BHRR’s Everest
What an amazing puppy he is!
The best kind of failure as we say is a foster failure!
Still not convinced he is a Pyr/Maremma, especially with his coat type yet he is ? loved & shall be properly taken care of for life, and that is what is most important!
He has a ‘big’ cat sister, and a golden doggie sister as part of his forever-loving adoptive family.
We are so excited to see how his future develops, as his potential is immense.
Congratulations to all! 


Bouvier(could be a X)
*All Vet paperwork, dog health passport, and shelter documentation state Bouvier. Found one tiny notation by O. on a piece of paperwork that stated could be mixed with Toy PoodleX*

Health Status: HEALTHY!

Age: ~1 year– Born: April 24th, 2022

Weight: ~ 95 pounds. His last weight was May 10th, 2023, @ 85.8 pounds. We want to keep him lean/muscled and fit. Becoming fat is NOT in his or any dog’s best interest.

Some information from his wonderful foster mama:

“Knox has been a wonderful foster. He has seamlessly integrated into our routine, it feels like he has been here all along. Knox is eager to please and learn. Since being with us, he has learned to sit, lie down and shake a paw. He has also learned to sit and wait until we tell him “ok” for his meals and at the door. He is comfortable in his crate and clean in the house. While he has never counter-surfed, he is counter-height, so he will poke around occasionally to see what’s there. After walks, we have made a routine of wiping his paws. So, he now offers his paws after a walk for us to wipe them. My mum has always brushed our dog’s teeth, and Knox is no exception. He enjoys this 2-3x a week.  He allows us to brush him daily, and the groomer said he was great during his groom.

He enjoys his minimum 3x daily walks plus off-leash time. We walk around the neighbourhood and utilize the local trail systems. He has proven people-friendly for the most part. Since being with us, he has only encountered a few men he was unsure of. They were eager to meet him and/or wearing sunglasses and hats, which made Knox nervous. With some calming words and slower introductions with the same people, Knox settled and was accepting of their presence. Knox has proven dog friendly and has a close group of dog friends. He sees them nearly on a daily basis and they are of varying breeds and sizes. He is usually the biggest of the group. He plays well with his friends and when has had enough play, he will go off on his own to decompress and rejoin play when he is ready. Knox’s recall is pretty good. Many people who have met Knox comment on how well-behaved he is. 

Knox has also enjoyed going to the cottage with us as well as the beaches at Sandbanks Provincial Park. He has discovered water, and while we don’t know if he likes swimming, he enjoys laying in the shallow water to cool down and drink from.

He has shown many positives, and we continue to work with his excitement to moving vehicles. He has immensely improved in this area! He tends to fixate and lunge toward oncoming vehicles. He’s great on leash during quieter times, such as during his morning walk; however, evening walks can be tough as there are more people on the road. This will continue to be a work in progress. This being said, he is great in the car, and he has not shown to be reactive of the moving vehicles while riding in the car.


Type of Home Ideal For Mr. Knox: He is brilliant and needs a solid structure. He interacts well with people/dogs she meets, and we hope for a quiet, socially low-active level home. A residence that, while visiting family plus friends and having people over, does not host frequent BBQs or gatherings of large groups. We do not want to see him in a home with a high level of travel, with other people taking care of him. She is loyal and loves his people, and we want him to be part of the family if they go camping, go to the cottage, or do other fun travels. He is social and needs a home that is like him. One that shall not overwhelm him. He would adore cottage life or hang out at home with his family. Visiting friends, family, pet stores, and pet-friendly places is excellent too. We want a quietly active home for Mr. Knox. He is happy, healthy, and a joy!

He MUST go to a home that will continue to work on exposing him to new, fun, and beautiful things in the world. Time, patience, and effort have gone into having him be comfortable in his skin, to not only like yet love his own company. We are not advocates of dog parks. Many private properties rent out space for acreage rentals so that he can enjoy a controlled environment to run and zoom in.

We want him to look forward to the next adventures plus experiences. he needs a home that will give her new positive and great safe, memorable experiences along with structure, consisteny, plus patience. If you are a home that likes to take infrequent walks/hikes/strolls, Mr. Knox is not for you…he is a healthy dog and needs to be kept emotionally and physically stimulated. He would make a great companion to get out into nature, explore, and enjoy the beach and other exciting adventures! He is also a great companion when watching movies or curled up with a good book.

A home that understands and shall continue to help him learn about this big fantastic world that we live in. We want him to live a quality-filled, enriched life. He is being fostered in a lovely home in the Aurora area yet can equally live comfortably in the city or country.

We want him to be happy and to live his best life every day. We want him to reach his full incredible potential!

He is another versatile BHRR dog! He can be in a home that works ft; pt works from home, is semi-retired or retired, etc. He will ONLY go to a home prepared to ensure he receives the balance he requires with proper exercise, socialisation, etc.

He does need to go to a dog-experienced home, yet not specifically a Bouvier-specific experienced home. The home must be committed to his obedience, structure, and consistency, and to be patient, kind, and understanding, and while not hermits, they are not doing a hundred things each day or weekly, or monthly. We want him to be treated as a beloved member in a right-matched forever-loving home. We want him to be an invaluable member of hid forever-loving adoptive home! He needs that right positive balance between patience, ‘tough’ love, calming assuring, and passively ignoring.

He is fed in a quiet place and knows that he will be fed enough food on time and that no one will take her away.

He loves home and his friends.

Personality/Temperament: Super loving, affectionate, calm, happy sweet; he loves to get outside to romp and run and is a delightful, playful pup! He needs to be emotionally/physically properly stimulated, social, active, gentle, plus kind. He thrives with consistency, structure, routine, and clear open communication to understand precisely what is expected of him. He is an active, healthy puppy!

Previous Dog Experience: Previous Dog experience is required per the above, and he needs a home that is going to be committed to his wellbeing and make the small adjustments required as he is still a puppy, still learning, and still mentally plus physically growing. He sleeps well, and ideally, while we would like to see him in a home with at least one right-matched personality-fit dog, it is not a deal breaker. He absolutely needs a strong doggie friend network in the community, though. That is so important. We have friends; he needs friends too. He has enjoyed making new canine friends. 

Good With Cats: Unknown.

Good with Pocket Pets: Unknown

Good with Children: We feel that any right-matched personality fit home for Mr. Knox should not have small or young children. We will consider homes with children 14 and older and no more than two children in the home.

Grooming: He needs regular grooming to keep his coat healthy and look his best. Regular grooming includes nails and ears. We have also had him professionally groomed during his time in rescue.

Car: He travels well in the car.

Housebroken/crate Trained: He is housebroken and crate trained. We never recommend giving any new addition too much freedom to start. It can be very overwhelming plus too stimulating for them.

Obedience: He requires a home that will be consistent and dedicated to continuing to help him become the best dog he can be. His potential is enormous! As per our adoption contract, a full round of group obedience is required with all of our dogs. This is not about having a dog that ‘listens.’ This is about creating a strong and mutually respectful bonding relationship. Trust and respect work both ways.

Activities Suited For Her: She would excel in obedience work. Great companion at home, a great companion for camping, cottaging, hikes, and exploring new things! He has a lot of personality!

Loves & Bad Habits:  Like any dog, he is not perfect. He is perfect in all of his imperfections, though! NOT to mention handsome. He still has some excitement issues when encountering cars on walks, mostly at night.

Anxieties/Worries: It is integral that the right-matched personality fit home and does not spend 24/7 with him. During this pandemic and even before it, we still need groceries; we should still go out and do errands; we should still get in our cars and go for a small drive to go somewhere to do something! Time has been spent having him learn to not only like yet enjoy his own company. As we need our alone time, he must do too. He is a solid and stable dog; we do not want any SA behaviours to develop.

As we have stated for over 27 years now, we will NEVER rush any dogs’ rehabilitation journey, we do not flip dogs, and we are not desperate to adopt them out.

We will always place up for adoption the dogs that can be adopted and safe haven all others that cannot be placed up for adoption due to medical and/or behavioural reasons.

We do not take in hundreds of dogs yearly; we only took in 18 dogs in 2022 as it is about helping the next in need of us, giving them top-quality care, and not about taking in numbers. In 2023, we have ONLY taken in 4 dogs to date.

After 27+ years, we know that we cannot please everyone, which means that BHRR is not the rescue to be followed, supported, and believed in by everyone. We remain small plus mighty, and as we go through this next transitional stage for BHRR, we shall continue to operate with a zero-tolerance approach, providing and beyond care to the animals.

Our mandates have never changed and will remain the same as long as we are around; the animals shall always be done right by as our priority.

Our adoption success rates remain second to no other group – 100% for over ten years of operating, and now 99% as we go through year 27, and we are excited as we go through this slow transition for BHRR!

You have done a THUMBS up job, as has your amazing foster home, Mr. Knox, and we are thrilled you are making your special announcement!