BHRR's Broker is going to be temp fostered as of Friday October 7th!

AND he has been doing so well!!!! He was the best boy at our recent BHRR's Experience Mini Open House and I am going to miss this boy when he goes to his temp foster home. 🙂 He will be good for him and give him more exposure to the public re: his availablity to being available for adoption. I am sure that his new temp foster home shall send pics and updates for us to post often! 🙂

To learn more about how you can become a temp foster for BHRR; please visit HERE.

L. Hasenhindl, ON, CDA

Your rescue is amazing and in the future I will contact you to adopt.  (I particularly like Big Ben).  I can’t take a dog at the present time.

BHRR's Apollo had been moved under a PENDING ADOPTION! We shall not be taking any more inquiries on BHRR's Apollo at this time. We will update his blog as we can re: his status. Thanks in advance for your understanding and patience.

BHRR's Rain ROCKED our Saturday BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House. She did a bit of barking with lots of tail wagging at our first two guests yet in giving them some ham to give to her; she was all model behavour and became Miss Social Butterfly!

This was her last 'test' before being placed up for adoption and she PASSED with flying colours and leaps plus bounds!

She is my little 'fireball'. Ms. Fiesty with a feminine twist! 😀

She has been absolutely a dream with the now 14 week old GD puppy in the house plus the new 8+ week old GD puppy.

Her new home would be advised to keep lots of treats on hand to give strangers when they first meet her so that she continues along this great path of socialibility! 🙂 LOVE this Saint Baby!

Her toe is healing really well and so at this time, she is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!!


BHRR's Rain – September 17th, 2011 – BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
*Photos courtesy of J. DeSantis

It was just brought to my attention that BHRR's Benjamin could well be a purebred GD. He would be considered a 'black & tan pointed'.

Yet, his nose is something else with that smelling of his! 😀


Regardless of where he is or is not PB, he is all lovebug and adored! 🙂

BHRR's 4th ANNUAL Dinner Boat Cruise & Live/Silent Auction Fundraiser is being held on Saturday October 1st! We ONLY have 7 tickets left AND you can pay via PayPal (; email transfer to (please ensure that we have the pw) OR Bank Draft! The boat is reserved ONLY for BHRR participants and their guests.

BHRR is still looking for items for our Live & Silent Auction for this Fundraiser. BHRR ONLY hosts 3 planned Fundraisers a year and this is our second fundraiser event for 2011.

BHRR does not receive any corporate or federal/provincial government funding.

If you have any items that you would like to donate to BHRR; pleae email! THANKS so much!!!!!


Paula L, Orleans, ON

Boers Family, again, it was a complete pleasure spending the day with you at the BHRR 'Experience' Open House yesterday. The dogs were so well behaved, if not adorable :o). I can honestly say that when I am there, standing among them all, it brings me such happiness to see how happy and content these animals all are. Thank you again for letting share this day with you.

J. DeSantis, NY, USA

Gwen and Sean, what a wonderful open house today! The dogs were beautifully behaved and full of love for everybody, and it was terrific to meet familiar friends and see new faces! It was a perfect way to usher in autumn!

Margaret A, Ottawa, ON

Thank you so much for the lovely day. I am amazed at all you do. All those beautiful Gentle Giants have a wonderful new start in life because of all your love and attention. Can't wait for November.

M. Bird, Orleans, ON

Gwen and Sean – Thank you so much for opening your home and sharing such a wonderful experience. What you do in incredible and I have no doubt that if they could talk, each and every dog that goes through BHRR would thank you from the bottom of their hearts for your compassion, dedication, understanding of their canine needs and your determination to make their lives better.

Lana & Warren, Ottawa, ON

Gwen and Sean, Thank you so much for inviting Warren and I (of Pet-errific) to your open house at your home today. We have been talking all day about the wonderful things you do. We can't believe how well behaved & loved all of your rescues are. It was a tremendously uplifting day for us and makes us even more determined to help out any way we can. Bless you and all of the goodness you bring to this world. Thank you so much. Lana & Warren

~Kirie~ H.

Dear Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation,

First, I would like to express how much respect and appreciation I have for organizations like you.
It is people like you who have always guided my actions with regards to animals.


BHRR's Maggie May weighted 36.6 KGs(82.72 pounds on Saturday. She looks great.

I took her to go on a visit to Kathryn, the wonderful soul who did her grooming when she first arrived. It was a very special reunion between both!

We stayed for 2 hours and the time just flew by!

We shall have to go back soon!!!!

BHRR's Maggie May had a great day herself! 🙂

Dr. Adams, Kanata, ON, CDA

I am glad to have been helpful for your dogs- I think that you are doing a great service with your rescue. It takes an amazing amount of dedication; let alone time & money.


thanks again,


The blog update that I know many have been waiting to see posted! 😉 BHRR's Goliath has become one of the all time top fav additions to BHRR for our blog readers to follow! As I have typed back at quite a few people who have messaged, emailed and called me, please do come to BHRR to not only meet him for yourself yet have the 'GOLIATH' experience yourself so that you can then submit a blog for me to post! 😀

Some think that he was named 'Goliath' because of his size. I like to think that someone named him 'Goliath' due to his GOLIATH personality! LOL I truly cannot believe that I have not been able to grab some time to post another blog before now on this amazing personality plus filled clown character boy! I find it also hard to believe that my last post was on August 24th…so this is a bit overdue.

So, here I go…rolling up my sleeves and preparing to type a Gwennie novel about one very special and incredible IW named Goliath. 😀

BHRR's Goliath and I have come to a bit of an understanding these days….progress for sure yet still a ways to go! I get to bed most nights/early mornings rather around 3:30 – 4:00 AM.  Before I go to bed, I ensure all the dogs go outside for one final bathroom opportunity.

1) BHRR's Goliath is positively a dream to get into his crate these days. No fuss and he settles down wonderfully.

2) Sean is up by 5:30 AM and then lets all those that want to go out, go and of course, BHRR's Goliath is up and at 'em

3) After BHRR's Goliath goes outside; he likes to come in, drink a big drink of water and then thunder into the master bedroom, jump on the bed and 'share' it with me….I honestly cannot think of a better way to wake up….<rolls eyes!> LOL

4) We have discovered that regardless if the front door is closed(we have an automatic door closer now)…which MAKES no difference whatsoever to dogs that can open the door and thanks to dogs like BHRR's Dana, BHRR's Kingston, PPSS; BHRR"s Goliath also knows how to open the door!

5) So, it was a few lovely AM 'wake-up' calls like this that untiil it was learnt that BHRR's Goliath can open the front door by himself. So, now we close the front door and the door to the sunroom, so that BHRR's Goliath does not have this amazing opportunity to share that water with me…and believe me, he only drinks so much. He likes to take the rest and come share it will me!

6) Once BHRR's Goliath has shared some water with me, he likes to try and climb into the shower with Sean and if he cannot get into the shower, he likes to see who else might like to 'play' at that time of the AM. His two newest best friends in the world is our SN's GD Bleach(1 year on September 12th) and the now 3 month old GD puppy here – JS. LOVELY! For they are still very much in their own training regimes and basically at the drop of a pin are just raring to go and play too! At this point, I am lucky to have had 1.5 hours of sleep and it is such a pleasure to hear them having such a great time! cheeky I just wish they would want to have this great time at a more decent time in the AM. LOL

7) When Sean goes to leave for work, he puts BHRR's Goliath back into his crate with breakfast and he is eating soooooooo much better now! He is being fed three meals a day and I have an appointment scheduled for September 24th as I want to see what his weight is at that time. Depending on how far he comes along with his obedience, he may be ready to be placed up for adoption that weekend. He may not. That will depend on his obedience training and yes, weight gain to date.

8 ) I am up by 8 AM to get the kids ready for school and BHRR's Goliath is out and about with the other dogs and he plays really nicely with all the dogs. He can be a bit too puppy rough as he is still learning to control his own excitement and understand his own strength yet as mentioned above, one of his best of friends is the now 3 month old GD puppy here. He also does still try to hump BHRR's Porridge(every one wants to hump him), and two of my own show boyz (Bronson and Maestro) and he continues to be corrected. He is not humping them out of any sexual urges. He is doing it as he wants to move himself up the hierarchy in our home amongst the dogs. He is very mindful and respectful of the girls…like all smart boyz learn to be! 😉 We correct him on the humping behavour as BHRR's Goliath is not anywhere near a mature mental state to be in any position to be a leader. He is still learning correct and proper social communication with dogs and humans. Sometimes when he plays and the play escalates, he will appear to be a bit grumpy yet it is nothing serious. He just needs a bit of space, recollects himself as he tries to understand the situation(and it is usually because he upped the antic in the rough play area and then is confused and takes mild exception when the other dogs say 'ok, let's go!'). So, he is very much learning a lot about proper social communication and manners amongst dogs and that different dogs play in different ways.

9) BHRR's Goliath LOVES toys – Balls of all sizes up to basketball and soccer balls, Kongs, Rope toys and he plays with them by himself, with us and with the other dogs really well! WTG BHRR's Goliath.

10) When I got to put the kids on the bus for school, BHRR's Goliath settles back into his crate for a snooze.

11) It is when I come back, open up his crate and he comes out, sits and gives me this look 'OK, game on!' and I look back at him and go 'OK! Bring it!' AND the day begins in earnest! 😀

12) BHRR's Goliath takes water bottles, clothing, shoes, leashes and likes to parade them around you to get you up and to try and play chase. He has no intention of destroying them, he just wants the attention. AND anytime I try to sit down for a few moments to do something not related to him, you can see him looking around and around looking for something to take. MONKEY! He knows he is not suppose to do it. I do not chase him. I go and grab a leash and he follows me, sits down and I can gently take the item away from him. He then asks to go into his crate for a time out for a few minutes. He might snooze, he might eat some of his left over breakfast and often he just lays upon the great new Kuranda bed donated to him and watches me type on the computer as his crate is right near where I work.

13) He and I are still working through some couch issues. He can be still found at times sitting on our leather couch and looking so proud of himself. I can more often than not now, just ask him to get off and he will. Sometimes when the 'devilment' grabs him, he just continues to sit there and look at me 'what are you going to do about it?' and well, I go and get his leash and he often is off the couch by the time I come back. Grabbing his collar tended to make him feel threatened, especially by a female when he first arrived. I have learnt that the leash is non threatening to him and it is associated with walks and hikes and car rides and all things good; so leashes have become a huge part of my training aids/tools with him. However; one can hold his collar much more frequently at this time without him feeling a bit worried. That is going to be a time/patience thing for him to overcome. He is so much better with Sean re: the collar holding yet I am catching up. 🙂

14) He does not jump on me as much, mouth me as much, rarely counter surfs, does not drink from the kitchen sinks any longer as well. THIS is great.

15) However, BHRR's Goliath still has a weakness for those kleenex boxes, rolls of paper towels and the joy that BHRR's Dana showed him; how great toilet paper rolls can be. ESPECIALLY if they are on the toilet paper holder! LOL

16) He has become so affectionate. I get regular slobbery kisses, he pushes his head under my arm when I am working on the computer, will put his head through articles of clothing if I am trying to fold cloths or will put his head in my lap if I am sitting reading or watching a movie with the family. It has been a wonderful development to see this and to experience this! That he is comfortable about not being too worried about any possible rejection as he had to have experienced in the past; is a real joy.

17) He loves ice cubes, THANKS BHRR's Dana! cheeky

18) He has also discovered his voice. It is such an amazing mixture between a 'bark' and a 'woof'. I have nicknamed him "WOLFIE" because he is an IW and how wolflike he can sound. It is a very interesting timber sound and he does not use it very often. He does like to hear it 'echo' in the bathroom and will tilt his head and seem most pleased at himself when he makes such sounds. We have been nipping that in the bud! 😉

19) He still loves it if you take a spray bottle and spray it at his mouth…he loves trying to catch the water. He has learnt that when I am serious about him not doing something and will use the spray bottle to 'grab' his attention to break his focus on whatever antic he is doing as he is 'nil' with much to do with any sort of serious distraction training right now. Once I have his focus, he is so much more responsive to my tone and voice.

20) I am just waiting for a dog like BHRR's Porridge or PPSS to 'teach' him all about drinking from the toilet bowls…ICK! We keep the lids down and the one bathroom door closed yet with two kids, doors do not always stay closed. I fear that it is only a matter of time!

21) AND boy! Does BHRR's Goliath LOVE helping me strip the bed….OMG! He finds himself all wrapped up in the sheets and blankets and has a grand time. EVEN better, if you let him strip it all by himself and even let him move the bed across the room! 😀

22) Time is flying with this young man. I cannot believe he has been here as long as he has and he has made so many amazing right direction leaps and bounds. He is so much more respectful, mindful and he really is eager to please…most days! This boy just has never been given all the training and correct guidance he should have have had as a small puppy and now he is this well over 100+ pounds of all puppy, experiencing and soaking up life. He makes me laugh, roll my eyes, throw up my hands in helpless giggles and in turn, he is giving me the best trust and more respect as he learns that I am not going to beat him and that his 'bluff' antics do not intimidate me and that I understand that he needs time, patience and love with a firm guiding hand. I can tell already that when he decides to finally 'give' himself to a human, he is going to be bestowing upon that human or family, a most incredible gift, the gift of his heart and soul. This boy will be loyal and would lay down his life for a loved one. He is just not there yet and that is ok. One step at a time. It is there in his eyes….I see it and I feel it and he makes me earn what I am getting to date and in turn, he is rewarding me very well for all that I am doing 'right' with him.

This boy is very special. He is not a mean dog at all. He has settled down so much here. While he is an active boy and a bit of a clown, he is becoming less and less of that high maintenance type dog. He has no SA behavours and we can watch a movie and not worry about him thundering around the house(except sometimes with our Bleach…they are too much temptation to each other!) and he loves to lay down near you and just watch you. Those eyes….yup, those eyes…..

I just do not want people to think that this boy goes 24/7 with nonstop action. It is not like that….he is not for the dog inexperienced but he is meant for someone that will understand that this dog was held back from living life when he was younger and he just wants to live!

I could write so much more yet it is now almost 4 AM and time for some sleep as 5:30 AM shall come quickly and time to get my 'day' on with BHRR's Goliath and all the dogs here. I live a very charmed and blessed life!  THANKS BHRR's Goliath for gracing my life for as long as it shall be! 🙂

BHRR's Windsor has become one of my top 'training' partners when it comes to working with many of my Behavoural/Training Clients. He is that perfect combination of laid back, mellow and accommodating personality traits to bring to these sessions. His so calm and accepting and does not demonstrate any threatening or dominating behavours.

This is a boy that many said could/would never learn and would not live for very long and look at him now!!!!

His next outing with me to assist with a Client session shall be September 22nd and I am excited about how much he is going to assist in modifying this other dog's behavour and settling that dog down. BHRR's Windsor has many gifts to share with others both animal and human and I have taken much pleasure in being the recipient of some of his gifts since he first came to BHRR. BHRR's Windsor has a very wonderful effect on other dogs and people!

I need to take new photos of him soon.

I had the pleasure of seeing BHRR's Lily Belle last week on September 1st! Thanks to her temp foster mom in bringing her by the Hospital as I had to give her BHRR's Lily Belle's September HW preventative and also more food.

We weighed her when she arrived and she was 61.3 KGs(134.86 pounds). SHE has filled out so much as she matures and is losing that 'puppy' look.

The one comment that I want to make is how impressed I was for both the Saint owned by BHRR's Lily Belle's temp foster mom and BHRR's Lily Belle were very well mannered and layed down quietly in the waiting room. In dividing up my time between both the front and back that night;  I was able to witness first hand how amazingly behaved both were! Now, BHRR's Lily Belle was not so keen to share her weight and her Saint pal was more than eager to stay on the scale yet other than that, she was a model citizen. 🙂

BHRR's Lily Belle plunked her butt right down on one of the seats beside Clients waiting for their own appointment and wanted to befriend every cat, dog and person she met! LOL BHRR's Lily Belle is great with cats and still lives with one at her temp foster home. She is such a social creature!!!

BHRR's Lily Belle sure does like to drink out of toilets and nice to note that she still LOVES to share her drool with all around her!!! cheeky

The photo below is of BHRR's Lily Belle enjoying the 'freedom' of being allowed on her temp foster home's couch! I am loving that look she is giving out of the corner of her eye. 😀

BHRR's Lily Belle – August 2011
*Photo courtesy of H. Surman

UPDATE: Sent September 7th, 2011 from BHRR's Apollo's Temp Foster Mom –

"Here are some picture of Apollo. Soooo he knows how to turn on the bathroom sink tap 🙂  he can’t turn it off. LOL. He has been socialized with the kittens and has taken quite the shine to X.  She was bullied quite allot last year at school so her first day was stressful for her and he stuck to her like glue.  It have her great comfort to know he was there for her. 😀  As always feel free to use any of the pictures."

I have added the photos to his slideshow #34 – #38. I have also added four of them below. BHRR's Apollo has always loved coming to the Hospital with me and drinking from the sinks there to the great delight of many! Proof is in the pictures of how he remains great with both children and cats/kittens PLUS drinking from sinks! 🙂

BHRR's Apollo with his Harlie Girlpal & BHRR's Apollo with a kitten – September 2011
*photos courtesy of T. Vaive

BHRR's Apollo and his 'little' girl – September 2011
*Photos courtesy of T. Vaive

BHRR's Maggie May and I are planning to visit a very special person this upcoming weekend! We are going to see Kathryn, the amazing generous and kind person who did her grooming after she arrived to BHRR! Kathryn and BHRR's Maggie May last saw each other at our 4th Annual Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser that was held July 17th. 🙂

So, this is going to be a very special and emotional moment for both!!!! Her coat is growing in so soft plus beautiful and I cannot wait for them to be reunited! 🙂

BHRR's Maggi shall hang out with me during my work shift at KAH on Saturday and while we are there, I shall obtain a new weight on her.

She is soooooooooooo low maintenance and is going to make a home an amazing companion! We continue to remain patient that her forever loving home is out there and has yet to find her. Will have to take new pics soon.

A blog post for sweet BHRR's Holden is LONG overdue! Many of our guests that attended our June BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House commented on how gorgeous this boy is and they are right! wink

BHRR's Holden has become so much better in regards to change. He has seen dogs come and go to various play dates, appointments, to foster homes etc. and new dogs come into BHRR and in the beginning he had some 'worry' over all the action and change.

Now, he is so much more comfortable and even a bit curious about things. He did have his nose out of joint somewhat when BHRR's Broker came into BHRR and it did not take long for both to be fast friends! BHRR's Holden has come a long way in understanding dog-to-dog acceptable communication and does not stress or grump or move away as much any longer when things get rowdy! Many a day you can see him in the fray doing some playing yet he prefers one-on-one or two-on-one play. Too many dogs makes him almost roll his eyes and be a bit disgusted over the antics and he will walk away! If play escalates to a certain level, sometimes he can take some exception as then he gets confused yet he is handling and understanding all different sorts and manners of play that dogs can do.

One of the things that BHRR's Holden enjoys soooooooooo much is watching the other dogs. He has a special spot in the fenced in area that he will lay down and just observe and he really does seem to take much enjoyment.

His best friend has to be BHRR's Broker right now BUT he has been seen playing and sleeping(do not tell him that!) ever so gently and nicely with the now almost 3 month GD pup in the house. He is really good with the young ones AND that speaks volumes on his temperament, personality and patience level.

He loves Bleach's couch…..I think many a day it is not Bleach's couch but BHRR's Holden's or BHRR's Benjamin's! OR even the new almost 3 month old GD pup here!

He is so good about minding his manners in the house, only 'loses' his brain here and there with some on the spot playing with BHRR's Broker. He prefers to sleep in his crate at night and gosh, when he comes up to ask for love with those eyes(YUP! Those eyes!) your heart just pools into sheer love!

He is quiet, low maintenance and at our BHRR 'EXPERINCE' Mini open house, he handled all the attention with calmness, a wonderful level of comfort plus maturity. When he was tired, he just took himself to a crate to have a nap or to watch the younger goobers do their 'thing' of greeting the 'fresh meat' when new people arrived to the house.

He is a great dog and will make someone a fantastic, loyal and the best companion ever! We have only had one email inquiry on him and that has been it. The thing about a mixed breed dog is that there shall never ever be another that looks quite like them and that is another so very set apart special thing that BHRR's Holden has.

We remain patient for we take in mixes as much as we take in purebreds and there is no rush as always!

JS with BHRR's Holden on Bleach's couch! – August 2011

BHRR's Rain came to the Take The Plunge Event on Saturday July 23rd to hang out at our tent/booth AND WOW! She ROCKED it! She was so social and in fact, she began to 'bark' and pull WHEN we would not allow her to see other dogs!!! LOL

Picture below is of her that day.

Her toe is very slowly healing and I will bring her back in for a recheck and new X-rays if need be. I would also like to see what her new weight is. 🙂

She is a small feisty package and she LOVES to tease BHRR's Lincoln, who in his emaciated state was still twice her own weight. She does not take a lot of 'guff' from the other dogs and has that mischievous glint in her eyes!!!

Below is a photo taken at the Take the Plunge Event. Her coat is soooooooooooooo amazing now!!! I can brush both of them so much more easily too. Treats is a great reward plus lots of enthusiastic praise.

We are planning another few visits with approved Volunteers and friends with both the BHRR Saint Babies and their final 'test' shall be our upcoming BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House. If both handle that with style and comfort, they shall then be placed up for adoption. Going to miss my 'Rain-Rain" and "Beau-Beau" babies.

We have no expectations of them being adopted together yet both should go to a home where there is at least one other dog that is a right matched personality fit. Both are ok going to homes that work full-time, part-time, retired or semi-retired. What is going to be MOST important are homes that shall continue to socialize them with both people and dogs so that they continue along this fantabulous social path they have taken. They reside in perfect harmony with our multi-dog home and are doing so well with all the human visitors. SOOOOOOO much progress these two have made.

Both ADORE kids and I have not crated either one in some time at night or when we go out. There was one point when I went back to crating as one of them discovered the 'joy' of nibbling shoes and it was back to the crates for awhile!

Each of them has their own 'friend' network yet you can tell that they are extremely close still. It has been excellent for them to have had training together, separately as individual plus in small and larger groups. Their obedience has also been excelling!

BHRR's Rain – July 23rd, 2011 – 9 months of age

The Holmes, ON, CDA

As an aside, I was reading Mackenzie Goliath's updates tonight.  She thought the kleenex story was so funny and told me that she plans to collect donations every year for your organization.  I told her how lucky she was to be a part of something so special.. Just thought I would share.  Your children are learning something so very special and we thank you for helping us teach our children something so valuable.

Adoption Application Revisions

As of September 1st, 2011; the Board of Directors will be implementing some revisions to our BHRR adoption process. These changes involve age of children in homes for a possible BHRR adoption and the expansion of our adoption area to now include parts of New York, USA.

Revision #1:

As of September 1st, 2011; BHRR shall consider adoption applications to NOT only the whole provinces of Ontario and Quebec in Canada yet shall also consider homes in the state of New York, USA that are no more than 3 hours from BHRR. These areas in New York, USA shall include those listed below and all immediate surrounding areas AS long as the potential adoptive home is no more than 3 hours from the physical locale of BHRR in Eastern Ontario, CDA:
Alexandria Bay

Revision #2:

WE DO NOT place any dog with a family with children under the age of 8 unless the below additional conditions/requirements have been met to the satisfaction of the BOD of BHRR. Only then shall the BOD of BHRR consider those homes that have children younger than the age of 8 yet they must be over the age of 5:
a) ONLY homes that have no more than 2 children shall be considered if said children are under the age of 8 and over the age of 5
b) ONLY dogs that BHRR deem most suitable for homes with children within these ages shall be considered
c) ONLY homes that have prior suitable breed type experience ie Great Danes for a Great Dane possible adoption or a Saint Bernard for a Saint Bernard possible adoption shall be considered
d) ONLY homes that have no more than one dog already and that dog must be a right matched personality fit; shall be considered should any children be under the age of 8 and over the age of 5
e) ONLY homes that have all family members in attendance for the home visit and only those same homes that have all family members come to BHRR to meet us shall be considered
BHRR stresses that children and dogs should NEVER be left unsupervised together!
*This is a legal, insurance and moral obligation/responsibility that we will adhere to.

For complete details regarding the BHRR adoption process; please visit our Application & Fees page. BHRR shall continue to ONLY place per best matched personality fit and our adoption success rates were 100% for over 10 years of operating and as we are heading into our 16th year; our adopton success rates are 99%.