BHRR’s Abbi was at the vet last night for her annual and she now weighs 34.0 KGs(74.8 pounds). I always said that if this girl made it to 80-85 pounds it would be a feat and she is looking FANTABULOUS at her current weight. I will post a new height on her shortly yet she has not grown much in height since my last posted height. She is so in proportion with a great personality to match! The tragic news is that she was attacked by a dog yesterday while we were out and I managed to get in and protect her as best as I could, yet she still ended up with one puncture wound on her left side. We shaved the area and cleaned it up and the Vet recommended putting her on Cephalexin, 1000mg twice a day and I have some at home should we feel it is needed. I am keeping it open and clean and it is healing well. With the recent number of our Giant Breeds having reactions to Cephalexin; it is not something I am keen on using if not necessary. She received all of her vaccines plus we did a HWT. Results of the HWT will be posted when they come in. Since she was grabbed; she was just terrified and for those that know Abbi; know that this is just not her. It took until almost the end of my work shift last night for her to feel more comfortable and to begin to wag her tail more like Abbi. I put her in a run for ‘quiet’ and ‘safe’ time for most of my work shift and just before the end of the night; she came out and was more like herself. She was taking treats from people, going up to everyone and getting her lovin’ and people could see that already she was coming out of the ‘trauma’ she experienced and getting back to herself. It is just so frustrating to do all things right with a dog and then to have them go through something like this and see them completely being set back. In time, she is going to be fine yet for a puppy that has never had a bad experience, is very outgoing and confident; seeing this happen to her; was very upsetting. Abbi actually did a submissive pee she was so scared. It just about broke my heart. Today, at home, she is a little more quiet than normal yet she ate well last night and again this AM and in time, she will be fine. Abbi has never met a dog that she has not liked and we will have to get back out there with socialisation etc. to ensure that she continues with this excellent personality trait. Even after being attacked; at the hospital; she was showing interest in other dogs and wagging her tail a bit, so that is very encouraging.