Barry Cole, N.S./ON, CDA

Just wanted to say thank-you again for yesterday! thank-you for the wealth of knowledge you are willing to share and for one of the biggest compliments I could have ever received…it meant so much. My heart has been stolen by a number of dogs again:D I love being a part of it all. and if only I could have brought a stick of butter for PPSS. lol Barry


HELP SCORE FOR THE BHRR ANIMALS RAFFLE – ONLY 300 Tickets available – *ENDS February 25th

On February 5th, BHRR Inc. was donated an amazing pair of Hockey Tickets to the Toronto Maple Leafs vs. the Montreal Canadians(The Habs) on Saturday March 20th at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto starting at 7:00 PM. The seats are just inside the blue line – Row 12 section 107 and are excellent seats! The value on these pair of tickets is $400 CDA.

We shall only be selling 300 tickets and they are $10.00 each or 3 for $25.00. The ‘HELP SCORE FOR THE BHRR INC. ANIMALS RAFFLE’ ticket sales shall begin on Tuesday February 9th starting at 8:00 AM EST and shall end on Thursday February 25th at 9:00 PM EST. The draw shall take place on Friday February 26th at 8:00 AM EST and the tickets can be couriered at no cost to the winner for their convenience to their place of business or home.

To purchase your raffle tickets, please email Gwen with your full name, phone number including area code, number of tickets you would like to buy and please indicate your method of payment.

Our deepest of thanks being sent out again to the generous donors of these WOW! Toronto vs. Montreal Hockey tickets to help BHRR Inc. continue to help animals in need of our program(s)!


B. Element of Ottawa, Ontario! CONGRATULATIONS! ย 

128 tickets SOLD & $1,120 raised!
Deepest of thanks being sent to everyone who has supported BHRR in this raffle! The funds raised has enabled us to purchase enough food to bring our resources to over 40 days(as of February 26th) AND to lower our current Vet bills to $2,700+

BHRR’s Windsor and BHRR’s Potter came with me to Holy Cross PS yesterday to watch my son do a school project presentation of which he had decided to do on BHRR. He called it โ€˜the amazing work my mom does’ and I could not have been more proud. He โ€˜brought’ the house down with his emotion and heart. Sean also attended and this was the first time Sean has attended one of our community awareness opportunity speeches and it was just perfect! By an unanimous vote; Mason was chosen to now present in front of his whole school on March 2nd. Last year, he did a speech on myself and showing Great Danes and I am really touched that he has a true empathy and appreciation for the animals here. BHRR’s Windsor was not so happy with the car ride but the yummy treat plus toy he was given during Mason’s presentation plus all those kids loving on him more than made the trip worthwhile I bet! ๐Ÿ˜› Other than one moment when he and BHRR’s Windsor want to โ€˜get it on’ with the playing, both were awesome. BHRR’s Potter is becoming quite the pro in attending such events and he plus Windsor shall both be at our February 25th BHRR Presentation at W.O. Mitchell PS in Kanata. Two of our approved Volunteers are going to also be in attendance and that will be wonderful to have their hands to love on the dogs while I talk. I also hope they will be open to answering questions! We really feel blessed at BHRR by the support given! The only thing I forgot is our camera to take a picture of Mason and the dogs together at his school. I am looking for one approved BHRR Volunteer to attend with me on March 2nd at Holy Cross PS in Kemptville, Ontario, Time yet TBD and if you are interested, please email me. I have quite a few new pictures of Potter to add! Some have been added to our BHRR FB group already. One wee girl said she was so sad about Potter being deaf plus losing his leg and I asked her does ‘Potter look sad, unhappy, not well?’ and she said ‘no’ and I explained about how deafness seems to bother people rather than the dogs and that Potter is doing great without his leg and that he now has a great chance of quality of life plus since his rescue he is now happy and has a home. I showed her plus the class how we communicate with Potter and the surprise on their faces was clear to see. I explained how deaf people have names and jobs and they are ‘normal’ and the same applies to deaf dogs. For some reason, some of the kids felt that being deaf meant ‘stupid’ and I said that deafness is not related to brain power. These dogs as with so many deaf people are brilliant! We talked about names giving them identity and how important it is to be able to communicate with any dog, deaf or not. They saw how Potter knew when I was talking to him vs Windsor and how he responded to when he name was used. I told her how we live in a multi-deaf dog household and how each dog knows, hearing or not; when we talk to them over another. She felt so much better after this and I mentioned that often when people adopt dogs they ‘try’ to make it up to them that they were abused or neglected and that is a big mistake. You can ruin so many dogs that way and love is only part of the essential ingredients to having a happy, healthy rescue as part of your home. We see quite a few of our dogs that have been adopted become extremely overweight as their owners give them treat upon treat and so much food and I know I have blogged about it before; you are not doing them any service. You are shortening their life span and hurting their hearts plus joints. Great Danes should be on the lean side and you should faintly see those last two ribs. Or to stop the NILIF training and to allow the dog to run ranshank over your house because you ‘feel’ bad for what they went through, is not good. When we adopt our dogs, they are happy, healthy and doing fantastic. One only needs to carry on with the strong foundations created here to ensure the best life they can for their adoptive pets. They do not need people’s pity. They need understanding, consistency and structure plus the proper care which yes, of course includes tons of love. YET there is so much more to it than just love. We could not live in our sizeable multi-dog home if we took the approach that quite a few do with their dogs. We would be the ones sleeping on the dog beds and they in our kingsize bed! ๐Ÿ˜‰ This little girl really ‘got’ the message and thanked me for taking the time to explain things. She said that she wants to rescue when she is older and would like to volunteer for BHRR! ๐Ÿ™‚ On my part, I walked away yet again loving how honest and straight forward kids can be with their questions and if you answer them just as candidly plus truthfully; a great dialogue can be had! Some adults feel that kids asking certain questions are wrong or disrespectful. To me it is ‘how’ the question is asked and most kids have no ‘hidden’ agenda. They are just simply curious and want to know. We also discussed cancer a bit and I am sure that we could have been there for hours if it were not for the kids requiring to attend their French class.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the open dialogue that a q&a presents plus letting the kids touch the dogs and experience some of the wonderfulness of these creatures that I do every day. Thanks being sent out to our son Mason and his class plus his teachers for allowing us to participate in his school project.

BHRR’s Windsor and BHRR’s Potter came with me to Holy Cross PS yesterday to watch my son do a school project presentation of which he had decided to do on BHRR. He called it ‘the amazing work my mom does’ and I could not have been more proud. He ‘brought’ the house down with his emotion and heart. Sean also attended and this was the first time Sean has attended one of our community awareness opportunity speeches and it was just perfect! By an unanimous vote; Mason was chosen to now present in front of his whole school on March 2nd. Last year, he did a speech on myself and showing Great Danes and I am really touched that he has a true empathy and appreciation for the animals here. BHRR’s Windsor was not so happy with the car ride but the yummy treat plus toy he was given during Mason’s presentation plus all those kids loving on him more than made the trip worthwhile I bet! ๐Ÿ˜› Other than one moment when he and BHRR’s Potter want to ‘get it on’ with the playing, both were awesome. BHRR’s Potter is becoming quite the pro in attending such events and he plus Windsor shall both be at our February 25th BHRR Presentation at W.O. Mitchell PS in Kanata. Two of our approved Volunteers are going to also be in attendance and that will be wonderful to have their hands to love on the dogs while I talk. I also hope they will be open to answering questions! We really feel blessed at BHRR by the support given! The only thing I forgot is our camera to take a picture of Mason and the dogs together at his school. I am looking for one approved BHRR Volunteer to attend with me on March 2nd at Holy Cross PS in Kemptville, Ontario, Time yet TBD and if you are interested, please email me.

BHRR’s Mindy is doing great! She has been a wonderful influence on BHRR’s Dana and vice versa. Dana has taught Mindy to ‘chill’ a bit and to be more relaxed, playful and to not take life so seriously and Mindy has taught Dana how to be more of a lady here and there and not so much of a mischeivous ‘monkey’!ย  ๐Ÿ˜› They have a really good mutual understanding of each other and have really benefited from each others personalities. I love to watch Mindy with those long model legs get her playful zoomies on outside. She is really coming out of her own shell and has been such a low maintenance Dane to have here. She is 100% trustworthy in the house when we are not here and other than some barking at the coyotes; has rarely made a peep. She is quietly affectionate and eager to please and you just have to be careful about raising your voice too loud for she will flinch a bit and go to a bed to lay down. With a busy household, sometimes our voices have to be a bit louder than normal and this does affect Mindy and she has been adjusting really well. We are remaining as patient as can be that she and our other two black beauties of BHRR’s Dana plus BHRR’s Shiva will find their forever loving homes. I took some new pictures of her this week yet due to the lighting(at night) and her lovely dark coat; they did not turn out the best. So, I will take more this weekend to post. She tends to squint her eyes or shut them when we take pictures, even without the flash.

I was just finishing up a few things and getting ready to go to bed(it is almost 2 AM) and then I heard some ‘zoomy’ action and I look up to see Albert! He was zooming around the hutch and through the kitchen and back to the sunroom to his crate and back around again and again! The other dogs were just sort of in a daze for this is ‘quiet’ Albert getting crazy and at this hour! LOL I was so thrilled to see him and he was so darn cute! LOL It only lasted a few moments but WOW! What a delight! The other thing that Albert likes to do is take my shoes and just lie with them. He will pull them out of the shoe rack and just cuddle with them in his crate. He has also taken a coat and a sweater of mine too at one point. I have posted some pictures of him taken on February 17th on our BHRR FB group and shall post them here when I can. The difference in his hind end and body stature plus confidence is just amazing in only 4 weeks. I am now going to begin to get him out and about in the public more, just little treks here and there to continue to build up his confidence.

BHRR’s Storm’s heat is now over…YAY! YAY! YAY! AND she has been fully integrated back with the herd and other than Porridge plus Kingston showing some interest in her; everyone else is back to status quo and of course Multi CH. Bronson is as clueless as ever about what even went on! GOTTA love my ‘big blue’! So easy going, mellow and laid back with no concept that he is an intact show dog that will be turning 3 in June. I had sent TAIN of to be with his handler here and there for he was whining and stopped eating and though he also has never been bred; he ‘knew’ something was up and so, it was in his best interest and my own for sleeping NOT to have to listen to 24/7 crying from him; to have him go to his handlers here and there. TAIN is now with her to get in one more handling class and then off to Markham to show and with BHRR’s Parker now at his new home; things seem so quiet as both BHRR’s Mr. Parker Paws and TAIN are two of the young ‘rough’ housers here. BHRR’s Storm will be spayed on March 9th and in about 10 days to 2 weeks after that; barring anything untoward; she will be placed up for adoption. ๐Ÿ™‚

HUGE breakthrough today! BHRR’s Albert ate a treat! His first! OH YEAH! It was a Mar-O-Bone treat from a box that Mary brought up to the BHRR’s Mini Open House in early February and OH YEAH! GO ALBERT! GO! He is just so happy to see me after I get the kids on the bus and if he would stay still long enough, I could get some great pictures of that hind end! ๐Ÿ˜› He is a long way off for me being comfortable to place up for adoption and no rush. Step by step we shall go! He is also eating better now that I have him on food that is strictly fish based. I believe thos bags came up from Pam at Global Pet Foods – Ancaster and we are most appreciative!!!! We had a couple of bags donated over the past couple of weeks and I shall continue to hunt out food of this type moving forward. I could not be more happy with his progress. I say every day ‘I love me some Albert’ and he comes bouncing over to stand near me(will not come over to touch me as of yet) and I get to hug and give him his good AM kiss.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚ He has been fully integrated with BHRR’s Storm now that her heat has ended and everything is smooth. I still have not intergrated him with my show bluez boyz and shall be doing this with Multi CH. Bronson this week as CH. Tain is off with his handler to settle into their routine before heading to Markham to show later this week.

Created a slideshow and added a picture of BHRR’s Windsor. He is a very small Newf; just over 52 pounds at almost 7 months of age.

BHRR’s Windsor – February 16th, 2010

In having a very detailed conversation about BHRR’s Storm with one of the Vets I work with; it was decided that to try and get her spayed before she ‘cycles’ again so soon. So, we are aiming to spay her within the next month. Her heat is almost over; 28 days this upcoming Saturday February 13th and we shall give her 4 weeks more and she is scheduled to be spayed on Tuesday March 9th. We looked at when she saw the two Vets(for her HC to cross the border plus at her temp fosters) and the timeframe of them believing she was exiting a heat and then when she went back into a heat; we do not want to take the chance of her cycling yet again. It is not good on them to do so that frequently and it is hard to maintain what gain we have had on her in the weight department. We tallked about any risks with her due to her uterus not being given a minimal of 6 weeks to get back to normal yet she is on the smaller side of being a GD and after weighing up all the pros/cons and risks/benefits; I feel comfortable at this time booking her within the next 4 weeks. At our BHRR Mini Open House on Saturday; she was clearly ending her heat cycle for she had very little interest in the neutered males or even females and her tolerance for them having any interest in her was greatly decreased. BHRR’s Porridge was the only one that clearly showed interest in her and Storm was always quick to ‘correct’ him. I guess Porridge does not realise he is actually neutered and has been for a long long long time! I brought back my one show boy from being with his handler on Monday night(he had been losing too much weight in smelling her) and he is no longer whining or crying(which means a better night sleep) and is eating a lot better now. If she had not cycled so fast, I would hold off to 6 weeks from her end of heat; yet the chances are high that she will cycle again really soon. I want to do what is her the best interests of her health plus wellbeing.

I wanted to post a INCREDIBLE note of public thanks to everyone that has supported BHRR Inc. for my `milestone`Birthday on February 3rd, 2010. An amazing $435.00 was raised in one day with the Gwennie’s 40th โ€˜Fight’ to Help the Animals Drive’ – Feb. 3rd, 2010 – Surprise for Gwennie’s 40th Birthday – *Goal $400 and a total of $858.00 has been raised from that Fundraiser plus those have sent in funds or attended a surprise bash for me on February 6th. I just cannot thank people enough for their continued belief in what BHRR Inc. represents and in reaching out to support our program(s) for animals in need. We were able to bring up our food resources to 60+ days and bring down our current Vet Bills to just over $3,200 with your donations. My most heartfelt appreciation and gratitude is sent out to everyone for this kindness shown. We are truly humbled…..

BHRR Inc’s Mr. Parker Paws shall be heading to his new forever loving home on Saturday February 13th!

BHRR Inc’s Potter came with myself and two wonderful BHRR Inc. Volunteers on February 2nd to Ashbury College as part of a Community Volunteer Fair Event we were asked to participate in. It was such a great time! This is the first one that we have been able to attend since the summer of 2006 when we did the Port Hope Pet Expo. We are hoping that we can take on more of these Human Education/Community Awareness Opportunities moving forward. Both BHRR Inc’s Porridge and BHRR’s Inc. Potter were very popular. We only brought 50 Volunteer Appications and we went through them all before the Event was over! BHRR Inc’s next Community Event is a Human Education/Community Awareness Speaking opportunity being held on Thursday February 25th at a W.O. Mitchell Public School in Kanata, Ontario. We are still looking for one BHRR Inc. Approved Volunteer to come join myself from 10:30 AM for about one hour; to assist with the animals that shall be joining us and perhaps if they feel comfortable; in answering any questions. Please email Gwen if you are interested and can help out!

BHRR Inc.’s Porridge came with myself and two wonderful BHRR Inc. Volunteers on February 2nd to Ashbury College as part of a Community Volunteer Fair Event we were asked to participate in. It was such a great time! This is the first one that we have been able to attend since the summer of 2006 when we did the Port Hope Pet Expo. We are hoping that we can take on more of these Human Education/Community Awareness Opportunities moving forward. Both BHRR Inc’s Porridge and BHRR’s Inc. Potter were very popular. We only brought 50 Volunteer Appications and we went through them all before the Event was over! BHRR Inc’s next Community Event is a Human Education/Community Awareness Speaking opportunity being held on Thursday February 25th at a W.O. Mitchell Public School in Kanata, Ontario. We are still looking for one BHRR Inc. Approved Volunteer to come join myself from 10:30 AM for about one hour; to assist with the animals that shall be joining us and perhaps if they feel comfortable; in answering any questions. Please email Gwen if you are interested and can help out!

I had one of the worst scares of my life with BHRR Inc’s Albert today. I was coming home from a Grocery run with one of my BHRR Inc BOD members and I received a call from Sean. He said that he ‘lost’ Albert. Apparently, Albert has done what no other dog has managed to do in our newly fenced in area; got through the fence just after Sean let him out to go pee and had gone walkabout. As I drove, I asked Mary pull out the spare leash I keep in the side door of the car and when we turned down our rural road; I saw Albert just leaving one of the neighbours places(they have 16 intact sled dogs and I worried about his safety) and he saw Sean who was approaching from our laneway area and I tried not to sacre him as I drove closer and I rolled down my window to call to him. I wanted him to know I was there and to hopefully not bolt in fear that a car was behind him. As soon as was past the neighbours place, who have the sled dogs(wolf hybids, huskyx’s etc.), I put the car in park and got out. I know Mary was feeling a wee bit helpless having to sit in the car for I knew that Albert would only come to me, IF he was going to go to anyone. He saw Sean and startled back my way and when he saw me, he was hesitant and then he trotted towards me and just stayed within inches out of my reach as he paced back and forth and turned about. He was cleary a bit stressed had some drool going on. I knew that if I rushed him, he would be gone to me and I waved Sean to just stay back and Mary stayed in the car behind me. Eventually, within mere moments WHICH seemed like an eternity to me; I was able to touch him and he did his ‘pause’ so I could stroke his side and then I was able to lightly get up to his neck and from there, I was hugging him and felt like I was going to cry I was so relieved. That moment of Sean calling and hearing the tone of his voice, fear just shot into my heart and I knew I loved Albert, I love them all; yet when I was hugging Albert; I just felt the most intense feelings of emotion. I ADORE this boy with everything I am and if he had been hurt or killed or lost; I just could not forgive myself, even if I had nothing to do with why he was lost in the first place. I just realised in that moment of the ‘trust’ he showed in me that I am beyond commmited to Albert. I am truly connected to him and it is going to take that super special right matched home that I am going to feel 100% ok in letting him go too. AND I looped my leash in his collar and he and I trotted all the way home AND you should have seen Albert move! The improvement to his hind end with the muscle and strength he has developed in his time here and the rehab I have been doing with him(one would think I would be 90 pounds with all the exercise the dogs here give me!) and he looked AMAZING! I wish I could have had a picture or better yet a video. He lifts his front feet up on a hackney horse type of motion when he is happy and his hind end was driving almost straight and it was so nice and strong and full of momentum. He just almost floated as he trotted. He had his head up high, ears forward and it was like sheer poetry if I could find any type of expression to explain it! In the short period of time he has been here, to see this type of massive improvement and he was SOOOOOOOOO happy with me as we jogged back to the house on our laneway in the sun(our laneway is almost a KM long) and I almost did not want it to end. He was just stunning!!!! I think people are going to be so happy to see the new pictures I am going to have to take of Albert and his hind end etc. Yes, when he stands for extended periods of time, he will begin to slouch down yet he is no longer that always shrinking, slinking, terrifed boy. He is still afraid of the TV yes. AND best of all, he has put so much trust in ME! I am humbled. I know many people at the Open House wanted to touch and love on him yesterday yet they respected his space and how he needs time.

At our BHRR Inc’s Mini Open House yesterday, I was so impressed with him coming out when our first guest arrived and he even nibbled on a bit of a large rawhide type treatie bone for a few tastes. That was a first for Albert. As more people arrived, he went into his crate and layed down. He did not attempt to ‘sleep’ to escape any overwhelming feelings he might have had over this many people coming into our home. Many dogs will sleep when they are stressed. We see it often on transports. Albert was content to lie in his open crate and watch the activities around him and I did not push him. At one time, I called him and he did come out briefly and stood with me in the sunroom for a bit, before walking back into his crate.

Albert is a survivor and he has proven to me that he is not going to be that dog that just is content in shuffling from A to B. He wants to get out more and more and to not just walk but trot and jog and yes run and that is when he just ‘kicks’ my tush! AND I love it! GO ALBERT GO! I cannot wait for Monday and how I am revamping the distance and location of our next rehab journey together. It is not just *I* that is going to get Albert into top shape; HE is going to get *me* into better shape too! Between him and BHRR Inc’s Potter, I am going to be most fit for my first marathon later this year afterall!ย  ๐Ÿ˜› I wonder if they can come run with me, at least part of the way!ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰ THEY both are deeply inspirational to me, just as quite a few other BHRR Inc. Dogs have been in the past.

BHRR Inc’s Storm is now on Day 22 of her heat and we are almost done…phewww! From there, we shall wait until her uterus comes back to a normal state and then spay. She was another HUGE hit at the BHRR Inc’s Mini Open House yesterday and I am hoping that her forever loving home shall not be long in the making. I did notice today that she has begun to have a ‘reaction’ to the metal buckle on one of the collars donated to her. So, I have her in a martingale collar at this time and her new home will have to be careful about metal being near her skin. The collar she is wearing now is a donation from T. Davis and her fellow Vet Tech team at Algonquin College from the small Fundraiser they held for BHRR Inc. in November with some collar sales. She looks so lovely in those shades of pink and purple!

BHRRs’s Mindy is officially now “AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION”. She was a HUGE hit at our BHRR Inc’s Mini Open House yesterday! Another great time had by all! Our next BHRR Inc’s Mini Open House shall not be until June. Please email Gwen if you are interested in attending. We will only take a limited number of registrations(20) for attendance.ย 

D. Cupolo, Ottawa, ON, CDA

Hi Gwen,

It was great to meet you and your (people and dog) family today! You exceeded my expectations for today.

As I mentioned I was a bit hesitant at first and wanted to check things out before going any further. Your knowledge, passion and compassion are inspiring. There was so much love in the open house today it was great. And I too believe like you that no dog, regardless of age or condition should be discounted. I’m disappointed to know that some folks stopped their contributions because they felt what you are doing with Albert is “wrong”. Luckily for me (and I’m sure there are others like me) who find this inspiring.

It will be great when you get your charitable registration number as well. I donate regularly through payroll deductions to charity and once you receive your registration number I can get your charity listed on the Employee Giving Campaign Website for all….so others can donate as well. Of course I’ll be spreading the word also!

Thanks again, and I look forward to your house visit with my family once I submit the volunteer/foster/adopt paperwork.

Dave Cupolo

Kim and Paul Schaefer, Connecticut, USA

I was on your website last eve. for the first time. We discovered it from looking at I think it all the work you have done with these animals is great. My family and I balled our eyes out looking at the animals who have come into rescue with you. How disgraceful it is that people can do this to these animals.

On Wednesday February 3rd, 2010 there shall be a Fundraiser Dive whereby we are asking people that visit/hit the BHRR Inc. website to consider donating at least $5.00 in honour of Gwen’s milestone Birthday.

We are calling it ‘Gwennie’s 40th ‘Fight’ to Help the Animals Drive’ Our goal is to see if we can raise $400 in one day as a surprise to Gwen to help ease a bit her constant worry about much needed funds required in her fight to continue to save animals in need. Already 2010 is shaping up to be a really bad year for the requests for assistance have been many to date. If we take the average number of people that visit the BHRR Inc. site daily; 135; and each person donated just $5.00, the difference that can make to animals in need of this organization that Gwen founded back in 1996 would be big. If you believe in what BHRR Inc. represents our grateful thanks being extended to you for your consideration to help Gwennie continue with her vision of BHRR Inc. and to help even more animals deserving of a better chance of life. Updates will be posted throughout the day on the BHRR FB Group and on the BHRR Inc. website.

You can pay by PayPal or email transfer to

The BHRR Inc. โ€˜I Believe’ Team