My last Gwennie Novel post of my night!
The amazing 9 week old Dane Trio were at KAH tonight.
First off, thank you SO much to Cherie & Holly for meeting me there to lend caring and much needed hands for the lovely trio! Could not have done this without you both!
BHRR’s Sleet – she weighed 8.1 KGs(17.82 pounds). She was confirmed as having an umbilical hernia, infected eyes and she provided a stool sample so we will test her loose stools. Her eyes will be monitored as she grows to best determine if she also needs an enucleation or two.
It was not easy for the Vet to examine her eyes too closely as she was a squirmy worm.
On a side note, these two puppies were not handled or socialized properly prior to us getting them. That is very obvious.
No attempts were made to housebreak them either and going outside is completely foreign.
They have been given zero direction or guidance and are so lost and confused yet already a big improvement from yesterday and they are quickly becoming more confident!
Both were dirty and reeked of heavy smoke when we picked them up.
BHRR’s Sleet will be on a gastro food, de-wormed with Panacur, placed on Interceptor Plus and we are already giving her Forti Flora and shall continue to do so.
BHRR’s Glacier – he weighed 8.9 KGs(19.58 pounds). He was also confirmed as having infected eyes and his eyes shall also be monitored as he grows to best determine if he also needs an eneucleation or two. He has one eye worse than the other yet both eyes are horrible just as with his litter-mates.
Same thing as he was quite squirmy, harder for the Vet to properly examine him.
He also will be placed on Panacur plus Interceptor Plus and has been getting the Forti Flora.
Temps were normal for both, good heart, lungs and in a couple of days, their Vet advised to let them know how BHRR’s Sleets’ stools are doing in case we need to add metronidazole.
As for Summit, he came out for the ride and now weighs 10.1 KGs(22.22 pounds). At 6 weeks he was 12.01 pounds.
He will have his own next round of Panacur plus Interceptor Plus. He remains on Forti Flora himself.
They have files set up at Kanata Animal Hospital and anyone wishing to make a donation to BHRR’s Sleet’s and BHRR’s Glacier’s care can do so directly to the Hospital: 613-836-2848
OR via email transfer to
OR via PayPal to
All three puppies are quite lean and had some wonderful cuddles and loving by Holly, Cherie and their Vet. This is so important for all of them……
Now home, they have had a snack, water, played and are slowly crashing….
Tomorrow is another day with so much for them to learn and do and explore and for me to learn and do and explore with them!
Good night wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters!
PS: We are still in search of Volunteers to make human and/or doggie baked goodies for our upcoming 6th Annual Breaking Bills Baking Online Auction!
Please do email if you wish to donate an item or two!