I just wanted to post that the last weight we got on BHRR’s Jenni before she was adopted on the 29th of March was between 90-95 pounds. Sean picked her up and weighed her on the scale at home. New slides #42 – #49 of Jenni posted. The last one’s that I have of all 3 of the DBB’s together are in those slides. What a bittersweet moment it was to take those pics. All the best BHRR’s Jenni in your new home. You will be very much missed. ADOPTED!

I sent an email about Jenni’s adoption and that Abbi was not the best fit to the great foster mommy of Nelly(Abbi/Jenni/Mudslide’s mom) and also to the incredible lady who raised these pups since birth and I received a most noteworthy comment that I wish to post. Yesterday, both of these FANTABULOUS ladies were together and they were talking about the personalities of the DBB’s and one of the things said was how wonderfully easygoing Abbi is. Just confirmation of what I have been posting since Abbi’s arrival to our home on her temperament and how much Nelly’s fostermom was also very surprised on how Abbi acted yesterday when we went over to this place. May the right matched homes for the other two DBB’s come along so that they, too, will have homes of their own to rule! ๐Ÿ˜€ I just wanted to add that when we weighed Abbi at our home on Saturday; she was around 80 pounds. She is the best little package of personality that one!

I went to do the homevisit today and I brought along both Abbi and Jenni. Turns out and when talking to Sean he reminded me that I had mentioned this to him before I even left that I felt that Jenni could be a better fit for their home. I had felt that based upon what I was being told about their current dog by them and their references that while Abbi(whom they were originally interested in)might be a ‘good’ fit; I felt that Jenni could also be a good if not a better fit. Turns out that Jenni took everything in stride; going into the house; making herself at home by eating treats, going up and down stairs; interacting with the people and their dog with ease. She even was great with their bird. Abbi on the other hand; showed us a side that we have never seen and those that have met her and interact with her regularly; would have been very surprised. She was very reluctant to even come out of the car and when I got her out;(while Jenni is wrapping herself around me entangling me in her leash etc! LOL); Abbi even tried to hide under their truck. It was so distressing to see. Once Abbi was in the house with Jenni leading the way very excitedly; Abbi settled in better. She went outside and played with Jenni; she was ok about getting some loving from the people and while she was not nervous of their dog; she was not comfortable either. She just was not interested nor would she eat any of the treats being offered while Jenni was soaking it all up. Here we have Jenni running up stairs, checking things out and Abbi is being very quiet and sedate. Jenni had to be reminded a few times about the ‘no jump’ in her happiness yet Abbi was just content to stand around. Abbi was even uncomfortable around their bird. The DBB’s go everywhere and yet this time; Abbi was not even thrilled about going in the car while Jenni was looking out the windows etc. The home was in agreement that Jenni is a better fit and when Abbi and I left; it was the same thing; she was very reluctant, did some submissive peeing yet when she saw the car door open; she went right in and layed down. She is now at home; de-stressing by having a long nap in her crate with the door open. So, while I felt that Jenni would be a better fit based upon her personality and what I had been told about their current dog; I MOST certainly did not expect to see our little Abber package of confidence and comfort just crumble like that. I told the home that it was not personal; there was just things that Abbi just did not feel at home over and Jenni did. I am delighted for Jenni; was very hard to leave…….AND I mean very hard to leave one of the DBB’s and I had thought often over the months if Jenni and Abbi should be adopted together yet that really was not required. Though they have always had a strong bond and are dependent on each other in their ways; for them to really become part of a new home; properly integrated etc., they needed to be separated. As much as I am going to miss ‘The JenniBean’; I know that Sean’s heart as taken another ‘hit’ with another one of his special ‘gals’ being adopted out. I have some new pics of Jenni to post and shall do as soon as I can. ADOPTED! NO LONGER AVAILABLE!

I went to do the homevisit today and I brought along both Abbi and Jenni. Turns out and when talking to Sean he reminded me that I had mentioned this to him before I even left that I felt that Jenni could be a better fit for their home. I had felt that based upon what I was being told about their current dog by them and their references that while Abbi(whom they were originally interested in)might be a โ€˜good’ fit; I felt that Jenni could also be a good if not a better fit. Turns out that Jenni took everything in stride; going into the house; making herself at home by eating treats, going up and down stairs; interacting with the people and their dog with ease. She even was great with their bird. Abbi on the other hand; showed us a side that we have never seen and those that have met here and interact with her regularly; would have been very surprised. She was very reluctant to even come out of the car and when I got her out;(while Jenni is wrapping herself around me entangling me in her leash etc! LOL); Abbi even tried to hide under their truck. It was so distressing to see. Once Abbi was in the house with Jenni leading the way very excitedly; Abbi settled in better. She went outside and played with Jenni; she was ok about getting some loving from the people and while she was not nervous of their dog; she was not comfortable either. She just was not interested nor would she eat any of the treats being offered while Jenni was soaking it all up. Here we have Jenni running up stairs, checking things out and Abbi is being very quiet and sedate. Jenni had to be reminded a few times about the โ€˜no jump’ in her happiness yet Abbi was just content to stand around. Abbi was even uncomfortable around their bird. The DBB’s go everywhere and yet this time; Abbi was not even thrilled about going in the car while Jenni was looking out the windows etc. The home was in agreement that Jenni is a better fit and when Abbi and I left; it was the same thing; she was very reluctant, did some submissive peeing yet when she saw the car door open; she went right in and layed down. She is now at home; de-stressing by having a long nap in her crate with the door open. So, while I felt that Jenni would be a better fit based upon her personality and what I had been told about their current dog; I MOST certainly did not expect to see our little Abber package of confidence and comfort just crumble like that. I told the home that it was not personal; there was just things that Abbi just did not feel at home over and Jenni did. I am delighted for Jenni; was very hard to leave…….AND I mean very hard to leave one of the DBB’s and I had thought often over the months if Jenni and Abbi should be adopted together yet that really was not required. Though they have always had a strong bond and are dependent on each other in their ways; for them to really become part of a new home; properly integrated etc., they needed to be separated. As much as I am going to miss โ€˜The JenniBean’; I know that Sean’s heart as taken another โ€˜hit’ with another one of his special โ€˜gals’ being adopted out. I have some new pics of Abbi to post and shall do as soon as I can. AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

New slide #9 added to Hamilton The Newfs Slideshow! He is recovering well from his neuter. I had to give him some Deramaxx the night I brought him home the poor thing yet other than that; he has done great.

New slides #32 – #37 of Lil Linus from yesterday. ๐Ÿ™‚ All that snow is so cold and hard on his tender little tootsies yet he loves to go out!

I had LT into the Vet’s with me on the 26th for his annual(also had Hamilton The Newf neutered that day too) and he now weighs 56.2KGs(123.64 pounds). For those wondering; his height is still around 33″. Could he afford to lose a pound or two; sure; yet he has more than earned the enjoyment of putting on these pounds and since he has come to us; he has put on 41.64 pounds! WTG LT! ๐Ÿ˜€ He was charming to all and continued to win over everyone that met him and his leash manners were impeccable! He was quiet as a mouse when he had to go into a run when things got busy and I think he made Hamilton feel better in knowing that he was not alone as Hamilton was feeling quite miserable from being neutered! We did about 6 FNA’s on the lump on his head and an in-house cytology and it appears to just be a sebaceous cyst and not another hystiocytoma that has appeared in the same locale. Something that should be removed; not urgent and can be removed when he gets his teeth cleaned or is required to go under another surgery in the future. VERY relieved to hear the news that it is not something overly serious yet if I had thought it was something terrible; he would have went in MUCH sooner than he did! The one thing that I was just saying to someone tonight was how much of an incredible journey LT has been on since he arrived and one that he has taken us along too. He has taught me much and has been a balm in helping to heal my soul and spirit greatly during his time here. He is a very special boy that one and I feel very blessed in having had him come into my life. He will always have a ‘pull’ on my heart. He traveled wonderfully as usual in the car and his favourite part is going through the McDonald’s or the Timmie’s for his special treaties on our way home! Poor Hamilton had to forego a treat from his own neuter this time around. LT spent quite a bit of time just with his head resting on my shoulder and the sweet gentle kisses WERE to die for! I am going to miss this boy something terrible when it is his time to be adopted.

Annick – Aylmer, QC, Canada

Hey Gwen,

Its been a while. Suki did her first agility trial last weekend and took 4th out of 7 in Jumpers and 1 out of 2 in Gamblers !!! What a great first trial I was so happy

BTW Loooove your new site looks great
How’s Dyce doing ?? I liked that part from the old site I had update on how everybody was doing

Chow for now

Hamilton The Newf came into our home in the fall of 2007 and was one of 14 Landseer Newf pups. From looking closely and having had this confirmed by two different Vets; he does have Ectropian in his left eye yet the Vets felt it is minor enough not to have required surgery when I had him neutered on March 26th, 2008. We also X-Rays his hips at that time and it confirmed what I knew when I brought him home; that he has HD and his left side is much worse than his right side. He weighed 47.2 KGs(103.84 pounds) at the time of his neuter. He was quite thin when he arrived and he has slowly begun to put on the weight. This page is going to be dedicated to Hamilton The Newf so you can stay abreast of his story and to view his pictures. ๐Ÿ™‚ I have high hopes of him becoming one of our BHRR Therapy dogs and with us retiring our Kona(NewfX) this year(she will be 9 in April and has had HD herself since she was <1 years of age; also a Rescue and one of 8 puppies born to a HW+ dog that was dumped at the OHS); Hamilton will have big shoes to fill as the Newf on board the BHRR Therapy Dog Train! ๐Ÿ˜› He is just wonderful to all that meet him yet everytime we bring him to the Animal Hospital; he literally becomes catatonic, drops to the floor and plays ‘if I don’t look; you cannot see me’. He is getting better and with more visits and great experiences, he should be fine. He is just so different there than anywhere else and he also DOES not like the car at all. So, lots of trips to the Timmie’s and McDonald’s for him as his yummy reward for being so big and brave! ๐Ÿ˜‰

We have noticed in the last day or so that Abbi is sporting two very small hygromas on both of her elbows. She is a small Dane with not much ‘cushion’ or ‘padding’ and despite lying on her comforts of the Kuranda bed or ours; she has developed two small hygromas. As in the past; with other Danes; we shall tensor and massage them. Surgery would be an absolute last resort and as that can often be more damaging and as they are so small; they should disappear within 6 weeks. ABBI IS ALSO UNDER A PENDING ADOPTION!!!!!

I brought Lil Linus with me when I worked on Monday at the Vet’s and had him examined etc. He now weighs 53.24 pounds(24.2Kgs) and the Vet agrees with me on the collapsed pasterns plus his hips. He was more resistive and uncomfortable when the left hip, knee etc. was flexed and rotated over the right. We will monitor as he grows older and do X-Rays when he is neutered. Due to his vaccines haven been given at such a young age; we just boostered him tonight and will wait another 3 weeks before the rabies is given. I brought in a fecal sample to be tested to see how we are doing with his de-worming. He was so much better in the car and settled down best when he was allowed on the passenger side seat with his head in my lap or resting touching my side! He still is nervous about driving anywhere and did not realise we were actually home until he was walking up the steps and you should have seen how much he changed! He was so happy and relieved to know that he was now back home! At the hospital; he continued to charm everyone and was not happy about being in a pen by himself yet he needs to learn that his own company is ok too. ๐Ÿ™‚ He settled down after awhile and we brought him out on several occasions to mingle and socialise. He had the opportunity to meet and play with a Golden Retriever Puppy yet when that puppy began to bark at him; he barked back and was scared and then hid behind me. He was much more interested in the humans around him than any of the dogs. I gave him the ‘shhhh’ command and he listened! YAY! He will need a lot more outside(yes, we have 17 other dogs but he needs others)the home with other dog interaction. Not being 100% comfortable in his environment, he did not pee outside and had two accidents in his pen instead; which is ok. That will come. When he come home, he could not greet all the dogs fast enough and did not know who to play with first. I also discussed with the Vet about his ‘resourcing’ and that this is going to be a huge thing for us to work on for to see such a thing in a 15 week old pup is something else. She agreed and many stated just how much he is in the right place for him to overcome all that he has to. His heart, eyes, ears, teeth and body looked good and while thin; he is putting on the weight and should continue to blossom. I was just so thrilled by the kisses he continues to shower upon me more and more as when we first picked him up; he would only feel comfortable giving them to Sean. Lil Linus’s vet bills tonight was just over $150.00 and if anyone would like to help us by sponsoring him, donating toys, a new collar(he came with a choke collar that not only was not the best for a puppy but was too small and quite hard to get off and he is now wearing Mudslide’s old feminine one! ๐Ÿ˜ณ ) I know that not only would we be so appreciative of the assistance yet I know that Lil Linus would too; especially if he had a collar meant for the manly boy he is! His next vet visit shall not be for another month but I will bring him in when I go into work to continue to expose him to different things.

BHRR’s Lil Linus – DEAF Male Young(3+ months) Harlequin Great Dane, born December 7th, 2007 and weighed 50.16 pounds(22.8 KGs) on March 18th, 2008. We picked him up in Montreal, Quebec in the evening of Saturday March 15th as he was at risk of being pts. He is not neutered at this time and not yet fully utd on vaccines. I will be bringing him in this week to give him boosters(his first vaccines and second were at such a young age that we will not give him his rabies until he is closer to 5 months)and I am currently de-worming him and he is now on Sentinel. He will be neutered in a few months time. His vision is also normal for a SN’s and DOGGLES is a good recommendation to help protect him in the sun and snow. We are working on crate training and for the most part; Linus will give me about 4.5 hours a night in a stretch before ‘squeaking’ to come out! ๐Ÿ˜› He really likes BHRR’s Abbi’s crate the best and can often be found lying in there with or without her. I am not sure if it is because it is located in the sunroom where my computer is or not for he likes to be ‘around’ me. We have learnt so much about Linus in the one week he has been here. The night we brought Linus home; he just walked right up the stairs and into the house as if he owned the place! The next thing he did was put his front feet up on the kitchen counter and look for ‘yummies!’ He had no problems about making himself at home. Linus has come a long way with touching for he did not like to be touched too much when he arrived; especially around the head. If he was unsure, he would come up to you and let you give him a quick pat and that was all he needed to move on WHICH is great for we do not believe in ‘babying’ and ‘enabling’ the dogs. We teach them safe and calming words plus signals and touches and just move forward after they are done in a situation that might make a dog uncomfortable. By the first 24 hours; Linus had been integrated with 15 of the 17 other dogs here. Mazda and Cherokee preferred to stay snoozing in the recreation room which is fine as they play QUITE rough at times! LOL Linus LOVED KB/JB when he met him! That little tail just would not stop wagging. Linus’s best buds are KB/JB, Soul(WAS there going to be any questions on that one!), Bronson and now also Hamilton. Linus is like Abbi in that he wants to play with the ‘BIG DOGS’ and cannot wait to do so! Unlike Abbi, however; he does not possess the same level of ‘common’ sense and often finds himself in the middle of the action and then being bowled over. Yet, after recovering to the safety be it the front step or a bed; within seconds he is right back out there going at it again! Linus is NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART! His personality is HUGE+. We are also working on doggy boot camp with him(NILIF) as he is resourcing and does not like to share what he believes are high value items. Yes, he is only 3+ months and he has no qualms about taking another dog on(perceived offense yet most often only in his imagination due to his inside insecurities) over something. Linus is required to share his food bowl in addition to the water(which he is fine over) and all toys. He has come a long way in just a week and we need to be on top of things for this is not behavour we wish to see develop in the wrong direction. Will he always be this way; hard to really say at this point; yet we will aim to keep up a management/treatment program and work on his self-confidence ‘build’ up in the right ways FOR as much as he is outwardly ‘full of steam’; inside he is a little puppy that has had to grow up a bit too fast mentally/emotionally(he was bounced around in at least 3 homes before coming to us) and has not been given the right tools to be able to develop the way he should. We are working on the housebreaking and he is no longer trying to ‘hump’ everything around him. AND for clarification sake; humping does not always mean mating or dominant behavour either. It is done often by puppies to build up their self-confidence. He was fairly thin when he arrived and with the de-worming plus homecooking in addition to Canidae; he is growing well. He is collapsed in his pasterns and I have him on Ester C right now. We will also look closer at Linus’s hind end for he is a bit ‘wonky’ back there right now and will do X-Rays if needed when he is neutered to get a better idea of what we are looking at. Linus knows how to ‘sit’ like a pro now and other than that; he has finally picked up ‘no’ and more often than not; likes to ignore you when you use his name(he will look away or walk away)! Housebreaking is coming along………..slowly! He will be outside(he loves outside yet does not want to go out by himself) and does not think about doing anything until he comes in and then well……………. ๐Ÿ™„ He also has ‘destructo’ jaws and anything is fair game to him right now; toys, shoes are a favourite of his; ankles, clothing; you name it! He is going to have very powerful chewing tendencies like our PPSS has and will require many many many Giant Breed and durable toys. YET, the neat thing is that he has not desired to destroy his ‘Tigger’ stuffie. Unfortunately; Hamilton The Newf got a hold of poor Tigger and Tigger has been a little mangled. Linus still wuvs him though! He is taking re-direction well in the replacing of the non-acceptable item with an acceptable one and I will stock up on even more for with his mouth; PPSS and Guinness; we are going to need more toys that can take a beating! Linus is insecure about car rides so I take him often with me just for short jaunts and make sure that I visit Timmie’s or McDonald’s so that he can get a special treatie! When we came home from when I took him to work with me; he went from a little mush in the seat to “OMG! WOW! FOR ME! A TREATIE! MAYBE THE CAR IS NOT SO BAD AFTERALL!’ He is getting better at riding and in time; I am hoping that he is feeling secure enough to know that he is not going to be changing hands to another anytime soon. He is also doing fantabulous with his ‘startle’ reflex from when he first arrived. He has gone from waking up panicked and running away making soft sounds of distress to now if maybe opening up his eyes yet most often stretching and making cute puppy grunts and moving his body so that we can rub his tummy! NOW that is success!!!!! We are always in his mouth, touching feet, ears and tail. He even comes up for special lovings now all on his own!!! NOW, the one thing I have to mention is Linus’s snoring! OMG! I was thinking it was Guinness(our 204 pounds EM) or Sean snoring and in fact it is Linus! HOLY! What is he going to be like when he is an adult! LOL Linus makes a great alarm clock and you can be very reliably assured that at 7:00 AM everyday; he is up and at it; raring to go! A long update to be sure but it has been a very big and busy week for Linus.

It has been awhile since I updated Jenni’s page and I have uploaded pictures #37-#41 into the slideshow of Jenni. She is doing great! She and her sisters still do not love their collars ONE bit and will even still do some submissive peeing when you go to take them off or put them on. When it comes to nail trimming, Jenni will also do a bit of submissive peeing just in the very beginning when we go to hold here and we know it is the โ€˜wind up’ that is causing her some stress. So when it is time to do nails; we will do her first on one day; Abbi another and Mudslide on yet another so all three are not done on the same day and also avoid causing them undo angst. Jenni continues to work on her obedience and still is that powerful package of mischief! The DBB’s are not due for their vaccines until July but I really want to get them in for updated weights PLUS the extra โ€˜outside’ socialization is only going to benefit them. Jenni has free run of the house at night and is only crated when we are out. At night she likes to sleep on one of the Kuranda beds that were donated. Jenni can be a bit possessive over her food bowl if another dog(other than Bronson, Mudslide, Hamilton or Abii)get a bit too close and show interest. We continue to work on NILIF(what we call Doggy Boot Camp)and she has to share toys and the water bowls of which she has no issues in doing so. Jenni also is also beginning to show some possessiveness over her crate and it is being worked on. She is a very strong personality and we remain strong in our beliefs that Jenni needs to go to a home that is very experienced with Danes and her personality type. She is very strong willed, yet a bit of a coward inside and relies on Abbi to ‘build’ her up. We are working on her independence and that she does not have to be a ‘goober’ to express herself. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ˜† She is truly a beautiful girl with some rough diamond edges and we continue to work with her.

It has been awhile since I updated Abbi’s page and I have uploaded a new picture #34 into the slideshow of Abbi. She is doing great! She and her sisters still do not love their collars ONE bit and will even still do some submissive peeing when you go to take them off or put them on. When it comes to nail trimming, Abbi will also do a bit of submissive peeing just in the very beginning when we go to hold her and we know it is the โ€˜wind up’ that is causing her some stress. So when it is time to do nails; we will do her first on one day; Jenni another and Mudslide on yet another so all three are not done on the same day and also avoid causing them undo angst. Abbi continues to excel at her obedience and still is that wonderful personality in a tiny package! The DBB’s are not due for their vaccines until July but I really want to get them in for updated weights PLUS the extra โ€˜outside’ socialization is only going to benefit them. Abbi has free run of the house at night and is only crated when we are out. At night she likes to sleep on one of the Kuranda beds that were donated. Abbi can be a bit possessive over her food bowl if another dog(other than Bronson, Mudslide, Hamilton or Jenni)get a bit too close and show interest. We continue to work on NILIF(what we call Doggy Boot Camp)and she has to share toys and the water bowls of which she has no issues in doing so. She also is completely fine in sharing her crate of which Jenni and Lil Linus are often found snoozing with her in there. ๐Ÿ˜€ I also wish to mention(if I have not as of yet) HOW much Abbi loves to smile and grin! The other thing that she is doing on a regular basis is sucking on her blankets! TOO cute! BHRR’s Dodger and BHRR’s Lady used to do that. Jenni does it to a certain lesser extent.

It has been awhile since I updated Mudslide’s page and I have uploaded a new picture #34-#39 into the slideshow of Mudslide. She is doing great! She and her sisters still do not love their collars ONE bit and will even still do some submissive peeing when you go to take them off or put them on. When it comes to nail trimming, Mudslide gets a bit nervous and we know it is the ‘wind up’ that is causing her some stress. So when it is time to do nails; we will do her first on one day; Jenni another and Abbi on yet another so all three are not done on the same day and also avoid causing them undo angst. Mudslide continues to excel at her obedience and still is that wonderfully sweet girl. The DBB’s are not due for their vaccines until July but I really want to get them in for updated weights PLUS the extra ‘outside’ socialization is only going to benefit them. Mudslide had her ‘nose’ a bit out of joint when Lil Linus joined us, which was a bit surprising for she was completely find when Hamilton, the Newf came. She would ‘grump’ and walk away when Lil Linus would want to snuggle with her on one of the Kuranda beds or cuddle. She is much better a week later; yet now she just pretty much ignores him BUT I catch her watching him having fun with Soul, Bronson, Hamilton, KB/JB etc. and it is only a matter of time before she jumps in. If I were a ‘betting’ person and put a thought process as to why this particular behavour is being exhibited; I would say that it is because she ‘senses’ that he too is SN’s and is jealous. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Mudslide has begun to really get close with Dyce and they love to run and zip and zoom outside. Mudslide has had free run of the house for quite some time now and is no longer crated. At night she either likes to sleep on a corner of our bed, one of the Costco beds on the floor or on one of the Kuranda beds AS long as I keep the bedroom door WIDE open. She does not like to be too far away from me. In respect to self-confidence she has far surpassed Jenni(who is what I term a a bit of an outside bully/inside coward) in that regard and does not rely on Abbi or another dog to help ‘build’ her up for comfort sake. She has just really blossomed and grown, matured and is really just a dog that I am beyond proud off! She is completely and utterly trustworthy. She is very gentle with her treat taking and shares everything.

There are several new pictures of LT in the slideshow #40 – #43. Three were taken during the wicked 72+cm of snow that we received during a 36 hour period. As you can see from the pictures; Dyce, Mudslide and LT had a BLAST! The 4th picture is ONE of my most favs as it is ‘living’ proof that LT will sleep on our bed! YAY! I had to sneak in to get the picture but I did it! He still gets off the bed when you come in but he is not so ‘quick’ to panic and run off; he is more slow about it and I am still hoping that in time; he will just stay comfortable! ๐Ÿ™‚ Another HUGE HUGE HUGE accomplishment/break through is how much more LT is asking for affection and loving! YIPPPEEE! Today, he was all over me, just a snuggling and cuddling away. His potential new adoptive family should be coming to visit on April 20th.

Lynda Crawford, ON, CDA

People like you are far and few between and I count myself lucky to have had the pleasure of exchanging emails and pics with you. I wish you all the best with your rescue and think you’re providing an amazing service to the creatures that can’t speak for themselves. Thank you for doing what you do. Take care!

Marisa Avery, NY, USA

Just wanted to send a quick line of thanks for what you do. Iโ€™ve kept my eyes on Mazda, as she seems to be quite the story. Sounds as though sheโ€™s got a lovely personality. Having three dogs myself and keeping good company with those who appreciate the big pooches, I wish you all the best in finding the right fit for her. Keep it up!

Nadine, Quebec, CA

Oh and I saw , on your website , the pictures of the girls … and some of Nelly. To see them on the same page , I don’t know why , it made me cry. I can never tell you THANKS enough for taking such good care of the girls ! You’re an angel !!!

Deanna, ON, CDA

As always, I remain a big fan of all that BHRR does for the dogs that others “throw away”. I still can’t believe how fortunate I was to have Dodger and Gracie join my life.

C. Joubert, London, ON

Please let me know how I can help in any way with any of your sweet babies.
And a BIG THANK YOU! With people like you in the world these puppies have a chance and I know first hand what a handful some dogs can be and how much love and patience they need.

Sylvie Roy, Quebec, CDA

I was actually surfing on your website (congratulations), its not my first time there.ย  I think your work is brilliant and it is nice to see that you and your husband are so passionate.

Terina, Toronto, ON, CDA

The fabulous job you do! I just found your website last weekend after a year long search, looking for rescued Danes and people who have such an appreciation for their loving, affectionate, super loyal personalities.

Mazda had her annual tonight and did GREAT! She is a pleasantly plump 54.2 KGs(119.24 pounds). ๐Ÿ™‚ I have revamped our vaccine protocol for our own dogs and those in our Rescue program and no longer administer the Lepto vaccine. She was such a hit as always and hung up at the front at reception greeting everyone and every animal! She still has that heart rate that does an extra beat every now and again yet with having two vets look her over (one of them was the vet from last year as well) and she was deemed healthy as a horse as she has always been!!!!! LOL ๐Ÿ™‚ Many commented that it was such a shame that her forever home has not yet come by and I was very honest that should this not happen by end of April, she shall become one of our BHRR Haven dogs. She is a very close play partner of both KB/JB and Cherokee and is one of ‘Sean’s Babies’. I really do need to post new pics of her!

We took out another one of KB/JB’s stitches tonight and he still has about 5 to go yet they were still not quite ready. We cleaned the whole area with Betadine afterwards and he remains on the Clavamox. He has some pretty big healing scabs that indicate that he is still having some leakage in those two areas. Other than that, he is eating, drinking, acting like the KB/JB of old(except much smaller and more frequent meals). Mazda has really missed playing with him as has Cherokee and I know that he is getting a bit stir crazy himself. I know that he would have LOVED to have played in the 72+cm of snow we received over the weekend!

We took out 7 of KB/JB’s stitches out tonight. As always, he was great! He just lied there while Sean/I took them out and enjoyed the yummy treat he received afterwards! ๐Ÿ™‚ He still has about half a dozen left and they should be ready to come out within the next day or so. It is the middle one’s that are the one’s that are still a bit inflamed. The Clavamox has really helped and I am glad that I put him on the it. Pics below of his incision site as of March 6th, 2008. He is doing really well!!!! We are still feeding about 5 smaller meals a day as we do not wish to see him bloat or obstruct again. We are also watching his water intake very closely. I will take new pics of his incision later this week once all the stitches are out. He is still on very restricted exercise even though KB/JB thinks he can run and jump and bounce around like a rabbit! He has really enjoyed lying in his king set up on the main floor with the x-pen around him as the other dogs have mingled about. While he has not been able to participate in the play and the energetic activity of the other dogs; he has really enjoyed just being able to watch them and has respected the boundaries of the X-pen as have the other dogs in not trying to bust in on him as he has been healing. We opened up the X-Pen so that it goes from one end of the one couch to the other and he has about 1/4 of the whole main floor(500 square feet) to himself to move about and be the pampered king he is!

KB/JB’s incision site March 6th, 2008

LT’s annual exam will be on March 26th, 2008. I cannot wait to see how much he weighs now! We will also take another look at the hystiocytoma that has re-appeared on his head. It does not pain or bother him at all.

Kelly, Brownstown, MI, USA

Just a short e-mail to say that I think your adoption policies are wonderful and I like to see that you stick to them. Bless you and keep up the good work.ย 

KB/JB started Clavamox 375 MG, two tablets every 12 hours. I will have to take updated pics of his incision. While he has shown no signs of going after his stitches, he will worry at his leg in stress; so he is wearing the good ol’ E-collar. He is eating 5 small meals a day, drinking and sleeping well. He and Sean are such a team and KB/JB is to Sean as Frost ‘T’ was to me. To watch their relationship truly does bring me to strong emotion. That dog just adores Sean and vice versa!

Mazda is scheduled for her annual on March 11th, 2008. Should she not be adopted by April 30th, 2008; she will become one of our BHRR HAVEN dogs.