So Mr. Ernie(what we are calling the DDB to keep with our Lion King theme), was pulled early this AM & being boarded until we can get him.
The fear from the rescue angel who contacted us to see if we could help is that he would still be gassed and gassed early. Apparently, this pound has euthanised earlier than their deadlines and even with commitment.
So, he was busted out! This is him!  Such a sweet boy! I am very jealous of you, Megan, for fostering this gem! He is going to be such a joy
We are wondering if anyone may consider donating to help us with boarding fees as we work on figuring out when/how to get him.
Donations can be made via PayPal or via email transfer to
Thank you to Leanne & Cameron for offering to be his special SS & thank you to all for considering his cause to support. 

We will follow our Lion King theme as we have done with previous DDBs we have assisted and call him “Ernie”. This is after Ernie Sabella, the voice of Pumbaa in The Lion King.

BHRR’s Jack(Blind/Severely Hearing Impaired) – one of our Three’s Company dogs.

We had to do two separate eye enucleation surgeries, and he has thrived!

AND as always, foster failures are the best kind of failures! 

He has an older dog sister, Phoebe, cats, and rabbits to call family in addition to his wonderful humans.

This home has fostered quite a few amazing dogs for us over the years including, but not limited to BHRR’s Olive, BHRR’s Penelope, BHRR’s Walter & BHRR’s Simon. BHRR’s Jack is their first foster failure, and he is going to make a truly incredible permanent addition to their home.

Home visits like this are really lovely ones to do!

We are really excited for the fantabulous future he shall have!

You keep showing the world Mr. Jack how awesome and normal you really are! 

Thank you Janie once again for helping to do this HV with me! 


Male DDB(French Mastiff). About 2 years of age.
He was picked up as a stray.
Said to be so super sweet and gentle, and great with people.
What we have also been told:
‘He is at the gassing pound and came in as a stray. He has hip issues, some smaller masses, allergies, eye infections, and entropion in both eyes. Ear infections.’
We were contacted today about him. However, I did see the op on him yesterday. The kind Angel trying hard to save him put him under a ‘tentative safe’ status as they wanted to reach out to us.
He was at high risk of being put to sleep. 
As a special needs rescue, we would address his medical issues. We just needed a soft, safe foster spot for him to land….
*I have asked about: dog and cat interactions, and we are waiting on a video. There has not been any concern noted to date, though.

BHRR’s Pentu
She is adoption #439 for BHRR.
Each and every time I have seen Miss Pentu, she has been healthier, stronger, more confident, more social, more affectionate, more goofy, more happy, and I am so proud of her & of her foster mama!
She has always been brilliant and quite balanced, yet she was sometimes unsure in new circumstances, and while she still has moments when she is not quite ready to charge in, she moves forward with minimal hesitation and is ready for adventure. 
Fostering is hard on our hearts and souls, yet the reward of seeing a dog being set up for success is a feeling like no other.
The immense gratitude and thanks I have fills my heart to the brim with all that her foster mama/BHRR’s Simon did for Miss Pentu – and for us. She was in excellent hands.
Miss Pentu, I am so excited for your future and cannot wait for all of the next beautiful chapters of your life to unfold!
To your foster mama – once again, you did a magnificent job with her!
The tears are bittersweet as always as another deserving dog is adopted – this time for a gorgeous 16-month-old Standard Poodle/Bernese Mountain DogX named Miss Pentu. She was our first intake of 2023 (February 26th) & the first foster for this home, and what a wonderful journey they have had together! 
Miss Pentu now has a cat sibling and chickens plus a human brother who still lives at home, not to mention two forever-loving adoptive adults to now call family.
From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent.

Tonight is the night! 
The home visit to see if this is the right matched forever loving adoptive home for Miss Pentu.
She is our Standard Poodle/Bernese Mountain DogX.
Her foster home has been nothing short of incredible, and we have been filled with so much gratitude. 
We will update as we can….

My last post of my night.
How I know Miss Lilly(deaf/visually impaired GD) is feeling a lot better….she is back to sleeping with her leg over her head. It makes my heart feel so good! 
Miss Lilly still needs a special Secret Santa angel of her very own. Tomorrow, we shall post all of the doggies that are still in need.
From our home to all of our friends, family, and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!

My ‘work’ supervisor and companion as I work on my computer on two applications tonight.
Miss Lilly (Deaf and Visually Impaired GD) is holding her own… 
We still do not know what her diagnosis is, yet we are taking it day by day. The specialists as do I suspect cancer, yet nothing concrete.
She is eating better, becoming more playful, and back to ‘chomping’ at the water as it comes from the tap. 
While she is not running with abandonment in the yard with her friends, she is way more energetic and back to being a bit bossy in asking for affection. 
We have had $100 generously donated to date for her outstanding vet bills, and I remain deeply humbled to have received such generousity. I am slowly working on paying off the rest with each paycheck.

**UPDATE: $100 generously donated to date**
**$404 raised through Carol’s pop-up auctions**
Total Raised To Date: $504

BHRR’s Leah – when she first arrived in our care.

Miss Leah arrived to BHRR’s care on Saturday.

We immediately had her vetted at my Hospital, EVC.
Her weight was ~46 kgs(101.2 pounds). She is skinny. Quite. I would like to see her closer to 112-115 pounds with better weight and muscle mass. She was a bit wiggly on the scale.
She is excellent with all humans!
She needs manners – not her fault. She will receive structure, consistency, and routine now.
She was indifferent to the clinic cat – she lived with a cat/dogs & she was overstimulated by most of the dogs she saw. She was wanting to see them!
Considering that she was in a pound for almost 6 weeks, travelled for 6 hours, and went to the vet, her being overstimulated was perfectly fine.
She is a smaller yet extremely well-proportioned, heavily marked fawn mantle Great Dane. Her headpiece alone tells me that there are some great lines in her pedigree somewhere.
I wish she had a chip, maybe we could have done some investigating. I have reached out to quite a few of my show mentor contacts anyway…just to see.
Once a dog is backyard-bred, one of the first things lost is headpiece. Her headpiece is lovely. She may well have been bred by a r/q show breeder and ended up in the wrong hands. Yet, most r/q show breeder’s microchip. Of course, there was no contract handed over with her, when she was dumped at the pound.
She is now microchipped to us, and shall always have us on her side!
I can confirm that I do believe her age to be perhaps a wee bit older than 18 months, yet no more than 2. She has had a very tough life to date, and that also may make her look a smidge older. She was kept outdoors, and never had her nails trimmed, per what we have been told. We had them done when she was spayed.
She also has the masking gene which as a Great Dane throws people off, and they think the dog is much older. This is, as stated many times over the years a genetic thing just as in humans. Premature greying is very common.
Her spay was on October 26th, and her incision has healed well, so we took out her staples.
She was healthy enough for her booster of DHPP – we did rabies while she was in the shelter on October 26th.
We also gave her Lepto, Lyme, and Bordetella per our protocols. We do not cut corners.
I wanted Nexgard for fleas/ticks and Interceptor Plus for heartworm preventative, and as an excellent de-wormer yet her size of flea/tick was not in stock. So, we went with Nexgard Spectra, which will cover fleas/ticks/heartworm/hw plus is a great de-wormer.
My biggest concern is her many mammary masses, one large area in particular – I nor her Vet do not like the feel. We have seen our share of extremely bad cases.
I also noted that she has a very enlarged lymph node on one side of her neck – right, the other is only slightly enlarged at this time. Her teeth look wonderful so it is not from a notable tooth issue. Her vet confirmed my findings. The enlarged one is on the same side as the largest mammary mass.
The plan right now is to get in better shape, allow her to decompress over this next month, and when she comes back – do the bloodwork I wanted to do, including for tickborne diseases and heartworm exposure. Then to also re-visit her mammary masses – she had a litter not all that long ago, and with the overbreeding, her mammaries are quite large. Poor thing. Babies should not be having babies.
The plan is to then schedule her to take biopsies. It would not be the safest to put her under anesthesia right now.
Her skin infection is clearing up nicely, and the fosters will monitor an inflamed area on one of her feet. It could be from the kennel or she is developing a behavioural issue with licking to self-soothe.
One of her nostrils has a minor almost abrasion, which is not concerning as she was in a kennel for nearly 6 weeks or could have scraped it on the transport to us.
She is also still in need of a special Secret Santa to call her very own! 
She is in need of an XL Costco dog bed, and treats, and I already bought her two wiggle bumz collars. The foster now has them.
Her bills on Saturday were just under $400, and I have already spent almost $400 when she was at the shelter for vet care.
I have her on a fish-based food as her colour can be prone to food allergies, seasonal and/or environmental allergies. It will really help her skin and coat.
If you may consider being a special Secret Santa for her or making a donation to her care – PayPal or email transfer to – please do email us –
Thanks in advance for any consideration, and we will post updates as soon as we can.

She is on her way! She began her travels this AM.
The foster home should have her soon & I am meeting them at work for her to be vetted.
I hear she is super sweet, really adorable, nervous, and a bit confused.
I also hear that she is really strong – that lack of training.
Cannot wait to meet her!

Miss Pentu is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!
We shall update as soon as we can.