BHRR’s Colt!

It is time….time to make the drive to see if this is your right matched personality fit Approved adoptive home…..

As many may not be aware, his home-visit was rescheduled from Wednesday due to the extreme white out & ice conditons that hit our area.

What many others may not know is that it is not just my area yet many outlying areas that have been tragically and dangerously affected by all of the rain and thaw and yet more rain, including freezing rain creating terrible icy conditions.

It is not just humans that are being injured. Livestock have been lost and many animals are suffering injuries, quite a few serious, including death.

We are in a huge salt plus sand shortage in my neck of the woods and our home has been using straw and our great fall back has always been kibble. So, today, over many hours with our spikes on, we laid out yet another 700+ pounds of kibble on our drive plus laneway – almost 1 km long.

We have been paying for out of our pockets and stocking up on kibble to work to make things much safer here. Straw for the fenced in areas to help with their own safety.

To all of our neighbours, friends and family who are suffering the same horrible conditions, please know we are here to lend a hand.

We will update as we can re: BHRR’s Colt’s home-visit and a possible Approved adoption.