BHRR’s Romeo!
Someone is now up to 31.5 pounds. 
As some are now aware, on March 11th, he was at the Vet with his foster family as he has been having frequent episodes of diluted urination.
He had an exam, two S.G.(specific gravity) tests, bloodwork including Chem 15, electrolytes and a repeat CBC(we had one done in Tenn). He was given more de-wormer and just this past week, another flea/tick treatment.
The Vet at the Hospital did an u/s and and did not find anything significant – right kidney was normal and while they could not appreciate the left kidney, nothing abnormal was noted.
Once he arrives to us, we will discuss with our own Vet Teams in re: to doing a urine c&s per the recommendation made if necessary.
I think this picture is going to go down as one of my all time favs!!! I hear these two are quite the pair! I am truly loving the updates being sent by his awesome foster home! We remain immensely grateful to them for all that they are doing for this amazing pup!
Once he does arrive to us in early April, he is scheduled to see our Vet Team for his boosters etc. on April 6th. If all remains going well, he should be ready to make his own special announcement around April 20th. 

It was de-twinkling day for another of our 3 Musketeers – today, was Mr. Porthos turn!

Today, he weighed 57.2 kgs(115.94 pounds) @ 10 months of age.

We also microchipped him.

He was such a brave boy! Such a super sweet boy! 

This is his face after waking up at LAH. You just want to smooch and hold him.


Health Status: HEALTHY!
*You can see his third eye-lids. That is a product of his breeding. He sees fine.

Age: Almost 10 months, mantle Great Dane

Type of Home Ideal For Mr. Athos: He can be in a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is semi-retired or retired etc. He is another versatile BHRR dog! He will ONLY go to a home that is dog experienced. Not necessary a Dane experienced home. Dog experienced means more than having owned 1, 2 or 3 dogs in ones lifetime. Dog experienced means having owned(not worked with, dog sat, fostered, helped a friend/family member, grew up with, trained etc.) more than 3 dogs AND it also means having owned dogs that have needed that extra time, attention, patience, consistency, effort too.

Personality/Temperament: Loving, affectionate, calm, quiet, sweet, social, playful, active, gentle, kind, and if not handled properly – he has the propensity to develop SA behaviours. He is nervous in new situations and settings and needs a home that will be patient, understanding while at the same time will not baby him. COVID has made it hard for his prior amazing foster home and us to expose the dogs to all that we normally do and to the high level that we do. We will be working on play date plus play visits now that the latest COVID shutdown restrictions are slowly lifting.

Previous Dog Experience: Previous dog experience is required per the above. We would also prefer him to be in a home with that already has that right matched personality fit dog. It is equally important that he has a strong doggie network as he needs friends too – he is going to be that dog that will have a some(# unknown) very close buds instead of wanting a multitude of hundreds of acquaintances! He has been good with all of the dogs here other than Mr. Dean. He and Mr. Dean can both be bossy and strong willed and both wish to be higher on the ‘ladder’ than the other. They are accepting, do like and are very tolerant of each other yet, neither one will pass up an opportunity to be a bit of a boob to the other if allowed. Both correct beautifully and both love to sleep in the rec room together. It does not help that his two litter-mates allow him to walk all over them. As laid back as Mr. Athos is, his two litter-mates are even more so. It is interesting that we had been told by his transport angels that his brother was the one ‘upset’ on the transport; yet, with every drive that we have been on and in our home, Mr. Athos is the more ‘space needing’ stronger back boned dude.

Good With Cats: Unknown.

Good with Pocket Pets: Unknown.

Good with Children: He has been ok with children, yet, due to his being a bit anxious, worried in strange/new surroundings; we will consider homes that have children 15 and up and no more than 2 children in a home.

Grooming: He is good to wash, do nails. We take a soft brush and brush regularly and this is a great bonding time between us – along with treats!

Car: He is good in the car, yet, can be nervous as he is not sure of what is happening….we give him treats and he has a yummy fresh smoked giant knuckle bone to chew on if he wants. We then passively ignore. We have worked for him to have a positive association with car rides and that it is one of great fun and loving experiences.

Housebroken/Crate Trained: He is housebroken and crate trained.

Obedience: His manners have come a long way. He can still pull if distracted so a properly fitted and comfortable harness is recommended in addition to his martingale.

Activities Suited For Him: He is calm and such a low maintenance dog and would deeply benefit from continued obedience up and beyond our mandatory adoption contract obedience clause. This will immensely help to continue to correctly build up his self-confidence/self-esteem.

Loves & Bad Habits: He loves the snow and being outdoors – walks, hikes and he can often be found standing in the yard with his head tilted up enjoying the warmth of the suns rays. He loves grass and leaves and trees and lifting his leg to pee on things; leaving his ‘pee-mail’! He loves the company of right matched dogs, playing and he loves treats and is eager to please. He loves sleeping in the same room as his humans and settles down great in his crate each night.

He is an early bid – up around 5:30 AM, does his thing outside comes in, wants a small treats(benny bully liver treat) and tends to go right back to bed until around 8:00 AM and then it is back out, in, breakfast, rest and then his day really starts – playing and exploring and living his best life!  

He loves treats and loves to be around his humans.

As for bad habits – he can jump on my double doors when he wants to come in and once in awhile he will lift his leg on Mr. Dean’s own crate.

Like any dog, he is not perfect. He is perfect in all of his imperfections though! NOT to mention handsome!

Anxieties/Worries: He has the ability to develop SA behaviours and we have worked extensively to set him up for success. He has learned to like and love his own company and to know that we are coming home. It is integral that the right matched personality fit home does not spend 24/7 with him. During this pandemic, we still need groceries, we should still go out and walk about the block or two; we should still get in our cars and go for a small drive to go somewhere to do something!

He can be bossy and exhibit some rude dog to dog behaviour that continues to be worked on.

As we have stated for over 25 years now, we will NEVER rush any dogs’ rehabilitation journey, we do not flip dogs and we are not desperate to adopt them out.

We will always place up for adoption the dogs that are able to be adopted and safe haven any others that due to medical and/or behavioural reasons are not able to be placed up for adoption.

We do not take in hundreds of dogs yearly; we only took in 16 dogs in 2020 as it is about helping the next in need of us, giving them top quality care and not about taking in numbers. In 2021; we have ONLY taken in 1 dog to date.

After 25+ years; we remain knowing that we cannot please everyone and that means that BHRR is clearly not the rescue to be followed, supported, believed in by everyone. We remain small plus mighty and as we go through this next transitional stage for BHRR; we shall continue to operate with a zero tolerance approach plus providing up and beyond care to the animals.

Our mandates have never changed and they will remain the same as long as we are around; the animals shall always be done right by as our priority.

Our adoption success rates remain second to no other group out there and we are excited as we go through this slow transition for BHRR! 

Miss Olive Update:
She had a very busy day! She was at the Vet today and also had her great spoiling spa adventure.
Thank you to all of the encouraging, supportive staff at the Vet that surrounded her for the big weigh-in!
Thank you to Becca Terri N for taking this great photo!!! We just had to put a heart around her weight shown on the scale!
Her weight today was 70.2 kgs(154.44 pounds)! YES! We have been working so carefully on a slow, even weight loss for her. 17.66 pounds lost since December 7th! WTG Miss Olive!
As many are aware; she had put on significant weight between September 29th & December 7th. She went from 62 KGs(136.4 pounds) to 78 KGs(171.6 pounds).
The Vet that saw her December 7th, advised that should her weight not get back on track; after closely evaluating what/how much food/treats she was being given in addition to her moving regime of walks; we should then consider doing a T4 blood-test.
This is documented by her Vet in her file and received by text and in addition a vm was left with BHRR as Miss Olive was in a foster situation. There was also an in-person discussion when Gwen was at the Vet later that day for a Vet apt.
Once we evaluated what she was being fed – we learned that she was getting a lot more in food items than we realised or had advised.
As a palliative Saint due to her extremely poor hips, keeping her lean is of the absolute necessity and importance. The concern for her was felt by many. Miss Olive is NOT a surgical candidate and she had been entrusted to our care to do right by her and we remain determined to do so.
She came back to our care December 12th and since then, we have kept her strictly to the feeding/treat/moving schedule required.
1) She gets her 8 cups of food daily – divided into two meals
2) She eats fantastic all on her own, no hand-feeding or enticing her with supplemental items on her food
3) She gets one Benny Bully treat 2-3 times a week or 3 Mini Zuk’s Rabbit or Salmon treats 2-3 times a week
We have started to even give her some of her kibble as her treats during the day – so less kibble at meal time – and she is responding beautifully.
She is moving so much better now. She is no longer chuffing and huffing/puffing like she once was She is no longer struggling with a high degree of difficulty to get up on her feet or go up the small ramp to our home.
Her bff play buddy is a GSP….who would have thought?!
She is happy – look at that face! She looks gorgeous – look at that coat!
AND she had great visits with so many human people between the Doggie Spa and the Hospital. She had been cloistered, like many of us due to the COVID shutdown and it was such a gorgeous day – 17 degrees – to be out today.
She remains on her Proin, Gabapentin and Deramaxx regime.
Miss Olive, thumbs up to you!!!!
AND per our previous post, her next professional groom session shall be in 8 weeks as spring is coming and her coat is going to blow big time!

Someone had their much needed spoiling SPA Day today!
With grooming places only just recently being able to open back up, we could finally get Miss Olive back in. We like to have her professionally groomed ~every 3 months.
Her next groom session will be in 8 weeks as now that we are heading into spring; her coat is going to blow!!!!
Here she is having a ‘dog’ nap in the tub….so chill! Thanks extended once more to K9 Bark ‘N Shine.
Will post more of an update on her later tonight!

Someone is doing very well!
Up to 28 pounds and his amazing foster home continues to say how wonderful he is with people and dogs. So friendly!
He will be due for his boosters and another de-worming at the beginning of April and if all remains on track, not long after that he will be ready to make his own special announcement!
I have asked his foster home what breeds they may think he may be and they believe HoundX; possible Hound/Boxer. 100% amazing and adorable!
AND I have been told Friday is bath day! 
Thank you so much to Sonyia for the great updates – giggle worthy! – and the equally great photo’s!

Mr. Romeo update!
I am told that he is settling in beautifully and is a wonderful as everyone says he is!
This is Romeo all snuggled up having a nap on his foster mama’s lap. 
He is most definitely not a Giant or even likely a GiantX and none of it matters. He is deserving, he is worthy and we are honoured to have him in our program.
We are leaning towards possibly a houndX…..does not matter and when the time comes for him to make his own special announcement, it is not going to matter to his right matched personality fit home either!
Thank you to so many that stepped up to help get him safely to his emerge temp foster home!

AND he is on his way! Wee BHRR’s Romeo! By Sunday AM, he will be all settled into his lovely emerge temp foster home.
On Tuesday he weighed only 22 pounds, the wee thing.
Whatever breeds he consists of; he is 100% adorable and deserving and we are honoured to be assisting him. 
Those eyes…..
If anyone would like to sponsor this little tyke’s vet bills – we paid $170.75 USD to begin his vetting protocols of vaccines, de-worming, bloodwork, neutering and microchipping; donations can be sent via PayPal to or via email transfer to
*we just need to know the password.
I also sent $150 to his emerge temp foster home to purchase food, treats, a dog bed, collar and leash, some toys for him. He is going to be so well taken care of with them! Thanks being extended to them again!
This is the sweet puppy that was picked up as a starving stray…..

Another pic! He is so adorable! 

Today, Mr. Dean had his de-twinkling and microchip along with his partial tail amputation operation.
Dr. Liston also debrided and cleaned up the proud flesh etc. from his happy tail, while he was under giving him a small partial tail amputation.
He was SUCH a good boy….trazodone for the win to continue practising Fear Free PVP’s protocols.
In 10-14 days time, we will remove the sutures from his tail incision site and shortly after that, if all goes well, he will be ready to make his own special announcement!
His weight today was 57.6 kgs(126.72 pounds)! He is nice and lean, muscled and we continue to work on building up his hind end in strength, toning too.
You were VERY brave and proud of you BHRR’s Dean!