Per Mr. Knox’s wonderful foster home!

“Knox continues to be a joy to have around. 

He enjoys our daily hikes/outings. He hasn’t met a person he hasn’t liked! and vice versa. He certainly knows how to turn on the charm for the people.

He has a few close dog friends that he plays with regularly, which I think has been good for him.

Car rides are getting better. He is less anxious and does not lunge at cars. Likewise with walks and cars. He is lunging less and less, but there is something peculiar about red vehicles! I thought it was a coincidence, but consistently he tries to lunge at red cars.

He is super smart and willing! We have not found a food puzzle he can’t master.”


How freakin’ adorable is this photo?!!!

Miss Pentu(Standard Poodle/BernerX) & BHRR’s Simon(ADOPTED June 13th, 2022)


She is heading for her next professional groom shortly & here is recent update from her wondering foster mama!

“Pentu is doing so good! She just loves meeting other dogs. She absolutely LOVES seeing her dog pals on our morning walk and gets to play with them in the park. She is such a happy girl and is not dominant at all while playing with other dogs. Her recall is excellent for a 1 year old! She responds 95% of the time (can you believe it?!). Her mouth playing has also subsided so much. She does not try and play with her mouth first anymore which is amazing. She travels well in the car and just loves to cuddle. Anyone who meets her whether it’s the groomer, friends, people at the park just cannot believe she has not been adopted and people always say, wherever her forever home is, would be incredibly lucky to have her. She is progressing as a normal, playful, happy puppy ?

So thankful plus appreciative to all the wonderful folks who came out braving the windchill – 13 degrees this AM! – & drizzle to lend a hand at the Brockville Hyundai charity car wash plus BBQ today. 
Also extremely appreciative of all those who came out in support, and to Dane plus all of his amazing staff for their lovely support & generosity.
The total raised will help pay off the remainder owed on BHRR’s Jack’s second eye enucleation & emergency vet visit (I have been very slowly paying off his outstanding bills out of my own pocket) plus shall also pay off a small amount of his Vet visit today – his annual. That is such a feeling of pressure being taken off….
Mr. Jack had a great vet visit, thumbs up & weighed 19 kgs(41.8 pounds).
BHRR’s Jack is AVAILABLE for Adoption.
Even though we are slowly transitioning over the next 8+ years now, we are still helping some deserving dogs as we can plus have our Haven dogs plus adoptables still needing food, meds, vet visits, and groomings as their bills just do not simply stop.
Miss Nolan’s bills alone right now are over $2,000. 
So events like this are essential to enable us to continue helping the dogs in need of our highly specialised programs.  We remain deeply humbled to have the kindness we do, and I was informed that Dane will have us back in 2024.
That is a feeling of privilege and honour. May we have better weather in year 3 as 1 & 2 were not summer weather at all!!
Grand Total Raised: $871.85

As always, I am sorry for how quiet the group has been. I have been working so much to pay for rescue bills, and all-time left over goes to the animals to give them everything, with 4-5 hours each night delegated to sleep.
I sincerely wish I had better news to share…my heart is bleeding. 
My Miss Fighter Bean(BHRR’s Nola), who has defied the most incredible odds – she weighed only 0.38 kgs when this litter was rescued on August 3, 2022, at barely a week old.
She weighed the same as the sweet female bean that was lost mere hours after we picked them up & rushed into emergency in Kingston with them. I still cry over that loss, as she literally had no chance when we picked the pups up. We tried so hard, though….she passed away in my loving arms after Cassy held/snuggled her all the way to the Vet & all the way back to get home.
Miss Nola was diagnosed with a HM after we rescued this litter and said murmur could get worse or stay the same throughout her life.
She is the one that we had to do X-rays on to make sure she did not have a broken pelvis or legs as she could not move as well as her siblings. She was found to be only a bit developmental delayed, which she more than made up for in time!
Well, yesterday, Miss Nola crashed and fast. 
She is palliative, and I have brought her home to give her what quality time we can for what time we have left. She is in congestive heart failure and has had several seizures. The vets cannot rule out a stroke either, yet we are not going to put her through the stress of a CT scan at this point.
She is back home, all tucked up in blankets and on comfy beds, right in the same area beside my desk as she was when she first arrived.
Surrounded by all she knows and loves.
She is adored, she is safe, and we have one of our trusted Vets on standby – they are mere minutes away visiting friends right now – to come to our home to humanely cross her over when it is time.
This afternoon, she had what many of us in medicine call ‘The Surge,’ and she was up, wagging her tail, knew who we all were, ate, took some treats, drank some, went outside to have a pee & I was privileged to get the best Miss Nola Bean leans…
She is not in any pain; she has medications on board and so much love that my heart is bursting.
All of The Beans have carved their way into my heart and soul, and as hard as it is adopting them out, having to cross any of them over is hell.
If anyone may consider donating to her bills, as always, we would be deeply humbled.
Email Transfer:
Please keep her in your thoughts…..she should have had a lifetime of adventures, not only a year…. 
She is the sweetest, most gentlest, and kindest of dogs.

Last Saturday was our 3rd annual sales/services event at BHRR.
Despite the rain – we were hopeful at first, with guests arriving well before the event started yet shortly after 9 am, the rain came and came and came…. – we had two very generous online donations that gave us a final total raised of:


The rain did not stop until just before our event ended at 3 pm….so we remain very grateful to all who came out and to the Turners & the Maracles for their generous online donations!
Here we have Mr. Romeo keeping a close eye on the BBQ while Sean took a Power Nap & after his Power Nap! 
Thank goodness for tents and Sean’s extra vapour barrier to keep everything dry!
The next event is our second to last driveway event of 2023, being hosted at Cassy & John Montgomery’s 37 Dressler Drive in Kanata on August 13th from 10 AM – 4 PM
We still owe almost $1,000 in vet bills and many more.
We remain with closed doors for intake until such time as our finances for the rescue are in better shape.
We also remain desperate for Pinesol and liquid fabric softener along with laundry detergent.