Judith E. Connell, ON

August 18, 2009

Dearest Gwen,

Just a note to say that your family is in our prayers regarding the passing of Dragon, Maggi, and KB/JB. …but I really do understand just how unbelievably hard it is for you, your family, and your friends to deal with such a great loss in such a short time.

If it helps, the Bible pretty much lets us know that the Holy Trinity loves animals so much that He made them for mankind to tend and befriend. It was only ‘original sin’ that knocked the stuffing out of the ability of humans to extend real love and proper assistance to the animal kingdom. The Lord lets us know that there is a place for animals in His Kingdom and I hold on to that very tightly when an animal friend passes. Who else could help those so in need of unconditional love when they reach Heaven than the animals?

I sure do wish we lived closer to you in order to take part in play dates.

I neglected to mention in my previous email that I did learn a great deal of American Sign Language from neighbours of ours approximately 25 years ago in Kitchener. It was a townhouse complex and the parents were deaf but the children could hear. The adults felt ostracized until I got a book on ASL out of the library and started to learn sign language from them and to have get-togethers with many neighbours to show them how wonderful that family was and how easy it was just to even pick up the ‘deaf alphabet’. The axiom is so true that if you do not use it, you will lose it and so I do not remember any actual signs but I do remember the alphabet!

I read your ‘blog’ re: naming deaf animals and was so shocked that anyone would even consider not naming a special needs animal. I am a special needs human and I really do appreciate the name that the Lord inspired my parents to give me! What utter nonsense and ill-mannered attitudes some people can have. I can only put it down to coming from a dysfunctional family where no great love or care was given to these people as children. Moreover, for that, we must always request that the Holy Spirit/Comforter will intervene on their behalf to the Lord in order for them to begin to feel unconditional love from the Trinity and pass it on to our wonderful and special animals.

We send you our affection and ongoing encouragement. God bless you all.