I have an appointment for 5:45 PM tonight to let Liquorice run free of pain and discomfort. We shall have this last day together doing the things that makes her happy and spending many moments just holding her. In my heart, I am screaming that I should just give her a little more time, just a little more time yet I can see it in her eyes and her body that she is ready. The Vets agree. This most glorious and beautiful creature has blessed our lives for such a brief time and I know that I am a better person by having had such an angel kiss and love me. Like Snowball and Frost “T”; I am not sure when I will be able to be strong enough to write a deserving memorial to such a wonderful Great Dane. My dear Liquorice Stickie; you have always found the good plus humour in even the smallest things and your joy plus wonder had having what many of us might consider simple comforts of a soft bed; warmth, food and water; has reduced me to tears more than once. You deserve SO much and to think that things that should have been your god giving right; was deprived to you upsets me for your time with us has been so brief and I wanted years and years to show/spoil you that not everyone is horrible or cruel. There was not a dog or person you have met that you have not liked and kids; you just love them to bits. I am delighted that you were here this weekend to enjoy the hundreds of people that came by for the fundraiser and were loved on by many of them. You are a dog that obviously Heaven has a much bigger need of your shining and giving spirit and I hold dear to my heart that our paths will truly cross again for to not believe in something like that makes the hurt beyond bearable to my heart and soul. HUGE HEARTS TO YOU MY SHINING STAR! I will post her May and June pictures soon. Thank you so much to everyone that has been there for her.