BHRR’s Knox!

In December, we received two applications for him.

Unfortunately, one failed their Vet reference. Our application and websites clearly indicate what we require and list in detail – all proactive/preventative vetting to be done and that we will verify.

The other application was not complete. We cannot consider incomplete applications. We asked the home to please re-submit a completed application, and though they emailed some additional information, the application still remained incomplete. The onus cannot be on us to chase after homes to fill in the blanks.

We remain very determined, patient, and diligent in our thorough screening processes, as his welfare is our top priority!

We shall only approve a right-matched personality fit home.

On a side note: He still needs a Collar Fairy/Elf!
Wigglebumz Collar – Martingale 1.5″ width, 24-26″ size

From his foster home:
“Knox continues to make friends anywhere we go.

We continue to work on his car behaviour. He is definitely better in the early mornings or at night, when there’s less people on the road (therefore less stimulating).”