Stephanie, Peterborough Ontario

Thank you for being such an amazing rescue with such extraordinary people! It’s a good there are people like you to take in the less fortunate dogs.

Sometime in the future (I’m currently in highschool) I hope to be involved in rescue, particularly with Great Danes and other giant breeds. Your site is very informative and inspiring, thank you again!

I see on Tain’s show page that the Peterborough show is ‘tentative’, I hope that works out as I’d love to watch Tain strut his stuff! I’ve never been to a show before, but my family plans on attending that one.

Congrats on all you’ve done, and best wishes for the future! 🙂

I have much to update on BHRR`s Mr. Parker(a large Gwennie Novel) including pics from May 11th and May 21st yet those on our BHRR Facebook group have already been `privy`to them and as the hour is after 2:30 AM and I have worked a very long day as is between Rescue and Hospital and then Rescue again; `Mr. Parker`s blog will have to wait until I am home from the hospital tomorrow night. 😉 He is doing awesome though and on May 12th he was at the Vet and weighed 47.8 KGs(105.16 pounds) which is up 8.16 pounds from the 97 pounds he arrived at on May 4th, 2009. He had his first nail trim on May 14th and seemed almost `curious`with it all! LOL I have a height of 36.5“ on Mr. Parker and let me put that in perspective. My Ch. Dyce is 35.5“ and weighs almost 145-150 pounds and Dyce`s brother Soul is 36+“and weighs 150+ pounds and Mr. Parker is a wee bit taller than both of them and has similar bone just like they do; so to be at 97 pounds that is EMACIATED! Mr. Parker should be weighing close to 130+ right now for he is a lot younger than Dyce and Soul(they are 3+) and when Mr. Parker is more mature; he should be 140-145 pounds. I am also strongly suspecting that even at 15 months; that is being a bit overly `generous`for this BOY is ALLLLLLLLL puppy and then some. 😛 I have much to update on his Vet visit, bw, life here, how it went with Sean while I was in Arnprior etc. and that shall come very soon. I will not be microchipping him until our July 12th BHRR Microchip Fundraiser for I want to bring him as an ambassador to the Great Dane Breed plus for those attending to just meet him and see how `yummy`he really is! He is not going to be up for adoption for quite some time. While he is putting on weight; his feet need more work(though we are getting `lift`) and he still needs to be neutered(will get into more with his bw later). AND already, I have written a mini-novel….  😉

I have many new pictures to also add of BHRR’s Lil Linus. I am going to add two below from our Limerick Forest GD Hike on April 5th for they are just so indicative of his personality+. Thank you to Suzanne & Chuck for the ‘candid’ shots! He is doing just wonderful. So happy and as clownish as always and man, does he still love his food and if you are ‘late’ with his supper; he is quick to race to you, the race to the food bin then race to his crate and back to you and the food bin and his crate and back to you and…… 😛 He other favourite game of late is how many times he can get people to open the door to let him out and then he just turns around and wants back in again and then he wants out again and then he wants in….. 🙄 😛 He is still the same that after a certain time of night; he WILL not go outside by himself to pee and after an even later time at night; he will not even go outside; he will ‘hold’ it until morning. He remains very receptive to his ‘light’ training of me flicking the lights on and off for him to come in and he is just so proud of himself that he ‘gets’ it now! Everyone that meets him just wants to pull those jowls and kiss them and he still gets that very ‘tolerant’ look on his face and you can almost hear him ‘sighing’ on the inside in embarrassment! LOL He truly does not realise just how beyond cute he is!!!!! I am still amazed by how tall he has gotten and with that conformation and head; he is one very striking boy. I need to get a new Panache Pooch collar for him for his balloons have faded off and I think he would like a ‘bigger’ boy collar now. 😛 Little does he know that I am thinking toy cars and toy trucks for him!!!!! He just remains that little ‘boy’ in so many ways and is all puppy! What I love most is that he is now even comfortable sleeping on a Kuranda bed or a dog bed or even for a period of time on my bed at night. If he is ‘startled’ or ‘stepped’ on by another dog; he will often then just go to his open crate and lie down but more and more, he is getting a larger comfort zone. The other thing that I am really enjoying(as cold as his nose is) is when he will come up to me when I am sleeping and nudge me for some loving and kisses(he has not yet learned to let sleeping moms lie! LOL) and I cannot deny him for we have worked so hard to get him to ‘ask’ for attention and affection on his terms!!!!! Linus has no concept of time most often, I find. LOL Day could be night and vice versus. All he really knows is ‘breakfast’ and ‘dinner’ time and ‘treat’ time and more ‘treat’ time and the world just blends into having wonderful walks, hikes, love, new friends, new toys, play and more play and car rides and joy and playdates and the occassional bath, nails, ear cleaning etc. thrown in. WHAT a world he has. He is so worry free and stress free about most things now and I am so enjoying this. He has also taken to wanting to be very close to me when I am walking and my heels have paid the price with his heavy shuffling clodhoppers bumping them and tripping me. He has also discovered the joy of being a Dane and not allowing one to use the bathroom in private and thinks this it is just grand to accompany me when I have to go. ANOTHER momma`s boy here. He will often race to the bathoom and seems almost disappointed if I pass it by. 🙄 It is quite a feat to try and use the facilities when 5 or 6 Danes wish to be part of one’s entourage….I thought my kids were bad! LOL If I am in the bathroom and the door is closed; he will snuffle under the door and will now scratch at the door and bump his head against it to get in and the few sounds of absolute despair that he will almost wail out; one would think he was dying….sigh….we are working on his being a bit more independent from me. When I do come out of the bathroom, the look on his face is just priceless. He acts like he has not seen me in years and is so relieved and also a bit ‘put’ out(if Linus had a put out expression, that would be it) and he also MOST pleased with himself as if he has solved some complex puzzle `I FOUND GWEN` `DID I DO GOOD OR WHAT!` is like he is saying….he is a HUGE cause of smiles this one!!!! What a character!!! Sadly, no right matched homes have inquired about Lil Linus and I know that he would be thrilled to be here for the rest of his life yet I know that Dyce and Bronson would be very happy to see him adopted some days for Lil Linus is similar to BHRR’s Boba in that he is almost constantly nose to nose with them; asking them ‘do you like me now?’….’do you still like me?’….’how about now; do you like me now?’ or ‘do you want to play?’….’how about now?’….’now? now? NOW?’ LOL Dyce just will go to a crate and lie down with his back to the open door and Bronson; who has the patience of a saint; will just leave the room. Yet, most days; the three of them are the closest of pals, roughing it up outside and doing their thing…like digging…ugh! I know that I have said this many times; BUT I just love the dynamics in action. I could sit for hours, just observing what is going on with the dogs here!  Slides 68 – 76 have now been added to his gallery!

BHRR’s Lil Linus – April 5th, 2009 – Limerick Forest GD Hike – Almost 17 months old

Most heartfelt thanks continue to be sent to everyone that continues to keep KB/JB in their prayers and thoughts plus Sean. KB/JB is ‘hanging’ tough and strong and I had wanted to be optimistic in that we would have him with us until the fall yet I am also trying to be a realist and am aware that this may not happen. I continue to look deep into his eyes and he continues to look straight back at me with clear and focused KB/JB character and though someday’s those eyes might be more clouded with discomfort; he remains quite strong at this time. He has not wanted to go on any more walkabouts of late and that is ok. He is most content just hanging around the house and be near Sean and Mazda most of all. As I keep saying, as much as he loves me; when Sean comes home from work; the ‘hopping’ he will do with his leg held up in excitement; just speaks tons for how close those two are. Mazda on her own volition will often just wish to be in the rec room with KB/JB and we continue to keep him closely supervised when the ‘rough’ boyz are out there like Dyce. We have also started to notice that he seems ‘sad’ when the play picks up and he cannot participate. I do not wish to keep him segregated completely from all of his friends(as is, we keep him quiet when company is over so as to not over excite or stress him) yet this sadness really is distressing to see. I know that Dyce, one of his closest play buds(MAN! DO they have the tough play down pat and have been close friends for all of Dyce’s life!) is also confused by things. That leg of KB/KB is so fragile that we do not wish to see him harmed and this rough play and running and bouncing has been very much part of his life up until the last few months and it has brought Sean and I discussing the whole ‘quality’ of life again. We have always said that for any dog; we would do ‘quality’ of life; not quantity and we find ourselves on a bit of a crossroads with some choices to make. We will not have him die with a broken heart or in spirit in addition to his osteosarcoma. 😥 We have much to discuss and think over and decide.

New pics of Hamilton The Newf posted Slides #18-#22. He is just the most sensitive of boys in many ways and in others likes to be one of the ‘boyz’ roughhousing…NOT too much though. He has ‘found’ his voice and sometimes just like to almost ‘howl’ in empathy with the wolves on our property…sigh… 🙄 Goober! He also has developed this ‘play’ tactic of ‘sneak’ attacking some of the other dogs…he will stand around the corner of our sunroom or the master bedroom and when someone goes by; almost ‘tackle’ them or leap out in front of them….Abbi did NOT find this amusing whatsoever and Hamilton will no longer be doing that to her….OMG! That was funny! After almost being startled out of her skin; she gave him her best ‘Abbi’ school marm ‘I am most unimpressed’ look and I swear if Hamilton could kiss her feet; he would have in forgiveness! LOL Porridge just thrives on this play technique and can often be found; very carefully poking his head out and trying to peer as far as he can with his giraffe neck to see if the ‘predator’ is lurking! I still find Hamilton The Newf a wee bit thin for my liking and I continue to encourage him to try and eat a bit more. He is the biggest MOMMA’S boy and I have to admit, I LOVE it! We continue to work on his ‘public’ shyness and his ‘mop’ impression at the hospital yet at home; he is a completely different boy and both Sean and I know that out of all the dogs; he is going to have the hardest time adjusting to the new fenced in yard for the dogs. When we had all that snow a year ago; one day; Hamilton found himself on the outside of our current fenced in area(the snow was at least a foot higher than our fence…almost 6 feet) and he knew the instant he ‘popped’ on the other side and did his ‘mop’ act. So, we are thinking of all the yummy treats and ways we can get him most comfortable with things.

Abbi continues to do well! As many know, Sean and I have been holding off doing her nails(and as people know, I LIKE my dogs nails short!) and that patience paid off for we were able to do them a couple of weeks ago without any issues(submissive peeing). I cannot believe how grey her face is getting. It makes her look so adorable. I am also posting slides #56-#60 in her gallery. We have had some inquiries on Abbi and we shall see what the future will hold for her. We do have an open house coming up and that will be giving people the opportunity to meet her in person to see just how amazing she truly is! Abbi is definitely a ‘ladies’ man for she has completely claimed Sean as her own and when Sean is not feeling well; she will not leave his side or when he falls asleep on the couch(do not tell him that!); she is right there beside him. 🙂 She continues to thrive on rules and routine and is none too impressed when BHRR’s Mr. Parker arrived and being the completely untrained goofy puppy boy he is; just ran ranshankle through the house at first. She was also the object of his ‘affection’ and it did not take her long(just one night) to very politely and effectively ‘correct’ him on this behavour and he has been very respectful and has switched his affections to PPSS…sigh…everyone wants to hump my sweet Soul. Abbi is really maturing into her frame now and continues to just be a stunning Dane, inside and out. She has also taken to wanting to come up on my bed at night for some cuddles and loving and will even stay there for some time before getting off and settling on to one of the Kuranda Beds that her fostermom donated almsot 1.5 years ago. Her obedience is just almost perfection and she just continues to love to ‘ditch’ her collar at every opportunity….sigh…. 😛 We continue to work on her feeling comfortable again in the car and it is a very very very slow process and one that is truly ‘painful’ to dear Abbi. 🙁 She no longer sits and preens and watches the world go by with interest and just lies down and looks so worried. She still associates the car with when she was hurt by that dog and me taking her to the Vet and patience is the only way to go with this one. I just know that she would also be so much happier in a home with less dogs(she has to have her order and structure and it does stress her out to have others not ‘listen’) and we remain optimistic that her right matched home is out there!

Today, we finally received a certified check for the funds that were meant to come to BHRR including coverage of the NSF fees. I picked up the check on my way to work at the Hospital. When I arrived at the hospital, I was informed that the instructor from the course had called and that surprised me for this was a BHRR matter. I then received a call at KAH on this same BHRR matter a couple hours later and we continue to request that all BHRR matters be taken care of away from the Hospital for my work there is separate from my work at BHRR. The call I received was from the instructor S. Candow of the Communications Course at St. Lawrence College and who was the organizer of the April 7th Speaker Day. She wanted to not only confirm that we did receive the certified check, which I had just received on my way to work today yet also strongly requested that I remove the blog about the funds bouncing from our site as it caused the College ‘distress’ and that her communications class was mentioned. As I very clearly explained; BHRR believes in full disclosure and this was the facts of the situation and as BHRR was not at fault for funds bouncing that were meant to come to us and that while I was very happy that in four years this had never happened to them before; the error was not ours, we have nothing to hide and BHRR was very much ‘distressed’ by having to be the proactive one to have this matter addressed. We are now at the end of May and finally getting resolution and the Speaker Day was April 7th. The student who bounced the check could have showed intiative to have this matter rectified as soon as she realised that the check would bounce yet did not. Our calls could have been returned sooner yet were not etc. Not only that, it put us into a very difficult and uncomfortable position for as mentioned; KAH has been very kind to accept checks on behalf of our Rescue for the last almost 5.5 years. That priviledge could have very easily been taken away from us. I firmly said that ‘no, I would not remove our blog’ for it is the truth of the matter and I was then informed by S. Candow that she wanted a blog posted that this matter had been rectified. I once again explained that BHRR believes in full disclosure and that when I was NOT working at the hospital and at my earliest opportunity; I would post that resolution was finally achieved yet once again; I WOULD not be removing any blog about something that was not our fault and that I would not remove something as if we were to ‘blame’. I stand by our position that this should have been more professionally handled and this latest experience today has reinformed my position that this has not be a very pleasant experience. At this time, as far as myself and my BOD of BHRR are concerned, this matter is now closed for we have finally received the funds that were originally meant to come to help the animals in need of our BHRR programs and we will not have any further contact on this topic. A huge thank you is extended to all for their continued support and also patience for in the dealing with this situation; it has taken away from being able to update blogs, post new pictures etc.

It is now time….I ‘think’ I shall be ok! 😉 I have posted BHRR’s Dana up on our PetFinder site(not sure why she is not showing up as of yet) and it is time to post her here as NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! As careful as we try to be on all of our adoptions; I am going to be even more super careful about Dana’s. Ideally, I would love to see her in a home whereby someone worked from home, worked part-time, semi-retired, retired etc. Dana really needs a ‘job’ and would excel in obedience or therapy work. As great as she is in ‘holding’ down the bedclothes on our bed; she really thrives on the mental and physical stimulus of a ‘job’. I am constantly thinking of puzzles for her to solve, games to play to enrich her and to keep that brain occupied from thinking of ‘other’ amusements. 😉 As we believe in full disclosure at BHRR; I want anyone that is considering applying to adopt Dana to know that she stills has the incliniation to want to ‘jump’ when she is excited around people that are visiting. This is NOT something that should hold up her adoption YET it is something that shall require continued training and positive reinforcement in her new home. The behavour is not that common anymore here; but it still has been known to happen. Tethering when guests are expected; is a really great corrective method to use. The other thing that is a MUST is that the approved home that she will go to had better NEVER EVER let up on her continued NILIF training for that would be setting this personality plus gal up for major failure and I shall be doing my very best to ensure that the home really understands this. Experience has taught me that while many do ‘read’, many do not really ‘see’ what is there and I get many calls after dogs are adopted about ‘things’ that never should have been a cause of question; if only the home had done what they were suppose to in the very beginning. YOU do not set the boundaries with this beauty from the beginning, there are going to be issues. She is positively brilliant this sweetie and smarter than a lot of people out there in the world! I KID you not…I would rather not adopt out this incredible Great Dane than take any major chance or risk of a home setting her up for complete failure and ‘ruining’ all that she has accomplished to date. I say this NOT to scare people away for she is beyond magnificent and so many people out there know how much she means to me. I say all of this for it is so important for a successful adoption. The ideal home should have a great sense of humour, tons of patience, the ability to stop, pause, take a deep breath and a calm controlled voice helps too.  😛 You are going to earn so much respect and love from Dana with your solid approach of ‘honey’ & ‘sugar’. NO animal should be forced or man handled ever. Spoiling her and overdoing it on the treat spoiling end is not going to be effective either. As it is, when I look at my darling ‘Alvin’…ooops, I mean Dana; I feel ‘guilty’. Her brown eyes seem to be saying ‘am I not good enough to stay here?’ and I just keeping saying to her that ‘it is us that are not ‘right’ and good enough for her’. Somehow, I almost get the feeling that she thinks I am betraying her in placing her up for adoption AND she remains ‘holding’ back a deep piece inside her. Something that I feel is going to be almost magical to the home that she does release it too. Dana and I have had many talks and chats since her arrival here last November and lately, I find that we have been having even more talks about her future, how wonderful and exciting and great it is going to be and she just looks at me with those all seeing/knowing; deep; gorgeous brown eyes; yawns her ‘sassback’ and does not look convinced….sigh…. I have said to Sean many times; maybe she needs more time yet that is not ‘it’; she is actually insecure about her fate moving forward and I can ‘sense’ it in her yet she would never let it come to the forefront, this one. So, my promise to you Dana is that I would rather see you stay here than ever be ‘wronged’ in a home and I feel a huge weight of responsiblity to not make any wrong decisions where you are concerned for Mazda’s ‘failures’ loom over me daily still.  🙁 No one has a crystal ball and I can only strive to do my absolute best for Dana yet if I ‘failed’ her; I do not know how and ‘if’ she shall recover. She just is ‘special’. Those who have met her; know what I mean and understand. So, please; before you consider applying to adopt BHRR’s Dana; READ her whole story to date and our mandates; policies, procedures and processes for it is not BHRR or me that one would be letting down; it is Dana and please if you really care; do not apply to be considered if you cannot MORE than meet what Dana needs and deserves for the rest of her life. I am so proud of this Dane and as with all of our animals; we just want loving forever homes for them. I have new pictures posted of Dana as well; #16 – #18 are from May 11th, 2009 and I wanted to put in a picture below of Dana from today. Slide #20 is from April 21st, 2009…sorry it is out of order. 😳 She is a well adjusted, happy and loving Dane; a far cry away from when she first arrived emaciated back in November of 2008. The tears I have shed in thinking about saying good-bye to this fantastic beauty will be nothing compared to when the time does come to let her go…

BHRR’s Dana – about 13+ months – happy, ears flapping in the wind and sandy! – May 21st, 2009

As some are aware, BHRR has been dealing with a situation to try and obtain resolution on some funds that were specifically raised for BHRR by members of a Veterinary Assistance team at St. Lawrence College in Kingston when BHRR was there to present for their Speaker Day back in April 2009. As part of their course ‘task’; this team was to raise funds for the guest organization that came in to speak and $300.00 was raised for BHRR; yet the check that was given to us; bounced and now we are being charged with a NSF fee. Kanata Animal Hospital has allowed us to have checks written out into their name as they have believed in BHRR and our programs and this is the first time in my almost 5.5 years working there that this has happened. I have emailed my ‘contact’ person; T. Belbeck from the Speaker Day and I have also left a message with the instructor; Sandra of their Vet Assistant Communications course who hosted this “Speaker Day”; yet to date; we still have not been given a replacement check(I have requested this to be a Money Order or Bank Draft this time around) nor has an appropriate resolution been sent our way. As mentioned in my one email sent out on this matter; we shall take whatever steps are necessary for this is completely unacceptable for monies that were specifically raised and meant for the animals at BHRR to have been kept by another(s) and now BHRR is out the $300 plus a NSF charge. This is one reason why our blogs have not been updated this week; for this situation has occupied much of my time since last Tuesday. The BOD of BHRR is beyond unimpressed with what has happened plus how it has been handled to date. In fact, we are absolutely dismayed with what has taken place and one of our next steps is also going to be contacting Chris Whitaker; President & CEO at St. Lawrence College.

Gwennie THANKS!!!

Oh Gwennie…. your writeup of Parker boy almost brought me to tears! I am beyond happy that he is doing so well with you – I knew he would blossom there. I loved him so much here… he was my little velcro dog. He is so trusting and loving, it’s hard to think that anyone would want to hurt him in anyway. I can’t express my thank yous enough.

Here is a picture of BHRR’s Mr. Parker’s feet & his body condition on May 6th, 2009. I have also added slides # 6 – #24. I am regretful that I am not able to get a current weight on BHRR’s Mr. Parker due to my pneumonia but I shall post a current height shortly. He will have a nail trim as soon as he is more settled in and more relaxed with things. I also desire to extend a heartfelt thanks to whomever gave him his collar and leash. THANK you! He is ‘all’ puppy and a puppyhood he shall now enjoy! I just wanted to also post what an INCREDIBLE boy Mr. Parker is because I had to draw blood for Sean to take to the hospital and as Parker is terrified of Sean, this was going to pose a wee bit of a challenge and then I thought….hmmmmm, I wonder if he will just lie there and let me draw blood without anyone holding him. So, I drew his blood by myself and I did two tubes from the back leg and then I drew 2 more from the front leg and Parker just lied there as calm and quiet as can be. YOU tell me how many dogs, let alone a new ‘rescued’ animal that has only been with you a few days; that you can do this too. The only other dog that I have been able to do this on all by myself to date is my CH. Dyceman. GOOD BOY PARKER! Lots of yummies for that!  😀 Today, Parker has a new friend to add to his growing list; BHRR’s Shiva. They like to ‘rock’ the house…sigh…LOL

BHRR’s Mr. Parker – Feet & Body Condition May 6th, 2009

OK! I know that many have been waiting for an update on BHRR’s Mr. Parker. 😉 I thank everyone for their patience. I have been battling pneumonia and that has made it a wee bit harder to get all that needs to be done in as timely of a fashion that I would like. Mr. Parker arrived on Monday, thanks so much to Chelsea for paying for his pull fee and in all that she has done for Mr. Parker. His name is a very special one given to him by her. HUGE thanks as well to Deanna that contacted me offering to co-ordinate with Chelsea to pick up Parker on Sunday and bring him to BHRR. With both of our vehicles going out of commission the same day last Saturday; your email was a lifesaver..that and having brothers for one of mine has now lent us one of his as Sean works to get ours up and running again. Deanna picked up Mr. Parker and he had a sleepover with her and came to us on Monday. In the urgency to get Mr. Parker here as early as we could; he did not receive his rabies(which I am ok as due to his body condition; I would like to hold off on that). Here is what Deanna had to say about Mr. Parker when she first got him:

“I finally got to Scarborough and picked up sweet, goofy Parker! He’s SUCH a big puppy, and rather a stinky puppy – LOL. He’s eaten some supper, had a bath with two shampoos & long rinses (I think he’ll need two or three to get the stink out!! LOL), pooped & peed, and is being very good considering all he’s been through. He’s a beautiful pup!”

Here is what Deanna also had to say about BHRR’s Mr. Parker:

“…and he is fairly big-boned, too — his head, which I have to say is BEAUTIFUL, looks way too big right now compared to his poor emaciated body …. and OMG those huge flat feet (and fairly long nails). Btw, he was very good for me tonight when I bathed him — unsure of it at first, but willing to try (very easy to coax in there with me!) and once he realized it was kinda nice he relaxed and seemed to enjoy it. As I type this, he has settled in and is sound asleep in the big kennel we have in the sunken living room … but when he was awake a bit earlier he sure was eager to play!!! (Ocean thinks that’s GREAT – LOL; Gracie, not so much!! *g*).”

As bad as his body condition is; his feet are brutal and I already know that his right front leg bothers him and it also shakes. He has been here since Monday and I cannot thank Deanna enough for her pictures and I took many on Wednesday myself. It is always hard to truly show how emaciated an animal is when they have a black coat and Parker’s body condition is poor. His feet are just atrocious, the dear thing. For now, I am going to post two pictures, courtesy of Deanna of his feet and I shall post regular pictures of his feet to show the ‘changes’ as they occur.

As I have pneumonia, I am not working at the hospital this week and so, I am going to draw blood at home and have Sean drop it off on Thursday on his way to work to do a HWT plus a CBC etc.

As of Monday night; BHRR’s Mr. Parker had been fully integrated with 8 of the dogs here. His first ‘best’ friend was PPSS, no surprise there. 😉 His ‘second’ best friend who is NONE too pleased with his attention was Abbi and by the time Tuesday rolled around; Abbi had ‘set’ Parker straight and he no longer tries to hump her. She is so wonderful about her correction. So, Parker’s true second best friend is Porridge. I am not surprised for PPSS, Porridge and Parker all share the same mindset and brain patterns. GOOFY, loveable and goobers! 😛

By Tuesday night; Parker had been integrated with all but 3 of the dogs here and yes, I have the proof that he is fully integrated and interacting with Dyce. As many know, Dyce has been attacked by several Black and Black/Brown intact male dogs in the past and he gets very stressed around them. Correct integration is so important; I can never stress that enough and all my dogs are living in complete harmony. I am so proud!!!! 😀

By Wednesday night; Parker has been fully integrated with all of the dogs here and life is like it has never been any different at our home. Parker has just ‘settled’ in. So, yes, we have 3 intact males dogs in our home living in complete harmony. My one show boy shall be 2 years old next month, my other show boy shall be 9 months later this week and BHRR’s Mr. Parker that I believe to be around 15 months of age(March 2008). 🙂

When he first arrived with Deanna, you could see how quickly he had latched on to her(Deanna also mentioned that he was a great car traveller); and we had to use a little bit of ‘tough’ love to get him into a crate. He was also a wee bit worried when Deanna left. After she left, I took him out and was able to get him into the crate by myself with little persuasion(he is very particular about his treats and kibble) and on the third ‘training’ moment of putting him into a crate for a spell; I moved him from Dana’s to Ocean’s old crate and he went in like a pro and I have had no issues whatsoever since then. Parker is AWESOME sleeping in his crate. Other than some little sounds here and there; he is quiet as a mouse and is very patient. He has not had one accident in the house; yet he is a HUGE marker outside and my ‘gut’ tells me that this boy has bred in the past for he knows exactly what he is doing when he mounts. So, I will most likely be neutering him a wee bit sooner than later. 😛

Of course, Mr. Parker had no clue as to what his name was when he first arrived and as of Wednesday night; he not only knows his name but he sits on command for his food and treats. WHAT a smart boy.

With some coaxing last night; I managed to convince him that it was ok to come up on the bed to cuddle(he has decided that *I* now belong to him) and twice he came up(well, ok..I had to boost up the other half of him that he seemed to have forgotten about that was still on the floor…). The headpiece on this boy is WOW!

He has allowed me into his mouth and I can confirm as per what Barry also noticed when he was here Monday night that he is missing his one molar on the left lower side. It has not been extracted as far as I can tell. It is just not there. His tongue is one of the longest that I have EVER seen and he can create a lot of drool action and ‘sharing’ of drinking water with you with that tongue. 😉 He looks like he is always smiling when his tongue is out and you just want to smooch him. Yes, Sean and I already think he is ‘da bomb’ and he just melts your heart with his happiness and ‘not a mean bone’ in his body ‘tude. Which leads me to the part that he has just been terrified of Sean…sigh…Better today than it was on Monday but very tragic to see. I now have Sean feeding Mr. Parker two of his 5 meals.(Sean is away during the day so is unable to take the whole regime over yet I have decided to go to Arnprior and Mr. Parker was the deciding factor..for just like when Shiva arrived and I left to go to Ohio; this will make Parker and Sean dependent on each other for Sean will work from home and get to know each other and have me out of the picture).

You know that Parker has been abused for any huge sudden flighty movements make him flinch and cower and jump away and when I went to put my hand down to pick up the almost empty water bowl that he was drinking out of; he almost panicked and ran a few steps away and the expression on his face just made me sink to my knees on the floor in emotion. His expression(and he is very expressive with those eyes) was almost guilty AS if he felt HE had been caught doing something wrong in DRINKING water…OMG! HOW could anyone treat such a sweet creature this way. All I wanted to do was fill up the bowl to give him more water and he thought I was going to hurt him as he felt he was doing something wrong….I just welled up with tears and told him I was so sorry that he had been treated so badly and that I PROMISE that no one and I mean no one would ever deprive him of water, food or shelter or a soft bed or two or spoiling or love EVER again. AND no one would ever lay a hand on him other than in an adoring caress or touch. The Mr. Parkers of the world is ‘why’ we do what we do and I take that responsibility beyond seriously.

Yes, this update is long as there is so much to write and a Gwennie novel it shall be. 😛

I also had the opportunity; for Mr. Parker is already beginning to trust me; to feel those front feet and toes of his and his joints. Something is ‘odd’ about them. The bones are extremely long number one; abnormally long and they feel ‘bumpy’ and out of alignment; so I believe my initial suspicions are correct that he has healed fractures in those feet and toes. I have him on Ester C right now and shall have to go out and buy a lot more for between rehabbing Dana and Ocean; I am lower than I thought in my supply. I think that when I neuter him; I am going to x-ray those feet and see what we are really looking at for something is just ‘off’ with those bones in his feet. He has no heat or swelling and is not running a fever; so I am not worried about infections, HOD or Pano etc. I just cannot put my finger on just what is not feeling ‘right’ about those feet at this time yet I shall continue to play with them and he is already loving the massages I am giving his poor body and I can tell that right front leg does bother him some. I would almost lean to the idea that he was kept in such a cramped quarters that his bone development has been really affected. He was definitely not given proper food, nutrition nor muscle/bone development with exercise; that much I do know. So, I am being very careful about the level of exercise he is being given for he needs to build up his muscle properly. His body is completely lacking in tone and muscle development right now. We have a sand foundation and that is just perfect for his muscle building and those feet.

Watching Mr. Parker outside with grass is like watching a toddler see grass or flowers or trees for the first time. I felt like Porridge, Abbi and Dyce(I have pictures) were ‘showing’ him around and teaching him things about the ‘great’ outdoors. Just fascinating. I think tonight, I shall not even have him sleeping in a crate for he does not need it. I shall continue to feed him in a crate and do that while I am out(that is going to be a test to see if he has developed any SA) yet at night; he does not require one at this point. I believe that how Parker is now; shall be pretty much how he is when the ‘honeymoon’ period is over. He wears his heart on his sleeve this boy and everything he is feeling shows in his eyes, face and body posture.

I am sure that I am missing much here yet I shall leave this blog at this point and post the two pictures of his feet.

TRULY, thank you to all that have been involved in saving Parker. From Chelsea to Deanna to those that have donated money for food, Simone for his Kuranda bed, those that are donating fundraising items etc. On behalf of Parker; I thank ALL of you profusely for your kindness and generosity shall restore his body to the health and happiness that Parker carries within his soul. WE could not do what we do without all of you out there believing in our BHRR programs. This guy is so very unique and one of the gentlest, sweetest babies I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I am beyond excited about the journey that he and I shall be taking over the next few months. He is going to TEACH me so much. Sean and I have already looked at each other and said that this is why Ocean was suppose to be adopted; so that we can help the next one that needs us and we are both going to fall hard for this boy….too.

BHRR’s Mr. Parker – May 3rd, 2009 -photos courtesy of Deanna

Mrs. Liz Casey

I saw an ad about donating to your Haven and I thought that I would come and take a look. Beautiful babies you have. I have been rescuing Rottys for 10 years and had a Tibetan Mastiff-so I am very interested in Large Breed puppies(I call them all puppies regardless of age). Very nice site. I live in Pembroke Ontario. I have heard of Oxford Station but I can not remember where it is. Good Luck to you.

Mr. Parker

Hey Gwen,
Just saw your posted pics of Mr. Parker, and had a good cry. I will never understand how people can be so cruel. I sent a donation for food for this gorgeous guy, so that you can start fattening him up straight away.

I check your website all the time, and am counting down the days until my wedding, so we can sumbit our application!

Thanks for all your amazing work.

Maxine, James, and Reuben (the dog!)

I wish to extend a large public thank you to Simone for the donation of a Kuranda Bed for BHRR’s Mr. Parker. I wish to also thank Maxine, James & Reuben for a donation of $55.00 for dog food for Mr. Parker. THANK YOU so very much!