BHRR’s Coupe(NewfX)

Post-op incision site

I also pexied him at the same time.

He had a brutal foreign body – two large pieces of material – is it stuffie, blanket, who knows what – yet, they were connected together throughout his colon and lower intestines by a very long thread – that was what the ultrasound was picking up as being bunched up loops in his intestines as possible masses.
*picture of one of the pieces below*

He had a stomach tube placed in during his surgery to remove all of the nasty stomach contents as his stomach motility had come to a stand still.

We remain incredibly touched by all of the well wishes sent his way and equally touched by all of the life saving donations sent to date towards his ever mounting Vet bills.

I was paid today and put down another $500 on to his account and right now, we have covered just under 50% of this surgery. It will easily be over $3,000 between the surgery/critical care. He was on his third day/night at EVC today, 2nd night post op.

If anyone may consider even $5 to his cause, you can donate direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to

OR via Email Transfer to

We are continuing to work on fundraising options for him and are immensely humbled by all support shown!

We are now getting in touch with his ortho specialist, Dr. Philibert to obtain his own professional thoughts for on February 21st, BHRR’s Coupe was to have his bone debridement surgery along with removal of the anconeal process and elbow arthroscopy to assess the rest of the joint.

Dr. Philibert shall not have another opening to around June and it breaks our hearts to have to see BHRR’s Coupe wait yet, if that is what is in his best interest, it is what we shall do.