one of BHRR’s Herbie-licious and one of BHRR’s Salem from Saturday May 24th at our community education plus public awareness event at PV Stittsville. 🙂

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My last post of the weekend is one of so many thanks being sent out to so many!

Our second community education event of 2015 was outstanding! AND, as always, none of the success of having people come out to learn not just about BHRR or meet some of our dogs, yet, being able to see more animals microchipped, having the opportunity to talk about altering, pexies, correct nutrition and proper collars for Giants, r/q breeders plus r/q rescues etc., would not have been possible without PV Hazeldean and their incredible staff! We really enjoy being at your location!

The success of the day would not have been possible without Chrissy’s assistance with the lovely poster, the Volunteers that gave up their Saturday to be there for BHRR – Margaret( our incredible treasurer at most of these events), Aaron, Cherie, Serena and, also Stephanie!

Thank you! A million thank you’s!

AND, no event could be successful without the supporters – old and new – that came out with and without pets and talked with us, shared with us and, laughed plus yup, even welled up with some tears with us!!!

Everyone together has made another strong link on the BHRR Chain Of Success happen for over $520 was raised to help BHRR’s Hercules and, the portion that Declan your donation of your allowance shall go towards BHRR’s Herbie, The Love Bug just as you wish.

Below is a photo of BHRR’s Griffin who did so well at his first event with Stephanie!

Now, I know he ‘may’ look’ big yet, let me put it into perspective.  That is part of the Herbie-licious snoozing on the red carpet also!

He weighs about 60 pounds now, is about 8 months of age and, is closer to my camera than Stephanie is. Additionally, Stephanie is a petite soul weighing just over 100 pounds herself. So, BHRR’s Griffin looks much bigger to some than he really is.

BHRR’s Herbie-licious now has to work on his distraction leash manners when being held by volunteers/strangers and, BHRR’s Salem, your second event appearance was a super star one!!

As the weekend comes to a wonderful close, thank you to everyone that stands by the work that we do with sincerity plus heart, and, is always there with a kind word, caring hands of help plus goodness for the dogs and, in making it possible for us to carry through with success in our 19th year of operation!

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BHRR’s Herbie-licious The Love Bug weighed 44.3 Kgs(97.46 pounds) today! Yippppeee! When he first arrived to BHRR, he was barely 68 pounds! WTG!

We did several skin scrapings – between toes, side, elbow and neck and ONLY half of a démodéctic mite was found! Yes! Yes!

My wonderful fellow co-workers remarked on his HAIR! OH yeah!! He has lots of hair now – still coming in on belly, sides and elbows plus between his toes BUT, yes, he has tons of glorious gorgeous hair now.

So, one more month of the ivermectin – 3 mls for now as the new dose – and, a recheck in one month with updated weights during that time to be sure, he is being dosed correctly.

We took blood for a heartworm test and, also for testing for tickborne diseases plus for his pre-op Bloodwork in prep for a de-twinkling!

With his Vet’s support and agreement, he will not begin any vaccine protocol until he is démodéctic mange free, so at least one more month before that can even be considered.

AND, they took a good close look at that back right leg again for he has limped since he arrived and, in the beginning it could have been due to all the allergies plus mange. He was in so much pain and discomfort and his feet were so raw, his whole body was.

Suspected partial cruciate at this time yet, his Vet would also like to rule out hips. He is not painful in the hips. He is uncomfortable in exam on that knee though. There is no swelling, no heat and nothing to indicate it is his Cruciate but he clearly is limping.

He will have x-days when neutered and, all the cyst like spots between his toes are gone having had antibiotic treatment. the Vet had researched that with the mites being really deep this is not impossible to have those types of cysts like marks. A biopsy was not done due to the successful resolution of them!

Getting there Love Bug! You are going to make a home an absolutely delightful addition!

He will be at PV Hazeldean with us on Saturday May 23rd from 10-4 pm for anyone who would like to experience some Herbie-licious love!

Here is another photo from Canine Water Wellness today! He kept BHRR’s Gretta company while she had her 8th session


Someone was lucky to hang out at CWW today with the lovelies while, BHRR’s Gretta had her 8th hydrotherapy session!
It is everyone’s favourite Love Bug! – Herbie-licious!
We are now on our way to KAH for his latest weight plus recheck appointment!


BHRR’s Hercules’ incision! 6 days post-amputation.
Some have asked me how many staples and sutures he has….I have not yet counted.
UPDATED: to say that I stopped counting when I reached 70 staples and 10 sutures……with each one I counted, I gave him a kiss……and, he gave me a tail thump wag. When I reached that total, I just stopped…confirms just how incredibly courageous he is…
He is doing SO well…still some drainage, very little now and, it shall be 1 week tomorrow that he had his surgery.
He is such a brave and strong boy!
Once he is ready, he will be headed to Canine Water Wellness to benefit from their expertise, talent, heart and, kindness.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $775.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom
Heather W.
Maggie P.
Jennifer H.

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Bandage is now off!

Photo’s are not the best yet, incision looks really good. Really good!
Some swelling and bruising, absolutely and, we did manage to keep the bandage on to today. I was able to take a peek under yesterday and, things were fine. He does have some seroma area’s also. Not abnormal.

The photo is after we took the bandages off, picked up the towels we had on the floor and, was giving him a break before cleaning the incision area. He was such a brave boy!!! Super star patient!

He has one area where he is having quite a bit seepage and draining and, I took a small video and, sent off for two of his Vet Team to take a peek to confirm all is ok. Thumbs up!! Thank you!

Being that there was more than I have ever seen on an amputee in the past BHRR has done and knowing that he had a higher than ‘norm’ blood loss during his amputation surgery plus post-op, (hence all the packing), I want to be sure all was ok.

AND, at this time, he has had no more draining. Walked him for a bit and, that seemed to help things settle……

Edited to say: that we are back having some draining as he was laying down and got back up….

He is eating and, drinking well – his urine is a bit more concentrated than I would like to see still, taking his meds and, now wearing his fashionable lampshade for as we were taking the bandages off and cleaning him up and, then afterwards – that elastoplast tape residue is going to be around for awhile! – he was trying to lick and scratch.

He is none to impressed with me at this time!

Treats are helping make the world a ‘good place’ again though!

He has now had his pain meds for the night and, is chilling…….|

AND, we want to thank his newest angels of Heather W. and also, Wendi of Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue for the consideration of donations to his mounting Vet Bills. Truly, humbled…..as always….

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $775.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom
Heather W.
Maggie P.
Jennifer H.

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Look who is enjoying some Vitamin D on our front lawn?!
Looking mighty fine BHRR’s Hercules! 48 hours post op amputation….
I will be removing his bandages later tonight for unfortunately the bleeding has come through the thick packing padding and Elastoplast.
I need to take a look under there and, see…..
Having lived with such terrible chronic pain for so long with the untreated broken leg, he is feeling like a million bucks in many ways!
He is doing extremely well.

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(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $730.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom
Heather W.

My last post for my night, is about BHRR’s Pretty Pearl! I know people have been waiting with bated breath to see her next rehab journey instalment….
Well, it is WORTH the wait…..
Here is a video of her three weeks to the day that she arrived to BHRR!
Look who is not ONLY up on my bed yet, playing with me! First time! 
She has come light years from when she first arrived and, though she still has a long journey ahead, this was a huge leap. 
Still flighty, nervous, head will come down, tail tucked up to the belly at times, hand-shy and, startles at quite a few things yet, those bricks of a strong foundation are being laid with her comfort, confidence and being able to begin to like herself and her own company!

BHRR’S Pearl VIDEO MAY 17th, 2015

This morning on my way into work at KAH, I dropped off The Lion King Pumbaa for his special picnic and overnight date! Not the best photo of the picnic that he helped me make but, a photo!
To also update all on BHRR’s Hercules, he took all of his meds like a trooper this AM, had a small bite to eat of wet food and, ate with enthusiasm and, I then left him in Sean’s more than capable hands while I left for work with Pumbaa.
Sean was going to drop him off to stay with me at the Hospital later this AM yet, Herc is doing so well. Truly, one of the best recovery post-op amputees that we have had in our 19+ history to date. May it continue for him… Absolutely, amazing how he is bouncing…..such a brave boy!
I am off to home myself now to check on him, get him to eat some more, drink something if possible also and, take his temp. He was high normal when I left this AM.
If he is a thumbs up, after myself now having been up over 24 hours straight, I am headed to la la land myself for a bit!
Hope as always, everyone is having a happy and safe enjoyable weekend!!


Big stretch, yawn and, posting a GOOD morning to all! Look who is up!
Made that good turn so far around 5 AM and, has been up and outside – wobbly bobbly as we are still weak and a bit doped plus have to figure out the three legged thing a bit better.
He did not do anything yet, he was able to stand and then sit with Sean as I cleaned up his crate for he had peed in there, which is also not uncommon.
We are now all cleaned up, and, though panting from some discomfort – more Meds coming soon his way – he is wagging his tail more to see me and, is more perky!
Oh! Hercules you make me feel so happy with how FABU you are!
I am off for a quick shower now and then, heading into work….

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $730.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom
Heather W.


Midnight Update to all of the late night vampires out there!
He is resting well, a low grade fever has emerged – not abnormal – and he is being monitored closely…..infections can spring up in a blip….pulse and respiration normal and, he is hanging strong. Brave boy!
He even wagged his tail for me………..
Wishing all a restful and safe night….from myself and BHRR’s Hercules, a star patient!


BHRR’s Hercules
We are all settled in his 54″ colossal crate and, he is being so stoic. Watching his temperature closely and, understandably weak…..
Will be a long night yet, that is why I am here! For him……for whatever he needs…….
Thank you Dr. Liston and staff again for the amazing care, the donation of the blanket and, helping me get him into my car.
THANKS to Mason and Sean for helping me get him into the house – he is not mobile at all as we keep him sedated.
Now, we take it in stages….first one is 4 hours, then another 4 and, then another 4 to get to 12 hours…..
Feeling so blessed to have been entrusted with him to do right by…….
Keep him in your thoughts and, his current vet bills stand at $3,513.72

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $680.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom


I got him! So happy to touch him and, give him a smooch.
We are now on our way home. He was such a good boy per Dr. Liston.
If anyone else wishes to consider his cause, you can donate directly to his leg amputation bills at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 or via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via paypal to gwen@birchhaven.org
I will remove the bandages in three days and, I have two injections of hydromorphone for him to help him over the next 12 hours – he is still doped from his last injection at LAH so, even though he is ‘due’ for one around 6 pm, we will hold off for a bit. He had a lot of blood loss yet, pulled through well.
Dr. Liston said he is very happy with the surgery and his incision site.
Antibiotics in hand plus he can also have Deramaxx 100 mg and Tramadol 100 mg TID. We are going to make sure he is feeling no discomfort.
He has a mixture of staples(they used two boxes and ran out) and so, also sutures.
Today, is the first of a new life for you my dear sweet man…..I am so excited for what life shall bring your way.
Go Hercules!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $680.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom

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UDPATE: BHRR’s Hercules is out of surgery! It went well and, I am on my way shortly to get him……

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes and, also the consideration of donations to his bills. People can call direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966! So grateful.

Email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.or or via PayPal is equally fine and, deeply embraced with sincerest of appreciation……

Will post an update when I have him. It has been a long day……yet, he was in the best of hands!!!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $680.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom


AND, Sean is off with BHRR’s Hercules!

I almost cannot believe that the day has finally come….eagerly waiting yet, also nervous in a way…..does not matter how many needed amputations we do in our special needs programs, they all make me a bit worried until I have them home plus settled.

What a journey to date with getting him healthy – over 45 pounds lost, gorgeous muscle mass and, muscle tone gained – to the point that we can now remove that terribly affected leg…..

For those who may not remember his story, he is the handsome blue GD that we were contacted to assist that was dumped at a kill shelter, with an untreated broken leg.

He is headed to Liston Animal Hospital with Sean now for the leg amputation and, if anyone would like to donate direct to his bills – shall be in the several thousands and, deserving plus worthy of every nickel! – you can contact Liston Animal Hospital directly 613-591-0966. We continue to be deeply honored by each piece of support sent to those in need of our programs at BHRR. He has an account ‘Hercules’.

We ended up short where we hoped/wished/suppose to be on a surgical deposit yet, we are an all go.

Donations can also be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

This amputation is his only chance at having a proper quality filled life moving forward and, to all that have met this personality filled, ever so talkative sweetie, they would agree that while his past was so painful and hard, that his future is full of so much potential!!!

Please keep him in your thoughts……I spent the night having extra body slammed cuddles(he is so affectionate!!!) and, loving…..

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Hercules under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $580.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,590.53
*Before PayPal fees
Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF

I want to take some time to show a most appreciative and deeply indebted post of thanks to Global Pet Foods – Bank Street – Fran and, her incredible staff plus the community in making their annual ‘Show Us Your Heart’ Campaign such a success!
We were contacted by Fran asking if we would be ok having BHRR chosen as the benefactors in this annual heart-warming event.
We were honoured and, all monies that would be raised – be it $5, $50 or more, would go to BHRR’s Gretta’s emergency surgery bills for her leg surgery.
When Fran contacted myself to say that the check had arrived and, what the total raised by so many angels was, I immediately burst into tears…yup….I did!
BHRR’s Gretta’s bills at that time were $4,874.09 and, we had managed with small fundraisers and donations from her village to raise: $1,078.65.
Global Pet Foods – Bank Street and, the supportive village raised: $1,600.11 in their annual Show US Your Heart Event for BHRR’s Gretta.
A grand total to date of $2,678.76 has now been raised for BHRR’s Gretta!
NONE of this would have been possible without each of you believing in our efforts AND, Fran, you and your lovely staff have equally blessed us SO much! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
The sad news is that BHRR’s Gretta has to go back to see Dr. Liston for, she has not recovered as well as should be expected from her surgery.
She has also had 7 Hydrotherapy sessions also and her progress of improvement has been minimal. 🙁
We will continue to update as we learn more and whatever she needs, she will receive…….
Our annual event at Kanata Animal Hospital on July 12th shall see BHRR’s Gretta benefit from monies raised to continue to help her with her mounting Vet Bills.
Please keep her in your best wishes plus thoughts……

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Dr. Liston’s office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 591-0966 OR in person at Liston AH with cash, debit or credit card
4055 Carling Avenue,
Kanata, ON
K2K 2A4

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Gretta’s Great Angels:  $2,678.76* donated to date & current bills are $5,252.90
*Before PayPal fees
Maggie on behalf of FREEDOM DANE BHRR’s Adele – Mama to BHRR’s Gretta
The Janzen Family
Lianne’s Neighbour
Grooming For Gretta – Sweetheart Spa Fundraiser – $650.65
Global Pet Foods – Bank Street – $1,600.11

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A few wonderful words from the home that shall be having a special picnic play date with BHRR’s Coco Chanel.

“We are looking forward to having Coco Chanel for a picnic date! She is such a sweet pup with no fear. You quickly forget she is vision impaired after interacting with her for a few minutes. Coach is also great and his logical reasoning amazes me!”


From Lynne:
“We drove the Sudbury to Mattawa leg and he was a great traveller but moving him from car to car was difficult. He was very frightened and I don’t think had much experience riding in cars.”

From Cheryl:
“I’ve heard from Nancy and Dan that their leg went well.”

From Lori-Anne
“Hi Lynne, I’m so glad your leg of the trip went well with that sweet “little” boy-pup, Griffin. To see his fear was so heart-wrenching, but knowing this is all contributing to a new beginning for him helped make up for it. I’ll bet he has never had so much love shown to him by so many people in one day! I’ll be looking forward to hearing that he arrives at his destination safe and sound. Be blessed today!”

From Margaret:
“Griffin is a beautiful and gentle baby.  I got a few kisses from him..  He arrived at KAH at about 2:20.  He is on his way to BHRR and more love than he can imagine.”

From Lianne:
“Meet Griffin this afternoon, we can verify he is 100% sweetie.”

From Gwen:
“Have lots of photo’s and, he came out of the car no issues at KAH. 🙂 Had a large poop and, drank a bit of water at the Hospital and, we took some time just to chill in the hospital…  

 He is a lovely mixture of a number of breeds, Schx possible. Now, an honorary giant of BHRR. 

 Thank you everyone for helping to get him to us!!! 

 Will send photo’s when we are home and settled…. “

From Rose:
“Thank you so much to everyone involved in getting GRIFFIN out of the Pound and into the arms of Gwen at Birch Haven. I just spoke with Gwen and GRIFFIN is doing wonderfully.

Have a great weekend everyone.”

From Lynne:
“Thank you so much everyone. He was so stressed this morning that I was really worried about him. Now I can relax!!
He is going to be a wonderful companion for some lucky person/family.
Thanks everyone. We did a really good thing today!!!”

From Nora:
“Hello all
While Griffin seemed apprehensive getting into my car, he laid down in the hatch and didn’t make a sound the entire way.  He poked his head up once to look around when we went over a rough patch of pavement, then went down again.  You would never know there was a dog onboard.  I talked to him enroute in what I hoped was a soothing, upbeat voice, hoping to reassure him somewhat.  The transfer went smoothly.  Griffin’s eyes are limpid pools filled with sad stories; he touched my heart.”

From Nora when the two below photo’s were forwarded onward to everyone who helped make his rescue possible:
“Delightful!  In the first pic, I can see a glimmer of hope in Griffin’s eyes.  I do love the second pic of him leaning against Margaret, which shows that in spite of his sad, young life, he is still willing to take a chance and trust, and his need for affection.  It’s heartening to see a happy ending to Griffin’s story.  Well done, all!”


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BHRR’s Ichabod Crane
~11 months of age
May 6th, 2015 lost to us…..
Another amazing Great Dane that had been affected by the contaminated food that had been sent our way in January 2015 by another group…..
The heartbreak, the continued pain has made us just raw with grief…….

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So, as I went to lay down for a bit – hard day on the heart – I am just answering some emails and, I see this pretty Harlie head and, then, a front foot, another front foot and, then I began holding my breath…..

Up came a body and, then, tentatively, a back leg and, by now, I am just staring at my phone, trying to be casual, acting normal while inside, I am like ‘OMG! OMG! WOW!’

Sean has said over the last two nights I worked that BHRR’s Pretty Pearl has been pining for me and, looking for me…..and, has been sad.

It is so good for her to be with other people without me and, when I come home, while I have been getting those low tail wags, she still keeps hovering and, floats around me for the most part, which is fine. She has only been with me less than two weeks. Rome was not built in a day!

Well, today she decided that as long as I made no big deal and, pretty much ignored her, she was climbing up on the bed to be near me.

Holy! What a gift!!

After she settled……I waited a few more minutes and, then very nonchalantly reached out a hand…..and, though, she tensed a bit, she did not fly away in fear…..

For the next few moments, though, she was not confident or comfortable to look at me, she kept an eye on me out of the corner of her eye, I stroked her soft fur……said a couple soft words of calm and, then, soaked up the moment!

I then took my hand away and just let her be……

We sat l, both almost holding our breath – for different reasons – for several seconds – and, like a flitting butterfly she was gone….

BUT, I did manage to snag a photo at one point during this extremely private leap of trust and, connection…..

Though, my heart is heavy from today, it is almost like this beautiful creature ‘knew’ and, gave me comfort this time……

All I can say is that, even after almost 28 years, interactions had with animals keep inspiring me and make me feel that something deeply special and magical happens when, there is a break through…..no matter how small….

Thanks for a moment in time I shall always cherish, BHRR’s Pearl!

Looking forward to the next life lesson and/or gift she graces me with!


BHRR’s Porridge was at the Vet with me on Monday. So, wish I had snagged a photo!
He had a recheck and, then his manicure/pedicure.
So, pleased to say that his weight is now 73.10 KGs(163.02 pounds). 
That is up from the 155.10 pounds he was on January 27th from recovering from food contamination of food sent our way on January 17th. He is still a far cry from his normal 178 lean body machine weight yet, we are slowly getting it back up. YES!
He had lost almost 22 pounds due to the food…and, the long-term effects of that contamination is still being felt with several of the BHRR dogs.
Sadly, he is developing hind end muscle wasting from the pred., yet, he needs to be on it, on 50 mg daily – yet, he needs it for his inflammatory nasal disease that he was diagnosed with in March of 2014. 
This miracle boy reached age 7 in March and, he is determined that he is going to stay with all that love him for as long as possible! 

Someone got me up WAY too early yet, it was so worth it!
Look at her tail and body plus head position now. Yes!!!!! It does not happen often, yet, to see her head no longer inches from the ground, tail no longer tucked right up to her belly, body posed in tenseness ready for flight, is lovely.
We will have more and more moments like these as time passes…..
As of this afternoon, it shall be one week since this beautiful special creature came into our lives……her progress has been absolutely heart-warming!
BHRR’s Pearl, when you look at me now, it is not with the same level of terror, confusion and fear…..you look at me with hope and, traces of the budding humbling beginnings of trust…..thank you for those gifts….
She now looks around my face area instead of complete avoidance and, I keep encouraging her, calmly, quietly and patiently……
She lacks so much in self-confidence and, has no clue how to like herself or her own company……yet, we will get there, brick by brick.
She will now put a paw on me when she feels I have been on the computer long enough and, as long as I remain casual, do not look at her, I can drop a hand down and rub her chest gently for a few seconds…..then, like a flitting butterfly she flutters away to hover around me…..
Yup, she has forged so fast her own well entrenched wonderful spot in my heart…
Happy Sunday to all!!


On May 3rd, I received the following additional information on “Griffin.” We still did/do not believe that he has any part Dane, let alone IW. 🙂 Transport organized for Saturday May 9th.

Photo’s are from April 30th.

“I think Griffin is a Great Dane / Irish Wolfhound mix.  I have appended a picture of him.  He is about 6 months, weighing about 55 lbs.”

GRIFFIN_April 30...2 GRIFFIN_April 30

All of us at BHRR would like to make this public post of the most sincerest plus filled with appreciative THANKS to two extremely generous, thoughtful, kind and, amazing homes.

Recently, we hosted our flash auction item of one of our extremely popular and, private BHRR ‘EXPERIENCES’ to help with BHRR’s Ani’s, one of our lovely BBBBB emergency bills. She had been rushed into KAH and had Blood-work, x-rays under sedation, one mass removed and, another punctured biopsy with both being sent to pathology. 
While her results have not come back for Cancer, her diagnosis came back as:

The condition is called fibromatous epulides of the periodontal ligament. Basically a growth of the periodontal ligament that can also displace the teeth. Apparently the prognosis following complete resection of these is good. To get complete resection however we’re likely to require excision of some of the bone, so removal of part of her mandible. Dr. Thatcher at Alta Vista Animal Hospital is who we are being referred to.
Additionally, as she is still spitting out food, a scope of her throat with possible further biopsies is also being scheduled and, at this time, I do not know at this time, the name of that specialist that she shall see.

With the removal of the one mass, she is at least eating better. 
With having just come off an emergency with BHRR’s Angel Noelle(who is doing so well!), we did a flash auction to help raise funds for some of BHRR’s Ani’s Vet Bills.
The balance remaining(after a rescue discount and, having received most generous $50 donation at KAH) at the time of the flash auction at KAH was $699.87.

In the last few hours of what turned out to be a historical moment for BHRR, one filled with excitement, nerves( by the end I was making a cup of tea & feeling sick to my stomach!) and, so many tears, a bid war erupted.

See, BHRR is the small Organization out there. We may assist giant breed dogs and horses and focus on the special needs – and, have since 1996 – we are still small. Almost 20 years later since we first opened our doors, we remain small with our priority on quality, patience and doing it right each and every time for each animal we are entrusted with. Therefore, being small,(we also do not receive any corporate or government assistance), we do not bring in large donations of monetary funds. So, to us $5 is truly huge, $50 massive and, anything larger than that makes my hands tremble and my knees weak……

What these two homes raised with their bidding to help this beautiful dog has never happened in our 19 plus years of existence. We may not be a huge group, we may not be the most well known group out there, but, let me say, we have some of the biggest hearts and, souls in our village, to be found anywhere!!

What these two angel homes have done for BHRR’s Ani, makes me really fail at finding the right words to express my thanks…..the love shown to this once abandoned, forgotten about Dane, has been beyond special.

Between the two of them, they have guaranteed that all of her bills at KAH have been taken care of and, that her initial bills that shall be incurred at Alta Vista Animal Hospital with the specialists shall also be paid for. BHRR’s Ani has the best of wonderful safety net, financially and emotionally that surrounds her as we move forward and, THANKS to these two unbelievably kind women/homes!

I have hugged BHRR’s Ani so many times to tell her that she is not to worry, that Angels surround her and, she is so loved……..

Thank you again to these two magnificent ladies/homes for making it this happen!

Sorry for the Gwennie Novel and, our next flash auction item shall be posted shortly. BHRR’s Hercules, the sweet Great Dane, now that he is healthy is scheduled for his leg amputation on May 15th at Liston AH. We are still short for a deposit for that surgery and, hope that this item will help raise some much needed funds.

All monies when they come in(June time-frame) from the PAW month that PV Stittsville so kindly chose BHRR – and, specifically BHRR’s Hercules for – shall go towards his amputation bills also.

Posted in Ani