BHRR’S Fred(Freddie) was at EVC tonight.

This is us on a small walk prior to heading out.

He weighed 51 kgs(112.20 pounds) and is at an ideal wonderful weight!  He was a rockstar getting up on to the scale! Solid.

I was so proud of him for he was worried and we worked to set him up for success to go to this apt. and I also brought him right to the back so that he could have more space and not feel closed in as he would in an exam room – as big as they are.

His heart and lungs are great, he is battling yeasty issues in his ears – we did cytologies – and we will use Burrows to help get them better. He is also battling skin issues between his toes – which his ears and skin have been a re-occurring issue per his previous Vet records prior to coming to BHRR. This is not uncommon with the Blue Great Danes. Skin and ear and allergies are quite prevalent in blues.

He is now fed exclusively a fish based food and we are seeing an improvement and hoping it gets better and better for him for he has been shaking his head since we picked him up. However, I needed him to settle in first to set him up for a wonderful positive experience going to the Vet.

He has what appears to be a receding papilloma on his lower lip and once he is under for his dental in November, we will get a better look at that and his teeth.

He was such a good boy and so brave. Plenty of unsure low tail wags and once his exam was over, took treats beautifully. He does very well with his commands – sits and can give one paw and then the other when asked.

Leash manners are still like a bit of a freight train yet we are working on it!

He was calm and overall somewhat relaxed – only a wee bit tense – which is what I wanted for him. The best Vet visit I could give him.

As our relationship together gets stronger and he trusts me more and more, things will only get better and better! He is making wonderful progress.

Thank you to his first Rescue for all that they did for him and once again in asking us to assist him!  You did so much for him!!

He is a lovely boy that we have promised to keep safe and ensure that he thrives!