Puppy Pile Photo – April 24th, 2016
10 days of age(born April 14th, 2016) – Mama GD Marbles Litter – She had 8 puppies yet sadly, one lovely merle male boy was stillborn and almost 30 minutes of working on him could not revive him. 🙁

All were weighed again yesterday and all are gaining well.

The one dark merle male boy that was born quite sluggish, continues to have some aspiration issues. He has been into see the Vet once already and we are monitoring him and all the puppies closely.

There are 4 boys and 3 girls and even the wee BBBBB runt female has caught up to the rest of the ‘gang’. She is feisty! 🙂

The puppies are back to see the Vet on Saturday AM as they will then be 2 weeks of age and time to begin their de-worming protocol.

AND, yes, for those that keep asking, this is a single breed GD litter of puppies AND NO, they are not yet ready for adoption AND shall not be for a long time to come.




In going through Vet references on this latest application, everything was solid, yet in closing off on the personal references, it came to light that another pet had been owned by the home that was not disclosed on the application and then we also learned that said pet had not been proactively/preventatively vetted. Rabies Vaccine is also a legal requirement for cats and dogs.

Our application process is very clear and as we appreciate your time please show us equal courtesy also in that our own time is precious. If all previous and past pets have not been properly proactively and preventatatively vetted, we cannot approve your home. BHRR spends thousands upon thousands of dollars out of not only our own pockets yet donations from our supporters to ensure that all of our animals’ are healthy and happy, physically, emotionally and behaviourally. We cannot send our dogs’ to homes that are not going to do the same.


First Born: Merle male. 1 pound, 10 oz. Nice healthy size


All BHRR Great Dane Puppy Pile x 7 in the same canvas basket, the same one I used to bring 14 day old BHRR’s Ember and Flame to BHRR in back on December 7th, 2015.

Within 5 days, only two could fit comfortably into it! 🙂


6:03 AM Puppy #6 – Black with white Male – 1 pound 8 oz


4:50 AM puppy #3 Black male – 1 pound 8 oz. Another great weight.


5:30 AM -puppy #4 – Dark Merle Boy. 1 pound 7 oz


Labour stalled so mom walked a bit and 4:05 AM Black female pup – second born – 1 pound 6 oz.


7:08 AM Puppy #7 Black Female 1 pound 5 oz


BHRR;s Gentle Jake – ~14 months of age
April 10th, 2106He is ready to make his own announcement today – April 11th, 2016!

This boy, when he first came to BHRR was beyond skinny – has put on almost 40 pounds, had some post-neuter complications – hematoma and yet, his personality was as solid and as well balanced as any dog we have ever assisted or even owned over the past almost 28 years!

He is still young and maturing and the weight plus muscle mass shall continue to be put on.

His one and only quirk and it is not really a quirk is that he likes to take your arm or hand in his mouth…he is fairly gently and we discourage it as he does it to try and keep the attention on him over seeing it go to another dog. Typical puppy attention wanting behaviour. As long as he is not being dominant, which he is not, it is relatively harmless and he corrects easily.

He is so sound and well balanced and would make a great therapy dog once he matures more.

He is obedient, kind, affectionate, puppy clumsy when he plays and shall be a true giant when he is done growing. I see him topping off close to ~145 when he is done. Once again, a great lean fit weight, not a fat weight.

He can go to a home that has another right matched personality fit dog as he needs and loves his friends or to an approved home that has a strong doggie social network for him. It shall continue to keep him learning and keeping great manners.

He is crate trained, housebroken and so very kind.

He can go to a home that works pt, ft. from home, semi retired or retired and a home that shall remain committed to his obedience for he is so awesome yet, his leash manners upon distractions can bring out the ‘china shop pulling bull’ at times.

Considering he has only been with us since February 21st, the progress he has made has been WOW!

He already had a wonderful temperament template and we just helped to mold and shape it to help direct him in the right direction to be asset to home and community.

He is going to make that right matched home a truly WOW fabu addition! We know people get ‘caught’ up in his looks yet what I adore most is his rare as close to bomb proof personality as any dog can be. AND his personality is what is going to be most important to that right fit matched home also!

He is positively magnificent….

That right matched home will ‘see’ him for him and the true greatness that he shall bring to their heats and home!

Having come from Tenn, he for sure travels great in a car and is a quiet boy. Only makes sounds is when I come home from being out and sometimes at dinner!

We are not 100% sure how he is with cats yet I know he had some puppy play excitement interest in both BHRR’s Steam and BHRR’s Flame yet, he learned fast and has been so respectful of being asked to be ‘gentle. He plays so well with both of them now!

He is gentle about taking treats, someone trained him to sit and lift that one front leg of his for treats also…he almost always ‘defaults’ to that position when being offered a treat.

There is not a dog that he has met that he does not like and thank you Karen for entrusting him to us and to Jane for the assistance also in helping him to get to us.

He is a dream boat boy…..and he has forged his own special place in my own heart!

Thank you Melissa for the stunning photo’s and to Sandra for the helping hands at his prof photo shoot!

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Someone says guess what? She has some special news to share?!

BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat(DEAF/Visually Impaired) says that she is moving under a ‘PENDING ADOPTION’.

We will keep everyone updated as we can.

Keep her in your thoughts! She is a HUGE HUGE HUGE fav for many BHRR fans.

Thank you to Melissa for this awesome ‘tongue’ photo!

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BHRR’s Flame – April 10th, 2016 – GDx

Today, she is ready to make her big special announcement!


She did it! She beat so many odds and she is truly a miracle baby! She is ~4.5 months of age now and she has had regular exams – ~ every 2 weeks – since she first arrived to BHRR at 2 weeks of age.

She has had the proper de-worming protocol since 2 weeks of age, fecals, her three round of puppy vaccines (we do not just give one round and then let our approved adoptive homes do the rest), had pre-op blood-work done and was spayed. We also microchipped her.

She is going to need a dog experienced home, not necessarily a Dane experienced home for she is a big personality filled gal!

We are not sure what breed her ‘dad’ is, yet she takes after him in size and a lot of in personality for she is incredibly headstrong – no fear! – brilliant to a fault, feisty and she needs a home that is going to give her the continued proper structure and obedience she needs to keep her being such a great gal yet at the same time a home that shall never break that incredible BIG heart and HUGE spirit of hers!

She is loyal, extremely so…win her trust and she would do anything for you….well, as long as she thought it was a good thing to dog!

She thinks, and is great at problem and puzzle solving. An active home, yet, one that is not too crazy busy that she would be flooded or over stimulated. She deserves to have so much time and focus spent on her and giving her the great future she deserves!

She is housebroken – yet, thinks she may melt in rain or snow! She would be fine as an only puppy in the home as long as she has a great social network of her own AS she needs it to keep her minding her p’s and q’s plus friends are important!

She sleeps through out the whole night and has since she was so wee. Crate trained and is so good about only chewing on things that she should…you just have to show her at times what is and is not ok…she is still very much a baby….so, patience, time, consistency and not only oodles of love are needed.

She has proven fine with cats and her BFF here is BHRR’s Steam so, a right matched personality fit dog in the same home would be great….

She is playful, excellent recall, has that sit down to a perfection and her leash manners are really quite fine.

She is quiet and will only tend to ‘woof’ a bit if she hears other dogs and corrects beautifully.

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, semi retired or retired etc. She is another amazing BHRR versatile dog.

She can be a bit of a bossy bit of goods and once again, corrects well. It is that strength and backbone that has made her a survivor. She was only two pups to survive to make it out of the shelter and her sister, BHRR’s Ember fought the great battle for 6 days and then passed away…I think her sister would be proud of her sister.

She will never be a ‘giant’ breed dog in size, she is just over 40 pounds now yet, ~75 without a home getting her fat is a quite reasonable expectation to how she may end up…one never knows with this stunning mixes. She may end up ~ 65 she may end up 80….who knows yet, as long as she is not fat – a BIG pet peeve of mine in seeing dogs overfed when they had been adopted, lean, full of muscle mass and looking incredible. We have in our adoption packages great detail re: proper weight and yet, we still end up seeing fat dogs. OK! Off my soapbox!

BHRR’s Flame has gone to community education and public awareness events since she was healthy and even has had some special play visits. She is well balanced and rounded and she makes me SOOOOOOO proud!

Also, she keeps me on my toes! AND, I love that about her…..

When that right matched home comes along and finds her, this journey with BHRR’s Flame shall end in my home yet the tears I shall shed will be the best ones for she DID it! SHE DID IT!

GO BHRR’S Flame GO! You are incredible! You are inspirational and thank you to the KHS for entrusted her and her Mama GD Eve and her sister to us…..

Thank you Melissa for the gorgeous photo’s of her and for Sandra for the loving hands yesterday for this photo shoot!

As a fyi, the shaved patch on her leg is from her IV line when she was spayed. 🙂

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AND while BHRR’s Gentle Jake snoozed in the rare to be seen of late sun on our way home from the professional photo’s, this was BHRR’s Flame’s face as we were driving! She was now all ‘revved’ up and ready to go!! LOL

She is such a character!!

Special announcements to be made once their prof photo’s come in!

Thank you again Melissa for your time plus talent and to Sandra for the extra hands!!


Someone has literally fallen asleep in the sun as we drove home from our professional photo shoot today!!

Huge huge huge hit with all that saw and met him today!

What a big amazing solid puppy BHRR’s Gentle Jake is.

AND it is always amazes me how irresponsible other dog owners can be just opening up their car/truck doors and turning their backs and letting their dogs run around the Parking lot….

Thank goodness BHRR’s Jake and BHRR’s Flame are well balanced and rounded pups!

Over the next day or so, both of these wonderful dogs will have their special announcements to make!

Soon BHRR’s Mama GD Eve will also….she is doing so well…..never going to be a crowd lovely yet her circle of set up for success gets slowly bigger and stronger.

Happy Sunday from our home to yours!


Here is a photo of the whelping/nursing box. 6 x 5 x 2 feet. AND we put an Xpen with a door also along the side. Whole section beside the box for room for mom to leave pups and eat/drink and get some alone time….



1) Pee Pads
2) Someone had a wading pool and trying to remember who from a previous thread. Wondering if we can borrow it?
3) Towels
4) Blankets
5) Puppy food – for Mom right now
6) Soft Bath Mats – the ones from Pet Valu are fabu
7) Pinesol
8) Very Large Garbage Bags
9) Esbilac – Powder, not liquid

BHRR has been working on a cruelty/neglect case for the last week. All of the Danes are now in r/q care with other GD groups that we network with except for the one that ACO really wanted to send our way.

Today, this Dane was brought to see Dr. Liston at LAH.

As you can see, BHRR is having puppies. At least 8 were counted by Dr. Liston. Mom is so skinny herself and as we specialize in the emaciation cases, we were specifically asked to take her in, even, if we could not take the others that we then found other great places for.

We are calling her BHRR’s Marbles and one of the ACO officers wants to adopt the mom when she is ready. That is touching news.

Mom is due within the week and we are working to prepare all that we need beforehand.

If anyone has any of the above items and would not mind sharing or donating, we would be so appreciative. contactbhrr@gmail.com

BHRR has only helped three dogs to date in 2016 and this mama to be is the next in need of us…urgently so….

Thanks in advance!

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BHRR’s Bloom AKA BOOM-BOOM AKA Ms. Dynamite
2010 – April 1st, 2016

For all those that have followed this dynamo of a girl since her arrival to BHRR in the fall of 2011, you would have fallen in love with her spirit, heart and personality as much as we have! She was a HUGE presence in a ‘small’ package!

This girl was not a half measure kind of girl at all! She was brilliant, not above manipulating all that she could to get what she wanted and affectionate beyond words.

When this girl gave you her heart plus trust, you would be extremely humbled for she would have laid down her life for you.

She was a beautiful diamond…very much in the ‘ruff’ when she first arrived to BHRR. Anxiety issues, leash and other manners leaving much to be desired and she became a ‘lady’ in time!

Her radius curvus syndrome was addressed, a bloat survivor and nothing ever held her back!

She charmed, bullied and squeezed her way into the hearts of so many.

While those that seemed to want her had cats and/or exotics – she was NOT good with them – that right matched home for her never came along yet as it was with BHRR’s Dana, we wanted her, we adored her and we understood BHRR’s Boom.

For 4.5 years she lived with us moving from our rehab program to our adoptable program and then as her spondylosis worsened, she was moved to our BHRR Haven Program.

We updated her blogs for her fan club to be kept in the loop and I was so happy that she had an amazing BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house in January.

Come March, she did not have the best of PRIVATE BHRR EXPERIENCE, and on March 20th, at the get together for Sean, I was so happy that many could pass along their good-byes for we knew that her time was drawing ever sadly nearer….

She could not run like she once did, she did her wobble bobble trot and her balance began to not be as sound and so many commented on March 20th about how they could also see that while she was still having quality, that quality was diminishing….breaking so many hearts that day….

When her appetite, always a most healthy one! began to also decline, it was a big sign also.

BHRR’s Bloom, we adored you from Day 1 and I held you in my arms, loving on you and stroking your gorgeous blue fur as you were crossed over Friday night…almost in disbelief that this was the end….

An era has ended with the passing of BHRR’s Bloom. An enormous hole has been left behind….

You were so great with all the youngsters that came to BHRR and my own over the years. Could not have had a better dog watch over them and teach them manners and lessons. Incredible mentor and teacher you were to so many.

You had a huge mischievous side along with a no nonsense, ‘enough is enough’ side and we spent Friday driving to so many of your fav places so others could say their own good-byes and we stayed up all night Thursday so you and I could have one last sunrise together….one last small walk together and I worked so hard to keep my heart/soul from crumbling into million of pieces….

We took one final car ride together and this i the last photo I have of you….

After you were crossed over, we took our final drive home and you are now laid to rest beside BHRR’s Porridge and BHRR’s Ember at our Rainbow Bridge…when the weather gets warmer, we will plant a flowering bush in your honour….

I could not possibly count high enough the number of ways that I am going to miss you…you taught me so much, you gave me so much and I so wish we could have fixed your spine to have given you many more years of being YOU!

See you in my dreams…..until we meet again…

Thank you Stéphanie O’Bready for entrusting us with this magnificent creature….


Someone was so sad yesterday when I went to pick her up…..then when she saw me, she was so happy.

BHRR’s Flame had her ‘big girl’ day yesterday (pic taken at the Hospital is not the best for once she saw me, she wanted out!). She was spayed and microchipped.

She weighed 13.6 Kgs so has not yet even crossed 30 pounds at four months of age and so a ‘wee’ giant who is not taking after her GD Mama Eve at all! At this rate of growing, she may make 70-75 pounds and 100% feisty!

In about a week or so, she will have her own special announcement to make and I am going to feel like such a proud ‘parent’! Hard to believe that she once was 2 weeks of age being held plus tube fed in my hands….

She had a quiet yet a really good night and took her Tramadol like a champ with a small amount of food and lots of gentle cuddles…even fell asleep in my arms as we pulled her iv line out last night…
