Jenni has become a ‘dig a hole to China’ gal while Mudslide and Abbi like to provide morale support in watching. She has also taught my Butterball Jaws Bronson the habit and so we are working on ‘no digging please’ training! Like Abbi, I need to get a height and current weight and she has just turned 5 months old on August 31st, 2007. LOL Please note that as per our websites; we do NOT adopt out of the provinces of ON and Quebec and they are not desperate to find a home and we are not desperate to place them. Please review our adoption processes plus procedures before contacting us about adoption. One line emails demanding to have one of these amazing creatures will not be responded too.

Abbi turned 5 months old on August 31st and we are still reviewing applications on her in the hopes that the right matched home will come along. She is so smart and I love her bouncing playbow with her exposing her tiny front teeth in play as she just dances around you in joy plus happiness. I will have to take measurements of her height and plan on bringing them back into work with me to get a re-weigh to see how much she weighs now. All three of the DBB’s love to still sleep in the one big crate despite there being four others around! 🙂 I will be doing her nails tonight and it is soon time for another bath! She is a doll that one. Please note that as per our websites; we do NOT adopt out of the provinces of ON and Quebec and they are not desperate to find a home and we are not desperate to place them. Please review our adoption processes plus procedures before contacting us about adoption. One line emails demanding to have one of these amazing creatures will not be responded too.

Mudslide is now 5 months old and we feel ready for adoption. Please read our Application, Policies & Fees before contacting us or submitting an application for any one of our BHRR animals.

J. Pezdek

Keep up your good work. (The puppies are adorable. The little fawn female reminds me of our Cleo when she was little).

K. Cybulski, Ottawa, ON, CDA

Firstly, let me say that I am very sorry to hear about Mazda. She is such a beautiful girl and it breaks my heart to know that this has happened to her (and BHRR) again. I know that you are doing a great jo and stay strong knowing that you have many people behind you “in your corner. Take care, and all of the best to you, your family, and BHRR.

P. Tops, ON, Canada

I just wanted to say that what has happened to Mazda is heartbreaking to say the least…but don’t let the uneducated opinionated people get you down…and I know that is easier said then done. Never question whether your work is ‘worth it’ cuz it only takes one success story…of which you have many…to realize what you do IS worth it. It’s unfortunate that we have to experience any type of failure in life…but the old cliche is true…what doesn’t break us makes us stronger…sounds cheesy I know…but I firmly believe it!!!

M. Miller, Toronto, CDA

Just know Gwen that you are doing the best job you possible can do. There will always be people out there that find fault, not tell the truth and not be totally committed to an animal. Do not beat yourself up any more.

D. Strange, Canada

I read your web site on a regular basis and was so happy to see all your adult dogs had found new homes. Then to see the work and compassion you and the fostermothers have given for the diaper bag puppies, well words cannot express the amazing effort and time and emotional sacrifice you give to these girls, just to give them a chance at a good life, which they deserve. For every one person who throws negative words at you for your efforts please always remember there are many more who are truly grateful there are families like yours willing to take on the challenge. So give yourself a huge pat on the back, and I wish you much success in the future.

M. Yeung, ON, CDA

I know you were feeling down about Mazda coming back, but you couldn’t have done anything about it. You did your best based on what you felt and what….said. You showed your commitment to Mazda by welcoming her back wholeheartedly and by being disappointed for her sake, not just yours. Keep doing what you do best, Gwen – rescue, love, rehabilitate, love, find forever homes, love!!!!

M. Bauman, IN, USA

……do such a good job of taking such good care of them, your children, and your house and grounds. It’s beyond my energy level. A remarkable family, and woman

Mazda is settling in well. I just put in another couple of hundred dollars into her tail tip last week and it is healing wonderfully. Sean and I have had several very long discussions about what is in the best interest of Mazda after this second ‘bounce’ and at this time remain strong on the feeling that she does not need us and that right home for her has to be out there. We have a very full home of love and our haven is also full at this time and we do not wish to compromise any quality for Mazda or them in the long term should we make the decision to keep her because of two failed adoptions. That does not seem in the best interest of Mazda whom is back here through no fault of her own and we should not be keeping her, because I am worried of making yet another error in placing her. Thanks again to all those who have showed her and us support in this matter and please be assured that Mazda is not desperate for any home and that we will remain committed to our adoption mandates and review applications as before. After several very long conversations with my BOD; we are still quite confident in our procedures and do believe that due diligence was shown in each of her failed adoption situations. Mazda is enjoying playing with Cherokee and KB/JB the most at this time and has been fully re-integrated with the masses here! She is as always, very much Sean’s girl! 🙂 We will have to take more pictures of her to post and hope to do that soon.

LT is available for adoption again for the homevisit with one of our Volunteers and her own adopted BHRR Dane and the home’s current dog did not go as well as hoped. BHRR feels that it would be better for their current dog to be the only furbaby in their home at this time while they have him as a beloved member of the family and would be happy to re-visit an adoption with a BHRR animal in the future. We do not believe that it would not be fair or in the best interest to their current dog or one of our own animals to move forward with an adoption at this time in this particular home. LT gets along with everyone and to be in a home where an animal might not be receptive to LT; would not be fair to him nor their own dog.