Abbi’s HWT came back negative. šŸ™‚ All of the dogs here are on Sentinel year round yet I like to do HWT at least once a year.

BHRR’s Mudslide had her annual last night and she weighed 35.8KGs(78.76 pounds). Amazing how her height is so much taller than her sister’s yet their weights are very comparable. When she is full grown, she should round out nicely between 90-95 pounds and look FANTASTIC! She was a huge hit last night and other than a couple of small ‘excitement’ pees; she was a model GD! Mudslide is also now greying about the muzzle like Abbi; yet Abbi began to grey a long time ago. Her leash manners are impeccable and she sat right on the scale like a true princess! This is one sweet girl that I am going to deeply miss when she is adopted! She also had a HWT and the test result came back today and she is negative!

BHRR’s Abbi was at the vet last night for her annual and she now weighs 34.0 KGs(74.8 pounds). I always said that if this girl made it to 80-85 pounds it would be a feat and she is looking FANTABULOUS at her current weight. I will post a new height on her shortly yet she has not grown much in height since my last posted height. She is so in proportion with a great personality to match! The tragic news is that she was attacked by a dog yesterday while we were out and I managed to get in and protect her as best as I could, yet she still ended up with one puncture wound on her left side. We shaved the area and cleaned it up and the Vet recommended putting her on Cephalexin, 1000mg twice a day and I have some at home should we feel it is needed. I am keeping it open and clean and it is healing well. With the recent number of our Giant Breeds having reactions to Cephalexin; it is not something I am keen on using if not necessary. She received all of her vaccines plus we did a HWT. Results of the HWT will be posted when they come in. Since she was grabbed; she was just terrified and for those that know Abbi; know that this is just not her. It took until almost the end of my work shift last night for her to feel more comfortable and to begin to wag her tail more like Abbi. I put her in a run for ‘quiet’ and ‘safe’ time for most of my work shift and just before the end of the night; she came out and was more like herself. She was taking treats from people, going up to everyone and getting her lovin’ and people could see that already she was coming out of the ‘trauma’ she experienced and getting back to herself. It is just so frustrating to do all things right with a dog and then to have them go through something like this and see them completely being set back. In time, she is going to be fine yet for a puppy that has never had a bad experience, is very outgoing and confident; seeing this happen to her; was very upsetting. Abbi actually did a submissive pee she was so scared. It just about broke my heart. Today, at home, she is a little more quiet than normal yet she ate well last night and again this AM and in time, she will be fine. Abbi has never met a dog that she has not liked and we will have to get back out there with socialisation etc. to ensure that she continues with this excellent personality trait. Even after being attacked; at the hospital; she was showing interest in other dogs and wagging her tail a bit, so that is very encouraging.

Lil Linus is recovering really well from his minor neuter complication with the assistance of the Clavamox. When people were here for our BHRR Mini-Open house on July 12th, some questioned as to whether he had been neutered or if only one testcile had been removed for that was how swollen he was on the one testicle. Poor thing……He has been an awesome trooper and I just have to get new pictures of him and the DBB girls posted. Life has been insane here with event planning. šŸ˜› At this time, we are still not sure if he is going to be up for adoption and will update as we can.

Mudslide has her annual appointment coming up on Wednesday July 30th and I cannot wait to see how much she weighs! She is super model like material right now with her long legs and I will have to also post a new height on her. She had a great time visiting with her DBB sister Jenni who was adopted at the end of March and was here for a visit at our July BHRR Mini-Open House. We really hope that her forever loving home comes by!

Abbi has her annual appointment coming up on Tuesday July 29th. I cannot wait to see how much she weighs and I will have to take a new height on her. She is still such a lovely petite package of energy and looks wonderfully proportional from head to tail. She was able to visit with her sister; Jenni who was adopted at the end of March when Jenni came to our BHRR Mini-Open House on July 12th. We keep hoping that her forever loving home shall come by!

Sean and I have spent a lot of time talking in depth about BHRR’s Mazda and what is truly in her best interests. I have also had many conversations with my BOD, other head’s of Rescue organizations that I respect/believe are highly reputable/quality in respect to how they handle long-term dogs in their programs etc. I have also had many an email from the public who have been closely following Mazda’s story and listening to their feedback about thought processes on her welfare. Bottom line is that everyone wants what is best for Mazda and that is our priority. What catches us up is that Mazda has no need of us as a BHRR Haven Dog for she is neither physically nor behavourally affected and there is no reason for her NOT to be adopted. As we have never been in this situation after 12+ years of operating in having such a healthy, normal and behavourally/physically sound animal still in our program after this length of time; this is unchartered waters for us. Do we love Mazda, of course we do! Yet, we are very much aware that she would do best in a home of her own to continue to flourish and have the strong foundations that we have given her built upon. This being said; SeanĀ & I have after much talk including all my conversations/emails with numerous others; we are going to keep Mazda up for adoption. To say that we do have mixed feelings about this is putting it lightly yet we must continue to think about what we truly feel is in Mazda’s best interests and what BHRR is all about and the mandates/rationale behind having a BHRR Haven Dog program and we do not believe that it is meant for dogs that are perfectly well adjusted, normal and healthy yet just have not had their right forever loving homes come by yet. We do not wish to ‘keep’ a dog back just because the timing has not been right for Mazda. We pride ourselves on our patience and in not rushing adoptions and I do not think that a time limit should be opposed on any animal in this situation in our program. She is not at any risk of euthanasia so we do not operate under that type of time restraints and unless we make a ‘personal’ decision to truly take her on completely as our own; to keep her as a BHRR Haven dog does not seem to align with what our BHRR Haven dog program is about. Are they grey areas; of course; yet I think that we must pull ourselves more emotionally away from Mazda’s situation and really look at the bigger picture her and what we truly feel is right for her and make that best end of day decision for her without the emotionally charged feelings(to be more objective). To keep her as a BHRR Haven dog because that right home has not yet discovered her; could be holding her back from what should be rightfully hers. Are we torn, we sure are as we adore Mazda yet the more that I have objectively tried to handle this with all the input that has been sent my way; Sean & I feel strongly that Mazda should remain ‘UP FOR ADOPTION’ at this time. We will re-visit things later and we are well aware that Mazda could wonderfully live out her years here having fun pushing KB/JB off the bedĀ :-P, racing to see who gets theĀ ‘prime’ real estate spot on the bed first(GOSH! She loves this game!)Ā and bulldozering in her playful manner around the home/yard with complete happiness but it is an intangible that speaks to me at this time that it is felt that she could be JUST that much more happy and content in a place of her own. I am also well aware that not everyone will agree with our positioning at this time and I do understand for I have some of those exact thoughts myself yet if you have ever met Mazda; you would see that we have given her what she needed, when she needed it and now she is ready to TAKE on that big world with a family of her own and continue to blossom; thanking us for giving her a helping hand yet ready to show others what an asset she is to their own homeĀ plus community, sharing with them the gifts that only she can offer.Ā I find it almost hard to explain what it is when I look into her eyes and ‘feel’ from her. I just sometimes feel that by keeping her here in our BHRR Haven program(which is very much continue to love her as one of our own); she thinks we may have ‘given’ up on her and that is not the case. We will adore Mazda whether she is here one more month or 100 more months; that is one thing that is certain. If I ever felt that she needed to be part of our Haven program; there would be no question or if she was telling us that we are that right forever matched home(which = our BHRR Haven Program in love/care); than she would be staying; but I do not 100% believe that we are there yet. Maybe in X amount of time and if that day comes; I know that Mazda will be the first to tell us. She most certainly does not act like a guest in our house NOR is she treated that way(no dog is here) that is for sure and she is so close with Cherokee and KB/JB but I think she is waiting for something else to help make her complete and we will wait patiently with her…….I thank every single person who has emailed, called, written their thoughts and views on Mazda and it is very much appreciated to have Mazda’s welbeing so well thought about. šŸ™‚ I just do not wish to make a terrible mistake in ‘keeping’ Mazda when maybe we should not and in the end failing her in some way. šŸ™ Sometimes, I wish life were not so complicated! We will continue to keep her blog updated.

Lil Linus’s incision had healed wonderfully from his neuter UNTIL today…..he came in from outside and he was bleeding fairly profusely and it was running down his legs. I check the incision site twice a day and this AM(and the Vet that saw him tonight agreed; he is all but healed); it was looking lovely. The one thing that Lil Linus has had is a lot of is swelling thoughout his whole healing process that has now spread up into the sheath. Not to be overly graphic yet it looked like he had one enlarged testicle with very little bruising, just swelling. I brought him into work with me today and the Vet took a look at him and thought it was most strange, an almost completely healed incision and this dripping. It is like the swelling built up and burst through a little spot and while it was not infection; the poor boy has got to be uncomfortable. Lil Linus gets the HUGE amazing dog award for he sat when asked, lied down when asked and provided no resistance; just trust in lying on his side while the Vet examined and poked/prodded him. I was so proud of him!!!!! I keep saying how far he has come and this was just another testament to the wonderful boy he really is. The Vet felt that icing might be ok when I asked about hot compresses as I was wondering if it might not be better to encourage the drainage. The Vet felt that as it was not infection that was coming out; that icing might be more effective. I am not sure how well Lil Linus is going to take to the icing of his privates though!!! We discussed antibotics and I make a joke(that did not seem to be caught by those listening…LOL) about hey, do we try cephalexin for we all know how effective that has been on my dogs of late. The Vet took me seriously and said ‘well, this is not a skin infection; the problem lies deep down; so we would not use cephalexin.’ šŸ˜› Needless to say, Lil Linus is on 2 tablets of Clavamox 375 mg every 12 hours for a week. We will see if that works. We are back using the Deramaxx for pain for him for the next 5 days too. The vet just thinks it is so odd to be almost completely healed on the outside and yet have this swelling etc. and draining coming from the inside. Lil Linus’s weight was 51.4 KGS(113.08 pounds) and he is not quite 7 months old yet. Linus LOVED the trip through Timmie’s and McDonalds on the way home and my windows are proof of all his slobbery excitement over the treaties given to him! LOL I have more pics to upload and hopefully, I can get that done soon……