I may have to change LT’s neuter/microchip/lump appointment tomorrow. We are currently dealing with one of our own Great Danes(KB/JB) that we will be doing exploratory surgery on this AM if the new X-Rays do not show that the items have moved in the indication that he might pass them. I rushed him in last night when I was going to work and it appears that he has some pieces of small metal in his abdomen. Until we take them out or if he passes them; we will not know if they are something like staples or small pieces of metal fencing; both of which he had no access to at our place but one of our new neighbours had him over at their place and they have been cleaning out a lot of junk including lots of metal items so that is a possibility. So, it was a long night of iv bags, antibiotics and looking for poop/gas. We hope for no perforations. KB/JB had vomited once on Sunday; stopped eating on Monday; had a huge vomit on Tuesday and I took him in last night as though he was drinking; he was getting dehydrated and it had been long enough at my comfort level without food. No one thought that when we did the X-Rays that we would see this! We were thinking of something similar to Soul’s pneumonia yet the signs/symptoms were not all there in similarity and we were not thinking anything otherwise too serious as he was not painful to palpate, no fever or lowered body temp etc. So, at this time, Tyke’s surgery is still at go but I might be rescheduling it depending on the outcome of today.

We are currently dealing with one of our own Great Danes(KB/JB) that we will be doing exploratory surgery on this AM if the new X-Rays do not show that the items have moved in the indication that he might pass them. I rushed him in last night when I was going to work and it appears that he has some pieces of small metal in his abdomen. Until we take them out or if he passes them; we will not know if they are something like staples or small pieces of metal fencing; both of which he had no access to at our place but one of our new neighbours had him over at their place and they have been cleaning out a lot of junk including lots of metal items so that is a possibility. So, it was a long night of iv bags, antibiotics and looking for poop/gas. We hope for no perforations. KB/JB had vomited once on Sunday; stopped eating on Monday; had a huge vomit on Tuesday and I took him in last night as though he was drinking; he was getting dehydrated and it had been long enough at my comfort level without food. No one thought that when we did the X-Rays that we would see this! We were thinking of something similar to Soul’s pneumonia yet the signs/symptoms were not all there in similarity and we were not thinking anything otherwise too serious as he was not painful to palpate, no fever or lowered body temp etc. So, at this time, Tyke’s surgery is still at go but I might be rescheduling it depending on the outcome of today. Pictures below.


For some reason, we still are not getting applications in for Fancy. We will try and take some new pictures of her. Like Snowball; we will only give this X amount of more time before making the decision to keep her ourselves for she will have just been part of our family for so long. We are at a complete loss why no one has seen just what a beautiful, wonderfully intelligent creature she is. 🙁

I was far too excited and curious to wait until next Friday for a new weight and soooooo, drumroll………. Tyke is now almost 113 POUNDS!!!!!!! He is so close to being where he should be now for his age and body build. So, he has gone from 83 pounds to 113 pounds and is making wonderful progress! He is on his third collar since he has arrived as he has now outgrown the others with his weight gain plus growth.Had to pause in the updating of his write-up for Little Tyke has come up to me for lots of love, cuddles and kisses! He has come so far in his confidence in asking for them and hanging around for more! 🙂 His eyes are simply gorgeous. The striking shade of blue is just incredible and you can get lost in their warmth and clearness. Below you will find the pictures from his former fostermom just before he came to us on March 17th. With the warmer weather; I am really looking forward to taking new pictures to show everyone his new body. I can readily admit, I am completely enamored with this gentle soul and except for the times he gets the house to thumping with his play antics with Soul, Dyce and Guinness; he is a model puppy! 🙂 He is playing regularly with stuffies and toys now and it has been a most fabulous journey to watch him take as he learns to be a puppy free from worry and trouble. I still call him my ‘Little Biscuit’ for he is such a mimic of SeaBiscuit with his eating habits; it just is a riot! Tyke is also taking over from what Soul and Dyce started last year; running through my struggling ‘what is left’ perennials! LOL It is so worth it in seeing how much fun and joy all of this discovery and exploration is giving him.

Liquorice is almost back to normal, no more vomitting and has begun to play not just with her buddy Dyce but SOUL too! I have yet to see a dog that Soul has not won over! 🙂 Thanks so much to Theresa for sending the box of goodies! I just realised her last pictures are from December, so I must get new one’s! 🙂

What has become a bit frustrating is the number of inquiries that have come in on Mazda and people are wondering ‘what she did wrong’ to have come back to us. Mazda has done nothing wrong and is a fabulous girl. Now that the weather is nicer; we will take new pictures to post and see if that will generate the right inquiries for her.

Once again so much to update here and I will type more later but Tyke is doing GREAT! His bw came back HW- and not surprising, he was anemic plus showed traces still of a high WBC. I have the latest pictures from his former fostermom to post before he came to us on March 17th and I cannot wait to post pictures of him now! 🙂 His histiocytoma has erupted again and has once again healed and is just that much smaller. If there still is a need; it will be removed during his neuter. I have a new nickname for him ‘SeaBiscuit’ for this pup can eat enough food for a dog twice his size! 🙂 I love it! 🙂 So, if you have seen the movie, you will know what I mean. His microchip and neuter is scheduled for April 27th and I just am so excited to see what his current weight is. He is almost at the ‘pleasantly’ plump stage. He has settled in so beautifully and is going to keep his new family in smiles with his antics. He LOVES the water and I had to intercede with him trying to take a swim in our thawing springfed pond at one point! He is also beginning to do all those puppy things like look for tasty slippers and shoes to munch on!!!!! His housebreaking is almost done and he very rarely has an accident and that usually is in the middle of the night if we are not up quick enough to let him out. He will go from you to the door and back again to let you know he has to go. His best buds are Guinnness, Soul and Dyce without a doubt but he tries to get all the dogs to play and is learning proper dog communication plus social behavour as to when ‘no, means no’. He still tends to grab and mouth the other dogs a bit too hard when he is playing but he is a quick learner and is SOOOO smart! I would like to see Tyke in a home with at least one other dog close to his age but more importantly, close to his ‘play’ level and one that will continue to teach him all the joys of being a pampered pooch. I know that Tyke can hear some ‘tones’ but other than that; he is pretty much deaf. He has also picked up the ‘dodge and evade’ technique when it is time to come in from being outside and he does not want too. He is learning that treats and praise are a huge thing if he listens and that I am not going to chase him for it is a huge game to him. Once his neuter/microchip is over and he has healed; Tyke will go up for adoption. He truly does not need me. He has the great footings now in place for that strong foundation that we have worked on building and his new home can continue with that process. At this time, I am open to homes that have not had specific SN’s experience yet are committed to the learning of signing and being patient plus committed to him. He is very rarely hand/head shy at this time and as with any SN’s, once cannot be lazy around them. He is a brilliant boy and his obedience plus social manners are coming along so wonderfully. He had his first manicure plus pedicure last night and did awesome! I also wish to thank Deanna for her very generous donation that has enabled us to completely pay of the US dollar portion of his Vet Bill. Tyke’s Vet Bills to date are almost $400.00

IF all goes well; Boba should be in his new home in early June! 🙂

C. Kelly, NS, CDA

…and thank you for saving our souls. Thank you for taking such good care of the souls….they deserve the best! Respectfully’

E. Stinson, ON, CDA

You are amazing, and your “babies” definately let the world know that!

D. Delanoe, USA

Gwen – first of all, let me tell you how much I enjoy following Tyke’s progress on your site. So glad he is in good hands!

Liquorice has been responding really well to the Clavamox and is almost back to her normal self. I am deeply relieved. She was very ‘touch and go’ there for awhile! She did not react well to the Cephalexin and a note is in her file that she is not to go on this particular antibiotic again. I still will not do any vaccines on her until I know she is well.