To My Jasper…

From Sean: I’ll keep this brief my friend. I have so many memories with you – I find it hard to think of new memories without you… I remember you used to get carsick. I remember the colour green you turned when we drove over that hill on our way to get your brother. I remember you never got sick again after we got your brother. I remember you running circles in the yard, just out of my reach. I remember your love / hate relationship with tennis balls – loving to chase them, dropping them in our path, then slowly destroying them at home… I remember you breaking my tooth when we were playing – or as Gwen would say – when I bit you… I remember you digging holes with such glee and satisfaction. But somewhere along the way, I missed you aging – I don’t remember that at all.

You were always a puppy to me. Now that you are pain free, I know that you are zipping around again – running circles in the yard – just out of my reach… But this time it’s not frustrating – it’s beautiful. I miss you Jasper – I really really miss you…

Jasper’s last day doing what he loves best…snoozing with brother Klondike; sitting outside basking in the warmth of the sun & lots of hugs/kisses from loved one’s….cannot forget the treats he has been lavished with today! ALL of your favourites including bananas. May your days now be free of pain and full of lots of mud, water to swim/dive in and stuffed lions plus towels to carry around! Cleaning off the vehicles in the wintertime shall never be the same without you bouncing around trying to catch the falling snow in your mouth and making those special sounds of yours always wanting more and more! YOU have been the only dog that has ever known the ‘blue ball’ from the ‘tennis ball’ from the stuffed ‘lion’ to the stuffed ‘bear’ etc. Our hearts are breaking and as has been said by many; the legacy you have created with your inspiration of the foundation of BHRR shall carry on in each successful rescue we shall do. 237 dogs are forever home because of you! We shall strive to make you proud of us as we have always been with you Jasper. A candle is lit in your incredible memory and in time; may we not feel like we are stumbling trying to find our way through life as you are no longer walking by us.

Lil Linus was neutered today and he is now home resting as comfortably as possible and feeling ‘right’ sorry for himself. 😉 He weighed 110+ pounds and eveything went well. We are now also working with a specialist as Lil Linus could possibly have a form of gigantism. I have only ever experienced one ‘dog’ gigantism situation and that was with an EM; a close relative of our own EM; who ended up passing away at only 18 months of age due to complications associated with gigantism. Tumours are just one cause of gigantism and we need to research and learn more about this and how it will impact the quality of Lil Linus’s life and adoption potential etc.; should, he in fact; have this condition. I personally do not find his height/weight out of the range for a healthy 6.5 month old GD yet he is very distinct with his looks and there is something ‘wrong’ with his bone growth as seen in his feet. As we learn more; we shall post more. Should it be decided that it is in Lil Linus’s best interest to not be adopted; he shall remain as a BHRR Haven Dog and continue in hogging my bed! Lil Linus has not slept in a crate for quite some time now and has finally figured out how to get on the bed(not consistent but he is doing it!) and sure likes to ‘spread’ himself out! LOL We feed Lil Linus in his crate as he is a quick eater and loves his food and has no qualms about finishing his food and then trying to sneak in food from any other dog’s bowls. He shows very little possessiveness over much these days(super high value item like a meaty bone can cause a growl or two yet he will take his treat to his crate and lie quietly with it) and I have seen him quite often chewing one end of a rope and BHRR’s Porridge chewing the other end. HE has remarkable patience with this 11 week old puppy and deserves an award FOR BHRR’s Porridge is a fiesty one!!!! He will happily share a spoonful of PB with the other dogs and I am very proud of this boy’s progress. He is now on yet another collar too! LOL I have been in touch with Amanda from The Panache Pooch about a special collar for him. Balloons always come to mind when I think of Lil Linus for he is now a very happy boy! He is still a little handshy here and there and sometimes will just ‘bolt’ from a room if a sudden motion is made; yet he is getting better. He does not mind the vacuum and after seeing PPSS being vaccumed; has enjoyed that himself! LOL He is still nervous of things like papertowel rolls etc. and I make a point of dropping one of the floor and also treats and getting him used to seeing them around and being held and walked with. Just a delightful boy this one and yes, I have new pics I MUST post! 😛 He is learning more and more signs daily.

Genevieve Hebert, Ajax, Ontario

I know this will probably sound a little ridiculous, but I just wanted to let you know how touched I am by the work your organization does. I had a rescued Great Dane myself a few years ago (she was the LOVE of my life, but I lost her to cancer at only seven and a half years) and though I know I will probably never have one like her again (she was my first dog.. go big or go home, I say!!) I am really looking forward to the day when I am able to adopt another one. I live in a house with roommates now, so it’s not really feasible for me to adopt, but my fiance knows the minute we have our own house, I will have a Dane again! And he is very much looking forward to it, too!!
I was reading the pet finder notes on Mazda, Mudslide and Abbi and I was really touched to see the lengths you go to for your rescues. You people are ANGELS! It makes me angry how people treat animals, and for people to want a Dane as a “status dog” usually mean they end up back in rescue when those idiotic people find out what having a giant breed really means. I applaud you for adopting out your animals in homes you feel are suitable for your beauties, as opposed to finding them a home to get rid of them, like so many people seem to.Thank you for what you’re doing for this wonderful breed!

With admiration,

***On Friday June 27th, we shall say good-bye to one of the most incredible creatures; a wonderful soul responsible for the beginning of an incredible journey of saving lives in providing the inspiration behind the founding of BHRR back in 1996. BHRR’s Jasper, whom we have had since he was 7.5 weeks old(May of 1996) will be crossed over this upcoming Friday at 7:50 PM. He was born March 13th, 2006 and it seems like in the blink of an eye that we are now 12+ years later. To say that he will be missed is a massive understatement and words fail us at this time to even think about writing his memorial page. Sean and I have had him since the year we were married and Jasper represents so much in our lives and hearts. I just cannot imagine our lives without the JAZZMAN! Yet, it is now time to let Jasper leave with dignity the body that is failing him and to release him free of the cancer/pain plaguing his body and please keep him in your thoughts. As difficult as this shall be on me; it is going to be torture for Sean; so please spare a blessing for Sean too. We also feel for Jasper’s brother Klondike and how Jasper’s passing is going to affect Klondike. They are full brothers from different litters and have been together for almost 12 years.***

Lil Linus’s neuter appointment is now scheduled for June 26th. New pics to post soon.

Lil Linus’s neuter had to be rescheduled from yesterday. I was sick and shall reschedule when I am back at work at the hospital. Lil Linus also decided to ‘pull’ a BHRR’s Miss Gracie as I call it and broke the same finger she did years ago(my ring finger on my right hand); causing me mucho agony! LOL The swelling came up so fast, I did not even have time to pull my engagement ring that I wear on that hand off. Typing and working with the animals shall prove to be very challenging and Bronson also has a show coming up in a week+; so life is going to be interesting! 🙄 😛 Linus on the other hand, is doing GREAT! Did not stop him in his excitement to get outside at all! LOL The ‘war’ wounds that we must sometimes pay for in Rescue!

FINALLY! New slides of Abbi #43-50 now posted! Abbi is doing great! We are working again on her ‘digging’ tendencies, the little monkey! She and Mudslide have become very close since Jenni’s adoption in March and now that she is older; she is most happy that she can really play with the ‘big’ dawgs’ and not get bowled over! LOL Abbi still likes to ‘suck’ on her blankets when going to sleep. If she catches you looking at her; she will avert her eyes and ‘pretend’ that she did not see you and slowly spit the blanket out and then look back at you! LOL Now, she does not ‘gag’ herself the way that Dodger did on his blanket sucking her! LOL OMG! He was funny!!!! She just a gorgeous GD and we really hope her forever loving home shall come along.

Two new slides #11 & #12 of Hamilton The Newf and a puppy GD friend! I have to get a new weight on Hamilton for he is just growing like a weed! He is very butt high right now too. 😛

New slide #57 of Lil Linus with a GD puppy friend posted. 🙂 Lil Linus’s presurgical bw came back normal so we are ‘a-ok’ for his neuter on June 9th. It seems that every day that Linus gets up in the AM, that he is bigger! LOL