I took Frost with me when I worked at the Vet Hospital yesterday and did a re-weigh. He is now 54.8 kgs(120.56lbs)! That is 3 KGs(6.6 pounds) in two weeks that he has put on! I guess all of the roast chicken, bow-tie pasta with veggies and beef stroganoff is paying off! 🙂 Whatever he will eat, I will give it to him. Frost has always been a picky/fussy eater and never one huge on treats so I continue to offer him everything I can to whet his appetite. He has taken a liking to McDonald’s French fires much to the chagrin of my 2 year old daughter! His Digoxin levels appear good. I left a note in the Vet’s duty log to contact me to see if/when I should re-test his levels and also to order more Lasix. He is still on almost 25 pills a day and WHAT a trooper! He was not expected to live this long and while I know that his heart can never be fixed; he is doing amazing. I am now thinking in days, not hours with him and am positively blessed to have this time with him. Today marks 1 month since Frost started to take a huge slide downward. I believe that each animal that crosses our path can teach or show us something. Frost is teaching me more about acceptance and just living each day one at a time plus to soak it up to the maximum. Frost takes everything in his stride and has continued to forge on with his tail wags, ‘roo-roos’, Dane leans and his smiles. He has won many people over at the Vet Hospital and continues to charm all those that he meets. Sometimes, I feel that Frost is in a whole different world of nothing but pleasure plus bliss and I am calmed by just sitting with him and watching him live and simply breathe.

D. Russell, CDA

I came across your website a short while ago and have read quite a bit of it, and am very impressed. I wanted to write to say a big “kudos” to what you’re doing. It’s rare (in my experience) to come across rescue organizations that show the dedication and commitment to their charges that you show. Thank you for all your doing for the dogs.

D. Edwards, Ontario, CDA

I just saw you on daytime, and I loved your segment. I spent some time on your website, and I am SO IMPRESSED with everything you are doing. Birch Haven is a wonderful – and needed – organization.

While small, Snowball is a DYNAMO. She has proven her smartness over and over again. Knowing that she does not have the ‘size’ and ‘weight’ behind her to take toys, stuffies etc. away from the other dogs; she ‘tricks’ them! She pretends interest in another toy or object or shows great excitement about something outside and when the others leave what she wants behind to come and investigate; she is OFF like a bullet, snatching up the desired object and running like the wind.

At the Vet Hospital last night, I learnt that the test results were back on his internal organ function such as Kidneys and they looked good. We are still waiting on the Digoxin level test to come back. Once those are back, we will then try to work in finding that ‘balance’ for him med-wise. Frost ‘T’ is becoming a really challenge to feed and he has now taken to wanting to eat ONLY out of a food bag or the food storage container. IF we do not allow this, he will not eat at all. UGH! 🙂 Last night he did eat one wiener and a piece of bread and had a little dry H/D. HE is just not eating enough to keep a dog half his size healthy. When the Vet asked me how he was doing, I said that I think he is doing great considering that everyone had expected him to be dead by now. I have already had more time with him than what was originally told to us and I take each day as a new miracle. I know that he is not well and I know that his heart is bad and that we cannot do a heart transplant for him yet from where he was on December 23rd to where he is now; it is amazing! I am truly thankful for each day that I have with him. As with Phantom, I just know that Frost ‘T’ will prove everyone wrong for as long as he can!!!

I took Frost ‘T’ with me today when I went to work at the Vet Hospital. We tested his Electrolytes which are normal and we sent off serum for Digoxin levels plus kidney function. He has put on .8 of a pound and is now 51.8 KGs(113.96 lbs). He finished his Cephalexin yesterday and the culture we did came back indicating that there was no infection after all. He is now on 24 3/4 pills daily. His heart is still arrhythmic on the left side and his pulse is still weak. He had been sleeping almost 18 hours a day for the past short while yet now he is back to sleeping about 4 hours a night. The Vet has suggested that we increase his Lasix and we will wait for the level results to come back to see about trying to find that ‘right’ balance in meds for him. While he is drinking more, he is still very hard to feed and is now refusing to eat the wet H/D. So, it is a challenge to find things that he will eat. He is also now taken to wanting to eat snow and that is not good either. We go day-by-day with him and are saddened the learn that the left side of his heart has not stabilized as much as we hoped. Yet, he is wagging his tail almost as much as he used to AND for anyone who has experienced Frost ‘T’s tail, YOU will know just how much ‘welcoming’ power he can pack!!! 🙂 Keep the positive energy coming for each day is so very precious!!!!

With the weather being so awful today; I have had to post phone bringing Frost ‘T’ in to measure his levels. Hopefully, the roads will be better by tonight and I can then bring him in as this is extremely important.

After talking to Frost ‘T”s vet today; she has recommended putting him on Omega 3 Fatty Acids to try and help his weight. I hope to pick that up tonight when I am at the Vet Hospital.

Samson George made me giggle today. He was trying to run outside as he felt so good and four of the other dogs could walk faster than his most enthusiastic gallop. It was like watching him move in ‘slow’ motion! 🙂 He was so happy and full of energy and it was great to watch!