After some investigation plus research, I had my suspicions confirmed that not only was full disclosure not given to us in respect to L.J.’s AKA King(his real name) medical situation(he was never taken to a Vet prior to coming to BHRR and our emails plus paperwork sent to be completed were left unanswered) yet we were not given full disclosure on his behavour history/background while with this other rescue person/group. I had sent off some emails upon my return with King last Saturday December 19th expressing my concerns in respect to a dog that we were told was ‘one way’ yet clearly was another and I have been working with animals a very long time in regards to training plus behavour and King’s behavour was not settling 100% well with me. I then was very direct with the person who signed him over to us(she also never did answer as to why he was being even sent to another Rescue via emails nor the official legal paperwork) on this and other matters such as records for vetting. By her own later email admission King would ‘go at it always’ in her home with at least one of her dogs, that it was ‘not safe’ for her kids and she had indicated that she would take King to the Vet for his sneezing yet King had untreated pneumonia upon his arrival to BHRR. This person said he had been on antibiotics for his sneezing yet despite repeated emails, no Vet documentation was sent nor faxed nor handed over when I picked him up. This person was well aware that I had kids, that we are a multi-dog home plus Rescue, that we do not take in human aggressive dogs and that we focus on the SN’s and she well knew about Potter and him healing from his amputation and yet she knowingly, despite emails exchanged on all of the above in regards to this Dane plus another they wanted us to assist, Fiona(who also was tested by another organization – BHRR would not commit to her until such time as I assessed/evaluated her myself which could not be done until end of December – as being very unsuitable for adoption with her own behavour and aggressiveness); sent us a very dog/human aggressive plus contagious dog. She said King was ‘dominant’ yet dog aggression and human aggression is not a simple case of ‘dominance’ behavour at all. King demonstrated clear human(male) and dog aggression to no less than 4 male people in the short time he was under our authority and other than the first night; not one of my dogs from the very old – almost 11 years to the very young; just a pup of barely 4 months of age could go near him. Needless to say, I and my current BOD are displeased and we have made it extremely clear that we shall not assist this peson(rescue again). King was ‘ok’ with me, yet very aggressive to Sean when he returned from N.B. on the Sunday with our kids, 2 of my Male Volunteers plus one Male Vet. King was humanely euthanized on Tuesday December 22nd, 2009.

Posted in Jay

On December 8th, I brought BHRR’s Potter back in to see the Vet. The decision was to try and close up his 3+”gaping surgical site with buttons(6 of them) and I continue to just be so impressed plus touched by the incredible quality of care that Potter has been receiving. Not only would the Vet not bill me for the procedure; he also gave me extra antibiotics to continue Potter on his course of meds for another 2 weeks. The Vet told me that this was his contribution towards Potter’s rehab and our program. We are humbled yet again by all the kindness that has been shown to the animals under our care. AND those buttons are an extremely resourceful idea and they are sooooooooooooo working!!!!! 🙂 They provide just enough room for some tension on Potter’s stump when he sits or lies down while at the same time, is holding the wound site together enough to continue to promote healing. The Vet did say that Potter is healing even slower than he would like to see but he is healing and we are on the right track!!! I cannot add enough exclamation points to this blog!!!! 😀 While Potter is still not eating or drinking great overall; he had a fantastic meal recently plus three weeks to the date that his leg was amputated; this past Friday; he actually wanted to play a bit! WOOHOOOOOO! On Saturday, he also showed some ‘spunk’ and wanted to play again a bit. Potter’s Path has been a very difficult one to date for him and while many have said how great of a job we have been doing with him; it is truly Potter that has the most toughest of one to travel. For me, re-arranging my work schedules with Clients, Rescue etc., staying up around the clock as needed, tending to his amputation area; ensuring that he is getting all that he needs when he needs it and lots of support, love and cuddles has been a true honour. I feel blessed to be here for Potter and with every groan or moan of discomfort he makes; I try to stay strong on the inside and say ‘he is alive and healing slowly but still healing’….’he is alive and still here and fighting the biggest battle ever and whatever he needs, we are going to give it to him’ and ‘as long as Potter wants to fight; we are going to fight with him’…and..and…and…and…and that is nothing for me to do. It is Potter that is doing the hardest part and whatever we can do to ease this path he has to travel; we are going to do it. As much as Sean tries to assist AND he never gives himself enough credit; Potter is reluctant to be tended to by him; so Sean has picked up some of the slack I have had to let go on a few other things to give Potter as much as he needs. With Potter’s amputation, it has been a true ‘test’ of how far he has come with his temperament since he first came to us in July of 2009. This is the dog that would try and grab at you in putting a collar or leash on him or to put him in a crate and doing nails was like WWIII and now, I can get him to lie gently on his side all by myself and tend to his amputation area. I have to clean that area up to 5 times a day and I can manually give him his antibiotics(something that I would not have even attempted back in July) as due to his lack of eating well; it is the only way to get them inside of him and gosh, this dog has come a long way and I well know why he was the way he was(complete lack of socialization and training and yes, some abuse); and truly while the home treated him so badly might not feel he is a loss to them HE is a HUGE HUGE HUGE gain in our lives. When I come home from work or just from putting the kids on the bus, he whole back end wiggles so much that he loses his balance he is just that happy to see me, his little sideways twists and turns as he expresses himself; the full body wag in excitement and those eyes….OMG! Those eyes! Potter’s eyes are so full of expression and the black….so black. I keep telling people ‘do not look into the eyes’ of many of the dogs here or with those they have adopted as they need to keep up the NILIF; especially in the beginning of the animals in their home; for you will be lost and for me that is Potter 😛 Sigh…those eyes of his are just the deepest, darkest pool of emotions that he has of yet to fully unleash and let me in but I see them and he allows me to see more and more as time goes on. I hope that everyone that has supported Potter but has not yet had the deepest of pleasures of meeting him; will. He is that ‘neat’ of a boy and while sometimes, I have sat down and looked at him and wondered if he understands why we have done what we have done in trying to save his life and give him the best chance possible of living the best of lives ever; I think I ‘feel’ his answer. No matter how bad things have gotten for Potter over these past 3 weeks; he has had a ‘gleam’ in his eyes and it is that gleam that tells me that he is not leaving this earth without giving everything he has to this battle against Cancer. AND no matter if Potter lives another 8 days, 8 weeks or 8 years; my promise to him is that I am not leaving his side. After losing Jaxson; I am just that much more protective of Potter and I wish I could promise Potter that I won’t fail him as I feel that I did with Jaxson in not being able to save Jaxson in the end. 😥 I have posted new slides of Potter #18 – #21 and I have updated his Potter’s Path page with pictures post-surgery from November 30th & December 8th, 2009. I am also going to post a couple of pictures below, so that people can truly see why BHRR exists and that every penny you donate goes right to the animals to allow us to continue to help these amazing creatures live a life they are deserving and have the right to live. I have BHRR’s Potter scheduled to go back to the Vet this Wednesday December 23rd just to see what he thinks as we head into the Holiday Season. As good as I feel about where things are slowly heading; I really would like to get my Vet’s view on Potter’s healing progress too. For the first time since he leg was amputated, I am feeling truly positive that Potter is finally on the right track.

November 30th, 2009 – 10 days post-amputation(staples added) & December 8th, 2009 – 18 days post-amputation(buttons added)

So much to update on BHRR’s Storm since her arrival! Thanks to all that have been so understanding with the loss of BHRR’s Jaxson, our Rescuemobile dying, Sean plus wee ones heading to N.B. and so I have been flying ‘solo’ since last weekend, collecting Auction funds; picking up and mailing Calendars, a last minute urgent to the USA with the hoarding case Danes and so, updates have taken a wee bit! I have just added two new pictures of BHRR’s Storm from December 8th, 2009, slides # 7 & #8. I picked up BHRR’s Storm from her temp fosters(THANKS so much again for everything you have done for her and us plus also to everyone that assisted in her transport to her temp foster home!) on Sunday November 29th in Lindsay, ON. The first thing she did was tell Tain who was boss and was pushing him around in the back seat when we were driving home and she and I had to have a wee bit of a chat. You could see from the look on her face that she seriously thought of ‘sassing’ me back big time and then she just gave me her ‘look'(OMG! I cannot wait for people to experience this look of hers! LOL) and settled down and all of us had a much more pleasant drive home! 😛 The thing I keep saying about these Danes that survive the things they have is that they have ‘personalities’ and spirit and I would not have it any other way. When we got home; the ‘tough love’ of Gwennie’s Boot Camp began. She was not thrilled about her first night in a crate and did not hesitate to tell me all night long about her feelings on that! Dana also had to make it very clear to Storm that she was most displeased to see Storm in ‘her’ crate(Dana is not crated other than to eat her food for she can eat quickly and will then try to grab others food while we are still laying down bowls for all the dogs) and went right up to it and shared a few words with Storm. Storm was most happy to share her own feelings back and ‘boom’ just like that; the two of them came to an understanding and all is great with both of their worlds now! LOL Storm clealy acknowledges Dana as the ‘leader’ female and Dana is very excited about having a new Dane to try and corrupt here with her mischievous teachings(like how to get into the food rubber maid bin and open doors! LOL). They have a very interesting silent communication plus understanding that goes on between them. They can just look at each other and the next thing you know; off they go together to ‘execute’ the plan(usually involves some sort of torment to another dog in teasing them or trying to get into the treat bin or taking the paper towel roll etc.) Storm’s immediate and closest of friends was BHRR’s Jaxson(which also put Dana’s nose out of joint for those two were very tight knit too!) and it was like watching two long lost siblings find each other. So, every morning; the two of them were given about half an hour to play outside and inside just them together. If BHRR’s Jaxson was not lost to us last weekend; I would have felt that these two needed to be adopted together; they became that close so fast. It is a rare thing at BHRR that we feel that two must go together and the last pair was BHRR’s Samari and BHRR’s Cletus; yet I felt strongly that Jaxson plus Storm were meant to be together and his loss; just crushed her. 😥 It took her almost 5 days to begin to eat even close to normal again. She spent hours upon hours just looking for him, wandering outside and crying for him. It was just so heartbreaking seeing her like that. As mentioned on our BHRR FB page, I feel that she is no more than 15 months of age; based upon her teeth, behavour and body condition. However; when I look at her another way(especially her hind end; she appears much more mature than that). When animals come in as strays, it can be hard to ‘age’ them and if they have lived tough/rough lives; they can appear much older than they are. I found a scar on her belly and believe it to have been an umbilical scar and the Vet that I saw on December 14th with her; concurs. When I brought her to the Vet on December 14th, we did her nails again and she ROCKED! She weighed 39.2 KGSs(86.24 pounds) and we are trying to find out why she is not gaining weight. I did not have her complete medical records on the previous testing she has had and unfortunately, have had some trouble in obtaining them yet hopefully, a copy shall arrive early next week. I am de-worming her with granule Panacur for the bw that we did on Monday came back with an elevated WBC and we are also wondering what the FNA results were that she had for that might also help us better understand some of her other test results. Her results clearly show that she is still battling something and we would like all findings of all tests previously done to evaluate and if we do repeat these tests; to compare too. There is definitely something going on(lack of weight gain, coat is dry etc.) and my Vet believes she is still battling some bacterial infection and we will repeat all tests as needed and do more. I am going to repeat the bw in another week+ time and the earliest we will even think of spaying her is not until she has put on another 10-15 pounds. When she is spayed, we will take a look at her uterus and that will better help us in answering if she has had a sizeable litter in her past. If her values improve, she is healing, if not; then back on either the same course of antibiotics she has been(Ceph plus Doxy) OR others; depending on several factors. We have also been discussing more invasive treatments with taps and biopsies if it comes down to it. The Vet and I also had a very long conversation about if she had a heat etc. When she arrived to BHRR; it was wondered if she could be pregnant for it was believed that she was in heat when she was picked up as a stray etc. Neither one of my intact boyz showed any interest in her(now, Bronson is completely oblivious still at the age of 2.5+ years of age but Tain, he is very ‘aware’ of girls and their smells since coming back from N.S with his handler in October). That would not be true if she had been in heat. We both believe that she could possibly have had one litter in the past yet from looking at her back teats; it could be probably that she has had a false pregnancy instead. It is hard to tell. We both believe that she definitely has had either a litter, a false pregnancy or at least one heat for she is ‘mature’ in her hind end and teats. Unless we did slides; we would not know for sure if she was what stage of heat or post heat etc. Neither one of us are convinced that she is pregnant for she would be at least Day 38 now(if we go by Day 1 being the day that she was found) gestation. At day 35, we can do a test for the hormone ‘relaxin’. At this time, it is not safe to spay her due to her body condition; so, if she is pregnant, we will have to ensure that Storm is as healthy as possible for she is a huge priority for me with her own welfare in addition to any puppies. Hopefully, the Vet and I are have the right feeling that she is not pregnant. There are absolutely no signs right now yet experience has taught us much with emaciated Great Danes and pregnancies in these rescues. When Storm first arrived to BHRR; she did not prove herself to be housebroken at all and that is understandable with all the bouncing around she did before coming here and that it is now freezing cold outside and she was found outside. She has not pooped in our house in sometime; YAY! yet she still has the occasional pee but we are seeing marked improvements! She eats and settles down really well in her crate now. She did not like being kennelled at the Hospital though on Monday and had a few choice words to say to us! She is very much another ‘KangaDane’ and we are working on the ‘no jump’. She is very affectionate and coming more and more out of her shell. Just a doll of a Dane, Storm is! She is quite eager to please and she is called the ‘social butterfly’ FOR she just loves loves loves every dog and person! She definitely has a fixation on the gpiggers though, not prey yet play and so, no small rodents for her to have as playmates.

L.J. AKA Jay as I am calling him for ‘short’ is now here! I have added two pictures; Slides #1 and #2 sent to me from December 18th, 2009. He has a gorgeous profile and is very similar of a German built Great Dane, a bit shorter and quite broad in comparision to the typical ‘American’ lines. He weighed about 125 pounds from his paperwork yet I would like to see that all in muscle. He will have a great exercise program here with our hills, trails and other dogs. Jay is a wee bit plump and quite out of shape plus seriously lacking muscle tone in his rump) and from looking at him, he has that wise/mature look of one that has seen and experienced much in his life. He does not appear to have any mobility issues and I will get my hands on him more thoroughly later to really examine him. His coat is very dry and flaky. I have begun to give him eggs/eggshells and we will hold off on a bath until a warmer day. He was sneezing upon presentation to BHRR and has an horrible infectious discharge from his nose that we were told about upon pick up today. I immediately put him on Cephalexin. He travelled well. Stood up a bit in the backseat and then settled down to lie most of the way home. He had some good snuffling of my hair and from his sounds, I think he liked my hair! LOL He is still slightly healing from his neuter and has two small areas(see Tain, Jay had no issues with a stranger touching his ‘twinkles’ or rather the remnants of what used to be his twinkles area!) that have had a mild reaction to the sutures. When Sean arrives home tomorrow(I have been flying solo since last weekend due to Sean plus wee ones heading to N.B. to visit his parents); I shall get a better look at his neuter site and I would like to get in his mouth etc. His nails are in pretty good shape in length and with regular trimming; will be nice and short to the foot in no time. He has an air of ‘aloofness’ about him yet I can also see ‘glimmers’ of a real affectionate boy. I know that he is able to bond quite quickly for when I went to get him today, he wanted to stay with his transporters. Already, he has made himself at home and jumped up on my counter with his front legs and and broke one glass. Gwennie’s Boot Camp is NOW in full session! He is quite talkative and even now when he went into his crate by himself; as I then closed the dog; he had a few things to say about that. 😉 He has seen Guinness and was indifferent and was quite interested in Potter’s incision and yet when Potter showed some interest in him, he was not overly accepting and grumped.  He clearly wants things on his own terms and we will be working on how the ‘sharing’ goes. It will be revealing to see how much of him is ‘bluff’ and ‘talk’ versus his true nature for after every ‘grump’ in his crate at another dog; he then makes a ‘whine’. Integration with Jay(L.J.) will be very slow so as to not ‘flood’ him and to also ensure that he is well aware of the house rules right from the beginning plus to keep all dogs safe. His crate was placed in the busiest part of the house; our sunroom(BHRR’s Jaxson’s crate) and he is going to see a lot of action yet when I noticed how infectious he was, I had to segregate him further away from all. When he jumped up on the counter and I told him ‘no’ and ‘get down’; he just looked at me, turned back to what he was doing and was prepared to do things when he wanted to do them. GOTTA love that steel and spirit he has!!!! I love personality plus filled dogs! He then found out that I was quite serious about getting down and then after he got down; he just sauntered off very deliberately as if to say ‘well, I was meaning to get down anyway!’ LOL OMG! I wonder how much play he has had in his life. He showed no signs of being interested in any toys that were out and about yet it has not been long for him here either. His leash manners are not great and with the chest on him; he can get quite the lower centre of gravity going. He did not lifted his leg here to pee initially yet then began to lift later on, another noteworthy sign of his personality and we shall see if that changes when he settles in; especially with three other intact males here right now(Windsor to be neutered when he is 6 months old and my laid back two show boyz). He likes to pee and walk at the same time though. He also has the pouting sounds down to a tee in his crate for as I am typing this; he is making sure that I am not forgetting that he is there. He has the nicest brown eyes and so full of deep emotions will update more later and if I forgot anything, will add it then. NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

Posted in Jay

I am meeting a Volunteer in Kingston tomorrow for 1:00 PM to pick up L.J. and bring him back to BHRR. I was also sent two pictures of L.J. and shall post them shortly.

Posted in Jay

P. Byrne

Hi there,
I know this may seem a little out of the blue but I wanted to email you to just say how appreciative I am that there is someone out there willing to devote their life to saving the lives of animals in need. I find the great dane or giant size dogs in general amazing and I have always wanted one. It makes me feel good that I know there is someone out there helping them when most people would rather help the smaller dogs because its “easier”. I would love to one day be able to devot my life to helping dogs like you have done. I also would like to help you in any way you may need. I do not have a lot of money, but I would love to devot my time. I have seen these play dates that you have posted and I wanted to further inquire about that. How do you become an approved volunteer home?
Also is there anything else you may need a volunteer for?

Patricia Byrne

H. & K. Penney, ON, CDA

I am so sorry about Jaxon and I hope with time you will feel better knowing his time with you had to be the best ever. You and your husband seem like wonderful people and I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that us coming over today wasn’t too much for you – if I had of known I would have happily rescheduled. Take good care of yourself – thank you for being so kind to us today considering the situation you were experiencing.


Some more information on L.J. who is currently being fostered by the Rescue Volunteer of another organization that contacted BHRR for assistance.

He was brought in to the MSPCA by the police – it was a drug raid. He has no history of aggression, and has been fine in my home with 2 rotties, a pittie and a cockapoo. He will socialize but has no reserve about letting the other dog know when he’s had enough – he’s not really a “rough housing” kinda guy. I also have two young children (5 and 12) and he has been fine – completely ignores him. He does food guard, and attempts to be dominant, but I was able to easily show him. I can honestly say he’s not the brightest dog I’ve ever met, but he’s laid back and go with the flow. He is also crate trained, house trained and I have him walking ok on lead, as long as you keep him close to you, or else he pulls. He is stubborn and unwillingly listens for a treat (you need to be persistant/consistant). He’s quite the character! 

Posted in Jay

A. Dan Rogers, ON, CDA









—> GOD BLESS ……… *** BIRCH / HEAVEN *** ………….


On December 10th, we were contacted to see if BHRR was in a position to assist one or two Great Danes in need. With the pending adoption of two Great Danes over the new while and with the devastating loss of BHRR’s Jaxson; we will be taking in one of these Great Danes as the other one might now have a ‘spot’ elsewhere. If not, BHRR will take her in too. She is currently located in Guelph, Ontario. We are told that L.J. is a black, male, 4 years of age, neutered, up-to-date on shots and though he appears to be somewhat dominant; appears quite laidback. The quote we have been given is ‘he can be a brat, but is workable and a pretty good boy’. 🙂 We have also been told that he is now exhibiting some sneezing and is otherwise healthy and that the sneezing will be looked into. He would be coming from the Oshawa, Ontario area and it looks like transport can be arranged by the person that contacted us for assistance as far as Belleville. The earliest that we could assist L.J. is Saturday December 19th, 2009. We have no pictures of L.J. and it truly does not matter for we assist the next one in need and not based up looks, colour, age, health etc.

Posted in Jay

I have found myself several times now tryng to find the words to write one of the most difficult things we ever do have to write on our blogs. Today, we lost BHRR’s Jaxson and I just want to scream in anger, frustration and sheer agony over the unfairness of why I could not save him NOR save all the dogs out in the world like Jaxson. Mostly, I am just sitting here in stunned silence with tears running down my face and sobs wracking my body from deep within over my ‘piece of heaven’ now being in heaven himself. I was not there at the time when Jaxson began to not act normal and Sean came to get me(I had been trying to have a bit of a rest as I have been working 24/7 between Rescue, Hospital and Soul plus Potter etc. for some time now) and in seeing Jaxson, there were no wounds, he had not bloated or appeared to have stroked and there was no ‘outside’ cause seen as to why he was being that way and and just over a hour later(around 12:30 PM today); BHRR’s Jaxson was crossed over. He weighed almost 40 KGs(88 pounds). BHRR’s Jaxson has touched lives from all over the world and he brought together complete strangers and took all of us along his incredible ‘Jaxson’s Journey’ and completely ‘stole us all to heaven’ as he went along and brought us so much laughter, smiles, inspiration, motivation, determination and joy. From the morning after he had his amputation surgery, Jaxson never looked back and he taught so many people so many valuable ‘life’ lessons including how to live life to its fullest, that glass is never half empty, and never let hurts in the past take away from having happiness in your present. Jaxson taught me that no matter how old you are; it is not only good yet ‘ok’ to sometimes giggle like a child carefree of worries and to run and be silly and to play like you might never have the opportunity to play that way again. BHRR’s Jaxson was so very special and his loss just catches me in a way that I feel like I just have been kicked so hard and cannot breathe and I am so frustrated that he is no longer here for me to give him more loving and wonderful experiences such as our GD Walk/Hike last Sunday(we were 16 people and a dozen+ dogs in attendance) where he proved himself to be as awesome as ever and I can no longer smooch those jowls or play tug-o-war or race around my hutch or have him kick my tush in hill work or walking or shaking my finger at him as he mischievously gnaws my seat-belt or crushes me with his exuberant jumping on to the bed to cuddle so happily with me that his whole body shook in contentment or his grabbing of his leash as he wants to play or the grabbing of other dogs leashes as he wants them also to be loose and playing or how fast that cute butt of his would hit the ground for a treat or when you called him and he then turned that cute butt of his to you and would look over his shoulder at you or that nonstop sheer blast of living tail wagging…or….or…or. I just miss him so much already and no words will ever be able to explain how much he meant to not just me but Sean and so many others. I know that I cannot speak for Sean’s feelings or others yet I think I can say for sure that on behalf of all of us that have met and touched and played and knew him that this world has lost something very incredibly precious. In time, we will re-open Jaxson’s Journey as an on going fundraiser that for any funds that come in; they shall be saved and used for other dogs that require leg amputations due to abuse, disease or injury. For now, I just want to ask everyone that tonight to please light a candle in honour of his bright flame of personality and if you are having a drink at a Holiday celebration, to toast in your heart the memory of a true one-of-kind boy.

I have added Slides #14-27 and below I am adding two pictures of BHRR’s Jaxson from our GD Hike/Walk that K. Watts has been so kind to allow us to post. I had also contacted Sue Bird, who was the photographer for the 2010 Calendar Contest hosted by Global Pet Foods – Kanata to request(she has been planning on sending me a digital disc of all photos) if at all possible to receive sooner the ‘classic’ pose candid shot of Jaxson looking over his shoulder at us. Thank you from our hearts again Sue for that is the photo that we would like for his memorial page. AND for those that are buying these fundraising Calendars in support of BHRR; know that your monies will go towards allowing BHRR to help the next ‘Jaxson’ in need of an amputation etc.

BHRR’s Jaxson – December 18th, 2008(approx.) – December 12th, 2009 – Photos coutesty of K. Watts 

BHRR’s Jaxson – November 14th, 2009 – Photo courtesy of Sue Bird

BHRR’s Jaxson – November 14th, 2009 – Photo courtesy of Sue Bird
RIP the most precious of angels, now in heaven… 😥

I am bringing BHRR’s Potter back to the Vet today. He is still not doing as well as we could hope. As of Friday, his leg swelled up and he now has about a 3″+ gaping hole on his stump. We continue with the antibiotics(Ceph plus Clavamox) and I will see what the Vet says in regards to his situation. He is still not eating nor drinking well. I will obtain a current weight on him today. Keep him in your thoughts. Sweet Potter’s Vet Bills are over $3,000 now and we will continue to help him fight this ‘good’ fight for he is having some really good days mixed in with his daily struggle to keep trying to heal and not slide downhill. He is still quite happy even though he is understandably more quiet than his old personality+ filled self and Potter’s one true joy right now is car rides. I take him everywhere I can for he just loves his car rides(still nervous of transports and shakes a bit)! He is quite upset when I leave to go to work and he cannot come.

The final total raised in the 2009 BHRR’s 2nd Annual Online Auction is $2,295.00! Sean and I are just blown away by the support shown and to everyone that has donated and/or cross-posted and/or bid etc. on this BHRR event, THANK YOU SO MUCH! In 2008, we had 52 items up for bidding($1,291.00 raised) and in 2009; we had 120 items and with your strong belief in what we do at BHRR; we can continue to help those animals in need of our programs. For those that have won something in this auction; you should have been contacted by now and if you did not receive your email of congrats with payment details, please email Gwen.

Gentle reminder that per the posted BHRR rules; payment was to have been received by ‘Gift’ Option via PayPal, Email Transfer or Cash within 48 hours of notification. It is the animals that will do without and be ‘affected’ the most by anyone that might choose not to be honourable with their winning bids. We had 1 winner for a total of $75.00 that defaulted on her bid, Betina Bouchard.

Due to the amount of time this is taking to sort out; the blogs of the BHRR animals remain un-updated.

M. Miller, ON, CDA

Hi Gwen,

I sent a cheque last week to help, albeit very minimally, with your vet bills. My heart breaks for Jaxson and Potter, but I know with your love and devotion he will be just fine. You and Sean are remarkable people. I just wish I lived closer so that I could visit sometime.

I am so happy that Mazda finally found her forever home.

I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and hope that you are able to have some family time to enjoy and get some R & R

Miss Abbi

Thank you all for your kind words of support for Ab – she’s just doing fantastic! What a girl she is 🙂
Thanks again and wishing everyone a happy holiday season


From Monday December 21st, 2009 to Monday January 4th, 2010 inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications. We do not adopt out around the Holiday season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol. We do not believe it is on the best interest of the animals in our program. During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.

H. Penney, ON, CDA

Keep up the awesome work – thanks for everything you are doing,