Mudslide is 27″ at the whithers.

LT is 32.5″ at the whithers now.

I was able to get a height on wiggly Jenni today and she is 26″ at the whithers.

Abbi’s height is just under 25″ at the whithers! That was a feat getting the little bundle of energy to stay still for a nanosecond! LOL

Sean and I have made the decision that if Mazda is not adopted by March that she will remain as one of our own beloved furbabies. It is truly heart wrenching that despite our full disclosure on her; that some people really do believe that Mazda, herself is at ‘fault’ for not still being in a home. sigh…….that could not be further from the truth and it really breaks our hearts.

J. Bethune, ON, CDA

Please give my best to those wonderful rescue ladies.You’re an awesome group!!!!!

M. Leung, Oshawa, ON

Gwen, you and Sean do so much for the Rescues and put up with so much in the best interests of the dogs that I am honoured to be able to help you in my own small way.

K. Erins, USA

I have two wonderful danes myself. One from Merrilee and one we adopted from a rescue I was fostering her for. Thank you for all you do and best of luck…

S. Van Sciver, NC, USA

Lovely to talk to you today! I was so sad afterwards…well, just that I wouldn’t be able to adopt a horse from you unless we moved to Canada. You guys are SO great, I’d have complete faith in working with you…kind of like family, you know?

J. Bethune, ON, CDA

When the time comes for me to adopt, I feel more comfortable with you and your policies of complete disclosure and the wonderful care you give your animals. I’m sure there are other rescues that are good, but I know there are some that aren’t. You’re one of the good ones, so I’d rather adopt from you.

J. Bethune, ON, CDA

Just keeping in touch! I am still ‘visiting’ Tyke at your site. *L* He’s just SO adorable and special to me. The DBBs look like they’re growing like weeds. I just love Mazda too…she looks like such a queen bee! I hope she’s feeling better now. Good luck in your upcoming shows. I hope to get to one when you’re at one down this way. That Bronson is one handsome puppy! I hope everyone (skin and fur) is well.Thank you for being the great, caring person that you are.

OK! New pics of Jenni posted below on one of the Kuranda Beds that Mila(the fostermom of the DBB’s before they came to us) was so generous to donate to our program. Next week, I hope to bring all the DBB’s in for a new weigh-in and I will take heights possibly tonight when they might be more likely to stand still long enough! 🙂 Jenni is very much the biggest of the 3 of the DBB’s and she just becomes more beautiful every day. We cannot wait for Mila and the person who is fostering the mom of the pups to come back to visit with them this month to see how much they have grown. They are now 6 months of age. They still like to all puppy pile on top of each other at every opportunity! Jenni is a very busy girl and full of character!!!!! All three of the DBB’s are fully housebroken, sleep wonderfully through the night, are crate trained and just love the crates. You will often find them curled up in one of the crates with door open and if they are not there, they are either on my bed or one of the Kuranda Beds. One of their other favourite activity continues to be to dig and we are working on that and we will have a lot of landscaping and deck work to do next year. 🙂 All are very treat motivated and their recalls are just suberb!!!! We continue to work on basic commands and obedience and one of the things I love the most is when I come home and see their faces in the window or playing in the yard all excited to greet me. Jenni is the one that does not continue to have a ‘jumping’ issue for Abbi and Mudslide can still ‘forget’ themselves and jump on you(they like to do it from behind and take you out at the knees!) in their joy of seeing you. We continue to work on that too. Jenni continues to have a mutual adoration relationship with Sean and you will see from the pics that I will post of Abbi so does she and thank goodness Mudslide is ‘on my side’ for MAN! I would be so jealous! LOL All three still are not ‘fond’ of nail trimming and are doing great with bathing.

OK! New pics of Abbi posted below. Next week, I hope to bring all the DBB’s in for a new weigh-in and I will take heights possibly tonight when they might be more likely to stand still long enough! 🙂 Abbi is very much the smallest of the 3 of the DBB’s and don’t tell her that for her personality is HUGE. We cannot wait for the fostermom who raised the pups since birth and the person who is fostering the mom of the pups and hoping to adopt her once the cruelty case goes to court; to come back to visit with them this month to see how much they have grown. They are now 6 months of age. They still like to all puppy pile on top of each other at every opportunity! Abbi continues to be just brilliant!!!!! I just adore how she shows her upper front teeth when she is in a play bow, bouncing around. IT is like she is grinning at us. She loves to zip and zoom and out of all three, she can be the most independent when it comes to loving but if you don’t push or rush her; she will be all in your lap, soaking all the loving she can get. She does not ‘ask’ for smooches as much as Jenni or Abbi and we make sure we give her all the opportunity we can so that she knows she CAN get all the hugs, kisses and loving she wants when she wants. Abbi has a hobby of liking to destroy wood so we have been trying to teach her that she is not a beaver. 🙂 All three of the DBB’s are fully housebroken, sleep wonderfully through the night, are crate trained and just love the crates. You will often find them curled up in one of the crates with door open and if they are not there, they are either on my bed or one of the Kuranda Beds donated by their fostermom who raised them from birth. One of their other favourite activity continues to be to dig and we are working on that and we will have a lot of landscaping and deck work to do next year. 🙂 All are very treat motivated and their recalls are just suberb!!!! We continue to work on basic commands and obedience and one of the things I love the most is when I come home and see their faces in the window or playing in the yard all excited to greet me. Jenni is the one that does not continue to have a ‘jumping’ issue for Abbi and Mudslide can still ‘forget’ themselves and jump on you(they like to do it from behind and take you out at the knees!) in their joy of seeing you. We continue to work on that too. Jenni continues to have a mutual adoration relationship with Sean and you will see from the pics of Abbi so does she and thank goodness Mudslide is ‘on my side’ for MAN! I would be so jealous! LOL All three still are not ‘fond’ of nail trimming and are doing great with bathing.

As soon as I get Dyce and PPSS more ‘on their feet’; I have new pictures and updates to post on the DBB’s. Due to a recent negative experience with an applicant whose home was declined; please note that all of our policies, procedures, mandates and processes are clearly posted on both of our websites and that we will not make any exceptions. Making demands of us is not going to make us rush the process of a possible adoption and the bullying of any of us Volunteers is not appreciated.

Due to a recent negative experience with an applicant whose home was declined; please note that all of our policies, procedures, mandates and processes are clearly posted on both of our websites and that we will not make any exceptions. Making demands of us is not going to make us rush the process of a possible adoption and the bullying of any of us Volunteers is not appreciated.

As soon as I get Dyce and PPSS more ‘on their feet’; I have new pictures and updates to post on the DBB’s. Due to a recent negative experience with an applicant whose home was declined; please note that all of our policies, procedures, mandates and processes are clearly posted on both of our websites and that we will not make any exceptions. Making demands of us is not going to make us rush the process of a possible adoption and the bullying of any of us Volunteers is not appreciated.

As soon as I get Dyce and PPSS more ‘on their feet’; I have new pictures and updates to post on the DBB’s. Due to a recent negative experience with an applicant whose home was declined; please note that all of our policies, procedures, mandates and processes are clearly posted on both of our websites and that we will not make any exceptions. Making demands of us is not going to make us rush the process of a possible adoption and the bullying of any of us Volunteers is not appreciated.

Due to a recent negative experience with an applicant whose home was declined; please note that all of our policies, procedures, mandates and processes are clearly posted on both of our websites and that we will not make any exceptions. Making demands of us is not going to make us rush the process of a possible adoption and the bullying of any of us Volunteers is not appreciated.