BHRR’s Giselle was at the Vet last night for her recheck appointment. October 21st, 2016.

She travelled wonderfully in the car!

She has been putting on much needed muscle mass and weight. Her Vet commented so nicely on her stacked muscles in her thighs and hind end now!

She was a lot easier to handle to get a weight on for this is one strong minded girl and what Giselle does not want to do, Giselle makes it very clear she does not want to do it! We have to compromise on some things, yet for others we have to *work* through for if she *wins*, it will be only harder moving forward. She is not scared….she just does not wish to do things unless it is her idea….so, it was a very long appointment last night but she had treats and praise and even a nap during the exam/visit and she wagged her tail and kept us on our toes also!! This visit was so much better and more thorough than her last one and the next one shall be even better.

She no longer has issues going in her crate – she loves it! – or putting a leash on or off and does not try to lip curl or mouth. We have worked through so much with her and while we have a long journey still ahead, really proud of her!!

She has clearly used intimidation in the past and thrown her weight around and huffed and puffed to make sure that she was not touched. She is still very sensitive around her head and face and I wish she could talk to tell me what happened to her prior to rescue. The better her ears and skin and eyes feel, make it also easier to touch plus handle her.

We have been able to give her, her very first nail earlier this week and get a good ear cleaning in too.

Last night at the Vet her eyes are still infected so we are continuing treatment with them and went home with two more medications for them. The Vet also did a fluroscein eye stain to rule out an ulcer in the left eye. The right eye could not be properly examined and we will re-visit. She is so good at closing those eyes shut tight and getting her head into a position making it difficult to examine them yet, the Vet had an excellent look into the left eye to start.

Her one ear (left) is very yeasty and KT ear treatment was used over having to stress her out applying not just eyes meds yet also daily ear meds. We were able to get an ear cytology done on this ear. The right ear has just been filled with so much wax when she arrived into rescue and is now super clean with all of the efforts made since she arrived.

She has come a long way from her first Vet visit in being able to handle her and we got a really great look at her sore feet/pads. This was not fully possible when she first arrived. They are raw and swollen and red.

Her bacterial skin infection has now been resolved! Yay! She has new hair growth in many places on her body and now we have to tackle the big yeast problem her body is experiencing. Her Vet is ordering in a special product for her to help. I had never heard of it and this is the first time her Vet is going to use it and when I am back to work, I will look it up in her file.

Her UTI has also resolved plus the suspected sarcoptic mange has been treated and all of the urine burns have healed!

She remains on a special diet to ensure that none of her problems are due to food allergies. We will trial other foods when she is no longer battling all of the other medical issues she is.

She had been proactively / preventatively treated and de-wormed and will bring in a fresh stool sample to be tested.

She went through a lot last night – Her Vet, myself and Ashley also who helped hold! – and as we cannot spay her soon as is, we are holding off doing her pre-op bloodwork and heartworm/tick borne testing for next time.

We keep moving forward one day at a time and I know I said this above, yet I am proud of her!! Her leash manners are coming along nicely and she was calm, relaxed and quiet while I stayed for a bit after her visit chatting with members of the Vet team.

I know right now that she will have to be adopted to a home that is experienced….very experienced or BHRR’s Giselle will walk all over them….she is a survivor! So she has backbone.

She is giving us more and more trust and as she relaxes plus becomes healthier, is such a happy, affectionate and goofy gal! She loves to dig her head right into your stomach, thigh or side.


This is a VIDEO of Jack & Nala playing with their first ever toys in Brazil! Can you imagine? Being 4.5 months of age and never having had toys to play with….

Donations for their care can be made via email transfer to or via PayPal to

We have to pay for boarding up to November 16th at the earliest (we are paying an amazing rate of $20 CDA/day) and continue to pay for Vetting and high quality kibble for them.

BHRR’s Baby Kaos is getting ready for Halloween! Not Yet Available For Adoption!

Remember to have safe Halloween practises for a happy Halloween for pets & kids!

NOTE: BHRR shall be closed for the intake of adoption applications and shall not approve adoptions from Monday the 24th of October to Tuesday November 1st inclusive.

We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol.

We do not believe it is in the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.


This is *Jack* & *Nala*, the two surviving(out of 4) deaf/blind Brazilian Dane Babies that we picked up on Friday October 14th and finally were able to bring to safety. This is them on their liberation ride in Brazil. After learning of *Safira’s* needless death last week, we promised to go legal and we able to then go in and pick up *Jack* & *Nala*.

We have been continuing to work behind the scenes in preparation for their arrival to Canada.

In order to do so, we are still fundraising and are in need of $1,415 more to make this miracle happen for them. They will die if they are left in Brazil. One of their deaf/blind siblings was killed by dogs before we knew about them and *Safira*, their other deaf/blind sibling died a completely terrible and unnecessary death from pneumonia. We begged to have her brought to the Vet and kept there on IV meds/fluids etc., and offered to pay for it all….to no avail. She died outside…alone, cold, hungry, unable to breathe properly. We knew after learning that she died(last we were told she was getting a bit better) that we had to do more and promised legal intervention to get the other two safe.

Thanks to Bre of Pet Valu Stittsville – 1250 Main Street – they are donating all monies this week & weekend from their DIY(Do It Yourself) dog wash!! So if you have a dirty dog or more, your monies would be given to this wonderful cause! No appointments necessary!

They have also so kindly offered to put out a donation jar to help. How thankful we are to them and quite a few others what we are calling Brazilian Rescue Angels in helping us raise the last amount we need to make this happen for two very sweet Dane babies.

They do not know borders or countries….and they are the next in need of our specialised programs. We want to bring them here to live quality filled happy lives and not worry about the next meal, or being killed by dogs or humans and not cared for when they are ill or injured. We do not want them being cold, afraid and confused. We want them loved and warm, healthy and well fed.

We had them brought to the Vet on Monday and both are being treated for terrible diarrhea. They have a severe infestation of tapeworms. They are on Drontal, Panacur, given Revolution, Bravecto and we did fecals.

As *Nala* was running a fever, we also did blood-work and learned that she is tickborne disease positive and so is on Doxy for the next month.

They are being boarded at a safe place and receiving excellent care. Thank you again to Maira for the donation to help me pay for boarding them and for high quality kibble for them to eat.

Thank you to Andreia for buying them their very first toys ever in the lives to play with. They are now 4.5 months old and so sad to think they never had their own toys….

I will post our gofundme page. if anyone may consider making a donation!

For those supporters of our continued efforts to save *Nala* and *Jack*, here is our Facebook GROUP to join. We will post our updates on that page.

We can also take email transfer to or via PayPal(friend & family) option to

Thanks on behalf of *Jack* & *Nala*!


BHRR’s Skye had her annual and forgot to post her two adorable Halloween photo’s that were taken by a fellow staff member that night!

She had a SUPERB Vet Visit and so proud of all that this amazing girl has accomplished since her arrival to BHRR!

She is such a great sport!

*Safira* – Deaf/Blind Great Dane Puppy – 1 of the 3 Brazilian Babies
Born: June 4th, 2016 – October 11th, 2016

Our hearts are just crushed to learn of the passing of this 4 month old beautiful baby.

This journey to save three deaf/blind Dane puppies has been wrought with so much pain and stress plus worry…..

Prior to our knowledge of these three puppies, she had been spayed at the beginning of September in a not so good *place* and developed pneumonia.

An angel named Maira who has been working closely with me on saving these three deaf/blind Dane babies, helped me and we both made donations for medical care, good food and beds etc., to try and help Safira.

Sadly, the care is not always as great in other places and she passed away. Animals’ are often not looked upon in the same manner and she was also kept outside.

The feelings of helplessness plus honestly, frustration has been all consuming over knowing that if she has been here in Canada, we most likely could have saved her.

I never got to meet you Safira, yet Maira and I tried so hard from afar to have you done right by….

I have lost sleep, cried many tears during this journey of trying to help you and your remaining two deaf/blind siblings. I was so saddened to think that you even had a fourth sibling killed by dogs before we were contacted.

It is so bittersweet to feel that I am happy to say that as of this AM we now have your brother and sister safe and sound with wonderful trusted people until we can get their proper vetting plus paperwork and flights in order to travel. Yet, you should have been with them Safira. You also were suppose to be saved.

You died a horrible needless death, pretty much alone, hungry and most likely confused and scared. That breaks my heart… much.

You are deserving to have this memorial of your sweet precious gentle personality that never had the chance to blossom….

I loved and adored you even though thousands of miles separated us and I so regret that we were not aware of you and your siblings before you got sick and your one sibling was killed.

I regret never having had the chance to stroke those gorgeous ears of yours Safira, they look so soft.

I regret that I never will get the chance to smooch on those great wonderful lips of yours Safira.

I regret never having the chance to hold you in comfort and have you feel my heart beating strongly with so much love for you.

I regret not having had the chance to make you feel safe and cherished.

Being deaf/blind was normal to you and I regret never having the chance to help you live up to your full potential.

I regret so much Safira that others failed you….

I promise that we remain determined to see your two surviving siblings come to Canada and we will make it happen….we will beg, plead and grovel in their names for the assistance we need.

Dear sweet Safira, may you rest in peace with a full tummy, lungs that allow you to run with such joy and you will never have to have another cold night shivering and feeling alone.

For those supporters of our continued efforts to save *Nala* and *Jack*, here is our Facebook GROUP to join. We will post our updates on that page.

We are short $2,542 to make this miracle happen for them.

Donations can be made via email transfer to or via PayPal (friend & family option) and I here is our gofundme page.

Dogs do not know borders or countries and these deaf/blind Dane babies are deserving of so much. Even $5.00 is not too little.

Thank you to all of our Angels to date in believing in them and BHRR. Jack & Nala need all the angels they can….please consider their cause.


BHRR’s Baron, the Brazilian Mastiff wishes a Happy Thanksgiving Monday to all!

He is doing so well!! This is him having a small break today during a lovely fall day walk through our trails. 🙂 Sean just finished cutting a new 3 km loop trail called the ‘Waggin’ Tail’ for the dogs/humans to enjoy. 🙂

BHRR’s Baron is now almost 10 months of age and a real love to all he knows and trusts. He has been great with every dog he has met to date and even wants to play with our three month old Irish Wolfhound, Brogan. 🙂 He just has to be reminded at times to be gentle…he has big club paws and can get excited and forget himself and as he is only a mere puppy himself, understandable.

We are still not sure if we will ever place him up for adoption yet, there is no rush. He is thriving with us, is safe, happy and learning a lot re: manners and self-control. He is very much *instinctual* in quite a few ways and as with any dog, in the wrong hands, would be seriously set up for failure.

If we do decide that he will remain part of our coveted BHRR Haven program he will have a cherished life and lack for nothing.


UPDATE: Between Donations & BHRR’s Flame’s Adoption fee: $1,580 raised to date!
STILL NEED: $5,362 more to help these 3 sweet deaf/blind Dane Babies. Please consider their cause!

On September 9th, 2016, Gwen received an email in regards to three deaf/blind Great Dane babies in need. Born June 4th, 2016 and we learned that a 4th sibling had been killed by dogs.

This then began BHRR’s biggest rescue effort to date……

We have been working hard behind the scenes to see if we could even make this happen and we are now at the point of reaching out to our BHRR village as we need your help to be able to assist them.

You see, they are located in Brazil and we are working with two amazing Pet Transport companies to ensure that nothing is missed and doing complete vetting(one pup is also battling pneumonia), obtaining all the required paperwork, crates, airfare, is going to require a lot of money to save these three deserving puppies.

So far, we have been making regular donations for dog beds, blankets, medications, treating the one pup for pneumonia, and vetting for de-worming, heartworm/tick/flea and also upcoming vaccines.Another kind angel, Maira has also made donations to help ensure they have better food.

We are still in need of $5,362 to save all three of these Dane babies and to bring them safely to Canada.

It is our position that we are here to help the dogs when we have space here in Canada and that dogs also do not know countries, boundaries or borders.

The quality of life for these three special needs Dane puppies is slim to none unless we can get them to our Haven.

Here is our gofundme page that we just sent up and we also have a group and we will post that later for people to join in support and assistance for these three special Dane pups. If you use gofundme over donating via PayPal or email transfer, they will keep 9.12% in fees.

We can take email transfer to or via PayPal *friends & family* option to also.

Our goal is to get them here within the month and before the weather embargo takes place – December 1st.

Thank you in advance to any and all that may consider their cause as a worthy one….


BHRR’s Flame(GDx) was ADOPTED tonight!

As I have said it before it only takes one application, the right one for an approved adoption to occur and in the 5+ months we have been waiting patiently for her right matched forever loving home to find her, she had not one application….

Well, she finally had one recently and it was the right one!!

Thank you Julie and Sean for assisting me with this home-visit and thank you to this lovely home in opening up their hearts to a BHRR dog in need of a home to call her very own.

Wonderful home and another heartwarming experience….

BHRR’s Flame, I am so going to miss you….I really am yet the tears in my eyes are ones of not sadness yet deep happiness for you and your new family!!

You are adored and always shall be and now your new family will continue on where we started and give you so many future chapters in your story of love, happiness, great experiences and memories.

I know your Mama GD BHRR’s Eve’s own special home is out there also and we remain patient….

BHRR’s Flames adoption fee shall go towards our hope/goal of raising the $5,000 more we need to bring the three deaf/blind Brazilian Dane Babies to our Haven Program. Please do consider their worthy cause and help us…


BHRR did its 390th approved adoption today! 🙂

One of our BBBBB’s was ADOPTED today!

BHRR’s Ross(5.5 months old), one of the Great Dane Puppy Pile cuties. 🙂

Thank you so very much to this lovely home for all of their patience and understanding throughout our detailed adoption process. A true pleasure in working with your home!

Your hospitality was really warm and both boyz had a blast! Your stairs soon became a fav *game* for them. 😀 They found that table particularly *delicious* also! :p

Proud of both of these boyz with their overall Cat manners too. Really proud of them. 🙂

Both boys really had a great time at this home-visit and BHRR’s Ross *edged* out his brother for being the best matched fit for this home. BHRR’s Ross so quickly developed an affinity to them both and it was truly sweet to watch.

BHRR’s Corbin, your own special and wonderful home is out there….we remain patient and in the mean-time you are living a grand life with us. 🙂 Your brother BHRR’s Haven Dog Granite and your sister Dynamo were excited to see you when we arrived home today. 🙂

For me, this was a touching home-visit as this home is related to a home that was approved to adopt another one of the BHRR Puppy Pile Great Dane babies in July. 🙂

I cannot thank Gail and Mason enough in doing this home-visit with me and we are so delighted to see another outstanding home become part of the *BHRR Fam*. 😀

On Wednesday, it is BHRR’s Flame’s home-visit for her own possible approved adoption.



Not sure where I sleep tonight!!


We are all tucked in safe & sound in our hotel room for the night!

Tomorrow is a home-visit to see if one of our remaining two BHRR Great Dane Puppy Pile pups are a right match personality fit!

BHRR’s Ross had his first hang out experience in a hotel last Sunday when he had a special picnic snack play date with BHRR BOD member Mary. 🙂 Mary was up visiting from Oshawa for our annual Dine with the BHRR Doggies event. 🙂

Mary also clearly showed him the comfort of a human bed! 😉

Both boyz, are doing fabu!! Many compliments on how well behaved and stunning they are… 🙂

The Puppy Pile are now 5 months of age.

First pictures is of BHRR’s Corbin & second is of BHRR’s Ross

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