Shiva’s ‘spot’ has healed well and the skin is slowly turning back to her normal colour tone. It has not gotten any larger and as of yet, no hair has begun to grow back and will continue to monitor. She has only had the one spot. With the new addition to our home; Shiva has taken it upon herself, the MAGNIFICENT dog she is; to take him under her wing and has been just incredible with Tain. There was never any doubt but we want to ‘toot’ her horn anyway! 😀 She is just that great ‘all around’ dog!!!! Her coat is just so shiny black now and she is full of muscle. Every time that Sean and I look at Shiva; we are just taken back by what a beautiful gal she is, inside and out. She is going to make a home very special with her presense.

I have uploaded two new pictures of Hamilton The Newf from today; Slides #14 & Slides #15. He is doing well. Heavy on the forehand and very butt high and a ‘skinny’ butt! He is so powerfully built in the front end as his hind end is just not as strong or mobile or flexible. I had wanted to bring him to work with me on Saturday to hang out, get a new weight etc. yet I will be bringing Maggi in for another look at that digital cyst she has had since the beginning of the year. It is now beginning to bother her.

Porridge was neutered today and I shall be heading out within the next hour or so to get him. The Vet called to say that he had ‘liquid’ diarrhea and his last fecal tested was normal yet he continues to be soft to diarrhea with his stools. Poor thing. It has been a very busy week with an ear cropping, Bronson’s annual, Porridge’s neuter and I have two more to go in within the week for a closer look at Guinness’s leg and Maggi’s distal cyst. I have more pictures to upload yet they will have to wait another day or so. We are also drawing near to our last Fundraiser of 2008 and things are getting very busy and exciting as we head into the home stretch!

Porridge’s latest bw came back today and I am almost weak over relief and joy that it was normal! YAY! Porridge will be neutered on the 8th of October and I will do another repeat of the bw in about 3 months to just monitor things. TALK about getting GOOD news!!!!! 😎

BHRR will not be bringing Willow into our program.

I have been contacted by someone that believes they know the Breeder that Willow is from. Not a 100% for sure yet a strong feeling. This is the second person in the last 10 days to mention to me that they ‘recognize’ this Dane. I have sent another email back to the current owner of Willow to confirm some things. Per any reputable/quality breeding program; the Breeder would want their dog back. Reputable/Quality Rescues work closely with many reputable/quality Breeders to ensure that dogs that should be going back to their Breeder do so. Reputable/Quality Breeders have in their contracts that any dog should be sent back to them if the home cannot keep the dog and/or that they are to be involved in the future placing of one of their dogs and want to agree as to where the dog is going. I have made the high recommendation that if this person does know who Willow’s Breeder is and they are reputable/quality, that they should be contacting them directly before considering to surrender Willow to Rescue.