In addition to the other blog post(see below) re: play dates, day trips and play trips for the approved BHRR Volunteers to consider bringing the BHRR dogs out for extra FUN; here are the dates for our approved Volunteers to consider for BHRR's Apollo 'SWIM' time sessions at CWW! If interested, please email. I know that he would not only love to re-visit with old friends yet add more fans to his corner! 😉

Friday April 1st – Anytime between 1 PM  – 3 PM
Saturday April 2nd – Anytime between 9 AM – 2 PM
Saturday April 16th – Anytime between 9 AM – 2 PM
Tuesday April 19th – Anytime between 1 PM  -6 PM
Saturday April 23rd – Anytime between 9 AM – 2 PM
Saturday April 30th – Anytime between 9 AM -2 PM

Here is a video posted below of BHRR's Apollo's incredible journey/progress at Canine Water Wellness. My continued and deepest of grateful thanks being extended to both Jen & Lianne of CWW for all that they do! I honestly know that if it were not for them coming on board my/BHRR's Apollo 'Team for/of Success' that he would have lost his leg. He challenged my almost 25 years in medicine & rehab and taught me so MUCH! When this boy is adopted, so many are going to well up and bawl; myself included!

My continued heartfelt thanks to each and every one of our BHRR Volunteers that have assisted me in taking BHRR's Apollo to these leg saving sessions. With your generous hearts, you are equally as important as a part of the "CHAIN OF SUCCESS" making those links that much stronger! I am indebted. Going back to one of my common phrases and it holds no less weight now; 'there are not enough words in the dictionary to express the word of thanks!' To his current CWW ANGEL 'team' of Don, Allison, Amélie, Holly & Melissa plus Raine; I THANK you! AND I know BHRR's Apollo THANKS you too. He loves his sessions and he loves the loving and I am sure even he would admit the ice cream treaties you buy for him after he works so hard is not too shabby either! 😉 Your dedication, belief in not just BHRR BUT BHRR's Apollo touches my soul deeply. If I have missed  anyone, my deepest apologizes and please please please let me know!

To EVERYONE that has donated funds, time, blankets, his new swim vest, a comforting word and the list goes on and on; YOU also are part of that "CHAIN" and I am humbled by the unselfishness of your hearts! You truly are all of 'BHRR's Apollo's Angels':


Karen & Alex
Don & Allison
Martin & Michelle
Suzanne & Chuck
Alex & Karen
Vicki & Lorna – Donation towards his Canine Water Wellness Sessions

One can only do so much on their own, but together we have ALL saved a life and I think in turn, BHRR's Apollo has saved a few of us!

For those who have not yet read his whole blog(start from the bottom up), it is believed that he had been hit or kicked with extreme blunt force trauma(shovel or steel toe boat for example) for his PCL(Posterior Cruciate Ligament) & Meniscus to be torn with the meniscus completely shredded per the surgeon.


Here are the April availability dates for play dates, day trips and play dates for the BHRR dogs for our approved BHRR Volunteers to consider. BHRR's Lily Belle is not on this list as she is currently under a "PENDING ADOPTION" and we should know by end of Monday April 4th, that status of her application. Thanks everyone for your continued patience!


Friday April 1st – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Saturday April 2nd – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Wednesday April 6th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Monday April 11th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 13th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Friday April 15th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 16th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday April 18th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Tuesday April 19th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 20th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 23rd – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday April 25th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 27th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Friday April 29th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 30th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM

Please email if interested in giving a BHRR animal extra BLAST of a time social/training experiences!

Back in September of 2010, I decided to add this running blog based upon the numerous emails, letters, stopped on the street discussions and phone calls I receive re: everything from nutrition, exercise, vetting and training of Giant Breeds to owning more than one, or littermates, how to find a reputable/quality Breeder or Rescue and the list goes on and on.

I also wish to utilize this blog for my 'comment thoughts' of the day and/or other 'impact' situations that arise such as 'deaf' or 'senior' or other 'special needs' experiences re: BHRR and the animals under our care or even my own. Feedback and comments from the public are always more than welcome.

Hoping that this blog will provide some really good indepth further community awareness / education plus to just share a common love of Giants AND/OR the Special Needs with others and to impart the knowledge, experience and professional plus personal views of myself who posseses almost 25 years in 'these trenches' of rescue, training, medical and behavoural rescue plus rehabilitation of the Giants/Equines with the focus on the Special Needs.

To learn more about myself, please visit my Biography Page.

The Gwennie! Comment of the Day:

'No animal is perfect….we can only make them as perfect as they can be'
-Remember behavour cannot be changed, only modified to make it the best behavour possible!


Many will say, myself included that it is easier on a dog to 'lose' a back leg over a front leg based upon balance, weight distribution when getting up/walking etc., co-ordination and that when most dogs do run, it is a three-beat run.

We do a lot of leg amputations at BHRR as we focus on the SN's in our program(s). We have done both front and back leg amputations and all dogs have gone on to lead wonderful and quality filled lives; regardless if it was a front or a back leg.

We even have a tripod, BHRR's Potter; in our BHRR Haven Program at this time having removed his one hind leg due to an aggressive MCT. He was given an 85% chance of having Cancer return within one year post-amputation and he celebrated his one year survival anniversary last November!!!

Prong Collars

I am also not a fan of a prong collar for many reasons and in almost 25 years of working in Rescue plus in Training/Behavour; I can count on one hand the number of times I have ever used one and twice was on my own Goldens, my own – brothers and then only used for couple of times and the dogs 'got' it and I then could move to a flat buckle collar as should the be goal of any one to be able to walk on loose lead with your dog in a flat or side release collar. I have not used a prong since 1996 in my own programs.

So many Trainers(and I use that term loosely for as many know, this area is a pet peeve of mine due to the complete lack of regulation surrounding the profession) do not teach the owners how to properly utilize a Prong and then there are the owners and also trainers that use the prong as a 'crutch' or 'quick fix' instead of a temp measure(and that really should be defined) as the owners do not work towards the ultimate goal of moving away from what I call a 'teaching tool/aid' of the prong to the flat/side release collar.

I see so many Giant Breeds in prongs and many of them puppies and I continue to try and educate plus make that difference where I can to those that ask or would listen. In working in Rescue, we often get those 11 month, 18 month old, 2 year or 3 year old untrained, jumping, pulling, yanking, jerking etc. Great Danes and all have learnt through time, effort, patience, consistency with positive training/guidance and leadership to become assets to not only their home yet the community and this sans the use of a Prong collar. Additionally, as part of our adoption contract, there is an obedience clause whereby each home must take their new adoptive addition to a full round/session of obedience classes to carry on this training, creating a great bonding opportunity PLUS it is a great social network for both dog/human. Lack of training is one of the top reasons why we have Great Danes surrendered to BHRR and when many people realise they can no long 'man'handle these dogs, they look to myself as a Rescuer or as the trainer/behavoural expert to assist them.

Trainers need to train the owners how to continue the training at home and outside of class or training sessions.

I have seen much damage caused by the improper use of prongs in not only Rescue yet at the Hospital.

Choke chains can and do cause its own share of damage to a dog.

Nothing should be used as a quick fix or a crutch in place of a proper training regime and program. In March of 2010, we had an addition to our BHRR program of a very obese 191.80 pound 2 year old female Great Dane(with two blown cruciates) and when she first arrived if she wanted to go somewhere, she took me along for the ride. Even with her 2 blown cruciates she just walked off with me attached to the lead(what little walking she was capable of doing with her weight/cruciates). Less than a week later and she was walking wonderfully on her flat buckle with me. My time, consistency, routine, repetition, commitment to her training has made the difference. I use both treats and praise and through time, weed out the treats or toy and while they still get them here and there, they never know yet praise is always present.

One thing that I learnt very early on is that 'common' sense to me is not to others and all of us could and do benefit from going to a proper and certified trainer. I know I still do with some of my dogs just because and even with the training plus education that I have; I still learn things, good things when I do! AND I live quite rural and it is not unknown for me to drive up to 1.5 hours or so one way in good weather to attend classes taught by others! As has been mentioned previously, 'IT is that important'.

I also will say that what will work with one dog will NOT always work with every dog. One has to be resourceful and if one method that has been truly tried does not work, another method might. Yet you have to give that method a good shot first. I find some dogs do better with their show collars over a flat and others work better in a martingale yet prongs nor choke chains are not used in the classes I teach nor with my private training and/or behavoural clients.

The term 'correction' has often been related to 'punishment' for many people and trainers yet I always use the word 'correction' as being positive based.

JMHO FWIW as always.

We are placing BHRR's Lily Belle under a 'PENDING ADOPTION' until such time as we can best determine if the application we have recently received is the right match best personality fit for her and this home. Until this dermination can be made, BHRR shall not be accepting any more applications on BHRR's Lily Belle. We thank you in advance for your patience and it should not be too long before we can post an update.



Thank you to all that helped raise much needed monies for both of our Rescues!



Two Ontario Great Dane Rescues – Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) & Danes in Distress(DiD) have come together to host this 2011 High Bid "War" to benefit animals in need of both of our programs.

These amazing pair of Hockey Tickets are to the Toronto Maple Leafs vs. the Ottawa Senators game being held on Saturday April 2nd, 2011 at Scotiabank Place in Ottawa starting at 7:00 PM.

These seats are in the 100L- Section 109 Row C and are fantabulous seats! The value on these pair of tickets are $400+ CDA.


The ‘HELP SCORE FOR THE BHRR & DID ANIMALS HOCKEY hig' Bid 'War' began on Wednesday March 23rd @ 8:00 AM EST and shall end on Tuesday March 29th @ 9:00 PM EST.

Tickets can be couriered at no cost to the winner for their convenience to their place of business or home.

To bid on the Sens vs. Leafs tickets, please email with your full name, address, phone number including area code, and please indicate your bid amount.

Bidding shall start at $100 and the website shall be updated regularly.

Note: Payment for the winning bidder must come direct to BHRR and BHRR will ONLY accept a payment of M/C OR VISA OR AMEX OR email transfer to (please ensure that we have the password).

Danes in Distress(DiD) shall NOT be accepting any payment for these Hockey bid tickets and will be directing all interest to BHRR. Any payment made direct to DiD shall be considered a donation and not as payment for these Hockey tickets for this Fundraiser.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept any PayPal payment per their rules & regulations. Any monies sent via that method will be considered a donation.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept personal checks.


After confirmation of receipt of payment sent to BHRR, BHRR will make arrangements to get your winning tickets to you ASAP.

Our deepest thanks being sent out in advance to everyone for your consideration in participating to help both BHRR and DiD continue to save animals in need of assistance! By showing your support, you are representing a wonderful effort to a great cause!

  • The BHRR Auction will begin at 8:00 AM EST on Wednesday March 23rd, 2011. Unfortunately, bids submitted prior to this time cannot be considered.
  • The BHRR Auction will end at 9:00 PM EST on Tuesday March 29nd, 2011. The highest bid on these tickets will be determined based on the time of the email sent as recorded by the time marked by our ISP.
  • High bidders will be identified each day ONLY by their first name and last initial.
  • All bid prices are in Canadian funds.
  • Bids must be done in $5.00 or Greater increments.
  • When bidding please include your first and last name plus a phone number that you can be reached at if necessary.
  • All Bidders must be at LEAST 18 years of age or older.
  • All bids are considered final and binding, please do not bid if you do not intend to follow through on payment. Also, please do not bid on behalf of anyone else without their explicit written permission. The owner of the email will be considered the bidder and responsible/accountable for the bid/payment should their email be the winning bidder.
  • High Bidder will be posted every day of the BHRR Auction and on the final Auction day; the bids shall be updated with postings made regularly until the BHRR Auction closes.
  • If you wish to leave a "maximum" bid as you will not be around to monitor the auction closely yourself, please indicate that in your email when making your bid. Only emailed bids will be accepted.
  • FULL payment is required within 24 hours of being notified of being the winner.
  • Should you be in default of not honouring your bid(which really affects the animals the most), the next person with the highest bid shall be offered the Tickets as the winner.
  • There are NO Returns or Exchanges and BHRR is not responsible for the condition of the Hockey Tickets upon receipt to the winner(s).

About Taxes: You are not actually buying these tickets in this online auction. What you are doing is making a donation and then receiving the item in turn as a thank you. All taxes have been paid on the items you are bidding on.


The BHRR & DiD Teams

BHRR's Apollo shall have his annual on April 13th. He was sooooooooo happy to see BHRR's Ava Marie after I picked her back up from her fun time at her temp fosters!

In over 15 years of operating, BHRR has only ever placed 2 animals at one time in 2 homes yet if the right matched home did come along; we would seriously consider placing both BHRR's Apollo & BHRR's Ava Marie in the same home. They are the best of best of friends. They will also be fine on their own in separate homes with at least one other dog already in that home; so; this is not a necessary requirement. Just something that we have noted that both of them are so very close to each other.


The ‘BHRR’ Experience – One Volunteers Blog

Below is a note that the approved BHRR Volunteer wrote on her fb wall about her BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' in taking care of BHRR/our home while I had my first family vacation in almost 6 years. With her permission, it has been posted below. As I say so often to others plus posted this as a response to her fb wall post:

"AND I would love to 'share' your note with others interested in BHRR – either by adopting, volunteering, learning more about our stellar programs etc. – with your permission. I could never say any words better than what those themselves that are involved could say about the BHRR 'EXPERIENCE'. It is all of you that are the 'voice' making that 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' so strong…"


Day 12 – Novice in Rescue , My Adventure at BHRR – Home coming for all

by Suzanne Desjardins on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 9:13pm


Is there ever anything sweeter than being home ???? I am very certain Gwen,Sean and kids feel the same…I have made some personal journeys in life but this is one for the bucket list 4sure …

I  will never think of rescue in another way except wow, the work involved is just staggering ….and i wasn't even training or rehabbing…..just reinforcing.  BUT the REWARDS are PRICELESS………

If anyone reading this note or my prior notes wonders how they too could be involved…DONATE DONATE DONATE…The amount of food that i fed over the 12 days was mind boggling …FOOD is life for this small respectable,reputable ONE OF A KIND rescue ….so the next time time you are in the pet store or grocery store , buy a bag and and let Gwen know you have food……..Towels, sheets, comforters, pinesol, treats, ALL very much needed …………..

I had tears in my eyes as I left today… there are several that I loved prior to this, and they have cemeted themselves in my heart forever…Potter, Soul and Albert, his trust in me was moving….Bleach is AMAZING for a deaf/blind puppy ….the way he motors around is nothin short of WOW………

 Gwen…. I thank you …………

N. Graveline, Port Colbourne, ON

Hi Gwen ,

My name is Nicole Graveline .

I was just wondering if I could be eligible to foster if I live in port Colborne , Ontario, it's about 30-45 minutes away from niagara falls.

Regardless of the answer it makes me so happy to know there are people like you and your team to care for animals in need, and if possible I would love to help you foster any dog or animal in need.

What you and your team go for these animals is amazing. It takes someone with a lot of love, patience , courage and trust to do what you do, and I like you believe we can make a loving world for animals that get over looked everyday. Again I just wanted to say thank you and I am excited for your reply.

P.s- my heart goes out to Potter, may he have a safe and wonderful recovery.

And hope all the animals find loving homes.


Thank you

Nicole Graveline



'HELP SCORE FOR THE BHRR & DID ANIMALS' HOCKEY RAFFLE – ONLY 350 Tickets available – *ENDS Wednesday @ 9:00 PM EST

*CONGRATULATIONS TO D. Harbin of Ottawa, ON & to all in participating to raise funds for GD Rescue!*

Two Ontario Great Dane Rescues – Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) & Danes in Distress(DID) have come together to host this 2011 Hockey Raffle to benefit animals in need of both of our programs.

These amazing pair of Hockey Tickets are to the Toronto Maple Leafs vs. the Ottawa Senators game being held on Saturday April 2nd, 2011 at Scotiabank Place in Ottawa starting at 7:00 PM.

These seats are in the 100L- Section 109 Row O and are excellent seats! The value on these pair of tickets are $400+ CDA.

Furthermore, a Parking Voucher for free regular parking is included for the winner's added bonus!

Furthermore, Linda @ PJ Quigley's located @ 250 Greenbank Road donated a pre-game dinner for 2 (up to $25) to the winner!


We shall ONLY be selling 350 tickets and they are $10.00 each or 3 for $25.00.

The ‘HELP SCORE FOR THE BHRR & DID ANIMALS HOCKEY RAFFLE’ ticket sales began on Monday February 21st @ 8:00 AM EST and shall end on Wednesday March 9th @ 9:00 PM EST.

The draw shall take place on Thursday March 10th @ 8:00 AM EST and the tickets can be couriered at no cost to the winner for their convenience to their place of business or home.

To purchase your raffle tickets, please email with your full name, address, phone number including area code, number of tickets you would like to buy and please indicate your method of payment.

Note: All payments for raffle tickets must come direct to BHRR and BHRR will ONLY accept payments of M/C OR VISA OR AMEX OR email transfer to (please ensure that we have the password).

Danes in Distress(DID) shall NOT be accepting any payments for these Hockey raffle tickets and will be directing all interest to BHRR. Any payments made direct to DID shall be considered a donation and not as payment for Hockey raffle tickets for this Fundraiser.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept PayPal payments per their rules & regulations. Any monies sent via that method will be considered a donation.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept personal checks.


Note: Odds of winning are based upon total number of raffle tickets sold.

After confirmation of receipt of payment sent to BHRR, BHRR will email a copy of your raffle ticket(s) in a pdf format with your individual raffle tracking ticket number(s).

Our deepest thanks being sent out in advance to everyone for your consideration in participating to help both BHRR and DID continue to save animals in need of assistance! By showing your support, you are representing a wonderful effort to a great cause!



The BHRR & DID Teams

BHRR's Ava Marie's weight today was 69 KGs(151.80 pounds), so she is maintaining beautifully!!! 😀

OK! As promised, BHRR's Albert PHOTOS for 'HOCKEY TICKET RAFFLE Sales'. 😉 These two were taken today and BHRR's Albert is actually running and airborne in one. NOT one foot is touching the ground and to think that when he first arrived to BHRR, he could barely stand let alone walk!!!! GO BHRR's Albert GO!

BHRR's Albert whispered in my ear, that he would be happy to allow me to take some more pictures if others might consider purchasing tickets to our current SENS VS LEAFS Hockey Ticket Raffle going on now! ONLY 5 days left for ticket sales SO do not miss out! – Excellent seats for 2, a Parking Voucher & Pre-Dinner for 2 at P.J. Quigley's on Bank Street! This is a $450+ value!!!!

Each day is a blessing to be had with BHRR's Albert and we continue to thank all the ANGELS that have donated items/funds his way as his days with us are limited. 🙁 You can contribute via PayPal(you do not need an account to pay by credit card either) or email transfer or send a M.O/Bank Draft to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0


Albert's Angels:

Alex & Karen

BHRR's Albert – RUNNING! WOOHOO! & BHRR's Albert with BHRR's Hailey & BHRR's Potter – LOOK at that reach as he drives!

BHRR's Lily Belle & BHRR's Ava Marie are going to be temp fostered for some extra fun up until March 23rd, 2011! Going to miss these two beauties yet experiences like this shall only continue to enrich them plus expose them to new people, places sans myself and one never knows if their future forever adoptive home might meet them out and about! 🙂


BHRR can always use more approved foster homes & Volunteers for play dates, day trips, extra hands at fundraiser and please visit our Foster/Volunteer page for more information.

BHRR's Porridge weighed 72.4 KGs(159.28 pounds) today when I brought him in to sedate for nail trimming!