BHRR’s Symba had a special playdate today!
This is him at their home, flaked out after a nice stroll! They LOVED him! I mean, what is not to love?!!!
AND Gwennie has added another 6 WOW items to our 14th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction!
A scooter, a ski waxing station, two gorgeous items from & two from
To view all of the amazing items – 48 – and to bid, please visit the below link.
The auction ends Thursday, December 2nd, @ 9 PM EST

What a great picture!
Nap time! 
This is BHRR’s Rosie and some of her beautiful foster family! They have fostered a number of wonderful dogs for BHRR over the years. We are extremely grateful to them. 
Gwennie says that she does not see a couch! 
AND Gwennie has now added 5 more WOW items to our 14th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction! Items include a portable hammock and binoculars!
This gives us 42 incredible items now up for grabs! This auction shall end Thursday, December 2nd, @ 9 PM EST
Gwennie has 7 more items to add, and she will be adding more items tomorrow.
Here is the LINK to view all of the great items up for grabs plus to bid:
*Please take note of pick-up location(s) as not all items can be shipped.
Thank you Rescue angels for the support! Miss Rosie goes into the Vet for her mature surgery, repeat bw, etc. on Monday, December 6th, and Miss Jamila is scheduled for Wednesday, December 8th for her own surgeries.
Miss Jamila’s surgeries include a mature spay, no less than two lump removals to go to pathology, AND a bilateral eye enucleation if she is handling the anesthetic well.

The reality of rescue is that you cannot save them all, no matter how much you may want to.

We have been in deep discussion re: finances for BHRR – as many know most of BHRR is financed mainly out of our own pockets – and, unfortunately, with the bills that we have currently at BHRR plus with Miss Jamila’s almost $10,000 in bills for upcoming surgeries, Miss Olive’s monthly almost $1,000 in bills, Miss Rosie’s to date almost $1,100 in bills with more to come – she needs to be spayed, vaccinated, microchipped, cherry eye repaired, COHAT, more bloodwork, etc., with BHRR going through almost 120 pounds of food per day and the list goes on…..we cannot take in the Mastiff.

We are posting the most current two bills for Miss Rosie; as suspected she has thyroid issues, and not just allergies. This means daily medication for her and regular bloodwork to be sure that she is being given the right dose of Thyro-Tabs.

We have blacked out her foster home’s contact information for privacy.

We will continue to forge strongly on what we can do… we will never compromise the quality of care, never take shortcuts on what the dogs that we are entrusted with need plus deserve.
We wanted to update the group as to why we cannot assist the Mastiff that we recently posted about. Our hearts are heavy yet, we know that Karen will ensure that he goes to a great place that shall do right by him…..perhaps in 2022, we can help another one of your lovely dogs Karen.

Tonight, BHRR did approved adoption #428!
BHRR’s Mr. Maxwell – the ~10 year old Boxer 
We are small, mighty, and after almost 26 years of rescuing in these trenches, another amazing doggie is in their forever-loving adoptive home.
We have never focused on the adoptions at BHRR, always worked to focus on assisting the next in need of us, and if they are deemed adoptable, great; yet, we are committed to them for the rest of their lives regardless.
With our Haven program being enormous compared to our adoption program – so many dogs that need safe harbour for their lives – it is really special, and a bit bittersweet when a dog is placed into a right-matched forever loving adoptive home. Truly a lovely feeling overall!
Thank you to Leanne Berard McDonell plus Cameron for assisting me on this home visit to make it official.
As is often said, the best kind of fail is a FOSTER Fail!  Yup! BHRR’s Mr. Maxwell’s wonderful foster home submitted an application to be considered as his right-matched forever loving home…..AND they are!
Mr. Maxwell, I am extremely happy that you remember me, and seeing you again brought me so much joy!
I am very thrilled that you have a doggie plus kitty sisters, and I am equally delighted that you bring many great smiles to the faces of your humans.
You have overcome much in your life, and since you arrived into rescue, you were promised that you would never lack for anything, that you would only know kindness, love plus joy. That you would always receive the best in care.
You are an exceptional boy. A personality that is incredibly charming with eyes that reach to your soul. You are simply magnificent, and it has been an honour being here for you. How could we not mention how unbelievably handsome you also are!
We are excited to see how you continue to settle in plus anticipate with such joy the future chapters of your life.
We adore you Mr. Maxwell………
Congratulations to all!!!
May be an image of 2 people, dog and indoor

Today, someone helped Sean get some exercise in picking up the mail today. VIDEO

Our mailbox is about 750m from the house, and Mr. Romeo had a blast as always keeping Sean company!


BHRR’s Miss Olive!
This is one of her favourite spots to just sit……..a gorgeous accessory to any fireplace! 
Thanks to everyone’s extreme generosity, the funds from the amazing 50/50 Lucky Square Fundraiser that Katherin kindly organised is going to go towards helping to pay for a portion of the November bills for Miss Olive.
Between her Proin, Gabapentin, Deramaxx, fish based food, baby wipes etc.,, her monthly bills are just shy of $1,000.
At this time, this stunning palliative Saint continues to hold her own…..we know that her incontinence plus hind end issues have been worsening, yet as long as she is having stellar quality of life, we are standing strong by her side to ensure that she lacks for nothing! 
She also wishes to ask people to consider donating to our 14th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction. Please EMAIL.
We need to: have at least 1 pic, a description, value, starting bid plus pick-up location(s). 
We are hoping to raise enough funds to pay for Miss Olive’s December and possibly January’s monthly bills. 
Our annual Auction begins November 27th, and thank you to Katherine, Kelly plus Alison for the wonderful donations to date……We are really grateful! 

After much discussion, Sean & I made the decision to place Mr. Maxwell up for adoption.
After extensive rehabilitation with vetting, and amazing exposure plus time with his wonderful foster home, he is now a very happy, healthy Senior.
While we are committed to him for life, we can remain that way in a right-matched forever loving adoptive home. We stand by our dogs for their lives.
With that being said, Mr. Maxwell is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! 
We shall update as we can!
This stunning photo was taken by his fantastic foster home!
Thank you to Just Paws for reaching out to us asking if we could assist him…he is an absolute dream and gem of a boy!

Mr. Symba was at the Vet on October 29th for his annual.
He weighed a wonderfully healthy lean 139.26 pounds(63.3 kgs)
He was updated on his yearly vaccines, we did his annual 4dx bloodwork to test for heartworm plus tickborne disease exposure – even though, we keep the dogs on preventative year-round, nothing is 100%. The results were negative.
His Vet checked out those new back legs of his and his right back leg is perfect, the left-back knee has some crepitus which considering both back legs had TPLO repairs, is really great. He is on Gabapentin plus Deramaxx as needed – has not needed them for some time – we did give him some that night after his visit as understandably after the exam manipulation, we did not want him feeling tender.
Come winter, he will be on his meds on a more regular basis with the cold. This dog runs, and plays, and is so happy, plus healthy with a fantabulous personality!
He remains available for adoption!
I snapped this picture when Sean drove up to work in the truck for his Vet visit, and I went out to get him. It was a gorgeous sunny fall day. 
He had a A+ Vet visit!

Last post of my night!
I am told that Miss Rosie had a great Halloween!
A superstar and a big hit with the trick and treaters last night! 
Her foster mama takes such gorgeous pics!!
From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, wonderful good night wishes are being sent!
Tomorrow, we shall update on Mr. Symba’s annual from October 29th.