Here are two photos from May 23rd of BHRR's Holden on Bleach's couch! I think he is settling in well! 😉 He is finally eating a more normal ration per feeding and I am feeding him three times a day at the moment. Cannot wait to get a new weight on him!!!

Other than a rare accident here and there, he has proven himself to be well housebroken and for a dog that had lived outside for 2 years; WOW! 🙂

One BHRR's Holden gets up to a more normal weight and has his boosters; it shall not be long before he is ready for adoption. This boy is AWESOME!!! He still does not understand the tape on Sir Maestro's ears LOL yet is more accepting of him. It is not Sir Maestro himself that makes BHRR's Holden not adore him, it is the tape on his ears!!!! Don't blame you Holden! We have finally figured that out.

He has a special little sound he makes when I come home from work and it is ADORABLE! 🙂

BHRR's Holden May 23rd, 2011

BHRR's Holden did great at the Vet's on Tuesday! He weighed 87.34 pounds! WOOHOO! Slow but sure with the weight gain and we gave him more Drontal just to be assured that all the tapeworms were gone. AND I received his fecal results back yesterday and it is negative! We remove the final suture or two from his neuter and did a skin scraping on his elbows just to be assured that it is only dry skin and callouses. WHICH they are. 🙂 VERY healthy boy despite being so painfully skinny. I have him booked to come back in early June for his final DAPP Booster, once he is at a more healthy weight.

He was loved on by many and what a superb dog he is!!!! His leash manners are a DREAM and he has 'sit' almost perfected now. Smart and handsome boy….

His best buds are my daughters; EM Caffrey and our Bleach! He has also played some with BHRR's Hailey and BHRR's Benjamin.

He has only had one accident in the house since he has been here and he was so happy to come home with me. I know he was worried when we went into the car that he would not be coming back. BHRR's Holden is already coming out of his shell and asking for love and his energy level is becoming stronger and more longer lasting. Last night, was the first time he finished the food offered to him. I am still feeding him every 4-5 hours and his system is quickly becoming used to getting food and he is more able to eat for longer periods of time.

Sean took some great pictures of him on Bleach's couch and I shall try to post them soon. 🙂 It truly feels like he has always been here with us.

The only bump in everything is now that Sir Maestro is back from showing, for some reason BHRR's Holden is not so smitten with him and wants to try and push him around. Something about Sir Maestro must remind BHRR's Holden of a dog in his past.  AND the fact that Sir Maestro is only a 10 month old puppy tells me that BHRR's Holden has a long way to go re: social communication with other dogs. Each day is a new opportunity to learn and train and rehab and we are in no rush…..

BHRR's Holden is fully integrated with all the dogs and doing great!!!

THANKS being extended to Sarah for being a BHRR Buddy to BHRR's Holden and donating a Papasan Chair Cushion for him. 🙂


Gwen, Holden is sooooooo cute i know he will do well with you and i wish him good luck,please give potter and ave a hug from me. Theresa

We are moving BHRR's Apollo BACK AS AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!! The wonderful home that was under pending for him is going through some exciting times/changes in their own home at this time and all of us have agreed that we need to be most fair to their home and to BHRR's Apollo! This gives BHRR's Apollo the opportunity to be 'found' by his right matched forever loving home. 🙂

Thanks to everyone for their patience and understanding as we went through this process.

BHRR's Apollo – Feb. 9th, 2011 – After a session at CWW and enjoying a donated Antler at KAH! – Thanks Rusty Dawg Products!

Update on BHRR's Holden from 3:38 AM today:

"BHRR's Holden has now been integrated with half the pack here and WOW! What an amazing boy….for all the bad out there in the world, being able to be part of something so important and precious of helping another in need and seeing them travel along their journey of rehab to a better quality filled future makes me feel so thankful to so many that help save these incredible creatures."

Update on BHRR's Holden from 2:14 PM today:

"BHRR's Holden is now integrated with everyone and has made himself at home! He has decided that 'Bleach's' couch is a great place to lounge…. cheeky He finally ate something for me around 3:45 AM today and had a good night. This AM he decided he was going to play with Kinsley's EM Caffrey and that got the house rockin'!!! Sadly, that is when we heard the first coughs so on to RAW honey. His neuter incision is also bothering him so tending to that to maximise his comfort. It really feels like he has always been here and sigh….what a real sweetie!!!"

I have added four more pictures to his slideshow – 2 from his transport to BHRR and 2 from when BHRR's Holden first arrived – and we had the other dogs crated or in the bedroom so that he could settle in at his own pace. What is most interesting from those two photos is that BHRR's Hailey; who reminds me quite a bit of BHRR's Mindy; is not a 'fan' of dogs being near a crate when she is laying in it as it just upsets her sense of interpersonal space and what she believes who can and can not be near her. She is like a royal princess some days, that one! LOL YET, in these photos, she not only has no 'snobby' 'tude at BHRR's Holden laying next to her and would have with the other dogs just turned her back to them LOL, she actually moved herself so that she was touching him through the crate!!! It was awesome!!!! I sooooooooooo love BHRR's Hailey!

I am feeding BHRR's Holden 5 smaller meals a day right now and he is eating some wet food yet not fond of the kibble(most likely was fed scrap human food while he was on that abandoned property) and has not drank anything today. He is weak yet he will wag his tail and he is already following Sean around….I keep saying 'what about me!!$*&%%?' and BHRR's Holden will look at me, wag his tail slightly and then keep plodding along after Sean! There is a HAM inside this boy and I cannot wait until he comes all the way out!!!! 😀 He has slept a lot today or just has layed down on Bleach's couch watching the other dogs play and  move about. He seems to take enjoyment out of just being 'around' others. He is a pack animal for sure!!!! Is it too soon to say that when this boy is adopted, that my heart is going to thump??? He is a 'gift' and we will ensure that his new adoptive home realises that…..He had one day before he was going to be pts in KY and to think that the world would be missing out on such a 'gift' would be a shame….. 🙁

He also is 'ok' about asking for love…very calm, quiet and unobtrusive…just will stand by you; almost afraid of rejection yet drawing up the courage to at least ask for some affection…sigh…makes my heart just wrench to see that hesitation YET in time, he will learn that he will get all the love he can handle!

He is also fed in a crate as he is somewhat stressed with any other dog thinking about getting his food. To his new adoptive home when he is placed up for adoption and they come along; he will need to be fed in a quiet place away from other animals as this boy has had to fend for himself for 2 years(at least!) and it is plain to see that he did not fare well; with how scary thin he is. 🙁 Once the bowl is out of his crate, he no longer makes any small low rumbling sounds in his chest. He will learn that he shall always be fed enough, on time and that no other dog is going to take his food away. As for humans, you can touch his bowl and him and his food no issues at all. AND considering how much it would be understandable to think he would be a food recourcer or guarder, he is extremely mild. No lunging, barking, snarling; just some low rumbling. He is fed in a very public area; which his crate is in the sunroom; where my BHRR office is and he has had no issues at all with dogs walking by his crate or himself as long as he does not have a food bowl.

BHRR's Holden with another dog doing to another Rescue – Transport to BHRR & BHRR's Holden with BHRR's Hailey – May 22, 2011
*First photo courtesy of R. Woods

BHRR's HOLDEN could use a Sponsor/Virtual Foster. He will need more vetting and lots of TLC to rehab him. He will need Giant Sized Smoked Dino and Knuckle bones, a dog bed to call his own, a new collar and I look forward to so many people getting to meet him!!! To those that are registered and planning to attend our June BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House; you are in for a real TREAT!!!

You can donate via PayPal(account name or by email transfer is the account(please ensure we have the password) or you can call Kanata Animal Hospital directly at (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX or Debit in person – account name is 'Holden' under Birch Haven Rescue or you can mail a Bank Draft or M.O. to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

I have just arrived home from the 3+ hour roundtrip to pick up BHRR's Holden from the last Volunteer to transport him. As soon as I saw him, I just wanted to scoop him up, hug him close and promise him that all was going to be 'Ok'. He was so sad and I had already been sent an email last night from someone in Ohio that said he was very sad. 🙁 The other thing I noted when I first saw him was how GORGEOUS he truly is! OMG! He is going to do his share of heart stealing!!!! His eyes….his colour, that head, his temperament, I am just instantly smitten with him. 🙂

He has not eaten anything from his bowl yet has taken a couple of tiny treats from my hand and was so gentle.

From the wonderfully kind temp foster Volunteer who housed BHRR's Holden last night:

"Dear Gwen,

     I am pleased to hear that he is in such capable hands. He stole my heart in just hours while he stayed overnight here with us. He is a grand dog and if you wouldn't mind and can find time I would love to hear how he progresses. Thank you so much for your work.


In going over his paperwork , he was given a body condition score of 3/4 out of 9!!!! 🙁 His hair/coat hide much regarding how scary thin he actually is. 🙁 I have an appointment set up for Tuesday to have one of my own Vets also check him over. The paperwork that also came with him shows that he had a HWT on May 4th and it was negative. Rabies was given on May 5th, 2011 and he was given DHPPV on May 4th, 2011. I will give him a booster in June.

The Grant Country Veterinary Clinic indicated that his eyes, ears, circulatory plus respiratory systems are normal. Also checked off as being normal during his thorough exam on May 18th; were his abdomen, gastrointestinal system, urogenital system, lymph nodes, musculo-skeletal system, skin and nervous system were all also normal.

I shall be bringing in a fecal sample on Tuesday for testing. I have given him a Sentinel and have placed a bowl with some yummy food and Panacur in his crate. He went into the crate no problem, layed down for about 5 minutes and then wanted out and had a nice pee. I have been told that he is almost housebroken and I was delighted that he let me know he had to go! 🙂 Sean says that he reminds him of our own 12+ year old Newfx Kona and I can well believe now that he is a Newf/Pyr X. He needs to put on about 20-25 pounds of muscle and mass and that will bring him to over 100 pounds. He weight on May 18th was 79.8 pounds.

The most common word used to describe BHRR's Holden during his transport is 'sweet', the exact same word we have been told since he was first rescued.

Feedback from another wonderfully kind Volunteer on BHRR's Holden:

"I found Holden to be a very young dog, with an older dog`s eyes.  He has seen a lot, and I don`t think the world has been very kind to him. He has a quiet maturity about him, and he seems very wise. He is trusting and loving and very quiet. He stood with his head and skinny little shoulders between my knees while I hugged him. He stood like that for nearly 5 minutes straight. I had given him a drink of water. He had had enough of all the car swapping.  He jumped back into my van onto a comforter he quite enjoyed and didn`t want to get out. It was all I could do not to bring him home with me. THANK YOU for taking this affectionate and very, very special dog into your care. He is definitely òne of the extra special ones`.


Below are two photos that I took of him when he first arrived and went into his crate. He still smells a bit ‘skunky’ yet in time that coat of his will become less coarse and so healthy looking.

BHRR's Holden – Day of Arrival to BHRR – May 22nd, 2011 – Almost 80 pounds and should be another 20-25 pounds heavier.

Since we have launched our NEW Facebook BHRR FAN PAGE , (see below blog); BHRR is going to be implementing some changes to our blog posts currently being made on here, our home website. With how wonderfully interactive plus informatively laid out our NEW Facebook BHRR FAN PAGE is, we shall no longer be doing as many posts on the Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services home website blogs yet instead posting on our BHRR FAN PAGE almost exclusively! Our BHRR FAN Page is very interactive, user friendly and fosters great networking plus social friendships and it also feeds into our BHRR Twitter account!

So, to stay abreast of all things uniquely BHRR including requests for assistance, Event/Fundraiser Announcements, upcoming 'EXPERIENCE' Open Houses, GD & Honourary GD Walks/Hikes INCLUDING any Lost & Found Animals, interesting tidbits, Animal Welfare topics, courtesy postings for other organizations, community events etc.; do come and 'LIKE' our Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE

As of June 1st; the current Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Facebook DISCUSSION GROUP shall have all members deleted and then the group permanently disabled/deleted and so as of the evening of Thursday May 5th, 2011 we have since moved to a Facebook Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE format instead.

All 256 members of our current BHRR DISCUSSION Group have now been notified of the change to our NEW Facebook BHRR FAN PAGE and we shall send out another notice as a gentle reminder a couple of days before deleting all members from the old Discussion 'GROUP'.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused! :( is the URL to crosspost! As of now, we have 132 Supporters & counting! Thanks for joining the migration! :)

Please inform those you know that follow us on the BHRR DISCUSSION GROUP that this GROUP will be deleted as of June 1st, 2011. We have so many that still have not moved over, so please help us get the word out! Please re-direct them to our NEW FACEBOOK BHRR FAN PAGE! Please come on over and 'LIKE' us!

Thanks everyone for your understanding plus patience as we make this necessary transition to continue to have the best network in place to continue to assist animals in need of our programs with your strong 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' support!



Two Updates on BHRR's Holden – He is neutered, about 2.5-3 years of age, has had his rabies and weighs about 75 pounds(so a small 'Giant').

Kentucky seems to have a lot of Pyrs and PyrX's in need and I cannot wait to meet BHRR's Holden for at 75 pounds; I am not 100% convinced of his 'mix'. I can well believe that he has Pyrenees in him with that face and hind dewclaws yet no matter, he looks gorgeous and he is going to be welcomed at BHRR with open arms! In understanding that he has had poor nutrition his whole life and is a byber dog, for sure he could be a Newf/PyrX! AND at this time, I do not know how much underweight he is either…..

When he is ready for adoption, I know that his right forever matched loving home shall come along and 'see' him for the dog he really is and I am excited about the journey, he is going to take me on as he rehabs at BHRR. 🙂

For Pyrs – Average height is between 25 and 32 inches. Average weight is between 100 and 130 pounds.
For Newfs – Average for males is around 28" and for weight; male averages are between 130 -150 pounds.

First Update – Sent Today at 1:49 PM –

"Gwen —

I took Holden to the vet last night to get his health certificate.  The vet proclaimed him healthy, but noticed some tapeworm segments; so he's being wormed tonight with Drontal Plus. 

Holden is a very sweet boy and is really starting to come around, with his foster mom Cindy.  She says that he meets her at the door now, tail wagging, and has been sleeping on the bed, with all the cats.  He doesn't quite have the potty-training down yet, but he's getting there.  Considering the fact that he lived on an abandoned property by himself for 2 years, I think he's doing pretty well. 

Thank you again for taking this sweet boy.  I think you're really going to like him."

Second Update – Sent Today at 8:08 PM –

Gwen —

He has some tartar on his back teeth, but some of it could be from eating bad food.  Holden made friends with a little mop-dog at the vet yesterday.  He's so easy-going, I'm sure he'll get along with everyone.  Cindy says she's going to miss him.  She feels like they're starting to build a relationship, and he's coming out of his shell.  But I'm sure he'll adjust, once he's in at bHRR witwonderful people who will give him lots of love and attention.

I'm very grateful that I could send you Holden."

UPDATE on BHRR's Holden just sent:

"Fostermom took Holden to the spa last night to get him all cleaned up and smelling better.  He was a little skunky.  Cindy called last night to say that he is settling in nicely and has actually started to wag his tail.  He pays no mind to the cats and just wants to be petted and hugged.  She says he's exceptionally sweet.

I heard his story when I spoke with the Owensboro shelter yesterday.  He had been living on an abandoned property for about 2 years.  The neighbors all fed him and looked out for him, but he was pretty much on his own.  Everything was fine until some other dogs showed up and took up residence too.  Then the complaints started, and the shelter was called to pick up all of the dogs.  The neighbors must have interacted with him a lot because he is not the least bit skittish or unfriendly.  He comes right up to everyone to get petted.  He's a really good boy."

BHRR's Holden – NewfX(possibly with Pyr) pulled from a shelter in KY. Male and we have been informed:"He's a beautiful boy and exceptionally gentle and sweet."   He was being boarded up until Saturday after being pulled from the KY Shelter a week previously and is now in a foster home of the person who wanted to know if BHRR would assist him. Should all go well, he will arrive the May long weekend in Canada. At this time, we do not know age or history yet have confirmed that he does not have a known human bite history. We will update as we can. Below is a photo that was sent of BHRR's Holden. LOOKING forward in getting to know you BHRR's Holden!

BHRR's Holden – May 2011 – In Kentucky, USA

Sara & Mar, Ottawa, ON

Hi Gwen!


Whatever we can do to help you, please let us know.  There's a community garage sale at the end of this month here and we will be participating.  

Whatever we are fortunate to sell and the money that we will raise, will go to our favourite cause and that is to help man's and woman's best friend.

It may sound corny but you are a wonderful, caring human being who has all the best intentions at heart and who really does make a difference in this


Sara and Mar.

My water bottle went MIA this AM. Hmmmmmm, guess who took it????!!

BHRR's Potter – Doesn't he look MARVELOUS!

BHRR's Benjamin weighed 65.5 KGs(144.10) pounds tonight at his annual!! YAY!

WHAT a huge hit he was and such a gentleman!!! He did not pull on the leash, sat and layed down upon request and was quiet as a mouse when he had to stay in one of the runs!

The compliments on this boy has been AWESOME from all that met him today!!! The Vet also thought his coat was so nice and shiny plus how great his body condition was. 🙂

BHRR's Lily Belle weight today was 60 KGs(132 pounds)! WTG BHRR's Lily Belle!!!! YAY! She is now off having a blast of a time at a play date with an approved BHRR Volunteer and I get to work! cheeky

BHRR's Ava Marie shall be going to her new forever loving adoptive home on Friday May 27th!!!! This shall be the #310th adoption for BHRR! 🙂

As of June 1st; the current Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Facebook DISCUSSION GROUP shall have all members deleted and then the group permanently disabled/deleted.

Since the evening of Thursday May 5th, 2011 we have since moved to a Facebook Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) 'Like' FAN PAGE format instead.

The current DISCUSSION groups are going to be archived & even for those that qualify to 'upgrade', groups shall lose the ability to 'interact' with all members. We depend on that important function to save animals in need through our posts for urgent requests and to update our supporting members on BHRR news.

All 256 members of our current BHRR DISCUSSION Group have now been notified of the change to our NEW Facebook BHRR 'LIKE' FAN PAGE FORMAT and we shall send out another notice as a gentle reminder a couple of days before deleting all members from the old Discussion 'GROUP'.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused! :( is the URL to crosspost! As of now, we have 96 Supporters & counting! Thanks for joining the migration! :)

Please inform those you know that follow us on the BHRR DISCUSSION GROUP that this GROUP will be deleted as of June 1st, 2011. We have so many that still have not moved over, so please help us get the word out! Please re-direct them to our NEW FACEBOOK BHRR FAN PAGE! Please come on over and 'LIKE' us!

Thanks everyone for your understanding plus patience as we make this necessary transition to continue to have the best network in place to continue to assist animals in need of our programs with your strong 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' support!


****AVA*MARIEEEEE………AHhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So……….Happy *GWEN & SEAN* Found That Forever Home

for This BEAUTIFUL Dane CREATURE !!!!!

I/We are Partial to *Harlequins’….?? Right ?? *Zane ??


To The -> *Forever/Home* ………

***You LUCKY/People, You Are Going To Have Some Fun !!!

—> *HARLEQUIN/STYLE !!!!!!!!!!!!

***GOOD LUCK……& Give That *SWEETHEART* A –KISS– !!!



The – *Rodgers’/Zane & Black-Jack !!! Toronto, Ontario.

We are moving BHRR's Ava Marie to an ADOPTED status!!!! The actual adoption date is still being determined yet it shall be within the next few weeks. GOSH! I am going to well up something fierce over this one!!!! I know that I shall see her here and there and I wish her and her newly approved forever loving home that absolute best! This sweetheart has fans all across the world and her adoption is a HUGE deal to so many.

BHRR's Lily Belle is now booked for a play date on Tuesday May 10th! 🙂

Virginia; Muskoka, ON

What a wonderful service you provide our giant friends! I am very impressed with the details of and restrictions applied to people who want to adopt/rescue a giant breed. I have had six Irish Wolfhounds and have loved all of them. I've also had to cuddle them as they were peacefully put down due to cancer etc.

In the near future, I am considering acquiring another Wolfie and came across your site. I know how important it is to be very strict with potential families.

We have a wonderful little farm in Muskoka with just under one acre high wooden fenced area for our dogs. They love to play catch etc. and get lots of exercise.

Again, thank you for what you do. There should be more people out there like you.


BHRR's Benjamin's annual has been scheduled for May 11th. Looking forward in seeing how much he now weighs and to have him hang out with the staff at KAH!