I was not able to participate in Bronson’s show in Kitchener as Sean called to say that KB/JB(our Dane that had emergency surgery back in April and had enteronomies, gastronomies(re-sectioning of stomach and 8″ of intestine removed; so bloat has been a concern) began to fill up with gas. I packed up and drove the 5+ hours home. Advised Sean to give Gas X, Zantac and Famotidine and walk KB/JB. Put Hospitals on alert just in case and the poop that this dog passed was unbelievable. HUGE KUDOS to Sean for being calm and proactive.

Alisa Hart

I read the updates that you have done with Mazda, and I just wanted to thank you. I think that you are doing a wonderful thing. I appreciate the adoption process that you have in place, and really appreciate that you have that. To many people choose to have a animal as a status symbol, rather then a family member. Please do not make any changes to it, though if only to better it. I worked with the Humane society, and saw to many people picking up the wrong kind of dog, cat etc.. and for them to only come back, for lack of understanding the personality, and the needs of their adoption. So just in case you do not hear it enough, I think that you are doing a wonderful thing, and its people such as yourself and your husband, that truly make it a beautiful place for the animals that have no voice of their own. Thank you very much, from the bottom of my heart, and the hearts of rescue animals around the world.

J. Bethune, ON, CDA

I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful hospitality!! It was so great to meet everyone. I was in absolute heaven with all those Danes around!!!!! It was especially nice to meet LT in person. He’s such a sweetie! I just love him even more now that I’ve met him. I often go and look at the pics of him when he was first rescued. You have done such an AMAZING job! I really, really enjoyed my visit. You are such a wealth of information!!

Some new pics of Mudslide below! Thanks to a anonymous donation; she and her DBB sisters are sporting new collars and having a blast trying to take them off! LOL

HUGE HUGE HUGE breakthrough! I almost want to yell from the top of the roofs on this one! When I walked into the bedroom late last week; LT was on the bed and he stayed there; rolled on his side and happily allowed me to touch, cuddle and pet him and when I then went to lie down myself; he was confident enough to worm his way in between Dyce, Soul, Bronson and Maggi to get his own spot on my lap. WOOHOO! YIPPPEEEE! He just flopped on his side, stretched out long and hung out with me for a few minutes before he got up and went back to his safe spot of his open crate. WHAT a moment! NOW, this is what it is all about! SUCCESS! LT is great for staying on the bed with the kids but he tends to hop off when adults walk into the room and after this fantastic experience; I continue to be hopeful; that he will learn that it is OK!!!!!! to stay put. What a great night that was. Another one of LT’s favourite activities is ‘rip the collar’s’ off the dogs with Soul…sigh….we have gone through more collars!