Per Dr. Liston, there is no infection at this time. I got BHRR’s Hercules in before anything nasty truly brewed. Yay!

The first fine needle aspirate had normal results. The second fine needle aspirate – you can see in the first photo posted below the small trickle of blood where they both were taken – showed a slightly higher than normal white blood cell count yet, per Dr. Liston was still not at the infection stage.

In his expert opinion, the redness/purple colour(there is no heat and is not hard etc.) is lots of bruising that has happened as BHRR’s Hercules has been healing and naturally moving and, the seroma in that area is now draining again.

Dr. Liston recommended to wrap up that area again for the next two days to help provide some support.

As BHRR’s Hercules finished up his antibiotics on Monday, and, it was after that, when his incision site began to then worsen, Dr. Liston would like to see him back on antibiotics for the next ten days.

Dr. Liston also removed what staples he could, yet, as Hercules is healing so slowly, he is leaving the rest of the staples plus sutures in for up to another ten days. He asked me to email him photo’s to keep him updated on how things look to help determine when the rest can come out.

Dr. Liston was so pleased with how almost all of the incision site looked and, mentioned more than once how amazing and what a good boy Hercules was. I did not even have to hold him while the staples were being removed. All of Dr. Listons’ staff made a point of visiting him today!

There was another area – in the corner that Dr. Liston expressed a mild concern over. One side was great yet, the other, being that it was a corner, was not healing as well as he would like for being 12 days post-op. He told me that this spot can be harder to heal on many front leg amputations, and, with all the amputations we have done on the front to date, I have been blessed that they have done so well!

He is worried that everything in that area if not careful and, he removed the staples too soon, the incision would rip open like thin paper. I have actually seen this once in the past at a place I worked, when sutures and staples had been removed – everything appeared to the Vet staff to be healed well – and, the owner came back half an hour later and the whole incision site was completely open. So, I do understand what Dr. Liston is referring to and, why even if we are now day 12, that he wants to wait another ten days (unless the healing comes sooner) before removing any other staples or sutures.

AND, I want to send out the biggest thanks to BHRR’s Hercules two newest Angels – Darcie and Judy! We had a total of $70 in new donations come in today for his Vet Bills!! Thank you both!!!

In the photo – the one side of his cone came loose and, opened up – so, it is hanging down….all fixed now!

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $1,520.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,790.53
*Before PayPal fees
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