Update as promised.
Fecal smear – tons of rods, some cocci – should be more balanced for bacteria, so an overload of rods and not enough normal range cocci – waiting to hear back for parasitology for things like Giardia and Coccidia. She was de-wormed with strongid in Egypt.
She has been de-wormed again here.
UA – lots of struvite crystals, some WBC’s – all dogs should have some struvite crystals, she has an overabundance.
Very concentrated urine – >1.050.
Eye and ear infections, heart murmur.
Donations can continue to be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
She is just not eating nor drinking enough on her own and the last weight we took was 42.2 kgs(92.84 pounds).

This happened today!
BHRR’s Mr. Percival was ADOPTED!
What a long journey this has been for all of us and he is now with his forever loving adoptive home.
We remain so strong that every BHRR animal needs to be placed into their right matched personality fit home. We took some negative hits from a few re: this possible approved adoption – distance and time thanks to COVID – and we worked to stay true to what was in BHRR’s Percy’s best interest.
COVID kept trying its best to keep delaying what was meant to be…..
Then, the long exciting anticipated visit had to be postponed from August 7th, yet today magic did happen. 
Mr. Percival and this home have waited a very long time to meet in person and though, I could not be there, Sean Boers thank you for helping to make this happen.
Percy, you deserve all the best in the world.
Your life before rescue was one of darkness and pain.
Our promises to you and this shall remain true now that you are adopted are that you shall never suffer from neglectful or hurtful hands again, you will receive the best food, the best medical care so that your skin plus body never suffer once more.
You will never know anything other than the softest of beds, the kindest touches of love, the spoiling of treats, toys, beds, and the soothing balm of caring words to continue to heal your heart plus soul. You shall have space and property to run and play to your heart’s content. You will have visits and grand adventures to continue to show you that the world is far more amazing than cruel.
This home will keep showing you that you can trust and that you are safe.
You are adored by so many that came together to assist us in saving you….and we have added another WOW human family into the BHRR fold!
My eyes sure are leaking today….darn allergies! 

A copy of her two x-rays.

As much as I wanted to post a positive update re: BHRR’s Jamila, this is not possible.
When I picked her up yesterday, she was quiet and after getting her home, she remained quite quiet. I had been made aware that she was not eating and this meant that she had not eaten since she left Egypt on Friday.
While she had been drinking with her lovely overnight foster, she was not drinking at our place, and with these extreme temps, this was concerning. She did at least urinate and had one bm with her overnight foster, yet nothing since.
To all that have seen this Dane since her arrival to Canada, they would say that she was a ‘hot mess’. From her eyes – left one, in particular, is quite swollen and has a discharge and they are both white-coated, to the condition of her coat – she has fur missing on her tail, etc., her fur is stained, she has terrible callouses and scars, her ears were still bothering her – we were able to get them addressed in Egypt and they still require further attention – not to mention the lumps that she had.
We addressed all that we were informed was possible in Egypt and the plan was to address everything else, including a mature spay upon her arrival to Canada.
Yesterday, in doing an assessment, her temp was well over 40 and she became quite flat.
We went to emerge and then today, she was admitted again, this time to the Hospital I work at where she remained on fluids for dehydration, we gave her a cerenia injection, we did 2 x-rays, we did another CBC and a comprehensive blood panel. We also attempted to fine needle biopsy two of her lumps – very little material was able to be extracted due to how hard the lumps were. Some debris plus squamous cells were seen and the next course of action, and as planned is to have them removed at the time of her mature spay. We will send them off to pathology.
This poor girl has been bred many times over too. Her poor vulva and mammary glands/chain.
Pancreatitis was ruled out as was pyometra. The Vet mentioned an odd ‘boney structure’ seen in one of her x-rays that we can investigate further, at a later time. Something, he was curious about, yet did not feel that it was the cause of anything.
The immense heat, the long travel, all of the changes, the fact that she is a special needs dog, that she is a Dane – quite sensitive they can be and that she has quite a few medical conditions – we are still doing diagnostics, has not been great on this sick Dane.
She still has not had a pee nor a bm since I picked her up. The x-rays show that her bladder is small.
Sadly, the monies that we raised on Saturday have already almost completely been consumed with her bills over the last 24+ hours. 
Her bills are now close to $1,500 and rising.
Donations to her Vet care can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
We are sorry to beg and plead, yet, we shall soon be tapped out with the money that we have raised to date……
Thank you in advance for any consideration to her cause and please do keep her in your thoughts. She is truly a gem of a girl. She has been a model patient………

Got her!
Miss Jamila is the sweetest wee thing ever! 
Thank you to Jane Smith for safe harbouring her overnight and meeting me in Kingston.
Thank you to all of her lifesaving rescue angels that made this rescue even possible!
More soon!
Making our way home now!!

For those who have not yet seen Tamee/Jane’s post, BHRR’s Jamila is in Canada and being safely housed plus loved with Jane until I can meet up with her tomorrow.
I am beyond indebted to so many that have come together to assist us in saving her. We were her last hope and this is an honour to bring her into our Rescue.
We will now investigate her eyes further plus those lumps due to the limitations of the vetting in Egypt. We will recheck her ears and also assess her heart as DM’s Danes are prone to heart concerns too.
I am so in love with her already…..I am very excited to meet her. Jane says that she is super sweet!
Such a pretty little thing! 
We will post the grand total shortly of what was raised today – yet, I must extend heartfelt thanks to Cherie, Aaron, Loralei, and Sean for being such troopers in this 43-degree heat/sun that we had today! It was brutal, yet, they were incredible and I can say that the grand total raised between the $650 in donations received from generous folks not able to be in attendance to the amount raised today at the event; is over $2,000! WOW! Tears of such humbled gratitude have welled up more than once…..
Despite the weather, people came out and bought and ate and chatted and laughed and we could not express enough thanks to all for their life-saving support!
We cannot continue our important work without our village and we are filled with immense thanks to each and every kind, caring, and loving soul!!! 
We will announce grand total along with detailed thanks once we are showered, rested, and recovered….the temperatures out there today were insane! 

At the airport!!!! 
BHRR’s Jamila (deaf/blind) Dane is leaving Egypt and is Canada bound! 
Safe travels sweet girl!!! We are so excited to see you!
Thank you Bilkes, Tamee/Jane Smith & Lynn for your assistance, and thank you to her life-saving rescue angels in helping to raise the much-needed monies to get her to Canada!
We will update as we can!!

Our 2021 Nail Trim & Ear Cleaning Drive-Way Events!
*We shall be collecting Empties & Canadian Tire $ too**
***We will be also collecting Fabric Softener, all sizes of garbage bags plus Pinesol**

Miss Olive!
Busy day for this beauty and now time for a power snooze.
Today, we did a re-weigh and she is now 62.4 kgs(137.28 pounds). WTG!!!
It has taken us over 8 months for her to slowly/properly lose all of that weight; she had put between September 29th & December 7th. She went from 62 KGs(136.4 pounds) to 78 KGs(171.6 pounds).
The Vet that saw her on December 7th, advised that should her weight not get back on track; after closely evaluating what/how much food/treats she was being given in addition to her moving regime of walks; we should then consider doing a T4 blood test.
This is documented by her Vet in her file and received by text and in addition, a vm was left with BHRR as Miss Olive was in a foster situation. There was also an in-person discussion when Gwen was at the Vet later that day for a Vet apt.
Once we evaluated what she was being fed – we learned that she was getting a lot more in food items than we realised or had advised.
As a palliative Saint due to her extremely poor hips, keeping her lean is of absolute necessity and importance. The concern for her was felt by many. Miss Olive is NOT a surgical candidate and she had been entrusted to our care to do right by her and we remain determined to do so.
She came back to our care on December 12th and since then, we have kept her strictly to the feeding/treat/moving schedule required.
1) She gets her 8 cups of food daily – divided into two meals
2) She eats fantastic all on her own, no hand-feeding or enticing her with supplemental items on her food
3) She gets one Benny Bully treat 2-3 times a week or 3 Mini Zuk’s Rabbit or Salmon treats 2-3 times a week
We then started to even give her some of her kibble as her treats during the day – so less kibble at mealtime – and she responded beautifully.
Miss Olive continues on her Proin for her incontinence and unfortunately, her incontinence has gradually been worsening.
We have had to also increase her NSAIDS plus Gabapentin to help her out.
She remains on her fish-based kibble and anyone would like to consider being her Med/Food Angel for September, donations can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com Her monthly bills are close to $1,000.
Quality of life is our focus, goal and wish for her…..and we are taking it one step at a time to ensure that she lacks for nothing!

Got him!
Mr. Maxwell and I are now making the drive home.
Thanks again to Tamee/Jane plus Kara of Just Paws for all they did for him!
Thank you to Rachel for meeting up with me to get him closer to us!
What a handsome old soul!

BHRR’s Romeo was supposed to be keeping me company while I work the night away on our upcoming August 21st event for the animals.
Long days at work make for long evenings at school, which make for longer nights working on Saturday’s event and Mr. Romeo is the one to fall asleep at only 10:30 PM?!! 

Big news!
Finally, we have a date for BHRR’s Pervical’s visit for a possible approved adoption!
Thanks, COVID! NOT! 
Saturday, August 14th!
We shall post an update as we can.

BHRR’s Maxwell could use some support!
He has begun to urinate more frequently once again and is drinking a lot. He finished his round of antibiotics a week ago.
We have him heading into the Vet via his current foster on Monday.
We will do a repeat Urinalysis, send urine off for culture & sensitivity, and do a blood glucose test.
This is the ~10-year-old boxer that was abandoned in a building and found starving, plus was treated for HW by the wonderful rescue that first took him in.
We were approached to see if we would consider bringing him into our rescue, and he is the sweetest boy! 
Donations made to his care can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
AND he could also use your best wishes!

Tango says that BHRR’s Symba’s butt makes a great pillow! 
These is the area by my computer that many of the dogs like to hang and ‘supervise’ me!