L. Beck, DANE T.R.A.I.N.. Inc.

As always, Birch Haven will provide Casper with top notch medical care and he will be altered before placement. Gwen will only let Capser be adopted by a most excellent home after thorough screening.

Merrilee Bauman, IN, USA

You’re one of my heroes. I love the information on your website. Your “Other Places to Visit” are really touching. I also like the “Must Read Before Adopting” message.

N. de Wolf

Hello Gwen. What a wonderful job you did describing Graham! If every dog had the same kind of public relations person, they would all be adopted for sure! I loved the dog – and then realized that it was really your writing that brought him to life so well. I hope his adoption goes well. Keep up the good work, Gwen. Really nice job!

S. Stojanovich, Ontario

I am so happy you do what you do…I just wish people could love their animals like we do so there would not be any in shelters. I want you to know that your work does not go unnoticed.


Gone to his forever home… February 2005