Oh, Mr. BHRR's Benjamin proved this AM (around 5:30 AM in fact) that he truly thinks that all should be his friend….sigh…LOL

Somehow a porcupine got into our 2+ acre fenced in yard and instead of being most respectful LIKE all the other dogs and heed the call to come back, oh no…..BHRR's Benjamin(just like BHRR's Boba and BHRR's Parker would have done) decided that he just has to go and greet who he perceived for sure is going to be a great new best bud. From there, our amost 7 year old very maternal Cherokee, 'saved' him and took the 'hit' herself. AND through it all, I could almost feel BHRR's Benjamin's sadness that 'he' missed out and was not the one to get to actually greet the newcomer to the BHRR property!!!

Sean and I were able to take about 30+ quills ourselves and I took her in to sedate to remove the final few – about 10 – that just were not possible or safe to remove without sedation. She still had two in her mouth and some deeply imbedded in her nose and muzzle and lower lip. She then was able to hang out all day up at reception at KAH, pouting and sleeping it off.

BHRR's Benjamin has NO clue that this could have been 'him' and that our Cherokee literally saved him a very painful experience. It was almost like a light switch going from 'must make a new friend to play with' to 'hey, time for breakfast…must get back to the house!' What a goob!!!!

Never a dull moment with BHRR's Benjamin and we continue to work on that obedience recall of his! I do not think he has the 'emergency recall' or 'emergency stop' down so pat right now! cheeky HOWEVER; MAN! talk about being proud of all the other dogs and yes, even Cherokee for she is gently protective of her pack and stepped in to assist. As one of the three acting 'leader females' here at this time, she took her role very seriously.

So, not exactly a day that was planned for but all worked out well in the end. Now, to hope to NOT see that porcupine again….. 😉

At this time, we are placing BHRR's Ava Marie under a 'PENDING ADOPTION'.

Until such time as we can best determine if this is the right matched home for her; we will not be accepting any more inquiries or applications. Thank you for your patience plus understanding and we hope to be able to update her status shortly.

BHRR's Apollo has now been booked for one CWW(Canine Water Wellness) Session for Saturday May 21st! We are seeking extra assistance with just one more session in May for him! 🙂



In addition to the other blog post(see below) re: play dates, day trips and play trips for our approved BHRR Volunteers to consider bringing the BHRR dogs out for extra FUN; here are the dates for our approved Volunteers to consider for BHRR's Apollo 'SWIM' time sessions at CWW! If interested, please email. I know that he would not only love to re-visit with old friends yet add more fans to his corner! ;)

I am hoping for some assistance in giving him two extra 'splashing & laughing' sessions for the month of May and thanks so much in advance to all for considering.

Tuesday May 2nd – Anytime between 3 PM – 6 PM
Wednesday May 4th – Anytime between 3 PM or 4 PM
Tuesday May 10th – Anytime between 3 PM – 6 PM
Wednesday May 11th – Anytime between 3 PM or 4 PM
Friday May 13th – Anytime between 2 PM – 6 PM
Saturday May 14th – Anytime between 9 AM – 3 PM
Tuesday May 17th – Anytime between 3 PM – 6 PM
Friday May 20th – Anytime between 2 PM – 6 PM
Saturday May 21st – Anytime between 9 AM – 3 PM*BOOKED
Tuesday May 24th – Anytime between 3 PM –6 PM
Wednesday May 25th – Anytime between 3 PM or 4 PM

Here are two photos of BHRR's Apollo when had a playdate on Sunday April 17th! I have also added them to his slideshow.

GONE is that poor boy who almost lost his leg!!!

HE was so coated in mud that I had to not only wash my car yet him when we arrived home later that day!!! LOL

BHRR's Apollo – April 17th, 2011 & BHRR's Apollo with his new play buddy on April 17th, 2011
*Photos courtesy of M. Kampman


Here are the May availability dates/times for play dates, day trips and play trips for the BHRR dogs for our approved BHRR Volunteers to consider.

Please email if interested in giving a BHRR animal extra BLAST of a time social/training experiences!

Monday May 2nd – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Tuesday May 2nd – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Wednesday May 4th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Tuesday May 10th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Wednesday May 11th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Friday May 13th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Saturday May 14th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday May 16th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Tuesday May 17th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Friday May 20th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Saturday May 21st – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Tuesday May 24th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Wednesday May 25th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM

When we arrived back home from Vacation on March 22nd, we noticed that BHRR's Potter's one eye was not looking so good, was oozing plus red and that he had an eye infection and from there; we have now had to treat BHRR's Hailey, BHRR's Windsor, BHRR's Benjamin and Bleach in quick succession who have also ended up with eye infections. Thank goodness for well stocked animal first aid kits!

As soon as we noticed BHRR's Potter's eye that night we arrived home; we have been able to properly contain it and ensure minimal contamination/infection.  Now that things look pretty much back to normal for us having to treat the animals – TID daily for up to 10 days with eye medication plus antibtioics BID and cleaning eyes – time can be spent on updating pictures and blogs! 🙂

Sara B, Ottawa, ON

Hi Gwen,


I hope everything is well with you and the dogs.  I wanted to keep in touch and remind you to let us know of the next walk which I hope to attend with my mom and Tobey.  Thank you very much for the lovely things you said in your email.  Whatever we can do to make dogs' lives better, we're glad to do and it comes from our hearts.


Keep in touch, and if there is anything you need and we can provide it, please let us know.



BHRR's Lily Belle already has a special request for a Playdate! She is very loved by so many, the wee ham!!! Therefore, tomorrow she is off to have some fun while I get to work! LOL 😀

BHRR's Lily Belle is ONCE more AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION. The home that had applied to adopt her is planning on moving in with a partner that has three children, two of which are currently under the age of 9 and per BHRR's adoption mandates; we do not adopt to homes with kids under the age of 9.

Our adoption success rates were 100% for over 10 years of operating and now is over 99% in our 15+ year and BHRR remains patient that her right forever loving home shall come along. We shall not rush anything for the best interest of our sweet, playful and silly BHRR's Lily Belle plus her future forever loving home!

Marilyn Miller, Peterborough, ON

Dear Gwen,


I just read about Albert.  Please accept my deepest sympathy.  I had the honour and privilege of meeting Albert last June at your open house.  He couldn't deal with coming out of his crate but I think he enjoyed seeing and meeting people.  The March 4 picture of him running is wonderful….to think back when he arrived at Birch Haven to being able to run and have fun is wonderful.  By the sounds of it, he had a quite the sense of humour. 


Just know Gwen that because of your love, commitment and devotion, his last 15 months were the best.  I know how hard it is to lose a "bestest friend" but I am sure your other fur-family members will help to heal that huge hole in your heart.


Thinking of you,

Marilyn Miller


Melissa K., Orleans, ON

Hi Gwen,

You're awesome and think of everything and that's why I love what you do so much! These dogs are so lucky to have you!

BHRR's Apollo had his annual tonight and was given an A+! He weighed 68.3 KGs(150.26 pounds) and I do not desire to see any more weight on this boy at this time. His Vet concurs. I always find it very difficult to see some of our previous adopted dogs with how fat they had become in their new homes. As I have blogged about more than once, they are not being done any favours in being fat. One should always be able to faintly see that last TWO ribs on their Great Dane and their Dane should have a clear waistline.

BHRR's Apollo made everyone giggle as he drank right from one of the sinks in the prep room more than once! He is always such a HUGE hit at KAH and even had a play session with his Vet's Dobie.

There was more than one comment about how happy he is and what a great dog he is! AND more than one person also indicated how much they would love to have if their own circumstances were different.

His Rabies + DAPP are now good until 2014 and in 2012, he shall require another HWT.

Saturday is his next CWW swim session and then after a rest, he and I are going for a walk/hike with some of our wonderful BHRR Volunteers. He is going to have such a grand day and I am really looking forward to this social human and canine interaction myself.

Lynn B, Pembroke, ON


Just to say a thanks for taking Albert in and giving him a very dignified and loving fifteen months. We never met him, but mourn with you. He loved you and loved what you gave him. I know how hard this is, but may your memories give you comfort. You are a good person with a great heart.

Take care of yourself

BHRR's Benjamin is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! We now wait patiently for his right matched forever loving home to come along! 🙂

Until such time as we determine if this home is a right matched fit for them and for BHRR's Apollo, we are placing him under a 'PENDING ADOPTION'. During this time we shall not be taking in any more inquiries or applications on him. We will update his blog as we can and thanks in advance for your patience as we go through this process.

RIP my dear sweet BHRR's Albert ( ? – April 11th, 2011). My heart is so heavy with pain and heart ache. You have given me almost 15 months of the most precious gifts possible and I am indebted. There are no words to tell the world just how much you have meant to us…… 🙁 🙁

Who is going to trot down the laneway with me now to get the mail and the kids off the bus? Who is going to 'trip' me each morning in their excitement in seeing me and having the front door open to begin the AM exploration? Who is going to skip and bounce outside the front gate when I come home from work? Who is going to 'scold' me if I am even seconds late giving you supper? Who is going to give me my ever so gentle 'Albert' hugs every AM and night? Who is going to be there by my side as I type on the computer to 3:30 AM trying to save all 'Alberts' of the world that I can? Who is going to steal my shoe or sock or sweater and hoard them in their 'safe' spot crate? Who is going to sneak up on me while I am folding laundry to grab something of mine and run to their crate and wag their tail at me as I race after them AND who is going to do it all over again and again as I continue to fold laundry? Who….WHO…WHO… 🙁 🙁

Today, was one of the longest days I have ever worked knowing that we would have to say our good-byes and my heart is screaming over the unfairness of such a great boy being lost to the world. I miss you so much already my dear sweet 'Ol Alberts' and today is a day that I HATE my job…..it is just not fair…..my heart is bleeding….I cannot believe you are gone and I can no longer hug and touch and kiss you.

You have given me so much these past 15 months and I can only hope that in turn, I gave you the quality of life and experiences you were so deserving of. I wish I could have fixed everything for you Albert. I am sorry that I could not.

Thank you for the gift of 'trust' you have bestowed upon me. Something so special and precious that I treated it like one of my most cherished valuables. I know how hard it was to trust again and I am beyond humbled by your show of faith in me.

One of my favourite memories of you shall forever be the one I captured on March 4th, 2011 of you running with the sheer love and joy of living! That is how I am going to remember you Albert. That is how I am going to honour your memory in my heart.

BHRR's Albert – April 11th, 2011 – His last day with us at BHRR – THANK you for being there for/with me these past 15 months

Oh, BHRR's Benjamin. What to say about such a happy goober monkey! 😀 I decided to hold off placing him up for adoption before we left on my first ever vacation in almost 6 years to see how he fared with the BHRR Volunteer who stayed here during our absence. He was very close to being placed up for adoption and I just wanted to see how things went.

Upon returning, it was clear that he needed some more 'Gwennie's Doggie Boot Camp' re: obedience for he was somewhat back to not wanting to listen when asked to do something the first or second time! LOL So, he and I have had some really good training sessions upon my return and he is almost back to where he was before I left. This has reinforced to me that he shall only be adopted to a very experienced dog home. BHRR's Benjamin is NOT for a first time dog owner. There is not a mean bone in his body yet he is high maintenance with his energy level and needs including having someone to ensure that he is corrected positively plus patiently each and every time he decides he would rather do things 'Benjamin's way' today instead of Gwennie's way! cheeky

He shall have to go to a home that has at least one other dog that has an endurance plus energy level similar to himself for only having walks/hikes and networking with the dogs in his community is not going to be enough for this young man. Maybe, when he is 5 but now now! LOL

He is less likely to 'rock' the inside of the house in play as he gets enough training plus exercise daily here. He has his moments and can be heard first, then seen, smashing & crashing with Sir Maestro and Bleach…sigh…goobers! 😀

He is so young at heart and in spirit and just cramming so much into each day of living. He is not meant for a home with a couch potato that is for sure!

I also noted upon my return that he has some 'excitement' tendencies and will want to push and mouth at the other dogs in his expression of how excited he is. So, he continues to sit before everything – before leash on or off, before being fed, before going into the car etc. Self-control exercises that help make his mind think and not just react. Continued training will keep him focused in the right direction.

The one other thing I experienced after coming back from vacation was that Benjamin was no longer as gentle in the taking of treats, so some major work has been done in that area and he is now back to be the 'lamb' and not the 'cookie monster' when offered treats!

In the 'nail trimming' awards though, I would say that BHRR's Benjamin is still top of that list, if not #1. GO BEN GO! He would be rivaling BHRR's Albert for that honour at this time.

When watching Westminster earlier this year; I saw the Plott Hound gaiting in the ring and I looked at Sean and said 'OMG! That is so similar to the colour of Benjamin's legs!' LOL So, upon doing more research, the markings on BHRR's Benjamin's legs and around his muzzle/neck can be considered very similar to a Saddleback Plott Hound. Truly, as mentioned previously, it is of no matter AND he is one gorgeous dog; whatever his genetic breed make-up is!!!! I just thought it was an interesting aside.

His best friends remain our Sir Maestro(now 8 months) and Bleach(now 6 months). The three of them are like the mischief making muskateers making BHRR's Dana so proud with her corruption of all! LOL

In conclusion, BHRR's Benjamin should be ready for adoption within the next week or so. That depends on him. ;) As always, no rush. This also gives me more time with him…..AND I wuvs him tons!

BHRR's Apollo is now booked with an approved BHRR Volunteer for Saturday April 16th for a session at CWW & then after a rest will be headed on a small walk with them plus myself!

His other CWW 'splashing & laughing' swim dates/times available are:

Tuesday April 19th – Anytime between 1 PM  -6 PM
Saturday April 23rd – Anytime between 9 AM – 2 PM
Tuesday April 26th – Anytime between 1 PM – 6 PM*NEW DATE AVAILABLE
Friday April 29th – Anytime between 1 PM  – 3 PM*NEW DATE AVAILABLE
Saturday April 30th – Anytime between 9 AM -2 PM

His other Play Date, Day Trip and Play Trip available are:

Monday April 11th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 13th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Friday April 15th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 16th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday April 18th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Tuesday April 19th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 20th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 23rd – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday April 25th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Tuesday April 26th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 27th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Friday April 29th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Saturday April 30th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM

Please email if you are interested in taking BHRR''s Apollo out for new experiences and fun!

Heather Mann, SWO, ON

Thank you kindly for the response…I thank you again and commend you for all  of the work you do for the many many creatures that you come in contact with. Thank God for people like you.Thanks again and all the best to you.


God Bless,


Heather Mann

BHRR's Lily Belle's hv has been postponed from tonight and we will update her blog as we can re: her 'PENDING ADOPTION' status.

Below is a photo of Sunday's GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike! Some of us are behind cameras taking the group shot. 🙂 We were 14 in attendance! With 4 others also 'there' yet were very late and were unable to find the 'herd' of us. So, just under 20 that came out on such a glorious spring day!

BHRR's Lily Belle & BHRR's Porridge were in attendance from BHRR and one of our already adopted Great Dane's; BHRR's Koop also showed up with his new forever loving family! Our next walk/hike is scheduled for May 15th and if you are interested in being put on our 100+ member invitee list; please email. We have been organizing these walks for over 15+ years now and they are always a blast. What makes it this way is that everyone attending are responsible/accountable dog owners. We change locations throughout the Ottawa region including going to Limerick Forest in Kemptville plus to Contstance Bay Beach in the summer. 🙂