Snowball has become ‘Queen of the Bed’ and tends to like to sleep right across Sean’s legs! 🙂 She tends to sleep most of the night on the bed and then will go to her crate and lie in there to sleep the rest of the night away.

We have decided that to the right home; we will provide three months supply of his Thyroid meds.

We can now trust Snowball with free run of the house. She has only ever destroyed items while in her crate when we arrive home and we are not fast enough to her liking to get her out of the crate! 🙂 She won’t touch anything the whole time we are gone and just times it perfectly as we are walking into the house. She has not even raided the garbage once during our absence. She is still the ‘energizer’ bunny outside and her joy of living is very obvious.

Now that Samson is on the correct dosage of meds; he is much more active yet still prefers snuggling up next to a warm fire and only prefers to do small walks. He loves lying in the sun and follows it from window to window in our home to catch some ‘rays’! HE is so sweet and does not hesitate to ‘bump’ under your elbow for his share of the loving!

Samson’s T4 has come back and he has registered under a count of 5. The machine cuts out at 5 so his thyroid is very low. A normal range is between 15-58. He is now on .8 mg of ThyroTabs. He receives one tab every 12 hours at a cost of $51.50 every 3 months. THIS is not an expensive condition to treat and he is great about taking his pills. I just add them to his food. Sam is now on Sentinel. The only way I can describe Samson is to say he is just YUMMY! I just love grabbing his big jowls and smooching him. He is just the best!!!

Snowball was at the vet tonight for her HW test and an exam. Her previous vet records indicate that her vaccines are up-to-date until February of 2006. The vet said that her body condition is excellent and her heart, lungs and eyes are in great shape. She weighs 31.4 KG’s at this time. She is very nicely muscled and toned. She was such a great girl at the Hospital. We also did a manicure plus pedicure while we were there and what a ‘lady’ she was. The Vet was very impressed with her amazing teeth! She is so very social and loving and just impressed everyone with her little ‘firecracker’ of a personality! I plan on taking new pictures of her to post soon.

Samson George ended up going to the vet tonight for we had one of our own Danes hurt and then we also needed to let one of our own Danes cross the Bridge on October 28th. We did a manicure, pedicure, HW test and full exam on Samson George along with a Thyroid test. We looked at Samson’s missing toenail which is healing great! We also noted his one slightly underdeveloped eye that seems to be responding well to Polysporin drops at this time. He might require some eye surgery at some point in the future to fix that ‘rolled’ edge on his third eyelid yet for now he is doing well. His heart and lungs are also great! He weighs just under 68.7 kgs at this time and is still losing weight. Samson still needs to be microchipped as things were really busy at the Hospital tonight.