
Boba (His Story) June 2007 – Now gone to Rainbow Bridge (June 12, 2008)



B. Pooler, USA

These puppies are so lucky – couldn’t have wound up in a better place! You are the wonderful one – you help sooo many animals, and gave Liquorice a forever home. I know how hard it can be to have a wobblers dog, and to deal with all of Liquorice’s other special needs on top of that can’t have been easy. You are such an amazing person!

D. Russell, ON, CDA

You’ve touched so many people and animals in your time on this planet, and will continue to do so because of who you are, Gwen … I hope you give yourself a very deserved pat on your back today for all you are and all you do….and two of those blessed creatures who are far better off now because of you, Dodger and Gracie, and the rest of my gang, who are all happy & healthy and doing well 🙂 Plus, I sincerely believe in what you’re doing at BHRR, and have since the moment I stumbled on your site back in Jan ’06. It’s just icing on the cake that I’m so privileged to have two BHRR Danes in my life now, too!

L. Bonnet, ON, CDA

I read the storey on Liquorice, how it touched my heart……………..You and Sean are people who have a smile on your hearts and souls, and Rainbow Bridge is a beautiful tribute.

M. Perusko

I want to start off this letter by telling you what a pleasure it was meeting you, your family, and your wonderful pack yesterday. I have to say, I had been quite anxious the past couple of weeks not really knowing where the puppies would be not having met you yet. I know I could not have made a better decision than placing them with your family. Please accept my utmost gratitude and respect for accepting to help them.

L. Bonnet, ON, CDA

Gwen I want to tell you again how much I enjoyed your website, and reading about each of your 4 legged family members …it really shows how much love you and your husband have for each of them, they are truly blessed……….any how keep up your great work…………

K. Cybulski, Ottawa, ON, CDA

I just wanted to thank you again for the opportunity to meet with you this weekend. You have a beautiful property and a lovely family! Both Chris and I have tremendous respect for what you are doing, and wish you all the best.

I have new pictures of Mazda. I just need to download and resize them first.

I have an appointment for 5:45 PM tonight to let Liquorice run free of pain and discomfort. We shall have this last day together doing the things that makes her happy and spending many moments just holding her. In my heart, I am screaming that I should just give her a little more time, just a little more time yet I can see it in her eyes and her body that she is ready. The Vets agree. This most glorious and beautiful creature has blessed our lives for such a brief time and I know that I am a better person by having had such an angel kiss and love me. Like Snowball and Frost “T”; I am not sure when I will be able to be strong enough to write a deserving memorial to such a wonderful Great Dane. My dear Liquorice Stickie; you have always found the good plus humour in even the smallest things and your joy plus wonder had having what many of us might consider simple comforts of a soft bed; warmth, food and water; has reduced me to tears more than once. You deserve SO much and to think that things that should have been your god giving right; was deprived to you upsets me for your time with us has been so brief and I wanted years and years to show/spoil you that not everyone is horrible or cruel. There was not a dog or person you have met that you have not liked and kids; you just love them to bits. I am delighted that you were here this weekend to enjoy the hundreds of people that came by for the fundraiser and were loved on by many of them. You are a dog that obviously Heaven has a much bigger need of your shining and giving spirit and I hold dear to my heart that our paths will truly cross again for to not believe in something like that makes the hurt beyond bearable to my heart and soul. HUGE HEARTS TO YOU MY SHINING STAR! I will post her May and June pictures soon. Thank you so much to everyone that has been there for her.

Liquorice is not bouncing back at all. She is losing weight quickly and for the past couple of days her vomiting has been just terrible, the poor thing. I feel so bad for her. She is now dehydrated and I am subqing her with fluids. She is only picking at her food, eating a few treats and is spending most of her time sleeping. Though later today is the beginning of our weekend fundraiser; I will be taking her in and Sean plus our Volunteers will hold down the fort. I am truly worried about her. I still have her May pics to post and I took some more last night just because I felt that I needed to take as many as possible to have. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

I have new pictures of Liquorice to post! I just need to download them. 🙂 They are from May of 2007. When my friend Mary was up from TO a week ago; she said that she could not believe how well Liquorice looked and was moving. That was one of the best things I have ever heard! Now, unfortunately; Liquorice has gone off her food and tonight was the first time in three meals; that she even considered eating a bit. She is drinking and eating treats and I will monitor. Her breathing is sounding a bit ‘wet’ again and so she has all of us a bit concerned. I am also not happy about how much weight she has dropped so fast. If she does not ‘pick’ up within the next 24 hours; I will bring her in for I just am not comfortable leaving things for too long. Today marks her 7th month survival miracle mark and the Vets are truly amazed just like Frost ‘T’ that she is having such quality of life still.