BHRR’s Rubble was at the Vet tonight!(Sorry, no photo’s to post…not sure why they are MIA on my phone now! )

He weighed just under 55 KGs(121 pounds) and is still putting on much needed weight. He is solid lean muscle, just rippling. His Vet was quite impressed.

We had his eyes thoroughly examined as they have been a bit runny and he does have some mild Entropion(nothing that requires any surgical intervention at this time). He has been placed on some eye medications – Fucithalmic- for both eyes.

He was a really good boy…..he did smack his almost fully healed happy tip of his tail on the set of doors into the Hospital and opened it up slightly. Poor boy.

He had his boosters, a thorough exam and we did an Accuplex (heartworm and tick borne diseases) and also pre-op blood work in preparation for his neuter.

I was really proud of him….

He even was so good natured to allow my Skor, also brought in for her own annual to hog most of the back seat of my car!

He liked to rest his head on my shoulder while I was driving.

His leash manners continue to improve and he is one powerhouse of a boy.

In the right home, when he is ready, this sometime quirky yet uber affectionate playful super wonderful boy shall make a fabu addition!

The BHRR + Our Own dogs are SOOOOOOOO smart!

Or are they?!

They are waiting for the kids to come home from school…..

However…………it is a Snow Day today and the kids have spent the whole day with them at home!

The sure do love their routine!


It is a SNOW Dane! BHRR’s Hercules – our fabu Blue Tripod Great Dane
AVAILABLE for Adoption

He is loving the Winter Wonderland Day at BHRR!


My last post of my night is to share another photo of this lovely new BHRR boy! Thanks Jane again!

This is him with ‘Ernest’, also headed to rescue this weekend. They did a lot of travelling together on this transport.

Now that I have him in my hands, though some photo’s may look like he has a medical concern with his eye, per my op on him, it is actually HAWS. That was what I had wondered at one point and then when I saw the transport list stating he had ‘cherry eye’, I was like, ‘ok, we will get that addressed’.

He does not have cherry eye. He has HAWS. HAWS is a layman’s term for when the nictating membrane, the third eyelid is visible. He does not need or require any corrective surgery. It is considered a minor fault in Danes for dog showing purposes. It does not pose any health concern for him.

He is settling in well. Skinny, still quite quiet(yet, that can be for a number of reasons, he has had some minor post op neuter complications), and appears super soft and sweet.  Typical Dane with those mega leans of his! Soft curious eyes and he sure is going to be laying claim to his fair share of hearts.

He is going to need a BHRR name befitting his beautiful nature……



UPDATE: Sean has him!! Thanks Jane for the photo!

He is on his way home! I am so excited and am going to also be so relieved once I have him in my own hands to touch him, assess him and talk to him and tell him how many people have surrounded him with so much warmth this weekend and will also be there for him moving forward!

We have already done some vetting on him prior to transport and once he arrives, we shall ensure that the rest of his medical needs are met.

Karen and Jane, thank you again!!



He is now on his last leg before Sean snags him for the last drive and brings him home! Small change up that Sean is going to be meeting him as I prepare to bring him in to be seen by a Vet if need be today over tomorrow. Will know more once he is in my actual hands…..

He has continued to be quiet (often the way Danes are on transports) and be a really sweet great boy. Good with all dogs, cats and wanting love plus to give love.

Soon, dear boy, very soon now… shall be here!

So many people have come together to make this and many other rescues possible this weekend and each of you are Angels!! Thanks!


So, after a quite ‘eventful’ and a bit of a stressful day(more for us humans!) of traveling, this handsome man is now tucked safely into his temp foster for the night.

I will meet the transport tomorrow to bring him to BHRR.

I am hearing that that he is sweet, calm( we will see once he settles in!) and I am grateful beyond words to all that have showed him care, kindness and patience today and also yesterday as we work to get him to me.

From my home to all of yours, sleep well!

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AND he is on his way! Since yesterday.

Thank you Jane for sending the pics from his first part of his journey.

Thank you to all the transport angels for helping him and so many others get to Rescue. Drive safe everyone!

Cannot wait to meet him!


Someone had her booster tonight! BHRR’s Flame is now 12 weeks of age!

She weighed 10.2 kgs(22.44 pounds!). So her growth has really slowed down and at the rate that she is now growing she may reach 70-75 pounds yet, no matter how big or small this gorgeous GDx baby is going to be, she is 100% special. 

She rocked her exam, aced her latest nail trim and charmed quite a few folks. So many of those at KAH have watched her grow up from 14 days of age onward. 

Sorry for the poor photo quality, dark outside! She is watching for Mason to come out of the fish store we went to after her Vet visit. She and I stayed in the car and she kept a close look-out for her ‘kid’



BHRR’s Mama Great Dane Eve was spayed plus pexied today. She weighed 50.60 Kgs(111.32 pounds).

I was really proud of her. She is so stressed in strange situations and with strangers and though, I ended up handling her for her sedation and helping to carry her to the surgical table, I am proud of the progress that she has made since her arrival in December.

Baby steps…..

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Posted in Eve

BHRR’s Whisper was spayed today. She weighed 39 Kgs(85.8 pounds). 🙂

In a couple of weeks she will be ready to make her special announcement! This girl is going to make a lucky home a truly marvelous addition!

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Today, I received this update on the boy that we asked a home that had lost their own BHRR GD(adopted in December 2009) in January of osteosarcoma to name him, about his temperament. 🙂 The home suggested three names and then settled on ‘Jake’ and we then added the ‘Gentle’ part yet after he arrived to BHRR, some days we wondered about the ‘gentle’ part! 😀

“One of the ladies at the clinic that is a friend of mine said he was the first dog there she has fell in love with. She said he just wants to be with you and gets his feelings hurt easy.”

BHRR’s Latest Winter Wonderful Land VIDEO #1 in today’s crazy 50+ cm of snow! This is VIDEO #1.

Many other dogs are in VIDEO #2 and that will be on those dogs blogs and stated as VIDEO #2

On behalf of the BHRR dogs, we want to THANK all that came out this weekend to Pet Valu Kanata Centrum. Talk about a COLD weather weekend yet quite a few in true Canadian style, took on the brutal cold to spend some time with us and the dogs of BHRR!

A grand total of $548.10 was raised and that included my own personal donation to contribute to help those in need of our programs of BHRR.

This was our first community education and public awareness event of 2016 and thank you SO much everyone for making it as wonderful as it was.

Regan, and your staff at PV continued to welcome us, be patient as the BIG DAWGS in true ‘you cannot miss me style’ sprawled in really public places!

BHRR’s Whisper worked through her small amount of initial worry/anxiety about being left behind to deeply enjoy herself today. She took Cherie shopping! She took Aaron for runs and races around the store! She charmed, she educated and proved to all those that met her that she is ‘normal’ and happy, social and deserving of a great future AND she made all of us laugh and laugh some more!

It did not take her long to figure out what the opening of the front door of the store meant!

BHRR’s Salem, what can I say?! She continues to melt people’s hearts, make people shake their heads that she has not yet had the right application come in for her, to gently watch out for those she trusts, and parked herself more than once in the best places possible like in front of the cash counter or front door to get maximum exposure to all that came in!

Very proud of these gorgeous BHRR ladies!

Thank you to Dawn, Xandria, Cherie, Sean and Aaron for spending the day with me in the name of promoting responsible dog ownership, reputable/quality dog rescue AND talking all about the BIG DAWGS of BHRR.

To the person that showed up yesterday(I was talking to visitors elsewhere in the store) with many $100 bills in his hands wanting to ‘get a dog’, hopefully you left with the awareness of how a proper adoption process shall work. Sadly, from what I have been told by the wonderful BHRR Volunteers, you will find a group somewhere out there that will just take your money and hand over a dog that deserved better.

To the woman who lost her car key, the pleasure was all ours in helping you and talking to you plus with the young lady with you. We are so happy that they were found……

Each time we go out, I leave these events feeling so privileged to be part of such a great animal loving and caring community. I am honoured to be part of the BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS” team with true, sincere, honest to good caring folks that believe as strongly plus passionately as I, in what BHRR works so hard to do for those in need of our programs.

Thank you again to all the amazing folks that took time out of their own busy plus wonderful weekends to hang!

May all have a lovely evening! My heart is just floating from such a lovely weekend……

We are not back out for our next community event until March now! Stay tuned!

*Thanks Aaron for this photo of BHRR’s Whisper*


Day #2 of our mini-microchip clinic and community education event has dawned sunny and bright and practically balmy compared to yesterday!

We are back at Pet Valu Kanata CENTRUM (300 Earl Grey Drive) from 11 am – 4 pm.

Microchips – $40 includes registration (cats/dogs)
Nails – $10 (cats/dogs)
Ear Cleaning $10 (dogs only)

Red Carpet Pooch Smooch Sessions $5.00 min donation
Some merchandise for sale

AND on hand to be smooched and loved on by their fans will be BHRR’s Whisper (her first public appearance!) and BHRR’s Salem. BHRR’s Hercules, is going to stay at home for there is not a close spot for him to have a washroom break in this cold at the event and being a tripod, a bit too risky on all the ice we saw yesterday outside the stores. 

We look forward to another wonderful day of great visitors, great times, lots of laughs and great memories plus experiences had for humans and dogs alike!

BHRR’s Whisper is all snuggled up in her borrowed coat and is excited!

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BHRR’s Steam says THANK you to all the brave folks that came out to visit us at Pet Valu Kanata Centrum today! It may have been cold outside(apparently colder than the North Pole today! OUCH!), but, it was nothing but warmth inside!

Our mini-microchip clinic saw three more amazing animals chipped – one gorgeous cat and two stunning dogs – to help them get back home should they become lost or stolen.

We did 6 nail trims and 1 ear cleaning on one beautiful Newf!  Total $70

We had donations of $150.40 that included our red carpet pooch smooch sessions and $10 in merchandise was sold. 

We gave out roses and chocolate bunnies and thank you Dawn for the brownies! Aaron immensely enjoyed the candy hearts we brought too! 

Final total raised today was $350.40 and we are back at Pet Valu Kanata CENTRUM (300 Early Grey Drive) tomorrow from 11 AM – 4 PM

Tomorrow, we are planning on bringing BHRR’s Whisper(her début), BHRR’s Salem and quite possibly BHRR’s Hercules(tripod extraordinare) to smooch and snuggle with their fans! 

We will be doing Nails, Ear Cleaning and Microchipping again tomorrow and our famous red carpet pooch smooch sessions shall be in full swing! 

Thank you to Aaron, Cherie, Grace, Dawn and Sean for the extra hands! We are NOTHING without our fabu Volunteers.

Thank you to Regan and her outstanding staff for welcoming us with such openness plus kindness. Thank you also again for the donations of food!

Thank you to all that believe in what we do, came out to hang – BHRR’s Steam had several visitors that took on the cold to see her!, talk BIG DAWGS, came together in friendship, and to support the animals of BHRR! We are so filled with appreciation!

BHRR’s Flame ROCKED her own début today!

BRING on tomorrow, the BHRR and Boerskins are ready for another special day!

*This photo of BHRR’s Steam is courtesy of The Maracle Family*


BHRR’s Pearl went to her new forever loving adoptive home tonight!
February 12th, 2016

This photo is of a moment between BHRR’s Pearl and her new adoptive mom when we did the home-visit for her possible adoption. Peanut butter makes the world an awesome one!

It always brings me so much happiness and some tears in seeing one of BHRR doggies leave…

This girl sure went on an amazing journey of rehab at BHRR and I am the better person in having been touched by such a ‘gift’ of a Dane.

From a dog that lacked so much in confidence, did not even know how to like herself, was terrified of the simplest of kindness and touch, she is now a hyper social harle which so many can once again attest to at our latest BHRR “EXPERIENCE” mini open house (January 31st).

What a far cry from the ‘shadow’ of the dog she once was. BHRR’s Pearl more than lives life now, she brings life to the hearts of all those that are blessed to be touched by her…..

Parting with her tonight was truly a ‘sweet sorrow’ as they say….yet, this is what we must do, adopt out those we can, so we can help the next in need. For a Dane that we once wondered if she could even be placed up for adoption and may have remained a treasured BHRR Haven dog, this is an incredible reward to see her be adopted…..

Thinking of her new home and her and all that life will bring them with so many amazing experiences……time, patience, consistency, obedience plus a big measure of love are going to keep this fabu Harlie building upon the strong foundation built at BHRR.

I will miss you… much beautiful Pearl.


On our way to the Vet!!

BHRR’s Whisper(DEAF & Visually Impaired) Recheck and booster time. Her skin is SO much better yet she still has raw spots and a few scabs. AND still has a bit of that ‘yeast’ stinky smell, not much yet some.

She is scheduled already for her spay for February 18th.

BHRR’s Whisper still has some mild anxiety when she is first in the car. She gets into the car without and worries and then, as we begin to drive, after a few moments she has some anxiety sounds. It lasts about 5 minutes right now and then she will lay down and relax.

Sometimes she will go into sleep over relaxing and looking around and Danes are notorious for sleeping when stressed. We continue to work with her to show her that she is not going to ever be abandoned again.

Her startle reflex is amazing now! She tends to stretch and open her eyes at eyes and then stretch more so she can get more of her rubbed gently. 🙂

From a behaviour perspective, the ‘chewing’ that she still does from time to time(NOTHING like it was) is more OCD and habitual plus SA related. We are working through her learning more and more about stability with patience, consistency, obedience, time and lots of love. 🙂

She is a real joy! When she gets her zoomies! LOL


Today, I received a request to help a Male Great Dane – Owner Surrender, turned 1 in January, very skinny, not yet neutered, O.’s traveling too much and there was another Dane, a neutered Male yet, the home found a spot for him.

We absolutely committed and then I was sent photo’s. We commit regards of what the Dane looks like…it is about helping the ‘next in need’, not taking in the colours that would be highly adoptable, or by age, sex etc.

We then put into place a plan to have him neutered and heart-worm tested, given any necessary vaccines, begin to de-worm him and proactively/ preventatively treat for any possible flea’s prior to transport. We will do the tickborne testing and microchipping after he arrives to BHRR.

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COMING up in four sleepies! Saturday February 13th & Sunday February 14th!

BHRR’s Steam and BHRR’s Flame shall be with us on Saturday and Sunday’s BIG DAWGS are as of yet TBA!

This is our FIRST Community Education and Public Awareness event of 2016! We have not been out since November of 2015!

No appointments are necessary and we are microchipping Saturday and Sunday and more details can be found in the poster below.

Cats and Dogs have to be minimally 8 weeks of age.

Thanks Regan and PV Kanata for hosting us that weekend! So touched as always to have your support!

BHRR Poster (Medium)


BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat(AVAILABLE For Adoption) and one of my own Deaf/Visually Impaired GD’s Salt wish all a good-night!

They are already snuggled up and making the cutest sounds in their sleep!

From our home to all of yours, sweet dreams!


BHRR’s Griffin’s DNA Test: They spelt his name wrong. 🙁

DNA Guessing Game time! BHRR’s Griffin’s DNA results are finally in!

ALL in fun!

He is a mixture of 4(FOUR) lovely breeds! I was right about one of them!

What do you think he is mixed with?!

I shall edit this post as the correct guesses come in!


Katrie guessed Great Dane correctly as one of BHRR’s Griffin’s breeds. He is a Level 2 Great Dane.
Definition below.

Faye has correctly guessed Rottie. BHRR’s Griffin is a Level 3 Rottie.
Definition below.

Rachel has correctly guessed Boxer. BHRR’s Griffin is a Level 4 Boxer. Definition below

Courtney correctly guessed Newf. BHRR’s Griffin is also a Level 4 Newf.
Definition below

Level 2 Great Dane
Level 2
This category reports breeds that may be easily recognizable in your dog. Each breed listed makes up between 37%-74% of your dog’s breeds. Dogs with a large mixed ancestry will not normally have breeds reporting at this level.

He is a Level 3 Rottie:
Level 3
This category identifies breeds that have between 20%-36% of the listed breed(s).

Level 4 Boxer & a Level 4 Newf
This category represents 10%-20% of the breed DNA. Dogs with large mixes may have a number of breeds in this category.

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HRR’s Flame says that with all the excitement of the DNA game, that she is pooped…..she will make her announcement tomorrow…

Great time to build up that exciting anticipation! 😀

Someone says ‘pssst….come close…, closer still….even closer….smooch!’

BHRR’s Flame (11 weeks of age!) wants to say that she has an exciting announcement to make later tonight…..

Stay tuned…….


Nap-time is always better with a snuggle buddy!

BHRR’s Flame(10 weeks of age!) and BHRR’s Steam AKA Steamboat(1 year).



BHRR’s Crème Brûlée’ – ~85 pounds and still some growing to do.

She is ready to make her own special announcement!


So, she is a Boston Terrier and a Bulldog(Level 3). – 20-36% Breed Representation
AND she is a Greyhound, Akita and Mastiff(Level 4) – 10-20% Breed Representation
AND she is a Great Pyr(Level 5) – 9% or less Breed Representation

She came in extremely fearful, and once she settled in, her ‘strong’ willed side has been more than happy to emerge with a huge measure of sweetness mixed in!

She has been great with all the dogs here yet, I would not recommend any homes with dogs less than 20 pounds for she exhibits some interest, more than I would like when she has been around BHRR’s Steam and even BHRR’s Flame(10 weeks of age).

She does best with a quiet integration with any strange dogs for they can excite her and another dog may take exception to some of her still lack of proper dog to dog social greeting skills.

She travels great in the car, is so loving and affectionate to those she knows and trusts and can appear to be a bit aloof to others….yet, when she warms up and relaxes, she is a big goofy gal!

She is quiet, and only makes sounds when you arrive home to say ‘yay! you are back!’

I would not recommend homes that have cats and no homes with small children.

She is quite a mixture of breeds and personalities and her eyes, those eyes are liquid pools of softness that just bring you right into her….

They can look worried at times and a soft calming word/touch of assurance, settles those eyes back to wanting to trust and show everyone how truly lovely she is.

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, semi-retired, retired etc. She is another extremely versatile BHRR dog.

She is crate trained and has also proven 100% trustworthy in our home for up to 2-3 hours. Being young still – not even 15 months of age, she has done so well in this area!

When she begins to wag that tail of hers, you cannot help but smile along!

She a gorgeous girl…..really gorgeous!

She should go to a home that has dog experience for in the wrong hands, she will be set up for failure, as would the home. She can go to a home that either has no other dogs or with a home that has a right matched personality fit dog already.

If another dog is too dominant, she will stand her ground. She corrects wonderfully under a balanced positive leader.

She is not a high maintenance dog and a home that does not frequent dog parks (most dogs and their owners do not belong in dogs parks as is!) yet takes long country strolls, hikes of various lengths and enjoys cuddles by a fireplace or watching TV, will make this gal a great right matched fit family!

You have been a joy my lovely gal…..a real joy to have had here…… 

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My last post for my night is all about BHRR’s Maple! Gwennie novel time! 

BHRR’s Maple was finally after almost 6 months of in-depth rehabilitation ready to go to the Vet last night!

This was the extremely fear aggressive Great Dane that we were asked to assist last August. She was so scared. We had wondered at one point would we be able to even place her up for adoption, she was that fear aggressive. She would have been a cherished BHRR Haven dog if she could not be placed up for adoption.

Yet, time, patience, consistency, structure, soft caring hands, loving touches, obedience and even more time has seen her blossom slowly….she did really well at our private BHRR “EXPERIENCES” and totally rocked our December annual “CHAIN OF SUCCESS” Potluck…..

At that point, I knew for sure that we were getting closer to seeing her go to the Vet to get blood-work, update on vaccines and to get ready to spay her for she was really sexually immature looking. She could not go in any earlier for she could not be safely handled. I did not want any bad experiences for her either. Set-up for success always…..

Now she could have had paediatric spay or was much younger than the shelter thought(they thought ~2-3 years) and I thought no more than a year and had not yet had a heat.

I had said to Sean in August, watch February come and her have a heat…and yup, after we had our latest BHRR “EXPRERIENCE” Mini open house at the end of January, I knew that she was really ready for this next brave step into the world of so much in great experiences plus kindnesses!

I get her to KAH, we get a very wiggly over 47 KGs (103.4 pounds) and she is more than that – lean, putting the weight still on yet was wiggly.

Someone asks did she chip a nail for there were a few spots of blood on the floor….looked her over, nope, no nails cracked or chipped.

Then, ten minutes later, some more blood on the flood and take her to the back and the blood has increased to more steady drips….Mason looks at her inner leg and sure enough, she is now in heat…, that answers the question for sure if she was a paediatric spay or not.

So, we still ran bloodwork for her future spay(4-6 weeks post heat) and for her Heartworm plus Tickborne diseas panel and she received her Rabies plus DAPP. She had been de-wormed back in August and placed on revolution.

The Vet examined her including heart plus lungs and throughout it all, only one fear growl and it was more of a ‘I do not want to be restrained any longer’ over true fear.

She was SO friendly and socially interactive with all that she met, she showed people how well she could sit and give a paw and give the other paw and her gorgeous ears were admired plus loved on a lot! She loves her treats!

I was so proud of her!!! The journey she has traveled since August, massive! MASSIVE! OMG! Wow!

She is going to make that right matched forever loving home that eventually finds her when she is ready to be placed up for adoption, a fabu addition.

That right matched fit home will also be more than prepared to take on her strong personality and remind her in a balanced positive way to mind her ‘p’s’ and ‘q’s’ for she is a strong willed lovely. She corrects wonderfully yet, you have to be aware of her tendencies to be a ‘gooberhead’.

Hard to believe that this photo is of her in February! No snow, leaves found on the ground! Looks more like fall!


After much hassle BOO! I finally have Crème Brûlée’s DNA Results!

ALL for fun and now that I have the results, she shall be making her special announcement soon!

As a fyi, she is about 85 pounds right now and not yet 18 months of age.

UPDATE: Ellie correctly guessed that she is a Boston Terrier and Rachel has correctly guessed that she is a Bulldog. She is a Level 3 Boston Terrier AND a Level 3 Bulldog and that definition is below.

As several have mentioned Greyhound and Nancy has correctly guessed Mastiff and Rachel has correctly guessed Akita, we can say that 3 (THREE) of her 6(SIX) breeds include Greyhound, Mastiff and Akita. She is a Level 4 on all three of these breeds, Greyhound, Akita and Mastiff. Definition of Level 4 is below.

Ellie correctly guessed that she is also a Great Pyr. A Level 5. Definition of Level 5 is below.

So, she is a Boston Terrier and a Bulldog(Level 3).
AND she is a Greyhound, Akita and Mastiff(Level 4)
AND she is a Great Pyr(Level 5)

Level 3
This category identifies breeds that have between 20%-36% of the listed breed(s).

Level 4
This category represents 10%-20% of the breed DNA. Dogs with large mixes may have a number of breeds in this category.

Level 5
This category represents the lowest level of breed in your dog occurring at 9% or less. These breeds still appear at a low and measurable amount in your pet’s DNA and were likely carried over from several generations.

So, to recap, She is a Level 3 Boston Terrier and a Level 3 Bulldog, a Level 4 Greyhound and a Level 4 Mastiff and a Level 4 Akita and a Level 5 Great Pyr.

She is a mixture of 6 lovely Breeds! Thanks for playing!

BHRR’s Griffin’s will be up next week!

BHRR’s Flame loving the gorgeous weather day today! AND helping me bring the groceries in.

10 weeks of age now and every day I fall in love further!