I don’t know how I missed posting his pictures from March shortly after his arrival here; but here they are! LT is looking beyond adorable on the pink beanbag chair! 🙂 AND yes, that is duct tape holding the chair together. We are always in need of donations of beanbag chairs. Won’t you consider helping?

I just had to add two new pictures to Boba’s write-up and to his Cafepress store! HE is a stunning dog and does great black and white pictures!

OK! As promised! 🙂 Here are the new Pictures and LT is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!!

Boba has his own Cafepress Store finally set-up! 🙂 http://www.cafepress.com/bhrr/1715123 All funds raised shall go to help out other animals in need of our BHRR Rescue program. I hope to get some new pictures of Boba soon and will add more items and options to his store!

LT will be having his own CafePress store whereby the monies raised shall go to help other SN’s in need of our Rescue Program. Stay tuned! 🙂

OK! I have 12 new pictures to post of Tyke and I promise to do so this week! 🙂 I just downloaded them and need to resize before posting. He is recovering well from his neuter and just as a heads up to whomever might be his best matched home; he has a MAJOR foot attire fetish! Be it slippers, rubber boots, dress shoes, high heels, runners; sandals, kids; it makes no difference to Tyke. He just likes to chew one of everything! I cannot tell you how much he has cost me in new shoes for the family! LOL We have had to make our shoe rack a bit higher to try and keep them out of his reach, the little monkey! Tyke is also recovering from his latest mad dashes through the bushes. He and Soul do not like to take the clearly marked trails; oh no NOT them! They like to tear through the bushes running like mad creatures and their faces look like someone has taken a pen and poked coloured holes and marks all over them. sigh…………..What a bunch of turkeys these two are! He and Soul are major buds and it is going to be very hard on Soul to see his special pay leave. Whether it is because they are both SN’s or not; the two of them are as thick as thieves and Soul has even taken to showing Tyke all the great places to dig such as the few remaining Day Lily spots that survived from Dyce and Souls own antics last summer! LOL The other dog that truly adores Tyke is my Licorice. She just mothers and grooms him and hovers over him like some mother hen and LT just basks in the adoration. Just a clarification for those that have been under the impression that LT is still in a foster home; he is not. He has been living as part of my own family since March 17th. Tyke will only go to another home with at least one other dog; one that is not too strong minded or dominant; male or female does not matter. He does not need to go to a home with older children and I believe would much prefer to be only part of a four legged baby family. He more than deserves to be spoiled as such for what he has endured in his past. I would like to see him in a home as well whereby someone is not away for longer than 8 hours total per day for he also deserves to have all the attention and love that he missed out before coming under our Rescue name. He is completely housebroken yet the crate is a major safe spot for him. He should be available for adoption within a week and at that time; we will begin to take applications for his placement. I cannot tell you how many times my husband and I have weakened in the desire to want to keep him as one of our own yet as I have stated before; he really does not need our home and family that way. For as much as LT might think he has gotten from us; I think it is us that really needed him this time around in the ‘saving’. LT came into our lives shortly after the tragic, painful loss of my beloved SN’s Frost ‘T’ and the first Dane we rescued since his loss and he is a lot like Frost “T” and shares the same cherished name of LT like another wonderful blessing beloved by another family that was key to us being able to bring him into our Rescue. I think LT is a special angel that has touched many of us and if ever there is one to believe in coincidence, fate or destiny; LT would be it. There is so much that surrounds this boy in his story from the moment we became determined to assist that without a doubt; he shall hold a part of many people spanning across two countries!

Liquorice was suppose to go in for her annual exam tonight yet my beloved grandmother passed away on May 13th and I will need to reschedule. Liquorice is doing quite well and other than appearing to be a little more stiff some days; she is eating, drinking and sleeping well. I plan on talking to my Vets about her heats. She went into one in December; had a small one in March and is now again beginning to look like she is coming into heat again. I worry about pyro with any unspayed female and to date have not felt 100% comfortable in trying to spay her with all of her existing serious medical conditions. It worries me deeply to think that I could lose her in the process of spaying her yet I want her to be healthy and not lose her to something because I did not spay her. I will need to re-visit this and perhaps talk to some specialists about the risks etc. She has amazed everyone that she is still here having a wonderful quality of life five months after all of her diagnosis! She is just like Frost ‘T’ in that she is going to prove the medical world wrong in that she is also a miracle survivor! She remains my ‘grumpy yet terrifically sweet old doll of a gal’. 🙂

Tyke’s neuter went really well and he is now microchipped. He weighed in at 51KGS(112.2 pounds). His histiocytoma is almost gone now. We had begun to suspect that Tyke might have some kind of allergies as ever since he arrived; his skin has been super sensitive. Skin skapings revealed nothing and the Vet believes that Tyke could possibly have scabies. He will be treated as a precaution. LT should be available for adoption within the next 2 weeks.

D. Strange, Niagara Falls, ON, CDA

You should be extremely proud of the job you are doing and the cautionary way in which you place your Danes. They deserve much respect and human contact and compassion and I really don’t think some people realize how sensitive these animals are. Much continued success in the future.

With KB/JB recovering fairly well from his gastronomy, enteronomies etc.; I feel comfortable enough at this time to reschedule Tyke’s neuter to Friday May 11th. Should KB/JB require any more surgery or has any additional setbacks(we will be doing another CBC and X-Rays tomorrow); I will reschedule Tyke AKA ‘The Biscuit’ for later on in May.

Every year; unfortunately; we receive one or two emails from people who feel the need to email to tell us that we are completely wrong in how we operate with our adoption mandates. I received an email earlier this week from NY who felt the need to let me know that I had to be a very strange and crazy person for wishing to continue our almost 100% successful adoption process in adopting out by placing by best personality matches to each approved adoptive home. He felt that we were very wrong to not wish to place Mazda in a home that would only want to have her as a guard dog or to someone who only wanted the ‘biggest dog’ on the block. Mazda will stay as a member of our family over ever allowing her to be adopted to a home that would not want her as a beloved/cherished addition of the family.

With KB/JB recovering fairly well from his gastronomy, enteronomies, 8 inches of his intestine removed etc.; I feel comfortable enough at this time to reschedule Tyke’s neuter to Friday May 11th. Should KB/JB require any more surgery or has any additional setbacks(we will be doing another CBC and X-Rays tomorrow); I will reschedule Tyke AKA ‘The Biscuit’ for later on in May. Picture below of his healing incision.
