Miss Maybelle & Miss Ayla are on our way to the home visit today!
Three of The Beans flaked out during their lovely play date yesterday with The Brucks!
Playdate time today! What a stunning day! 23 degrees!
This is Miss Ayla(L) & Miss Maybelle Cutie(R) at their last professional photo shoot!
Their vet bills today were a smidge under $3,000 as I brought my own microchips, saving over $500, and tax plus, I have pain meds at home, saving another several hundred dollars.
The Beans turn 3 months old Sunday! The 23rd of October.
First Picture: Mr. Albar behind Miss Maybelle Cutie & Miss Ayla to the left lying down & Moss Nola to the right lying down.
Second Picture: BHRR’s Maybelle – head on Miss Ayla’s back & Miss Nola lying down.
Third Picture: Miss Bev with BHRR’s Chester – ADOPTED May 3rd, 2022.
The Beans(LabX) went up for fostering to adopt on October 1st!
*~75% lab*
We are also open to approved Volunteers to foster them until they are adopted by a right-matched personality fit home.
*Adoptions will not be finalized until after their spays/neuter
*This is in addition to our mandatory obedience clause
*They can go to homes with responsible children as young as 10+
*No more than two children in a home
*They can go to homes with cats
*We prefer homes with at least one right-matched personality-fit dog, not a deal breaker for that right home that has a great social network set up for The Bean!
*Homes must be within 2 hours of our location & be willing to take them to their October 15th booster apt. & their alter apt at the end of October – booked at Liston Animal Hospital
*Foster-to-adopt homes must then be prepared to commit to their final puppy boosters around November 15th (post-adoption), including rabies, dhpp, Lyme plus lepto
**The above clauses will be in the foster-to-adopt contracts in addition to all other requirements found in our standard adoption application contract**
They are ready to be fostered by an approved Volunteer AND they are ready to be fostered to adopt to homes seeking to adopt. The adoption application contract must be completed.
Thank you again to the puppy wranglers that came out to help at their paparazzi photo shoot! VERY appreciated!
Thank you again to Liz Bradley for the gorgeous photos!
*As this is a foster-to-adopt puppy, all homes must be within 2 hours of our location AND willing to drive her to her scheduled Vet appointments in Kanata, ON *
**NO Exceptions**
2nd boosters are booked for October 15th, her spay is scheduled for the third week of October, and she will require her third boosters by November 15th(the approved foster to adopt home can take care of the third boosters, and it will be in the signed foster to adopt contract that they agree to do so – Rabies, DAPP, Lepto & Lyme.
BHRR’s Ayla – female – Labx(Predominantly Lab ~75%) – ten weeks of age(born July 23rd), utd on vaccines, will be microchipped, good with other dogs & good with people, Has been good with cats – integration is key!
*We will consider homes with responsible children 10+
*No more than two children in a home
Has had some obedience(this does not exclude our mandatory adoption clause of a full round of obedience being required – NO EXCEPTIONS!)
NOTE: All blogs(scroll to the very bottom and then read upwards).
Please familiarize yourself with BHRR’s adoption mandates, processes plus policies before contacting us about a BHRR animal.
Our PetFinder and our www.birchhaven.org websites will answer most of your questions. Therefore, do not contact us asking us what our policies are, what our adoption area is, or what her adoption fee is. BHRR is a federally registered NPO operated solely by Volunteers.
We are NOT a shelter or a pound.
You CANNOT just drop by to visit her. She resides in a loving foster home, not a kennel, and BHRR has a thorough adoption process to determine if any home is a right match personality fit.
When submitting your completed adoption application contract – found on our home website – for her, please include a short introduction regarding your home, etc.
We DO NOT respond to inquiries to adopt via Petfinder nor our website or any emails/phone calls. We ONLY will consider completed applications along with the non-refundable application fee.
NOTE: WE also will not respond to any emails that only ask a one-liner or re: adoption fees.
The adoption cost(from a r/q Rescue) or purchase cost(if you purchase from a reputable/quality Breeder is the LEAST that you shall pay over the lifetime of proper care of your pet).
Over 200 items!
Post from the wonderful organizers!
BHRR’s Albar, BHRR’s Maybelle Cutie, BHRR’s Ayla, BHRR’s Bev & BHRR’s Nola!
AND you know you have a great toy WHEN everyone wants it! Originally, there were four Beans on the toy, yet, one became distracted, yet Carol managed to get a picture of three of them on the same toy just romping along!
Some more pics!
We have Miss Maybelle Cutie on her own, and Mr. Albar leads the charge in the other picture with Miss Bev hot on his heels and Miss Maybelle behind him. As to who is lying in the back….hmmm, not sure…we know it is either Miss Nola or Miss Ayla! 😀
*Pictures complimentary of Carol!
This puppy spam picture is thanks to Margaret for her generous financial donation!
This was their first foray into PVD Essential care canned food on August 11th.
I started off with a 1/4 of a can – bite-sized on my fingers and then moved them onto a Tupperware lid.
By Sunday, they were eating one can per extra feeding for a total of 3 extra feedings in addition to their six formula feedings.
They are too young to have formula mixed in, yet they will get there!!
My amazing five wee beans…oh how I love you….so much….
Babies are fed, all tucked in AND, thanks to Katherine and their loving financial donation of Empties returns – guess what time it is?!!
As promised, for every lifesaving monetary or item(s) donation, a puppy spam pic would be posted in gratitude!
Can be done via PayPal gwen@birchhaven.org or email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com OR an item(s) donation:
1) XL Essential pee pads,
2) Esbilac powdered formula 28 oz.,
3) Gain or Downy liquid fabric softener
4) PVD Essential Care canned puppy food)
5) Pinesol – the larger the bottle the better!
6) Lysol wipes
Dropped off in our donation shed at the road or snail mailed to:
2425 Totem Ranch Road West, Oxford Station
We need many, many, many weeks worth of the above!
This does not even take into consideration the many thousands of dollars it is going to take to vet them to prepare for their special announcements.
These wee Labx beans, found nursing on their mom, that was laying dead under a tractor, two with punctures, are now safe with us. I know that if they could, they would also say THANK you to everyone for this lifesaving assistance.
AND another huge miracle milestone…do you see what I see?!!
Five wee bear cub beans still with us!
Miss Fighter Bean(Miss Nola) is scheduled to see the Vet on Thursday…..that hind end, back legs – especially the right side.
I want to have this investigated ASAP. Hoping it is something we can successfully rehabilitate.
Weights on top from Thursday, August 4th, in emergency, when we first saved them & weights from August 8th below. Four days after I got them.
Puppy 1 – 0.38 kgs – deceased as of 8:49 AM Thursday, August 4th
Puppy 2 (Miss Fighter Bean) – 0.38 kgs as well – Miss Nola
August 8th – 0.62 kgs (1 lb, 6 oz)
Puppy 3 (Miss Explorer Bean) – 0.48 kgs – Miss Bev
August 8th – 0.71 kgs (1 lb, 9 oz)
Puppy 4 (Mr. Warrior Bean) – 0.46 kgs – Mr Albar
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
Puppy 5 (Miss Diva Princess Bean) – 0.56 kgs – Miss Maybelle Cutie
August 8th – 0.99 kgs (2 lbs, 3 oz)
Puppy 6 (Miss Chill Mobile Bean) – 0.64 kgs – MIss Ayla
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
We will shortly set up our popular Name Game Fundraiser to try and raise much-needed funds for vetting – five pups to vaccinate, boosters x 2, exams, 4 spays, 1 neuter, flea/tick/hw meds, bloodwork, further investigating Miss Fighter Beans hind end, etc., not to mention food, formula, pee pads, Pinesol, toys, treats, dog beds, laundry detergent, liquid fabric softener and so on.
Puppies are wee, their needs are enormous!
I am off to bed…a long night of puppy care, an early AM, and another very long work day ahead. Sean did fantastic with two puppy feedings yesterday, all on his own!
He said they slept a lot, yet as soon as I arrived home, just as with Miss Jamila, they smelled me, and it was puppy chorus chaos!
Good night wishes are being sent out to all of our friends, family & supporters!
We have finally had a reply(we have been trying to get a response as to when we can pick up the puppies), and it appears that two puppies are now ‘almost dead.’ They will head right to emerge once we get them – in Kingston – the whole litter will be checked out.
*Picture courtesy of the individual that currently has them*
Pics of babies and that is not their mama that passed away – that is a pug – belonging to the person who now has the pups.