Frost ‘T’ Immortalized Link!

Snowball’s Tribute

*I have not yet been able to find the strength to create my Memorial to Snowball.*

Here is something Betty shared with me…………….

“We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own life within a fragile circle, easily and often breached. Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way. We cherish memory as the certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan.”
-Irving Townsend

Here is a link to a thread that was started by Amanda who saw Snowball’s August 28th/29th health status update on our website.

Merrilee – I was TORTURED to see that Snowball passed away. I thought she was as special as you did. You know I have an extremely soft spot in my heart for deafies. Oh, my God, she was so beautiful. I am more sorry that you can imagine. I am so sad for you. I know that she was more well-care for that she would have been most other places. She was happy with you, and I’m glad she got to know such a happy life.

Simone – Gwen & Sean – just to let you know I feel your pain and are in my thoughts!

Mary – What an absolute shock to read today that Snowball has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. I can’t even begin to describe how very sad and sorry I feel for the sudden loss of your irrepressible, energizer bunny of a girl. How tragic that such a live wire could be stilled so soon. I will miss reading about Snowball and regret that I never got to meet the delightfully exquisite creature that you so lovingly describe on your site. Snowball was special enough that you and Sean wanted her to become a permanent member of your extended family family. Many a tear has been shed this afternoon for both you and Snowball. Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of Snowball. Keeping you in my thoughts.

Nicole – Dear Gwen & Sean, I am so sorry for your loss. Snowball was a beautiful girl, who I am sure had the most wonderful life she ever could have with you. She could never have been adopted out, her heart belonged with you two. I’m sure you’re feeling very sad and depressed right now, and stressed with everything else going on, too, and I hope you try and remember why you do what you do. I wrote you a few weeks ago to tell you you were an inspiration to me……..Please, don’t let this hurt keep you from remembering that you were the best thing that ever happened to these dogs.

Maureen – Please allow me to say how sorry I am to read of Snowball’s passing. Your pain came right through your posting. This is the first I’ve read of her and the tears are simply rolling down my face. I hope you find peace soon.

Deanna – Gwen and Sean, I just read the website, and am in tears……saw the tragic news about Snowball and about all that you two are facing right now. What an awful, awful thing to happen. My heart goes out to you both. I only met Snowball the once, but the impact she had on a person sure was powerful and she certainly left her pawprints indelibly on my heart. My heartfelt sympathy is with both of you tonight. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad that at least Snowball is no longer suffering, but I sure wish it didn’t have to happen to her at all. She was a very very neat dog. I’m glad she had both of you loving her right til the end – that makes all the difference for spirits like hers, and it showed. I hope her spirit shines on in your home and hearts forever.

Betty – Gwen, I was so sorry to read that Snowball has passed. You and your family have my deepest sympathy. I keep a copy of this quote at my desk to remind me that the hurt we go through when we lose a furry child is small compared to all the joy they bring us during their time with us. In time, the pain of loss will decrease and you will remember the wonderful times you shared with Snowball.You are all in my prayers.

We are now going to have to decide what our options are with this porcupine as Boba plus Lady were ‘nailed’. Lady barked and tried get away and Boba’s thought process was a clear ‘wow, look at the neat little dog, must go say hi and welcome them to our home.’ Boba did not walk away to well on that and after Sean and I stopped counting at 70 quills pulled; we saw one on his tongue and knew that he needed to go in for as great as Boba is, that tongue is way too sensitive. It was a good thing as besides the one on his tongue, we managed to find 7 others deeply imbedded in his one paw. Boba has recovered well after much ‘drama’ of the ‘dying soldier’ on his part and with us being sucked in and catering to his every whim of pats, smooches, loving and no little treats! We kept telling him over and over again ‘WHAT a BRAVE boy.’ He really liked hearing that he was so brave and strong, the little mush. 🙂 If anything made him that more ‘Bobadelicious’ to me, this was it. HE is such a character and a real little teddybear. (Don’t tell him that though…….!) While we were there, we also did a manicure plus pedicure and the quicks on his nails are coming along nicely. Boba weighed in at just over 116 pounds.

From talking to the Vet; Snowball’s spleen was very cirrhotic and her bowels were necrotic when she was doing exploratory surgery on Snowball. Two completely unrelated serious things going on inside of her. One of the other Vets thought that this Vet was first showing her Snowball’s colon and then realized that it was her small intestine as that was how unrecognizable it looked. The Vet also described the ‘smell’ of how terrible her insides truly were and after more discussion with her and others; I feel more closure in my heart, though still deeply saddened. The mere thought of her or any animal being in pain and suffering is beyond upsetting. There really is a very large hole in our home and things are extremely quiet now without her compact little form zooming around and always thinking about what to do next.

I will post more details of the Vet’s findings( I am in a true fog of anguish at this time) when I get a copy of her medical notes but at 10:30 AM today; we made the decision to let Snowball go and a large piece of myself and Sean has gone with her. At least 2 feet of her small intestine would have had to been removed and even her spleen was completely abnormal, though the Vet could not determine why. She was clearly suffering and her prognosis was very slim of surviving let alone having any quality of life if she did. We are just beyond devastated. She was not even three years of age and had so much life inside of her. She is an angel that has more than earned her beautiful wings even though selfishly we wanted her to so badly be still here with us. Her body shall be brought home here where she belongs to lay in eternal rest. At this time, I cannot even think of writing her memorial. I do know that we will be creating an annual Fundraiser event named in her honour. It is at these time that you feel like someone has ripped out your heart and torn it cruelly to pieces and you think that you can carry on no longer. She is already so very much missed and neither Sean nor myself really had a chance to say a proper good-bye. It is so hard to believe that her energy and zest for life is no longer with us. The world has lost another incredibly beautiful creature with her passing. When I left her last night; I hugged her, told her to have a great sleep, to not have any wild parties and how much I loved her yet I never said good-bye. I already miss her so very much. We are truly crushed by losing her and she was a deeply cherished member of our family. Kanata Animal Hospital will continue to take any funds for her Medical Bills should anyone wish to donate in her memory. I will be working extra hard to complete her CafePress store as well to immortalize her on special items to share her inside and out beauty with the rest of the world.

Snowball’s WBC is extremely high, her cholesterol is high, her kidney function not normal, her drawn blood was an extreme dark red, she has continued to vomit and her core body temperature has dropped drastically. She is on Antibiotics, IV fluids and was given meds to help with any ulceration. X-Rays did not show anything definitive as to whether or not there is something like a stuffie inside of her. It would have been much easier to have seen a marble. There is a LOT of gas showing up on the X-Rays and she is in a lot of pain the poor little thing. There is one area that the vet is wondering if there is a perforation and so Snowball will be having exploratory surgery after trying to get her more stable. There is still a very good probability that this could still be an obstruction. Keep her in your thoughts as this is one angel that is meant to stay on this earth. Donations to her Medical Bills can be paid directly to Kanata Animal Hospital or via our PayPal account. It is estimated that this could be thousands of dollars to try and get her well again. She is one very sick girl at this time and the odds were not being given in her favour. As of 9:55 PM last night, she was still alive. We had hooked her up to the heating block and had her all covered up snug and warm. Seeing her this way would reduce almost anyone who has seen how she is normally like to tears.

Kanata Animal Hospital
c/o Gwen Boers @ Birch Haven Rescue
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, Ontario
K2L 1Z2
(613) 836-2848

We are now going to have to decide what our options are with this porcupine as Boba plus Lady were ‘nailed’. Lady barked and tried get away to no avail. We have lived here since 1999 and have only had two porcupine encounters, one of which was with this particular porcupine and our Dragon. Now in the space of a matter of weeks; we have had three more encounters. sigh….Lady is such a great girl. She was very stoic as we pulled out a total of 46 quills and then laid close by as Boba had his turn. What an awesome creature! She thoroughly enjoyed the attention and treats that came along with the ‘making it all better’ part. 🙂

I am bringing Snowball to the Vet today. She has not eaten since late Saturday night and is now lethargic, walking very stiffly plus is vomiting. In one of her ‘pukes’ she brought up part of a stuffie and so the thought process is following the lines of an obstruction. I will update her site as I can.

Some new pictures of Lady posted below and I will be adding more picture option special items to her Cafepress store as soon as I can. I am way behind……AND CafePress is currently trying to fix our site as there is a ‘glitch’.


M. Miller, ON, CDA

Gwen…you are one in a million and I thank the Dog God that he introduced me to you and Lady.

I brought Frost ‘T’ with me to work tonight to get a new weight on him and he now weighs 129.36 Pounds(58.8 kgs). We have managed to battle back the weight that was lost at the end of July and also this makes the most that Frost “T” has weighed since before his slide last December of 2005. I literally welled up with tears. Update was put on the link above.

Lady had an encountered with one of the ‘resident’ Porcupines on Friday. Like Dragon, there was no escape for her and she was nailed. To demonstrate what an incredible personality this gal has; she let Sean and I pull out over 70(I stopped counting at 70) quills from her paws, muzzle, inside her mouth, gums, nose and lips. Dragon is the only other Dane that I have had the pleasure of knowing that has been that amazing in getting quills out without sedation. Like Lady, Dragon was in the ‘way’ of the porcupine and we took out 56 quills a couple of years back. THIS is one amazing girl and she has recovered well with some some extra special loving, treats and snuggles! This Dane does not have one mean or aggressive bone in her body and her temperament is beyond sweet.

New pictures as promised below! Bob will have his own Cafepress Online Store whereby the monies raised by your shopping will go towards helping other animals in need. I am currently working on it. I just finished up Soul’s.

Here is a link with some latest updates on Frost ‘T’. There is an update on Page 1 & another update on Page 2 & another one further down. I plan on bringing him with me to the Vet’s tonight for a new weigh-in as I have Dragon going in for his annual @ 7:30 PM.