After some *excitement* BHRR’s Potter is now in his emergency surgery…..

He is in excellent hands and on behalf of him and Sean, please accept our deepest thanks for all of the well wishes, thoughts and blessings plus financial donations to his cause.

The good news is that his lungs are clear in the x-Ray’s!

Will post an update as soon as I can.

Kanata Animal Hospital is open to 8 pm if anyone wishes to call them directly to make a donation over the phone to his increasing bills. 613-836-2848.

Email transfers can be sent to or via PayPal to

Going to breathe easier when he is home again….

BHRR’s Potters’ Angels: Donated to Date: $845.00 Vet Bills To Date: $1,292.90
Ms. Milne
The Maracle Family
Kerchak’s Gma


BHRR’s Dyson is scheduled for his partial tail amputation on September 8th at Liston Animal Hospital.

If anyone may consider his cause, you can call 613-591-0966 (Liston Animal Hospital) directly and make a donation on his account. *Dyson*

Or you can make a donation via email transfer to or via PayPal to

Thanks from our hearts and on behalf of BHRR’s Dyson in advance!

Dyson’s Angels: Donations made to date: $100

BHRR’s Potter’s lab report diagnosis of a soft tissue sarcoma


If has been a tough afternoon here…. ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™

BHRR’s Potter’s biopsy results are back….when I was told at work, I felt the tears well up, spill over and felt such pain over the news. Telling Sean was heartbreaking…..the sun rises and sets on this one of a kind BHRR Haven Dog for Sean.

The Pathologist has diagnosed a soft tissue sarcoma for our miracle boxer boy BHRR’s Potter ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ Very devastating news to us and I know to all that equally love this amazing special needs Boxer. Per his Vet this is an *unpredictable* cancer and while it excises well, it can behave in any manner of ways….we are going to keep taking it one step at a time.

He is now scheduled for emergency surgery on Wednesday at Kanata Animal Hospital. We will also do pre-op bloodwork and x-Ray his lungs to see if it there is any metastasis.

This boy beat the most unbelievable odds almost 7 years ago when his back left leg had to be removed due to an aggressive MCT and to think that Cancer is now trying to tear him away again from his fans, friends & fam is crushing.

It has been an afternoon of many tears and now with swollen eyes, I am pushing aside all of my fears for him and know that as always we have no right to ask of anyone to consider making a donation to help with his continuing Vet Bills yet our coffers are so tight…..we have BHRR’s Dyson’s partial tail amputation coming up also on September 8th.

If anyone may consider a kind donation, no amount too small to help the Potterman, you can contact Kanata Animal Hospital directly at 613-836-2848 and make a donation over the phone via Amex, Visa or MasterCard. In person they will take cash or debit.

He has an account under *Potter* under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services account. I am posting his cytology results in the comment section.

Email transfer to or via PayPal to are other venues to make a donation.

I cannot imagine a world without this personality filled Dog and Sean/I are hoping that some may consider his upcoming battle one that is worthy/deserving of support…..

If anyone could beat Cancer a second time, I know it would be BHRR’s Potter!!!

I am hoping, wishing, begging and pleading on bended knees for the love to shine Potter’s way.

Thank you in advance for reading our plea…..BHRR’s Potter -we posted an update on him here on Friday also thanks you so very much….

AND what is equally important are thoughts of well wishes and blessings to come his way too! He is a one of a kind deaf tripod Boxer who makes so many laugh daily with his antics…..


Guess who?!

This is BHRR’s Baron, the now 8 month old Brazilian Mastiff when I went to pick him up earlier today.

On August 24th, he was up to 98 pounds from the 71.94 pounds he was upon intake to the shelter in July. Great job emerge temp foster home in helping him! Still a wee bit thin yet looks so wonderful overall! The rest shall come, he is a young growing boy.

Thank you to his emerge temp foster home in taking such great care of him over the past month!

The BHRR Great Dane Puppy Pile love him and he is thinking they are mighty fine right back! We went on a small walk this evening and he deeply enjoyed it. He is now resting comfortably in his colossal crate.

More to come…..


Many will recognise this big personality filled face!!! We were at the Vet last night for his annual and to check out a mass he has on his left front leg.
*that is one of my own deaf/visually impaired Danes head in the pic – Salt* ๐Ÿ˜€This is BHRR’s Potter, the miracle deaf boxer we were asked to assist just over 7 years ago due to our expertise with special needs dogs. Shortly after coming to us, we had to do a leg amputation due to cancer(back left) and this young man at only the age of barely 1 was given an 85% chance of the cancer coming back within 8 months post amputation….

Well, Potterman has something to say about that and he is now 8 years young!! Yup! 8 years!!

He has remained in our Haven program as after he arrived, we learned of a bite history – not his fault – he was neglected and abused and left to run loose at will on the I-81 in New York. He was called *dummy* and *stupid* and no one realised or cared that he was simply deaf and confused plus scared.

Well, this handsome Boxer’s life is now one of sneaking on couches, full of Potter ‘tude to the other dogs during events here, and where once vehicles truly terrified him, he would do anything to get out on one of his walk-abouts for a car ride! He has gone to many a soccer game and played soccer at the end of the games with all the kids and happily popped his share of soccer balls! :p

This boy brought me to tears when he first arrived….I watched three people work to get him into my truck when I went to pick him up and it broke my heart and for the first month, he had this look on his face that I knew that if I did not do things right, any trust he may give would never happen. I knew he was brilliant – he completely dismantled a crate within half an hour of arriving home with me, even folding the crate nicely!

In typical bully breed style he was strong minded and opinionated yet I knew that he was full of such love and heart and a real comedian also.

In that first month, I knew he had come to learn many hands signals as I own deafies myself and we have our share in rescue at any given time – it is one of our areas of expertise – yet, I never pushed or forced and was patient.

Almost one month to the day he arrived, I felt eyes staring at me and I look over and Potterman was sitting by the treat bin and looking at me. I felt the tears well up for in that moment I knew that I had been given a gift….he had given me trust that he felt I would not hurt him or force him and it was beautiful!!

Fast forward to his Vet visit last night and he continues to weigh a solid lean muscled consistent 64.9 pounds!

We are also not going to put the cart before the horse and are going to wait to see what comes back on the needle biopsies we did last night. We may have to do tissue biopsies for not much could be obtained on the fine needles and we are going to take it one step at a time. Cancer cannot be ruled out yet baby steps….

His spondylosis is getting slowly worse over the years yet, even as an 8 year old tripod, he can still run circles around most of the other dogs here!! ๐Ÿ˜€

He is happy and so loved!

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BHRR’s Puppy Pile Ross
August 19th, 2016
4 months of age – b. April 14th, 2016

Great with kids of age ages, adults and loves other dogs and he takes absolute joy in carrying sticks like his brother!

Housebroken, crate trained, travels wonderfully in a car, bomb proof as he is so well balanced/sound, fully vetted including microchipped and he is one of two remaining BHRR Puppy Pile puppies that we are hoping to place into a right matched foregver loving home!( 7 were born).

This litter and their emaciated mom has truly been an absolute delight to have assisted…..

Thank you Liz Bradley, Heather Hunter & Mason Ross Boers for all of the assistance with these gorgeous photo’s!


BHRR’s Puppy Pile Corbin
August 19th, 2016
4 months of age – b. April 14th, 2016Great with kids of age ages – he ADORES kids, adults and loves other dogs and he takes absolute joy in carrying sticks like his brother!

Housebroken, crate trained, travels wonderfully in a car, bomb proof as he is so well balanced/sound, fully vetted inuding microchipped and he is one of two remaining BHRR Puppy Pile puppies that we are hoping to place into a right matched foregver loving home!( 7 were born).

This litter and their emaciated mom has truly been an absolute delight to have assisted…..

Thank you again Liz Bradley & Heather Hunter and Mason Ross Boers for the help getting these fabu pictures!!!



Guess who?!! This gorgeous special needs Great Dane has a home-visit coming up soon for a possible approved adoption! ๐Ÿ™‚

This is BHRR’s Bell!

She hung out at KAH today and was totally awesome! Many did not even know she was there she was so quiet…. ๐Ÿ™‚

She had her annual and now weighs a wonderfully fit 48.10 kgs(105.82 pounds). Lean and solid muscle. She has put on 8.16 kgs(17.952 pounds) since she arrived into rescue! ๐Ÿ™‚

A real love plus sweetheart of a lady and she is going to make a right matched forever loving home a most wonderful addition! ๐Ÿ™‚

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What a most wonderful weekend!!

My heart remains glowing with such humbled warmth from so many that came together to make this weekend even possible!

A grand total of $703.50 was raised this weekend to help the Vet bills of the BHRR Puppy Pile!

Thank you again to Pet Valu Stittsville for your incredible hospitality again!! You make us feel truly welcomed and are so lovely!

Thank you to Cherie, Aaron, Serena, Sean, Dawn and Kinsley for your hands, hearts and time this weekend! I watched many times over how each of you were so helpful to visitors plus their pets and your knowledge of BHRR plus your belief in what this organization does, is a true blessing for the animals’ in need of our programs! Thank you for everything each of you do!

To every visitor this last weekend – one touching hi-light for me was seeing BHRR’s Lizzy adopted November 9th, 2012 – thank you very much! So many incredible human and dogs we met!! We loved spending time with you!

This photo is of BHRR’s Salem, a GD/Mastiffx who is available for adoption and BHRR’s Puppy Pile Granite, one of our Haven Dogs. Both had a super day and won many hearts as did BHRR’s Corbin and BHRR’s Ross yesterday!! ๐Ÿ™‚

As we wind down for the night at BHRR, we promised to post the date again of our next microchip clinic – accredited by the CVO – September 10th at Pet Valu Richmond from 10-4 pm! We will make sure the poster is put up tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

All funds from that event will go towards BHRR’s Dyson’s Partial Tail Amputation bills.

Thank you again to so many amazing souls for being those strong links on BHRR’s CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ ๐Ÿ™‚ We remain deeply grateful……


Look who continues to do well in his emerge temp foster home!

BHRR’s Baron, the Brazilian Mastiff pup! NOT Yet Available For Adoption.

He is having a snooze with FREEDOM Dane, BHRR’s Peanut – adopted herself September 13th, 2012!


Two lovely young ladies and two lovely young BHRR Dane pups – Ross & Corbin – today at our Pet Valu Stittsville Event! ๐Ÿ˜€



This handsome Great Dane dude is BBBBB’s Ross – 16 weeks of age and he plus his equally handsome brother Corbin had their latest professional photo’s today thanks to the help of Liz, Heather plus Mason!

Corbin blew it out of the water with his great manners and obedience taking photo’s and well…..what can I say, ๐Ÿ˜€ BHRR’s Ross was spot on until a leaf blew, a blade of grass bent, saw the camera, was hoping for a treat, saw Mason, saw Corbin and well, in general any distraction that could pose fun and all manners were *off* and he then broke his sit/stay and the lay down/stay! ๐Ÿ˜› What fun he is!!

Distraction training is the hardest to get through and overall even BHRR’s Ross did fabu, the ham!

For 16 weeks old puppies, their leash and collar manners are great. BHRR’s Corbin per Heather was self-correcting beautifully and neither cars, squealing tires or brakes, lawn mowers and buses etc., phased my babies one bit as we walked on sidewalks, crossed the roads etc.

Heather even commented so kindly about how wonderfully social both boyz are…thank you for such lovely praise!

It was great to see Liz plus Heather again and thank you all for your time and caring hands to give these two still available for adoption pups yet another amazing experience.

Liz thinks she can get these prof photo’s to us next week and we will update their blogs plus the Facebook adoptable album at that time, plus their Petfinder bio’s! So appreciative for the assistance in capturing these two amazing Boyz in their latest professional photo’s!

Both of these BHRR Puppy Pile puppies shall also be at Pet Valu Stittsville tomorrow between 10 am – 4 pm!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Heather thank you for your sweet heart for the toys, meds and that adorable bow tie!

BHRR’s Ross(first photo), BHRR’s Corbin(second photo)

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VIDEO: Of my 9+ year old blue Great Dane Bronson with four of the BHRR Puppy Pile! ๐Ÿ™‚ They are now 16 weeks of age.

The BBBBB’s of Corbin and Ross are still available for adoption! Both of them shall also be with us at Pet Valu Stittsville on Saturday August 20th @ our first community education event since May!


Update Sent Our Way:

“All is still well with Baron, we have had good days working on manners, listening and

learning right from wrong, as each day goes by, Baron is feeling more confident and sure

of himself.

He absolutely enjoys our adventurous outings with both structured walks and free playtime

with dog friends (playtime when not at home is always on a 30′ lunge lead). ย I personally don’t

think he’d run away, his need for human (female) contact is too strong. ย Recall is great with a

treat and huge praise as his reward. ย He listens well most of the time, if caught doing something

he shouldn’t be doing, a firm gentle reprimand with touch seems to be effective.

He appears to have no food aggression or resource guarding, and there have been plenty ofย 

opportunities for him to have shown this negative behaviour although he has no problem stealingย 

other dogs treats or food (we’re working on that). ย  I think the dino bones give him diarreah andย 

gas as they are so greasy. ย I did give him raw beef bones of comparable size and they seemed to beย 

much more “tummy tolerant”.

Baron hasn’t made much progress with men, he becomes unsettled, guarded and very attentive

although it does seem to be worse in and around theย house as opposed to outside or walking on leash.

As for meeting new females, he is cautious and shy at first but is easily won over with a treat.

Baron is very playful, rather clumsy and most definately doesn’t know his own size, trips on things,

slips on stuff and crashes into everything. ย He is so very affectionate, loveable and happy, everyday

brings something new for him to explore.”ย 

Well, this afternoon we braved the terrible rain/wind with poor visibility for the BHRR Great Dane Puppy Pile’s 16 week old Vet Visit and Boosters etc. ๐Ÿ™‚

BHRR’s Corbin – Available for Adoption – weighed 27 Kgs(59.4 pounds)
BHRR’s Ross – Available for Adoption – weighed 26.2 kgs(57.64 pounds)
Cookie Dough Dynamo – Adopted – weighed 27.8 kgs(61.16 pounds)
BHRR’s Granite – BHRR Haven Dog – weighed 28 kgs(61.6 pounds)

All are lean, muscled and healthy plus so happy, not to mention social!

Later this week, the BBBBB’s of Ross & Corbin, will have their next professional photo’s done to help their right matched forever loving adoptive homes find them!!

I have also heard recent news from two of the three other BHRR puppy pile pups that were adopted in July and both are doing well plus both have started their mandatory obedience classes. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you Rebecca for this great photo of the BHRR Puppy pile that were at Liston Animal Hospital today!



Update Sent Our Way – We moved BHRR’s Baron for one week to another emerge temp foster home – one he has gotten to know and loves since his time with the first emerge temp foster home. He is back with his first home as of Thursday the 18th. He is scheduled to arrive to BHRR on August 28th.


all is well with baron, he has made himself quite at home.

with me, my daughter and kato (6 month old lab) and any other dog friends

that come over to play he is a gentle giant.

he feels comfort in knowing, at all times where i am. ย he listens when i say no,ย 

ย and does not steal food from the kitchen anymore!!! ย when put in his crate, he eats,

ย barks for about 10 minutes then settles down.ย 

baron will now sit for a treat before being asked!!!

very cautious and guarded when there is a human male near, he will bark and want

to get between us, reassurance that all is ok seems to work.

baron thrives on gentle kind words of encouragement to calm a situation where

he feels threatened or ill as ease.

we go to the water everyday to cool off and have playtime, he swims, fetches sticksย 

(doesn’t retrieve) digs in the sand and wrestles with kato, he loves it!!

i have been noticing his right eye seems to get a bit redder when he is tired.

baron is a big boy with a big appetite and a big heart!!

i thank you for putting your trust in me ย with watching this lovely boy,”


BHRRโ€™s Big Ben(Benjamin’s) Angels: $25 donated to date & Bills $206.90
*before paypal fees
*Jan in honour of BHRR’s L.T.’s 10th Birthday

This photo is of 4 – Corbin, Ross, Cookie Dough Dynamo and Granite – of the 7 BHRR Puppy Pile today exploring a new area of our almost 148 acre property discovering new trail/hiking territory!

BBBBB’s Corbin and Ross are still Available for Adoption!


UPDATE: heartworm and Lymes testing now back and is negative and sure enough, his T4 is normal so he has been overfed and not appropriately exercised ๐Ÿ™

So much time is spent educating people on the proper weight for Danes/dogs in our adoption / temp foster info packages and the extra burden Big Ben’s joints and heart plus lungs have been having to take on because, of all of this excess weight is upsetting. ๐Ÿ™

Over $200 has been spent and gladly so as we want all of our dogs proactively/preventatively vetted – to get Big Ben back on track with proper vetting yet it should never have been this way…..

This is BHRR’s Big Ben(Benjamin). His adoptive parents were getting divorced and after 4 years, 7 months to the day that he was adopted, Ben came back to us on August 5th. This is the first time we have taken a dog back due to a divorce in our almost 21 years of operating….. ๐Ÿ™

Today, I had Big Ben at the Vet for he was overdue for vaccines, had not had any heartworm/Lymes testing done since 2014 nor was he on heartworm preventative since 2014 per the records we received.

He is also seriously overweight at 69.4 kgs(152.68 pounds) today at work.

I am running a T4 to rule out thyroid.

He had a thorough exam, bloodwork done for heartworm/Lymes testing plus thyroid, had revolution, a much needed nail trim – we will work on training those quicks back again – and we updated his vaccines. He will be proactively/preventatively de-wormed also.

He was such a good boy, always was…..

When we adopt our dogs out we try to be so thorough and detailed in the process. BHRR stands by all of our dogs and our contract states that if for any reason a home cannot keep their adoptive BHRR dog, they are to come back to BHRR.

We were sad to see this home get divorced, passed along how sorry we were and we were also sad to learn that prior to reaching out to us the home tried to place Big Ben on their own first, forgetting about their signed contract with us.

Additionally, in asking for a write up on Big Ben to post on his blog, we read that when the home had children, they were allowed to *ride* Ben as if he was a pony. His lips and ears were pulled and our adoption package clearly states that Danes are dogs, not equines. A true testament to Ben’s amazing temperament is that he never reacted negatively to this inappropriate handling.

Big Ben is now 6.5 years of age and as he settles in more, we will make the determination if we will place him up for adoption again or have him remain as a cherished member of our Haven program. He has gone through so much prior to his rescue to BHRR and now he is back after over 4.5 years….

I am sad in so many ways……


BHRR’s Dyson(Available for Adoption!) had his annual last night and a recheck on his perpetual happy tail…..

After years, yes years of treating this tail off and on, we are going to amputate a portion of it off. I am not one for taking off body parts unnecessarily yet we have reached a point that this is in his best interest. We did his heartworm/Lymes testing along with pre-op bw and vaccines. He is such a goof!

He has always been a lean muscled boy once we got past the beyond skinny state upon his arrival into rescue and last night, he was down a bit from his last weigh-in so we will re-evaluate his food intake plus it is time to proactively de-worm again – we like to do that twice a year even if a dog is not symptomatic.

All of us, and BHRR’s Dyson also continue wait patiently for that right matched forever loving home to find him!!

In the meantime, he romps in 3+ acres of fenced in yard, hikes in almost 148 acres of land, gets to sunbathe as he wishes on the brick deck and is loved beyond measure!

BHRR’s Salem had her own special picnic snack date yesterday and was spoiled!! Thank you to this lovely home for having her into their home! She also remains available for adoption to that right matched forever loving home.

BHRR’s Big Ben came back to BHRR yesterday after over 4.5 years in his adoptive home due to a divorce(Adopted January 5th, 2012). He was so excited to see me and I him. I now have a Vet appointment on Monday for him as he is seriously overweight, long overdue for vaccines, has not had Lymes/heartworm testing nor been on preventative since 2014. ๐Ÿ™

Welcome home my beautiful boy….

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I think someone is settling in wonderfully into their emerge temp foster home! One week today from when he first arrived to them.

BHRR’s Baron, the 7 month old Brazilian Mastiff!

Thank you from my heart to this awesome home in sending all of these detailed daily updates. So appreciative!

He is doing so well! Great leash manners, does love to counter surf :p, has made some fabu canine friends to play with and he is also learning all about what is and is not acceptable to chew on!! ๐Ÿ˜€

Thank you so much amazing home for being there in his time of need!!


Guess who?! This uber handsome blue Great Dane is BHRR’s Rubble!

He came to work today to be de-twinkled! Sean dropped BHRR’s Limerick and BHRR’s Maple off earlier in the day for their own spays.

BHRR’s Rubble has put on another 22 pounds of awesome solid muscle mass and weight!! Well done!! He looks incredible!! He now weighs 140.80 pounds. ๐Ÿ™‚

BHRR’s Maple has put on another 6 plus pounds herself!

All their spays and his neuter went well and BHRR’s Rubble had one testicle that was underdeveloped yet nothing abnormal that the Vet felt it needed to be sent off to histiopathology.

Great news for BHRR’s Limerick, her knees look good! Her hips seem to be the source of her gaiting the way she is and she shall be monitored as she builds up more muscle mass plus strength. ๐Ÿ™‚

All are now at home resting!

In a couple of weeks time, they all should be ready to make their special announcements! They have all come so far since they came into rescue and all three will need those right matched adoptive homes that shall continue to build upon the strong foundations we have been laying here for them. Each of these dogs are a true gift!!

Good night wishes from our home to yours!



Another awesome photo of this handsome dude!


BHRR News Update:

It has been and still is a busy week here!

On Friday July 29th, BHRR’s Whisper(deaf/visually) impaired Great Dane – Available for Adoption! – had her own overnight picnic play date.

On Saturday, after driving to Orleans to pick her up – she loved their cats also! She loves everyone and everything – we had our next BHRR ‘PRIVATE’ Experience at BHRR. We had the farrier come for the horses, picked up hay for the horses, took the remaining Puppy Pile babies(4) for a walk and had many laughs over the afternoon plus evening. Thank you for coming!

Supper was steak dinner, homemade garlic toast, whipped potatoes, corn and for dessert homemade lemon merengue pie! ๐Ÿ™‚ We hope our guests deeply enjoyed themselves. This is the second private experience that they have had with us. ๐Ÿ™‚

Sunday was our son’s 16th Birthday and cannot believe how fast time is going. So proud of Mason and how he is growing up.

I have been receiving daily updates(thanks to the amazing emerge temp foster home!) on who the home has begun to call BHRR’s Baron, the Brazilian Mastiff. He is doing so well!

Tomorrow we have three Danes heading in for their spays/neuters. BHRR’s Maple, BHRR’s Limerick and BHRR’s Rubble. BHRR’s Limerick shall also have her hips/knees checked out more thoroughly under sedation and we will do x-Ray’s if required.

Friday, BHRR’s Dyson is having his annual and a recheck on his chronic ‘happy tail’. Silly goof!

Next week is equally wonderfully busy!! We hope all are enjoying this glorious sunshine! ๐Ÿ™‚

Please remember to use proper safe hot weather practises for your pets/kids and that includes on the hot pavement.

Happy Wednesday!

Editing to add that BHRR’s Salem also has her own special picnic snack date on Friday!!!


We have been thinking of moving BHRR’s Dune to an approved Temp Foster home, a home a bit more quieter than ours.

He shall be heading that way shortly!

On Saturday July 23rd, I received a voice message to call one of BHRR’s Big Ben’s owners. It sounded serious.

In talking to the one O. I learned that sadly the home was getting divorced and that neither partner would be keeping BHRR’s Big Ben. I thank the O. for calling us as our signed contact states that if for any reason one of our dogs cannot be kept by an adoptive home, that they must come back to BHRR.

The O. did say that they had tried friends/family first prior to contacting us and apologized that they had forgotten this part of their

