They are HERE! I feel like I am forever on the roads of late making drives to pick up animals in need. 🙁

They are full of matts, need extensive grooming, she is more thin than he and their lack of socialization is extensive. One was tied up to a bumper of a truck during the day and one to a nearby tree during the day. They were brought in at night and shared this crate. NOT much room for two in there….

I changed their names……they are now 'Rain' & 'Beau'. For their new beginning….very rarely do we do that….

Ever since that one beer commercial came out about a year ago, the run on Saints has been brutal. 🙁

They shall not be placed up for adoption for a long time…. 🙁 That will depend on their rehab progress. She has a lot of potential. I am more cautiously optimistic about him at this time yet I am going to give it my all to make the world 'right' for them both. Once they are separated…the true hard rehab work shall begin…she is stepping up to 'take care' of him just as Lexi did with BHRR's Hailey. That is not her role, it is ours as the human leaders and she is going to be fine in time….he needs to be given the opportunity to see if he can fully blossom. They are now also entering into 'stranger danger' stage.

Everything frightens them….

It was quite some time before I could touch when I went to get them either yet now they are WELCOMED TO BHRR and one step at a time.

I have known about them for almost 3 weeks and finally I got the call from the O. directly asking us to assist. The one O. who contacted me directly, did the right thing. She surrendered them. She wanted better for them. I have talked to her extensively. Sometimes when one loves, they truly do have to let something go.

I have added one photo to their slideshow right after their arrival. They have now been fully integrated with everyone without issue.

The O. also donated their crate and gave me their two leashes. She said that she would make a donation to their care after her pay day on Thursday. Regardless if she is going to do this or not, BHRR still took them in. They need assistance and a lot of socialization. They need a nail trim and their coats are going to take some time to get normal. They are both rough coat Saints.

Additionally, Sean and I are looking at them and they are byb Saints indeed in looks. Both are very small for their Breed and quite 'snipey'. I will post weights after their Vet Visit. YET regardless of their history and pedigree(lack thereof); we know that we are going to LOVE them!!!

I had Sean feed them as I did the drive by myself and they had already gotten to 'know' me a bit on the almost 5 hour drive. Sean's word when he fed them were 'ravenous'.  They did not resource over their bowls with each other and ate in the same crate and had no issues with humans also handling their bowls. I can handfed them treats without any issue.

She is such a wee ham and going to keep me on my toes for sure! BHRR's Beau is more reserved and we shall see what time brings his way in self-confidence, comfort zoning and acceptance.

WELCOME TO BHRR you two wee beauties!

BHRR's Beau(standing) & BHRR's Rain – July 10th, 2011 – Day of Arrival to BHRR