BHRR’s Devin (Bouvier) had his professional groom session on Monday. 

Here is a before photo – day he arrived – adorably handsome, Saturday and then an after grooming photo, positively gorgeous. 

Melissa, thank you again for taking excellent care of him and for the post groom picture!

His foster family tells us that he is a well behaved boy plus how great he has been settling in with them.

I know when I met him and had him at work for his intake vetting right after his arrival on Saturday, how positively fantastic he was even then.

You can tell just how much time, love, effort and care has been given to him in his previous home. Just a fantastic boy!

While he currently is the only dog in his foster home, they do have cat and he is also quickly developing a strong doggie social network in their community.

He is not yet available for adoption. He needs to have his boosters in 3-4 weeks and per our r/q protocols, we never flip dogs.

BHRR’s Devin
2.5 year old Bouvier

As promised, we are posting re: his Vet visit at work today.

He weighed 39.4 kgs(86.68 pounds). He should lose several pounds yet, nothing major.

The Vet did a thorough exam – between the staff getting kisses! – and he is a healthy fantastic boy!

The Vet did recommend a dental cleaning based upon the tartar on his back teeth yet, did not feel it was urgent to be done ASAP – something even his future adoptive home could take care of as there is nothing emergent that the Vet noted. From looking in his mouth, the Vet did not feel that any extractions are needed yet, dental x-rays would need to be done to really rule that out. However, there were not any concerns had!

The Vet went through all of the wonderful paperwork that his previous O.’s were so kind to pass along and we noted that he is already on flea/tick preventative and has heartworm plus de-worming meds also given to us by his previous home. 

The Vet was not able to find any notation of prior/recent heartworm/tickborne disease testing, so we ran some blood and it is negative.

We updated his vaccine protocol per the paperwork reviewed by his Vet and he will be back in 4 weeks time for a booster.

He is also scheduled for a professional grooming session with Melissa on Monday and is settled in with his fosters Cassy/John.

He was a BIG hit at work! HUGE! Visiting everyone and loving on everyone. 

To everyone that came together to help this magnificent boy; we are appreciative!

Two more pictures from when BHRR’s Devin was picked up:

This picture is going down as one of my all time favs for a rescue transport!! 

As our Volunteer network is aware, we had an urgent call to us yesterday re: a 2.5 year old Male Bouvier and in standard BHRR fashion, we mobilised fast and Cassy Montgomery/John picked him up this AM.

To be proactive to stop the comments we know some may want to post and before people start sharing far and wide ‘trying’ to find his Breeders:

1) yes, his show Breeders are aware & reached out to us. It is not possible to get him back to them easily.
2) they stand by their dogs 100% and know all too well that this is not a breed for most people.
2) he was with a wonderful couple in their 80s, having over 47 years of incredible experience with Bouviers, yet; in his young happy healthy exuberance; Mr. Devin almost bowled one of them over when running and slammed into the one O.

Will make another post shortly re: his Vet visit @ EVC this AM for as everyone who knows us; we vet all of our dogs immediately upon coming into our rescue.

Welcome to BHRR, ‘Devin’! 


BHRR’s Walter is moving under a PENDING Adoption!

We will update as we can.

This is an older pic of him when he was battling his eye infections yet, still a goodie!

AND Miss Olive is having her next professional grooming session including a mani/pedi!

She is our palliative 1.5 year old Saint Beauty.

As those that have been following her journey are aware, four ortho specialists determined that she did not qualify for FHO surgeries or hip replacement surgeries.

She is on almost $900/month in medications/special food – we added Proin since we last posted re: her and with our Drive-Way Events; we have raised enough money to keep her bills covered until November 1st.

If anyone would consider becoming a virtual foster buddy for her for November – plus she still needs her own special Secret Santa – to help us with her necessary high quality of care, donations can be made via PayPal to

OR via email transfer to
*we just need to know the password

This is Melissa with her at Groomingdale’s who is absolutely a gem to work with for our grooming needs.

While we worry what the cold weather may bring for her; we are going to take things as they come and keep helping her live her best every day!

BHRR’s Lilly!
*DEAF & Visually Impaired GD


Today she was at work for her annual!

She now weighs a beautifully lean muscled 42.2 kgs(92.84 pounds). A gorgeous petite GD that her personality is anything but petite!!

She is such a hoot and goofy! Had to post a derpy pic of her!!

Thank you to work for giving her another fantastic experience!!

For that right matched personality fit forever loving home and per her blog, we will only do a transitional adoption due to the importance of ensuring that stability and consistency is what she needs so that she does not become anxious and self-mutilate. When she first came to us, the damage that she had done and was doing to her body from her past life was horrific.

In the right home, she will remain happy, well balanced, confident and continue to reach her full potential!

On our way!!

Mr. Symba is looking forward to seeing folks @ 37 Dressler Drive in Kanata between 4-6:30 pm for our next Drive-Way Nail Trim & Ear Cleaning Event!

We can take debit, credit card or cash
Easy to self-distance
No appointments necessary
We are also collecting Empties & Canadian Tire $

We are collecting donations for our upcoming silent auction too

All monies raised shall go towards paying for Mr. Symba’s cruciate repair!

BHRR’s Symba – Bull Mastiff
4.5 years of age

HE LOVES this Giant stuffie! He is deep in thought – he has a deep soul this boy….those eyes of his, reach right inside of you…..

He is honest and genuine and so sweet, your teeth would ache!

He has been such a serious boy that has looked quite worried and we are now just starting to see his playful, happy, low tail wag side coming out!

Yes, we have to finish renovating…this summer we replaced all of the wiring in our home with armoured wire – Sean/our electrician close friend Marcil did after obtaining all permits etc.! – and now that the inspections are all completed plus aced; time to get our walls back up!!!

Just a gentle reminder that BHRR’s Symba will be at our Drive Way Nail Trim event Thursday September 17th – 37 Dressler Drive in Kanata from 4 – 6:30 PM!

He wants to thank in advance plus in person the folks who plan on showing up, to let them know that their generosity is going to help pay for his bad leg to be fixed!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best in good night wishes are being sent!!!

Miss Devaney – DEAF & Visually Impaired 7 month old black lab puppy

She is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We will update as we can….

Someone is having an AMAZING play date!

BHRR’s Coupe – NewfX

This wonderful home won a Day play date in our annual online date auction with BHRR’s Rain, one of our Haven Saints – almost 10 now! – yet, with the onset of cooler weather; her arthritis was acting up.

So, we offered up a date with another BHRR doggie and BHRR’s Coupe is having the time of his life! This home was once one of his emergency temp fosters. 

They are now going to love on him overnight to assist our home as we tend to a personal matter and then will drop him off at my work tomorrow.

He has even had a trip to the Pet Store for treats plus extra loving!

BHRR’s Coupe is a very popular cherished BHRR Dog – this is his THIRD Play Date from our online auction!!!

I have booked x-rays tomorrow as I want to see how his legs and elbows are doing for due to his emergency exploratory; he could not have his leg bone debridement and bilateral arthroscopic surgery on his elbows.

Then COVID-19 hit and that put everything on hold further.

Once I have those x-rays I will send them off to his ortho specialist to see what Dr. Philibert has to say in re: to if he may still need bone debridement surgery – he has been on his antibiotic regime – along with his elbows; so that we can plan accordingly for his future!!

If he is still with us come January; he will then need his next Heartworm/Tickborne disease test as he tested positive for Heartworm after we stepped up to assist him. From there, we then did a microfilaria test to determine what treatment would be best for him. As he did not have any microfilaria, he was placed on monthly HG.

This boy is incredible!!! Just incredible!! 

He is going to make a lucky home that most unbelievably amazing of additions when he is ready to make his own special announcement.

Have a great night Mr. Coupe!

BHRR’s Devaney – Black Lab – (DEAF/Visually Impaired) had her monthly weigh in for her flea/tick/heartworm preventative.

She is now over 55 pounds and turned 7 months old today!

This is her abiding with complete respect to the no couch rule!! 

Thank you’s being sent out of her foster Mama for keeping me updated on all of her antics! 

She remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched personality fit home.

AND we look uber bootiful again!

At the Vet she weighed just under 80 pounds. She had her Lepto Vaccine & Lyme vaccines and her Rabies and DHPP are good until 2022 as we gave them in 2019. Both she and BHRR’s Miss Volt had been vaccinated for Lyme per the current protocols being recommended.

In January 2020, she will be due for her next QC6 bloodtest to see what her levels are like and in the fall of 2020; she is due for her Heartworm test which also tests for the three most common tickborne diseases and we all know that she will show up positive for Lyme WHICH is why she gets the QC6 test is to be done every 6 months AND that she is to remain on tick meds year round to 1) to see if she requires additional treatment for Lyme if her levels are too high
2) the proactive preventative will work to help ensure that she does not risk further exposure to Lyme disease

This will be in her adoption contract clauses along with her to be professionally groomed on a regular basis.

We are also putting this blog post in Miss Volt’s blog so that people can be aware of the status re: her receiving future Lyme vaccines and the QC6 testing too!

BHRR’s Miss Mollie (Standard Poodle/Saint BernardX) has a big day today!

It is her regular professional grooming session with the truly lovely and caring Melissa Lepage of Pet Valu Groomingdale’s in Stittsville. 

Then, we are off for her annual Vet visit.

She remains available for adoption to that right matched personality fit forever loving home.

She has an extremely detailed blog that documents her whole journey to date along with the home we are seeking for her.

Additionally, all of our adoption polices, processes and procedures can be found on our website for anyone that may be interested in her to read to help them determine if they should submit an application – also found on our home website – to members of the BHRR BOD to consider.


BHRR’s Symba!
4.5 year old Bull Mastiff

He loves that giant elephant stuffie and BHRR’s Walters bed…. 

BHRR’s Walter is not too thrilled to share his special bed and I am working on getting Mr. Symba one of his own. 

This boy is truly a rock star, in temperament and looks! Sean says every day that he cannot stay !

If all works out, Mr. Symba shall be at our next Drive Way Nail Trim & Ear Cleaning Event on Thursday September 17th to personally thank his fans/supporters for surrounding him with love. Location: 37 Dressler Drive from 4-6:30 pm.

We are still waiting for a surgery date for his cruciate repair surgery and have our brains engaged for creative fundraising ideas as his surgery will be close to $4,000+tx.

On behalf of one sleeping beauty; warmest good night wishes are being sent from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters!

BHRR’s Devaney!
6.5 month old Deaf/Visually Impaired Lab Puppy

Technically, not all on the couch to be breaking the ‘no couch’ rule!!!! 

What a hoot she is!

Thank you’s extended to her incredible foster home for everything that they have done and are doing for her!!!

BHRR’s Mollie is scheduled for her annual on September 10th. On July 6th we did a repeat of her QC6 – noted in her blog post for that date – per the recommendation of her Vet team to do every 6 months and the results indicated that she did not require any further treatment for Lymes at that time! YAY!

We will do a repeat Heartworm test as though we are ok if they are done every second year; yearly for BHRR’s Mollie would make us more comfortable. This 4DX test also does test for the three most common tickborne diseases and we already know that the results for Lymes will be positive based upon her history which is why every 6 months she requires the Q6C small blood test that is sent to the lab for analysis. 

She will be due for vaccines at this time also and we will ensure that they are done as BHRR does not scrimp out on whatever our dogs are due for or need. We took care of her vaccines when she first arrived and it is now time to get her annual done.

For that right matched personality fit home; a copy of her Vet Records will be passed along so that their Vet Team can be in the loop of what she has had and what she shall require moving forward.

She will remain on tick preventative year round too and we will require her right matched personality fit adoptive home to do this.

BHRR’s Mollie is scheduled for her next professional groom session on September 10th. Regular professional grooming(we are doing every 8-9 weeks) will be required by her right matched personality fit adoptive home. If you cannot afford her grooming, she is not the right dog to consider for your home.

These will be additional clauses in her adoption contract and will be legally binding. If not adhered too; we shall step in and take Miss Mollie back. Proof of the blood-work and professional grooming shall be required to be sent our way for no less than 2 years to demonstrate proper due diligence to her well being.

Should you not want to abide by these clauses; then please do not submit a completed adoption application to members of the BHRR BOD to consider. We take our adoption contracts seriously and so should you.

AND to post yet again, she is a GIANT breed canine. Saint Bernard/Standard PoodleX. She is not a single bred dog, she is a mix, a giant breed mix. Lovely and beautiful!

**Donated To Date: $175**

BHRR’s Symba!

3:30 AM and I look beside me as I working on my computer and this is the scene that greets me. ??

Almost 135 pounds cuddled up with a giant sized elephant stuffie. ?

No matter how old or young, giant stuffies are enjoyed by the dogs – they provide comfort and security and are snuggly soft.

This boy only had a torn blanket sent along with him when he arrived to rescue.

This is the Bull Mastiff that had been scheduled to be put to sleep and a rescue worked with the Owner to see if another group could take him in. We are forever grateful to this rescue for they saved a magnificent dog!!

He was back to work with me on the Monday as with everything he had done on Sunday, he still needed his vaccines.

He seems to love BHRR’s Walter’s ortho bed that had been bought for Mr. Walter so we are going to work on trying to find that bed for Mr. Symba too!

He is settling in so wonderfully and everyone who has met him to date cannot say enough about how awesome of a boy he is! 

I am now getting some good welcome tail wags from him and he is such a solid handsome boy.

His x-rays were reviewed by one ortho specialist who felt that BHRR’s Symba’s should have a TPLO procedure over an ex-capsular surgery for his blown cruciate. This was determined to be the best approach due to him being a Giant Breed Dog. The ortho specialist also felt that they were not the ideal surgeon for him and so the x-rays have now been sent over to another ortho surgeon.

With how busy we are at my own work, I cannot get him in there anytime soon and this boy has had this blown cruciate since the spring.

So, we are now waiting patiently, knowing how busy everyone is; to see what Dr. Philibert may have available.

We have been given one estimate of $3,800+ for this surgery and we are looking deep into our couch cushions for spare change, we keep collecting Empties, we have two more Drive-way nail trim events and our Dine with the Doggies Fundraiser.

His bills to date are just under $1,000 and any donations to his care would be beyond appreciated and can be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to

OR via email transfer to
*we just need to know the password

Thank you in advance for the consideration!